Sunday, October 21, 2007

Insprirational Books and Poems

The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once by D Anthony
There simply has to be more to life than the here and now, more than worrying about bills, the job, schedules, and acquiring more possessions. Life is supposed to be more than the hustle and bustle, more than the daily grind of merely making it through each day until there are no more. Our days are supposed to be rooted in more meaningful and lasting pursuits like purpose, charity, faith, happiness, and fulfillment. We are here to make a difference. In The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me. Once, you will find stories and perspectives that will help unlock your amazing potential to foster monumental change in yourself and the people around you.
This brief description of the book by D Anthony The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is indicative of the good news that is to follow when one delves into the subject of living well.  I find that this book is very refreshing and creative.  As anyone who knows me on the internet, must surely know that my life is governed by visualization.  I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we create our own existence on this planet by our thoughts.  I have been personal witness to this many times over the years.
Like D Anthony, I do realize the potential that each person has to truly unlocking the power of thought into the most positive action you have been witness to.  The book, The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is really a journey.  The short stories are well written and each leads you to have a renewed sense of well being and purpose.  Unlocking life's mysteries is not a difficult process at all.  You must simply unlearn all the things that you have been taught up to this point, and begin your life anew.  Though daunting in theory, the process is amazingly simple for anyone to accomplish.
Find a testimonial about D Anthony's masterpiece: 
By  Nich Nichols "Nikki" (Perryville, MD USA)
"The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is a book that reminded me of the joys and sorrows in life. The book will take you back in time to your childhood and make laugh, cry and remember the good ole days. It will make you remember a loved one that has been lost, pick up the phone to tell an estranged child and or friend that you miss and love them still. It will cause you to look in the mirror at your self and ask why not. It will challenge you to do more and to be more not to just accept was is given to you. It will cause you to question life and the purpose you have. Bottom life if you want a book to that is going to cause you to ponder your life, your purpose and what you can do to make the world a better place then this might just be the book for you. It was and is for me."
The intent and purpose of D Anthony's creative masterpiece The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me Once, will surely lend quality and purpose to your life no matter what the circumstances you find yourself in.  The appeal for me is the fact that D Anthony clearly states that anyone can learn to live and amazing life by creating his or her on destiny in this moment.  The clear message to me here is the fact that no matter what age, condition, circumstances or failures, each of us can change all the negativities in an instant by using the God given talents that each of us possesses.
I heartily recommend this book to anyone searching for answers to life's perplexing problems.  I know that you will see what I am talking about by first reading the book and beginning the process of living a truly inspired life.  D Anthony has the gift of visualization down to a science and has "something to share" with his readers in a most positive and uplifting fashion.

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