Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Inspirational Book


The Nurse in the
Delivery Room Slapped Me...

Stories and Perspectives to Help You
Unlock Your Amazing Potential


Playing With Passion Excerpt



Get In the Game

Why is it that some people virtually always seem to ride a wave of achievements and others do not? Why is it that, some continuously migrate ever closer to fulfillment of their dreams and others do not? Why is it that some regularly find and experience true and meaningful happiness in their lives and countless others do not? Is the latter group  the equivalent of God's neglected stepchildren, undeserving of the opportunities that, for select others, are as natural as the light of day? Not likely.

Are the unfulfilled merely random martyrs, eternally condemned, never to understand or appreciate the extent to which they can, and do, control their destinies? Is their fate simply to mark the passage of time in an uninspired existence, forever mired in the status quo? That depends.

The Formula Revealed
Suppose a surprisingly simple winning formula for life actually exists. Suppose, much like a well-designed, practiced, and executed game-plan in your sport of choice, one's life can be successfully scripted. And finally, suppose that once a game-plan has been initiated, success invariably comes down to the quality and consistency of choices made each day and the degree of the positive attitude incorporated to sustain them.

It could convincingly be argued that our present disposition in life has been most predominately defined by our choices in the past and tomorrow's potential by our choices today. In other words, the most crucial difference between those who possess success, prosperity, and happiness and those who do not is the collective tenor of the choices made, and whether an inspired attitude was, and continues to be, maintained to properly nurture those choices. As a result, the degree of individual success or failure we are destined to achieve, and the extent to which we will be intimately familiar with true and lasting happiness, is essentially up to each of us.

This perspective suggests our ongoing results are derivative of how we respond to those events and happenstances. It is the adoption and unconditional commitment to this mindset, and associated behaviors that most uniquely distinguish the truly happy from the unhappy, the successful from unsuccessful, the passionate from the discontented, the leaders from the followers. When it's all said and done, each of our lives truly is what we make of it.

To reap the greatest rewards, the nature, tenor, and perceived criticality of day-to-day decisions and associated behaviors must continuously be enhanced. In addition, ever-more-challenging and wider-reaching perspectives must be embraced, perspectives that both govern and elevate not only our decisions and attitudes but the very course of our lives. Armed with this mindset, it becomes increasingly impossible not to believe passionately in the power of your destiny. It becomes increasingly impossible not to invest unwavering belief in, and commitment to, your dreams and aspirations. It becomes impossible to believe that you can't change the world.

With this psyche duly engaged, time, especially that which remains will develop much greater significance. Nurtured by passion, purpose will find more and more fertile ground and grow. Once the roots of purpose begin to grow and the need for fulfillment finally takes hold, a future not founded on purpose, a future not utilizing the precious time we have remaining to the fullest, will cease to be, on any level, acceptable. Then life can really begin.

Just imagine the limitless potential of our greatest qualities enriched with a never-ending injection of passion. Imagine the potential force of those qualities, those talents, unchecked by fear of failure. Imagine an ever-expanding confidence in your abilities, fortified and empowered by a healthy supply of internal praise and anticipation for each and every looming triumph to come. Imagine having some place you need to be, some place your heart, your mind, and your spirit enthusiastically agree that it's where you ought to, no, have to be. Then, without concern for distance, undaunted by would-be-limiting doubt, you take a deep breath and step.

If you are true to adopting this mindset, taking that first step will be immensely gratifying. And it's that empowering feeling that will inspire each new incremental step to come. Each successive individual victory will mandate an ever-more committed you. Commit to this mindset and greater purpose and personal fulfillment will be fostered. Commit to this mindset, and your true intended destiny can be your own.

It comes down to perspective and choice. Will we crave personal growth and fulfillment enough to commit to this simple yet empowering life-enriching perspective? Will we endeavor to continuously enhance our perspective, to foster the best choices? Will we stand and represent, or will we cower and defer? In the end, it all starts and ends with the fundamental question: In the arena of life, will the essence of our true destiny be merely that of a spectator or will we be stars in the game?

Only time and our next steps will tell.



Click on a chapter headings below for additional The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me... Once excerpts;

Born To Lead
Then Life Happened
Perspective, It's Here Somewhere
The Personal Touch
A Little Gratitude
Playing With Passion
Eventually, Death Visits Us All
And Faith Ensues


D Anthony-Inspirational Author


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Directory subitting for Leads 9

To gain extra milage from Shaun McClelland’s Leadsomatic Lead Generation portal promoting his keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. He has also submitted the URL to Open Directory.

Some tips for Submission to Directories

Shaun McClelland’s title of his website is “mlmpremiumleads” which is well within the limits of 60 characters for Yahoo, 65 characters for LookSmart and 100 characters for Open Directory. Yahoo requires that you submit the Title, Description, Your name and Email for website submission. Description of your website is essential for submission to any Directory. Make sure the title keyword is relevant with your description. Make your description keyword rich as this is where the spiders hang out. They crawl the Titles and descriptions of Websites searching for info for keyword requests.

Shaun’s description is thus, Lead generation, with Leadsomatic, generating mlm leads, with lead generating portals, from Veretekk. This also is well within the maximum length of 25 words or 200 characters description for Yahoo, 170 characters for LookSmart and 25 to 30 words for Open Directory.

LookSmart and Open Directory only require the Title and Description of the website. Yahoo allows a maximum submission for one category per website; LookSmart and Open Directory allow a maximum submission for one category per URL.

Look out for Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist final post on Submission to Directories.

Think success in order to succeed

Home Business News

Home Business News
Al Turnquist, CEO of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, announces new movie presentation that boasts more productivity and prominence to the already super power of home business.  This powerful promotional system will empower people with even more quality sales ability than ever before in Jag.  In Mr. Turnquist's own words "we have cracked the code on the way that business is currently being conducted online.  There is no one that approaches their online business in this way."
In the web conferencing training session tonight, Al Turnquist mesmerized the exclusive membership of Jag Marketing with even more innovations to the home business marketing capabilities.  Mr. Turnquist is ever diligent and far thinking in regards of teaching and mentoring people in the art of wealth creation.  The new addition of the powerful movie presentation will make the already powerful system even better.  The CEO of major corporations like Jaguar Marketing usually never take the stage to present powerful new additions.  Mr. Turnquist is the exception to that rule.  His presence is ever felt in the webinars as he gives insights and strategies that assist people in their endeavor to become financially solvent, in an unpredictable economy.
The main area where Jaguar Marketing differs from other programs lies in the fact that Jag is a real business.  It is not an mlm program, an affiliate program or even any other often seen online businesses.  All the strategies learned in Jag are taken directly from successful Fortune 500 Companies.  It is evident when watching the keywords Jaguar Marketing, Jag Marketing, Predator Marketing and MOM, that there are copy cat programs that try to use techniques to lure the mass of Jag Members away from their programs.  This process is utterly non-productive as the Jag site owners are fiercely dedicated to Al Turnquist, Jag and they view the system as the most powerful wealth creation system on the internet today.
The business sales training and leadership come not only from Mr. Turnquist, but also the prestigious line-up of professional trainers that he has placed before the group.  Real techniques like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective websites, writing press releases and more are covered in the comprehensive training sessions.  With the addition of the new movie presentation and the virtual phone room quickly up and coming, Jag Marketing only appeals to professional men and women who earnestly seek real businesses to spend their quality time in pursuing.  This is precisely why Jaguar Marketing is "The Key to Your Financial Future."
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Leads and Your Home Business

Leads and Home Business…


In business the most popular way to get business is to purchase leads. This is usually recommended by many home businesses up line. This recommendation is made by people who have very little knowledge of running a home business. Purchasing leads is not a good way to get customers. The best way is through referral leads.


Referral leads is easy and very cost effective. How is this done? Well anytime you sell to others it is always important to build a relationship. Make part of your sales presentation a presentation about how you develop your home business without advertising. Always ask your customers this question. Who are the three wealthiest people you know? Then when your existing clients give you the names ask if you can call them and use their names as an endorsement.


These leads are better than buying them since you are speaking to a friend of your client. A lot of times your client will call them and tell them you are going to call. This system has made millionaires of many people and the technique has been used successfully for years. It is a proven lead generator with results that far surpass purchasing leads. Using referrals also enables you to get better sales volume with fewer leads since the closing results are higher than with a cold call which is what a paid leads is.


Using paid leads will result in phone calls to people who have been called many times by other people and are tired of getting pestered. How would you like to be called by many people about joining a home based business? It is not nice to sit home in the evening and be a lead for many telemarketers.


Referred leads is the only way to go unless you have an unlimited advertising budget. Large companies have deep pockets but home business owners don't. Our 12K per week income program is structured in such a way that you will not have to buy useless leads nor will you have to cold call. We have systems that are in place to generate leads. One of the easiest ways to get leads is to go to Free Leads For Life and sign up. All you need is an autoresponder to send them out. If you don't have a spam free autoresponder go to Veretekk and sign up. This system will train you [Live training] on how to generate leads . Leads-O-Matic is another way to generate leads through back links.


There are so many tools on the internet that you can use and the cost is either free to a nominal monthly fee. Also if you want to view an interesting movie about home business Click here and watch.


I hope this information was helpful.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


10K Week Income Program

RSS Feed




Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Home Business and Tax Benefits

Tax benefits with a home business


Running a home business as many perks. One of the best is being able to deduct on your income tax expense that is centered around your home business. Expenses are everything that you do to run your business. Normally without the ability to deduct expenses on your income tax you are put in the same position as every employee. "Employees pay taxes on the gross and spend the net. As a business owner you spend the gross and pay taxes on the net."


In running your home business there are cost and expenses that you'll incur. These expenses are a cost of doing business and are allowed to be deducted on your tax return. There are many expenses listed in the tax code, and the tax code is very specific as to the benefits you get for running a home business.


One of the best things to do is to find yourself a good tax accountant to advise you in the deductions that you're allowed to take. But beware! Many accounts will not maximize the tax code because they fear a tax audit. The fear of an audit keeps many accountants from taking the full authorize deductions for their clients. This is why you need to get a good tax accountant, and not a regular accountant. Just because an accountant has CPA after their name, doesn't mean that they are a tax accountant.


By running a home business and being allowed to write off all of your expenses you want to make sure that you have an adviser that is aware of how to maximize these expenses to your benefit. Done properly, you will be able to write off all of your expenses for starting up your home business, this way the government will actually pay for your business startup and not you. When you start your business and deduct the cost, your tax obligation for that year is reduced by your deductions. Therefore, you will pay less in taxes and recover the cost of your business startup.


When we bring on a new partner with Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing [Make sure that it's Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing otherwise you will not get we make sure that everyone gets good tax advice from our partner accountants. In our 10K per week program, where our partners within a very short period of time are able to get their income up to $10,000.00 per week, all our partners recover their initial investment in their tax savings the first year.


Starting a home business can be very tricky and require due diligence in making sure that you're getting into a business that is fulfilling all of the promises they make. One of the main concerns in starting a home business is that you don't get into a business that is destined for failure right off the bat; consequently you end up losing all of your hard earned money. I have read articles where people criticize the idea that most home businesses fail within a short period of time. This criticism is based on the fact that people who start them do not know what they're doing, nor do the people selling them the home business. When people criticize home businesses it's usually because they failed.


One out of every ten businesses will survive a five year time frame. That means nine out of every ten businesses will fail over that five year time frame. This failure rate is even higher for online home businesses. There are over 12 million home businesses in the United States alone, and 150,000 of them started new each week. This means that there's a high fatality rate, plus many people are running at more than one home business. The reason why these numbers are extremely high is because the people running their home business do not understand how to run a business. Running multiple home businesses is not the way to success, only the way to lose more money. They also do not understand ROI [return on investment] and making sure that their ROI is positive and not negative. Most people spend more money than they make in their home business.


Our 10K per week program takes the guesswork out of starting and/or running a home business. We make sure through our mentoring process that all of our partners are successful and have a very high positive ROI in their home business. How do we do this? We have a state of the art customer service program that tracks all of our partners every step of the way. We make sure that they are on track to achieve the 10K per week results. We also, through our coaching system, use a cloning process to accelerate our partner's success. What this means is that we will duplicate the existing process with our partners letting them learn and realize revenue at the same time. We teach all of our partners how to approach their home business thinking like a CEO and not like an employee. We educate all of our partners to create their own sales force and duplicate efforts while delegating task.


Our system is a lot more involved but with the right partner, who has a desire to excel, success is evident. If you have an interest in either running your own business or being an account executive for us we would love to talk to you.   Simply click here and fill out the form, one of our staff will contact you and discussed this opportunity further.   Taking action is half the battle, the other half we will handle. 


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Site Build It – WebTools

Master Distributor


10K Week Income Program

RSS Feed



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Small Business Site Map

Small Business Site Map
The definition from Wikipedia concerning site maps is as follows:  "The Sitemaps Protocol allows a webmaster to inform search engines about URLs on a website that are available for crawling. A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. It allows webmasters to include additional information about each URL: when it was last updated, how often it changes, and how important it is in relation to other URLs in the site. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently. Sitemaps are a URL inclusion protocol, and complement robots.txt, a URL exclusion protocol."  Simply stated, a site map allows viewers on a particular site to easily walk through the site.  If a site contains a massive amount of data, the site map is helpful to the reader, in allowing them to locate key areas of said site.
In this article, I will be walking you through the Jaguar Marketing website.  This is a site where there is a mass of data, therefore, I will answer some of the key points of the program to further assist you in determining exactly what this small business is about.  I find that the best way to promote a business is not to advertise, but only inform.  For myself, this is a given as I do not like to have information pushed to me in an invasive way.  Walk through with me, this innovative, insightful and powerful program known as Jaguar Marketing molded together for people searching for a profitable small business venture.
  • Jaguar Marketing is known for its impressive ROI (return on investment) capability.  The homepage clearly states that a person can earn $200,000 per year via this system.  Now this is not an exaggerated claim.  There are many people at the posting of this article that are making substantial incomes using the techniques and strategies that Al Turnquist shares with the exclusive membership.
  • Why This System Works  It is a well known fact that most people never make money with a small home business.  The keypoints of what this happens are as follows: Phone Calls and Rejection, negative cash flow, lead generation and no sales skills are the primary points why most people are not seeing the success they desire from a small business.  Jaguar eliminates this.  Al Turnquist teaches the process of delegation, rather than duplication.  He is committed to mentoring and teaching people the true ways to become successful.  In any successful Fortune 500 Company, you will find this delegation at work.  The techniques that Mr. Turnquist teaches Jag System Owners is the art of letting others do what they excel in.  This process works extremely well.
  • Audio from Al Turnquist  On this page, you will receive a short informative presentation from the CEO of Jaguar Marketing.  The primary reason that Jag Marketing is so successful is the fact that Mr. Turnquist provides mentoring, teaching and business sales training himself.  This is almost unheard of in the small business industry.  This is conclusive proof that his dedication to providing people the information that they need to know is all part of joining this exclusive business.
  • Compensation Plan  This unique pay plan is known as a 1-Up program.  This is the most reliable and stable technique works flawlessly.  It is called a training sale.  This is not an affiliate program.  You get paid directly, then you make arrangements to send the Jag Corporate your part of the money.  Personally, this is extremely appealing for me.  I do not like affiliate programs.  I like being paid right up front for my effort.
  • About Us  In the about us section, you will learn that the core of this entire program is called Mentors on a Mission.  The product that you receive for joining is a complete internet education.  This massive database of information is currently letting people in on the insider secrets to becoming successful on Google.  This education will mean the difference between success, and no success.  Since 2004, Mentors on a Mission has been steadily climbing the charts in building successful professional business men and women on the internet.  It is also a fact that the price of joining this exclusive business is well worth the purchase price just for this Make Money or Make Excuses course.
  • Audio Testimonials  On this page, you will receive information from just a few of the people who have found Jaguar Marketing to be the way to build strong and viable businesses.  These documented statements are indicative of the success that people are having with Jag Marketing.
  • Watch the Video  The movie presentation on the Jag site is very informational.  This presentation serves to give you relevant and insightful information on exactly how this system works.
  • 6 Steps to Wealth  On this page, you will be given a flash presentation from start to finish on how this system can and will work for you.  Granted, Jaguar Marketing is not for everyone.  We only seek people who are truly dedicated and professional.  We are not looking for people who are expecting to get rich quick from just another deal.  Jag Marketing was built to appeal to the professional business man or women seeking education, knowledge, ROI and mentoring from the leaders in the industry.  This is exactly what you receive when joining the business.
  • Lead Generation  Our lead generation system is called Veretekk.  This highly effective system teaches people how to generate their own leads, how to get search engine positions, how to effectively build an online business and how to avoid the common pitfalls of businesses online.  There is no system that can compare with the lead generating capabilities of Veretekk.  When you combine the raw powers of Jag and Veretekk together, you indeed have found gold.
  • My Business Portfolio  In this page, you have a fully configurable system that four additional revenue streams can be added to your Jaguar System.  This innovative way is excellent way to promote your other businesses.  This page is worth the cost of the entire program in building multiple streams of income.
There you have the small business site map of Jaguar Marketing.  There are many other pages included, but you begin to see the power of this small business.  I suggest that if you are desiring to become part of a professional business organization, if you desire training in the art of successful business building techniques and are willing to work this program exactly as Al Turnquist and the prestigious training staff teach you to do, simply submit a call back request.  We will be in touch with you very soon to discuss your possibilities.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Leads|bruno rioux|Lead|telemarketing Leads|leads generation|leads generating|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, photography leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, bathroom remodeling leads, bathroom leads, water heater leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, fencing leads,flooring leads, driveway paving leads, driveway leads, contractor leads, real estate leads, carpet cleaning leads, carpet leads, insurance leads, locksmith leads,deck leads, catering leads, renovation leads, kitchen renovation leads, kitchen leads, automotive leads, landscaping leads, wedding leads, pool leads, beauty leads, painting leads,, …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


telemarketing Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
SGR Club
Leads Forum,GFRC:2007-04,GFRC:en&start=70&sa=N

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990