Sunday, October 21, 2007

Announcing Book by D Anthony

Announcing Book by D Anthony
D Anthony, esteemed writer, philosopher and motivational master, proudly announces his new book, "The Nurse In the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once."
Inspirational poems and books are seen as the forefront to living life well.  D Anthony has compiled a series of well written short stories into a one of a kind motivational art piece that is sure to uplift, educate and motivate people into new realms of thinking about this process called life.  The title "The Nurse Slapped Me...Once," is cognizant of the fact that people are forced into new areas of existence without them having any control of the situations at all.  Mr. Anthony has a gift of telling average people that they have the control of their destiny.  All of the talk these days of learning the laws of attraction and The Secret, D Anthony delves deeply and positively into the subject of living life in an inspired fashion moment by moment.  Universal laws apply in recognizing and utilizing the God given ability to create life on one's own terms.
The readability and down to earth viewpoints of D Anthony and the entire is seen as an assist to the process of life.  Mr. Anthony was inspired to begin this work after the unexpected loss of the most important person in his life.  His journey, his quest and his passion have led him into an amazing reality that we are the creators of our own life.  Balance is the key to making the process clearer and more easily dealt with.  "And the Nurse Slapped Me...Once," is more than positive thinking and inspiration.  It is truly one man's journey into the reality that each person on this planet makes the situations they may find themselves in by their thinking.  Once people begin to assimilate this information in a positive manner, life takes on an incredible new meaning filled with insights, visualization, perceptions and inspiration.
The positive statement that has to offer every man, woman and child on this planet, is the true power of living at its very essence.  The simplicity and candor of this book is truly being recognized as a work that was destined to be brought forth at this time.  Carrying positive and clear messages about living life well is the intention of this masterpiece.  D Anthony has cut to the core of the mysterious process, and makes it easier to recognize the obtainable goals of living life in an inspired fashion.  Inspirational books can have life changing consequences for the people who choose to live life in a new and bold way.
In speaking with D Anthony recently about his new inspirational book, one gets the distinct feeling that this man knows the answers to life's most challenging questions.  This quiet and unassuming individual is a true credit to the literary works category with his new publication.  Something to share is at the core of this entire process as the website denotes.  This inspired work needs to be absorbed one piece at a time for maximum benefits.  One may open this inspirational book at any point, and derive great rewards by every word written.  The writing style of Mr. Anthony gives clear indication of his purpose on this planet.  He has something to share with everyone.

The SomethingToShare
Daily Affirmation

I affirm that on this day I will…

Take the time to listen to the rustling leaves,
And to the passing breeze that made them so,
Marvel at just a bit of the majestic beauty
In the world around me,
And in some way rediscover the innocence of my youth.

I will tell, or better yet show,
A loved one how much they mean to me,
Help someone in need,
Immerse myself in that, which inspires me,
Strengthen my faith in the Almighty,
And strive to be someone in whom
The Almighty can have faith in return.

I will smile each and every chance I get;
And, whenever I can, bring someone else along for the ride.
I will endeavor to be modest as a rule,
But audacious when called for.

I will always know that I am here for a purpose,
And I will respect and appreciate this day
For the blessed and amazing gift it is.
I affirm that the precious time I have this day
Will be spent wisely,
I affirm, this day, zestfully will be the way I live.

D Anthony

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