Friday, October 26, 2007

Inspirational Book

Attitude Adjustment

"I woke up one morning to find that recently-planted flowers had been ripped from the garden bed and tossed on the driveway. The landscaping check had not even cleared my bank account and somebody with a discipline-deficient upbringing had had nothing better to do than pull an overnight juvenile prank. As I stood there reviewing the result, I realized I was at a fork in the road. I could let the culprits win by reacting in a negative fashion or I could assume control of my attitude, my response, and the outcome of my day.

So there, in my tie, suit pants, white shirt, and wing tips, I patiently replanted the dislodged flowers, carefully repacking the dirt and liberally watering them. You see, I realized that regardless of the fact that someone had nothing better to do that night (like sleep, for instance), no one else except me was in control of what kind of day I was going to have. As a result, I may have made it to work a little later than expected, but I had a terrific day.

A little something to remember the next time someone tries to rain on your parade. Because of them, on behalf of them, be sure to have a wonderful day!"

The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is full of life enriching inspirational pieces.  The above excerpt is just one of the many which will lead to new perspectives in putting together the pieces of the life puzzle.  D Anthony is clearly one of the best inspirational authors.  The comments, phrases and insights found in The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once, is sure to become the topic of the entire family.

D Anthony-Inspirational Author


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