If you have been online for any length of time and have been trying to generate leads
You most of heard that one of the beast ways to generate leads is by writing articles.
You may even have seen that it make sense to write but thought to your self you I can't write
So you want leads but are one of those people who think you can't write to save your life.
And you can't afford to higher writers?
I was one of those people and even though I am still not a great writer, I simply sit at the computer and start writing. I decided I wanted to run a business online and if that means I have to write
No matter that it is not brilliant I will write first for the search engine then I will learn to write
For any one who cares to read what I have to say.
If you want to succeed enough with your online business then write
And start generating leads you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
If people don't like your way of writing they won't read it.
But the search engine only care that you're material is original and key word specific.
And what you want are leads. Think about it if people find you
In the search engine your link lead back to your website where you
Will have a professional written sales letter, you will have a good chance of making a sale.
How ever research show that most people don't buy on their first visit so it is
Best to have your link going back to a squeeze page offering something for free
Like free leads in this way you will get the chance to market to the leads againe
Most people buy after several messages.
Back to writing if you write it is going to improve over time you can start to befit
In more ways with your writing than generating leads.
As you write for leads you can start learn more about how to write better?
You see to generate leads into any business online you should write
This is one of the best ways to build back links and free traffic to your website.
Write as if you were talking, if you are worried about spelling, use your spell check
to help you clear out some of the spelling mistakes. Most word programs come with
spell checker built in and if you haven't got a spell checker, go to google you are sure
to find a spell checker with a simple search for spell checker.
To generate leads you also should start a blog then write and post material
to the blog. Get free blog here http://silveradigun.blogfather.net
A blog is good places to start your writing you do not need the approval
of any one about what you post if the spelling is great or not.
It is a good place to learn and develop your skills and writing confidence.
You are quit free to write what you want. The only thing is you need to write
With the search engine in mind using key word much in the way you do for leadsomatic
If you feel a little ashamed about your bad grammar sentence structure
And the like don't the main thing is that people understand what you are communicating.
That is what it is about, and after some time your writing must get better as long as you read
and learn from others how to write better.
The more you write with key word specific material and links going back to your website
The more likely it is to that your blog will then start to show up in the search engines.
And this will give much more people the chance to see your webpage.
When that happens you will start generating quality leads into your business.
If you are thinking you won't know what to write about I will I suggest you read
article speed writing from Andrew Hansen.
I learn a lot from him, he gives great ideas on how to always know what to write about
with out copying any one.
And how to write a article within Half an Hour It take me a
Bit longer to write, but if you are not dyslectic like myself it will probably be a
Piece of cake for you.
I can get an article done in 45 minuets I think
That is pretty good.
We have spoken about the importance of writing to generate leads for your business.
We suggested that you can start writing using your own blog .and that in the coming issue
I would tell you a bit about speed article writing from Andrew Hansen.
I hope you enjoy this article, Speak with you soon. Keep generating leads with your writing.
From Sterling Hayden
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If you would like more information contact the author Sterling Hayden
About the author: author Sterling Hayden is a leadsomatic master distributor
He runs a website where you can build downline business
and passive income with team work for free at : http://www.smallbusiness-business.com/
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