In marketing successfully on Google, there is one given element that you must pursue to be effective. You must think outside the box. You must never operate your online business in the exact manner that everyone else is doing, lest you produce the same results they are having. This applies to leads and leads generating as well. The way not to have the success that you are trying to achieve is to buy leads. This may seem a bold statement to about 99% of marketers online, but it is a true statement. The leads that you buy have probably been sold hundreds or even thousands of times before you purchased them. In other words, those so-called double opted in, fresh, telephone surveyed and prime leads are nothing more than someone filled out a form somewhere on Google, Yahoo, MSN or the other major search engines. Chances are very good that when you contact that person just aching to buy your product or service (or so the lead buyers will tell you), they will not have a clue as how you got their prized private information. More than likely, you will either have the phone receiver crashed down in your ear, or you may receive a statement from these people like "take my name off your list, I am on the do not call list and I will sue you if you ever call me back!"
Look, this is coming from an internet marketer who has been there and done that many times before. I was with a program called Gold Calling. This $1500 mistake that I made had a good theory behind it, but the leads that this guy named Stephen Burke provided me every week, were given to all the other members of Gold Calling as well. The first broadcast that I did with his exclusive and sophisticated calling plan (so he said) was that I did receive 10 callbacks in response to my message. Oh yeah, they called back all right. Each one of these 10 people told me that they were on the do not call list. Each of the 10 people threatened law suits against me! This was a great eye opener for me. I am not in business to be threatened. I was just trying to figure a way to make money online. This looked like a way, but when I asked for my $1500 back from this buy Steve Burke, would you like to know the response I received? NO! There is no way that I can refund you that money as I did not sell you the system. Has this happened to you? I would imagine that it has to a greater or lesser degree anyway.
So, the struggle continues in exactly this same manner for most internet marketers. You have to have the skin of a rhino, which I do, to pursue an online career. You have to especially develop this attitude if you are going to try to build your business by calling people that do not know you, and could care less about what you have to sell. You may be thinking at this point, that all is lost, right? WRONG! There really is a way to pursue your online business in the right way. When you learn about leads and all about leads, you will begin to understand that the work around solution for you is to build a list of leads for yourself. This may seem a little intimidating at first, but this is exactly what the Veretekk System is all about. You have 40 configurable splash pages that you can place in strategic and high traffic areas on Google. These lead capture pages offer great and lasting value for the people signing up for your programs. We have an amazing amount of valuable systems to offer like the oldest free classified ad site on Google, the ability to submit 12 million ads at one time, your very own web conferencing room, Tom Prendergast's internet newsletter and your very own personal search engine, just to name a few.
When a person signs in for your program, they become a premium lead for you. You will have the best set of autoresponder letters created, or you may create your own that this lead will begin to receive. You now have the ability to phone this person and build a relationship with them to one degree or another. You are NOT there to sell them anything. You are only there to assist them. At some point, they may ask what you do to make money, then you may tell them. You see, Veretekk is all about relationship marketing. We are not here to sell people something. We only assist them in their online pursuit. They may certainly join your program, or they never will. Either way, you have now made a contact that will be interested in what you have to say for life. The point is this, when you begin to approach your online business in a totally professional way, move away from conventional thinking and begin to visualize your success, you will be well on your way to making substantial money the right way.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
In marketing successfully on Google, there is one given element that you must pursue to be effective. You must think outside the box. You must never operate your online business in the exact manner that everyone else is doing, lest you produce the same results they are having. This applies to leads and leads generating as well. The way not to have the success that you are trying to achieve is to buy leads. This may seem a bold statement to about 99% of marketers online, but it is a true statement. The leads that you buy have probably been sold hundreds or even thousands of times before you purchased them. In other words, those so-called double opted in, fresh, telephone surveyed and prime leads are nothing more than someone filled out a form somewhere on Google, Yahoo, MSN or the other major search engines. Chances are very good that when you contact that person just aching to buy your product or service (or so the lead buyers will tell you), they will not have a clue as how you got their prized private information. More than likely, you will either have the phone receiver crashed down in your ear, or you may receive a statement from these people like "take my name off your list, I am on the do not call list and I will sue you if you ever call me back!"
Look, this is coming from an internet marketer who has been there and done that many times before. I was with a program called Gold Calling. This $1500 mistake that I made had a good theory behind it, but the leads that this guy named Stephen Burke provided me every week, were given to all the other members of Gold Calling as well. The first broadcast that I did with his exclusive and sophisticated calling plan (so he said) was that I did receive 10 callbacks in response to my message. Oh yeah, they called back all right. Each one of these 10 people told me that they were on the do not call list. Each of the 10 people threatened law suits against me! This was a great eye opener for me. I am not in business to be threatened. I was just trying to figure a way to make money online. This looked like a way, but when I asked for my $1500 back from this buy Steve Burke, would you like to know the response I received? NO! There is no way that I can refund you that money as I did not sell you the system. Has this happened to you? I would imagine that it has to a greater or lesser degree anyway.
So, the struggle continues in exactly this same manner for most internet marketers. You have to have the skin of a rhino, which I do, to pursue an online career. You have to especially develop this attitude if you are going to try to build your business by calling people that do not know you, and could care less about what you have to sell. You may be thinking at this point, that all is lost, right? WRONG! There really is a way to pursue your online business in the right way. When you learn about leads and all about leads, you will begin to understand that the work around solution for you is to build a list of leads for yourself. This may seem a little intimidating at first, but this is exactly what the Veretekk System is all about. You have 40 configurable splash pages that you can place in strategic and high traffic areas on Google. These lead capture pages offer great and lasting value for the people signing up for your programs. We have an amazing amount of valuable systems to offer like the oldest free classified ad site on Google, the ability to submit 12 million ads at one time, your very own web conferencing room, Tom Prendergast's internet newsletter and your very own personal search engine, just to name a few.
When a person signs in for your program, they become a premium lead for you. You will have the best set of autoresponder letters created, or you may create your own that this lead will begin to receive. You now have the ability to phone this person and build a relationship with them to one degree or another. You are NOT there to sell them anything. You are only there to assist them. At some point, they may ask what you do to make money, then you may tell them. You see, Veretekk is all about relationship marketing. We are not here to sell people something. We only assist them in their online pursuit. They may certainly join your program, or they never will. Either way, you have now made a contact that will be interested in what you have to say for life. The point is this, when you begin to approach your online business in a totally professional way, move away from conventional thinking and begin to visualize your success, you will be well on your way to making substantial money the right way.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
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