The Nurse in the
Delivery Room Slapped Me...
Stories and Perspectives to Help You
Unlock Your Amazing Potential
Playing With Passion Excerpt
Why is it that some people virtually always seem to ride a wave of achievements and others do not? Why is it that, some continuously migrate ever closer to fulfillment of their dreams and others do not? Why is it that some regularly find and experience true and meaningful happiness in their lives and countless others do not? Is the latter group the equivalent of God's neglected stepchildren, undeserving of the opportunities that, for select others, are as natural as the light of day? Not likely.
Are the unfulfilled merely random martyrs, eternally condemned, never to understand or appreciate the extent to which they can, and do, control their destinies? Is their fate simply to mark the passage of time in an uninspired existence, forever mired in the status quo? That depends.
The Formula Revealed
Suppose a surprisingly simple winning formula for life actually exists. Suppose, much like a well-designed, practiced, and executed game-plan in your sport of choice, one's life can be successfully scripted. And finally, suppose that once a game-plan has been initiated, success invariably comes down to the quality and consistency of choices made each day and the degree of the positive attitude incorporated to sustain them.
It could convincingly be argued that our present disposition in life has been most predominately defined by our choices in the past and tomorrow's potential by our choices today. In other words, the most crucial difference between those who possess success, prosperity, and happiness and those who do not is the collective tenor of the choices made, and whether an inspired attitude was, and continues to be, maintained to properly nurture those choices. As a result, the degree of individual success or failure we are destined to achieve, and the extent to which we will be intimately familiar with true and lasting happiness, is essentially up to each of us.
This perspective suggests our ongoing results are derivative of how we respond to those events and happenstances. It is the adoption and unconditional commitment to this mindset, and associated behaviors that most uniquely distinguish the truly happy from the unhappy, the successful from unsuccessful, the passionate from the discontented, the leaders from the followers. When it's all said and done, each of our lives truly is what we make of it.
To reap the greatest rewards, the nature, tenor, and perceived criticality of day-to-day decisions and associated behaviors must continuously be enhanced. In addition, ever-more-challenging and wider-reaching perspectives must be embraced, perspectives that both govern and elevate not only our decisions and attitudes but the very course of our lives. Armed with this mindset, it becomes increasingly impossible not to believe passionately in the power of your destiny. It becomes increasingly impossible not to invest unwavering belief in, and commitment to, your dreams and aspirations. It becomes impossible to believe that you can't change the world.
With this psyche duly engaged, time, especially that which remains will develop much greater significance. Nurtured by passion, purpose will find more and more fertile ground and grow. Once the roots of purpose begin to grow and the need for fulfillment finally takes hold, a future not founded on purpose, a future not utilizing the precious time we have remaining to the fullest, will cease to be, on any level, acceptable. Then life can really begin.
Just imagine the limitless potential of our greatest qualities enriched with a never-ending injection of passion. Imagine the potential force of those qualities, those talents, unchecked by fear of failure. Imagine an ever-expanding confidence in your abilities, fortified and empowered by a healthy supply of internal praise and anticipation for each and every looming triumph to come. Imagine having some place you need to be, some place your heart, your mind, and your spirit enthusiastically agree that it's where you ought to, no, have to be. Then, without concern for distance, undaunted by would-be-limiting doubt, you take a deep breath and step.
If you are true to adopting this mindset, taking that first step will be immensely gratifying. And it's that empowering feeling that will inspire each new incremental step to come. Each successive individual victory will mandate an ever-more committed you. Commit to this mindset and greater purpose and personal fulfillment will be fostered. Commit to this mindset, and your true intended destiny can be your own.
It comes down to perspective and choice. Will we crave personal growth and fulfillment enough to commit to this simple yet empowering life-enriching perspective? Will we endeavor to continuously enhance our perspective, to foster the best choices? Will we stand and represent, or will we cower and defer? In the end, it all starts and ends with the fundamental question: In the arena of life, will the essence of our true destiny be merely that of a spectator or will we be stars in the game?
Only time and our next steps will tell.
Click on a chapter headings below for additional The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me... Once excerpts;
Born To Lead
Then Life Happened
Perspective, It's Here Somewhere
The Personal Touch
A Little Gratitude
Playing With Passion
Eventually, Death Visits Us All
And Faith Ensues
D Anthony-Inspirational Author