Tuesday, August 14, 2007

WebConferencing Article Marketing

Web Conferencing Articles

If you have been exposed to the internet lifestyle at all, you should realize that the most significant way that you can promote your services is by becoming a prolific writer. Writing articles, or also known as article marketing, is the way to build an online business. Writing great content, having others syndicate said content to their websites and then watching the whole process become very viral in nature is the best way to promote any goods or services on the internet.

Let's discuss writing copy for [url=]http://butchhamiltonwebconferencing.biz/web conferencing[/url]. As you may know, I am a huge advocate about web conferencing services and solutions. I believe that web conferencing is the best way to train, motivate, educate and inspire people to become successful in their online endeavors. I have the rare opportunity to have my own web conferencing room that I utilize every day in my online business. I find the advantages to using web conferencing systems is distinctly better than the traditional telephone. I can push webpages to potential clients, pull up the whiteboard to highlight key areas of said websites and even bring to the board a page outside the web conference room.

Participants in my online training classes receive the best instruction I can give. The
web conferencing system I use also has recording features built in. I guess that you might say that my web conferencing room is much like my very own studio. The form and functionality it brings to my online business is very helpful to convey clearly my objectives in my business. I like to share personal insights, solutions and benefits to the participants in my web conferencing seminars. I never advertise my products, as I believe that people are very advertising weary. They are looking for relevant information that may just help them in building an online business. That is my goal and purpose to assist others in building great online businesses.

Becoming masterful in any endeavor you choose is the right way to build a business. You must be willing to go far above and beyond what others are willing to do. Web conferencing is no different. If you are to become proficient in the art of web conferencing, then obviously you must dedicate yourself to that endeavor. Some of the distinct advantages of web conferencing over the often used telephone are as follows.

Web conferencing empowers you to hold online meetings just like you were there in a crowded room without the obvious disadvantages of that.

Web conferencing is very inexpensive if you choose the right service.

Web conferencing software is very non invasive to your computer. Here again, this is if you choose the right web meeting service for your needs.

4. Web conferencing allows you to build a global business wherever people can connect via the world wide web.

5. Web conferencing allows you to have your own recording studio for conducting podcasting, training recordings and a host of other ways that you can use the web conference room.

There are five of the best features of web conferencing from my professional perspective. You must choose the best service at the best price and learn to become an effective go to meeting service to use for your particular online presentations. Its simply like writing great content. The more you use your talent, the more it blossoms into effectiveness. When you begin to perceive your role online in a different way eg, not simply a way to make money online, you will indeed enter into article marketing as the way to promote your online businesses to the world. You must make the ultimate decision on how to build your home business. For myself, web conferencing is the place to begin to accomplish that task on Google.  You do realize that online success is a choice, right?
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Vereconference Master Distributor


About Buying Leads

Buying leads can be very appealing, but all too often, its a risky venture. You need leads to build that home business. You scour and surf the net in an effort to find the one lead source that will assist you in building that home business in the way that you want it built. You put down your plastic for several hundred dollars worth of telephone surveyed leads. Maybe you even called the leads company to ask them about leads, lead generating methods and have the leads been sold to others before you. You received an answer like "our leads are fresh. Our leads are the industry's leading source of leads. Our company is committed to giving you realtime and surveyed leads. Our leads are the freshest in the home business arena." You will get this spiel every time. In other words, they did not answer your question. They told you that they have the secret to creating the best splash pages that attract home business seekers, opportunity seekers, home mortgage seekers and a vast array of people lined up just waiting to buy your product.

Ok, so you get your leads. You begin to make calls to these qualified and surveyed leads, right? They will either not be at home, will not answer their phone, and even if you do get someone, they say they have no interest at all in a business of any kind. Does the feeling that you were duped out of your precious money begin to ring true here? In learning
about leads, you will find the process is the same for all lead generating systems. They use splash pages, people see these pages, they signup for the free offer, or whatever. The bottom line truth all about leads is about to be revealed here this morning.

No leads company has any secret ingredient to the lead generating process. Guess, what? Its all the same process. The only thing these so-called leads companies have that you may not, is the fact that they have a webmaster who can do an excellent job in promoting their sites to the top of the search engines. You want some inside info on the leads generating business this morning? You can learn to do exactly what these guys do, only do a much better job at it, produce better premium leads and have people that already know you when you call them!

This lead generating service is called
Veretekk. There is no lead generating source that can compare with this system. It has all the power and databased marketing techniques in place. It has 23 of the finest lead capture pages built. Plus, these lead capture pages are fully configurable by you to go out to the keyword categories you desire. Now, I have to ask you a question. If you have actually read this article, can you think of a reason in this world why any same internet marketer today would buy those used up, worn out, over sold leads ever again?

If you are looking for a pushbutton solution to lead generation for only $10 per month, then
CLICK HERE!  The validity and need of having leads to call that already know you cannot be overemphasixed in this article.  You will be amazed at your marketing results...
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

Online Leads Generation - A Hot and Competitive Business

Bill Brine here with an interesting observation:

As a lead generation specialist, I subscribe to a number of news feeds dealing with leads and the lead generation industry.

This morning I noticed a summary of an article in the Wall Street Journal about the online lead generation industry. 

According to this article, revenue from online lead generation nearly doubled to $1.3 billion in 2006 from $753 million in 2005.

Now that is a major industry!

I recently became a member of a group of Master Distributors for the Leadsomatic product, one of the lead generation portals incorporated in the Veretekk Lead Generation System.

Under the tutelage of Butch Hamilton, a search engine optimization master, our mission is to dominate the keyword category 'leads' on Google.

With this much money at stake, it will be a difficult battle.  Our group does not have the financial resources to purchase our way to the top like some of the big players. Instead we are putting out a major effort using all the power of the Veretekk Lead Generation system.

We have already started to see some repercussions, such as Blogger blogs filled with good relevant content being deleted by Google as 'spam blogs'.  And only the ones related to leads.  Verrry interesting...!!

Other more subtle efforts have started to become apparent.  Apparently the big players have started to take notice, and they are not pleased.

I take this as a good sign.  What a testament to the power of the Veretekk Lead Generation system, that with less than a month's worth of effort we have already started to be noticed as a major player in the leads category!

We fully expect to weather the storm and to become leaders in the leads category.  Such is the power of Veretekk.

Want to put this power to work for you?  Then sign up for a free Veretekk Silver System, attend our free training, and learn how to dominate the major keyword categories for your chosen market.  You'll be glad you did!

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
My Favorite Places


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leads O matic is powerful

Leads O matic is one of the Traffic Portals Veretekk

While leads O matic is powerful it is much more effective when combined with the Veretekk system.

As I started out online I had no idea of how to market on the internet did not know how to generate the lead I needed for my business did not understand that the way to success was to give help to those who need it an d when I understood that did not know I could help till I started to use the marketing system at veretekk

If you have been looking for a system to help you in your marketing endeavours on line.
Veretekk is a good way to go.

I have been with veretekk for 9 months now and have learn so much about lead generation online in that time

I am now one of the members of the leads O mtic master distributors.

Where I am learning even more about lead generating and the power of leads O matic.
Veretekk give live training to all it’s members silver and gold all are free to go to the training and learn about how to market on the net.

If you would like more information contact the author Sterling Hayden
About the author:
You can find out more about Sterling Hayden at
Email: sterlingsterlingcontact@googlemail.com
TEL. (49) 0382701318
Financial Freedom News,
Getting Leads, Are you Well Known?

Volume 3, Issue 6

Dear Reader,

In this issue of Financial Freedom News I want to talk about how to market on the Internet. Marketing on the Internet is not an easy task if you don't know what you are doing. If you are inexperienced you will fall prey to companies charging huge dollars for leads and SEO [Search Engine Optimization].

In order to get your name or business in front of the public it is essential that you get known personally. If you want anyone to do business with you how much of an expert are you. I recently received an email from an individual who said that he was an expert on SEO [Search Engine Optimization]. He said in his email that he was able to get me top positioning on Google and other search engines. I decided to check him out!

I found only one representation of this person [In Google] and it was not a favorable one. He certainly could not get himself to a top position so how could he do that for me. All I did to check him out was type his name in Google with quotes around it and see the results. Once I saw that he was not well known in his field I realized that he could do nothing for me.

How well known are you? The best way to become known on the internet is to do internet marketing and the best way to do internet marketing is through the Veretekk System . This system gives you multiple portal pages that give you great exposure. When using the Veretekk System you will get massive exposure allowing you to rise to the top of the search engines. Rising to the top of the search engines is easy to do with the right tools but beware, you better know what you are talking about.

You will begin to get calls and emails from people asking for advice and help in your respected field. People will begin to know who you are and want to know how you got top positioning on the search engines. I know people who's names take up 25 pages of Google. Check out my standing by typing in the search engine "Dr. Raymond Jewell" and see for yourself.

To get this exposure simply sign up now for your fr33 Veretekk System , then see for yourself. Go to the fr33 on-line Veretraining and learn from some of the brightest minds on the interent. Also you can learn SEO at no cost. Learn Search Engine Optimization from the best in the business as part of the system.

Sign up now! You won't regret it!

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Host, FinancialFreedomRadio.info
Master Distributor

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell