Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing


Home Business for Dummies!


This title is not meant to insult anyone but usually there are more people who want to get into a home business than there are successful. Why is this the case? Good question and here is the answer.


The reason why people don't succeed is because they are not taught to succeed. They lack the financial education that enables them to build a home business and make it work. This occurs for many reasons. Usually the main reason is because the are over sold. Second once they buy into a home business, the people who sold them are not equipped to teach them how to make it work.


The majority of people are financially uneducated and need to be taught which includes the people selling the business to others. If the sellers of the home based business actually taught their people how to run them, the failure rate would get smaller, but the statistics still exist that one out of every ten small business will fail in their first five years. But the ones that survive do very well.


How would you like to build a business that survives? It's possible you know! All you have to do is find a home business that gives you the training and has the expertise to teach you how to be successful. You need to get a good mentor, teacher that will guide you step by step and make sure that you stay on top of your business. You also need to make sure that the business you get into is something that others want and need.


Don't confuse what I am saying with Multi-Level-Marketing or Network Marketing. These businesses are a dime a dozen and people and the businesses come and go. Although there are some people who make them successful but they are rare. I am talking about putting together a business that you run and build.


You become your own CEO. You build a business that others will be able to work in and grow. Everyone must feel rewarded and think that they are contributing to the common good. When you are taught how to be a CEO and think like one your world changes. There is a saying "Change the way you think about things and the things you think about change". I am talking changing your paradigm, changing your mindset. I am talking about giving you the tools to become a leader and the business to run.


I have been consulting with clients for almost thirty years and have seen almost every kind of person who wants to run a home business. Most people who want to run a home business end up giving up, but had they stayed with it they would win. My clients stay with their plans and win. We make sure that our clients have the equipment to make their business successful.


If you are looking for a home business to build and "Fire Your Boss" then you should take a peak at this one. It will give you the opportunity to earn 10k per week and become financial free. Financial freedom is important to many people and having the where with-all to make it come true comes around a few times in our lifetimes. Most everyone is introduced to winning strategies in their lives, but reject them for some reason or another and then end up wishing a good opportunity would come along again. When they come along all you have to do is recognize them and act on them.


If you want to make sure that you enter into a home business that will offer you the opportunity to become finically free then here is your chance. You need to act now and fill out the contact form on the site about and have one of our staff contact you and explain to you the opportunity.



 Dr. Raymond Jewell


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