Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back linking for Leads 9

Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

These keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. are used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business. To keep a balance in your SEO strategy time management. Veretekk has developed a battery of linking portals that make this aspect easy to do and gets results.

Where and how to seek reciprocal linking

To cut through the time consuming linking process and to hinder guests from leaving your site. . Veretekk Portals offer free linking for your guests on a host of well matured sites all pointing back to your site. Daisy chain all your portals together as taught in John Vrouletis training on daisy chain linking. This is great spider food as all your Portals will be indexed whenever links are added to any portal.

This class and many others on Generating Leads are free for Veretekk Subscribers. Just go into your Veretekk Marketing System’s back office and check out the calendar schedule.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article investigates more ways of back linking.



David Dial-Business Professional-Announces His Involvement with Phase IV Marketing Group

David Dial-Business Professional-Announces His Involvement with Phase IV Marketing Group


David Dial Announces his involvement with Phase Iv Marketing Group owned by SEO Master, Butch Hamilton.  With the new Search Engine Optimization training put in place, Phase IV Marketing is more powerful than ever.


--Orlando FL


David Dial says, "Jaguar Marketing System is already the most powerful marketing system on Google today."  Phase IV Marketing Group is a company owned and operated by Butch Hamilton that adds more value to anyone joining the Jag system.  That's right, Butch Hamilton will teach you the methods he uses to obtain top positions on Google.  There is no additional cost for this training when people join Jaguar Marketing through Phase IV Marketing Group.


The core of Jaguar Marketing is the famous Make Money or Make Excuses training program by the CEO of Jaguar, Mr. Al Turnquist.  A master sales trainer and very successful Internet Marketer, Al Turnquist developed Jag Marketing for Business Professionals that want a six figure a year income.


Butch Hamilton, well known SEO expert, had this to say about the Phase IV Marketing Group.........


"New program enhancements make Jaguar Marketing even more exciting to become a part of. Butch Hamilton, search engine optimization specialist announces today that he is adding even more value in becoming a member of the already seamless Jaguar Marketing System. He has decided to make available to people who join Jaguar Marketing team with him, to give these people quality information on how to achieve prominence on the internet for their opportunity. This makes Jag Marketing even more appealing in terms of producing money, leveraging time and effort and making the overall program a sure winner for people searching for a real home business venture. Most programs are designed to simply capture money and walk away. Phase IV Marketing is designed to assist people with their online endeavors. Following closely Al Turnquist's business model, Mr. Hamilton knows that when he assist people in building a strong and viable home business, he becomes successful himself."


If you're a Business Professional seeking a solution, I encourage you to get more information on this revolutionary system called Phase IV Marketing Group.




For more information:

Contact us for more information
David Dial
Phone: 407-931-1781



Keywords: Business Professional , David Dial , Jaguar Marketing , Butch Hamilton


Leads-Site Map

Leads Site Map
In compiling an effective leads site map, it is imperative to share knowledge and information that will assist the reader to your website, in finding information quickly and efficiently.  In conducting my seo business, I follow closely the Google Tools for Webmasters.  In this website, they tell you the insider secrets to successfully promoting online.  One of the sections that they heartily recommend, is using a site map for each website that you produce.  This is intended to inform the reader of your site in a more positive and effective manner.  In my professional opinion, the best way to operate a significant and sustaining business on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, Ask.Com and all the major search engines, is to give the reader of your website keyword rich information that they can use to their distinct advantage.
Find below the leads site map.  Here you will find insightful websites, links, newsletters, forums and blogs that you can use to learn all about leads, lead generation, lead capture pages and much more.  Take time to click on the provided links for more leads information.  In this site, you will find relevant information concerning the Veretekk Internet Marketing Training System.
Leadsomatic  On this page, you will find information concerning the backlink building tool known as Leadsomatic.  Leadsomatic is a very comprehensive backlink system that when utilized correctly, you will build links that come back to your site.
Leads  On this site page, you will learn insider secrets to the term relationship marketing, and how important this process is to gaining notoriety and prominence on Google.
Sales Leads  On this page, you will learn how the Leadsomatic backlink system actually works.  You will also be led down the pathway to knowledge concerning Leadsomatic.
Blogs  On this website page, you will learn about the free blogging system known as BlogFather.  This free blogging system is very functional and highly regarded on the search engine of Google.
Automatic Responders  On this site page, you will learn about the automatic responder (autoresponder) system known as Veremail.  You will learn that using Veremail makes perfect sense in keeping in contact with prospective clients.  I also use the TrafficWave Autoresponder System as well.  It is very flexible and functional.  I use great results using both systems.,
Web Conferencing  This page is committed to bringing you relevant information concerning the best web conferencing system on Google today, called Vereconference.
Search Engine  Imagine having the power of your very own Google type search engine.  This service is provided to you in the Veretekk System.  You can find all types of ways to promote your online business.
Backlink Building Tool  In this page, you will see the power of Leadsomatic and how it can literally push your page rank on Google to the top.
SOHO  Are you ready to join the ranks of the SOHO crowd.  The small office, home office of today is a modern, well organized and utterly efficient way to build a lucrative business on Google.
Website Tracking  The amazing website tracking tool called Veretracking is so functional that you can track the progress of any website that you have control over.  I track every single article I write with Veretracking.  Yes, even this one!
Blastomatic  This is the younger sibling of Leadsomatic.  It is a very powerful ad submission tool, and backlink building tool as well.  Using Blastomatic consistently, will yield you great results on Google.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master  On this page I will tell you the story about myself and my internet journeys.  I will also give you relevant information into the world of seo and sem.
Replicated Search Engine  In this page, you will learn the power of having your own search engine directory to both generate leads, and to submit your links too as well for added exposure for your websites.  WebCatch is a phenomenal program.  Use it to your advantage on the search engines.
Veretekk Down Under  This page is for Australians and New Zealanders who are searching for a legitimate and effective way to operate an online business.  This is part of the Veretekk System known as a regional portal.  This site is designed to give you first hand knowledge and instruction into the actual process used to produce leads for any business that you have on Google.  In this site, you will led down an array of marketing insights, lead generation tools and tips and even information concerning the art and science of search engine optimization.
All of the links provided in the above text are designed to tell you of the solutions and benefits that you can derive from being a Veretekk member.  You will have access to the best internet marketing training system on Google today.  You will learn specific techniques and strategies, that will empower you with the knowledge to become successful.  You will have to work, bleed, cry and earn your right to be here.  There are no quick fixes on the internet.  There are no software programs that will make you rich and successful.  There is no online business venture that you can join where you will have to do no work.  You will earn your right to be called an internet professional.  You will earn the right to get your site to the top of Google.  You will earn your right to live the way that you desire.
Life-What a Ride!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Free Leads- Looking for Leads In The Wrong Places

Are you looking for leads in all the wrong places?


How many times have you goggled "leads" and found tons of companies offering leads for sale along with guarantees that they work. How many times have you felt the urge to purchase these leads and think in you're mind that success is just around the corner?


Everyone is reading the same stuff and thinking the same things! Success is right around the corner. Have you ever wondered if the leads they are selling you are also being sold to others? I bet that the lead company sells the same leads over and over again. As I have written in other articles "pity the poor person who is on the receiving end of all those phone calls and mailers.


Well today is the first day of your lead generating life! You no longer have to purchase useless leads and wonder if what you are getting will work or not. You can generate your own industry specific leads and even have the interested party contact your for your products or services.


The system that will enable you to do so is Leads-O-Matic ! This system will enable you to get your keyword specific business out to the internet and get results. It also comes with a learning system through Veretekk. Sign up for a free Veretekk Silver system. Don't miss this opportunity!


Dr. Raymond Jewell



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell



Becoming educated in the ways and means of Google is important to anyone wishing to build an online business. There is no way around the fact that if you are desiring to build a self sustaining online business of some type, you must become knowledgeable in the ways of the net. Most programs, while may be valid, are simply ways to get your money. The offer the moon, but in reality, they give very little knowledge on how to market your program. The reason for this is the fact that they themselves, probably know very little about how Google operates. This may lead you to think a little bit differently before you join any program at all. As a matter of fact, you will be very well informed if I would tell you this insider secret to success online.

If a product or service is so revolutionary, so intensely good, then why is the product only seen on the internet? The bottom line is that all valid products and services are seen offline. If a product that is advertised online as being the best health food on the planet, don't you think that the product would be on every shelf of GNC, WalMart or the other chains of stores? Should you not be able to walk into any major store and purchase that phenomenal new and life saving product?

This is my point. You must become aware that most online companies are designed to do just one thing. They are attempting to compel you to buy something that you really don't need. There. I said it. I believe it. The fact that marketing online is really nothing but people trying to market their new widgets to other people that are compelled to impulsively buy that latest and greatest. It may well indeed be the greatest invention since sliced bread, but you have obviously done without it your whole life, so why buy it now?

I saw the most amazing thing happen just the other day. There is this so-called revolutionary way of marketing. I will not mention the name, but only the service they provide. To become part of this new program, you simply pay $xx.00. This is indeed insulting as you just paid good money to become their lead. The next time that you submit to them anything, you just got charged and exorbitant amount of money on your credit card. In fact, you have just bought a travel package. One that you did not want or need. This incredible new innovation I believe to be nothing buy hype and scam to the nth degree. I am angered by this type of business online. I am a professional seo master. I spend an incredible amount of time writing about leads, lead generation, web conferencing, inspirational books, automated marketing systems and many more topics. I run a straight down the line very successful internet seo business, and now clowns like these are just milking people from their hard earned money.

Who are the losers here? All of us who are attempting to operate legitimate businesses online. We all are the losers when people like these guys go unchecked. I find personal offence when these people get away with out and out deceit in an online business. I personally think they should be severely punished for their ridiculous actions. So, we move into another area. Where do you go to be safe online? What business do you promote that is real and credible and stable? Where do you find the real way to conduct online business where you are educated and informed about the lies, the crap and the hype? Where do you turn to learn to produce your own leads to tell people about your business? Where do you turn for leadership, motivation, inspiration, knowledge and all the essential elements that you need to become successful in an online business?


Home Business Solutions

Home Business Solutions


With the economy getting tougher more people are looking to creating income from home businesses. In our day and age we are all blessed with the technology to run a home business, and not just work from home but wherever we can get an internet connection. We can even run a business from a phone. When people want to enter into a home business they must realize that one home business out of ten will survive five years. The same statistics hold true for the next five years. All in all, ninety nine percent of businesses will fail. This statistic holds true for small, medium to large businesses as well.


So you are probably asking, "How can I win with the numbers against me"? You can be a success in the home business but you must understand the downside when you start. Knowing that there is a huge failure rate you know that you need to get a mentor to guide you while you are building a business. You know that you don't want to listen to someone who follows strategies of lack instead of abundance. Most home businesses follow a process of duplication. They duplicate the same model that their up-line did and most all fail, therefore they are duplicating failure. Another way to explain it is running a home business from the bottom up and not the top down.


Running a home business is serious and must be treated as a major undertaking. So before you start a business get a good mentor and interview the mentor. Make sure the mentor has the ability to get you to the top and that the mentor understands the home business success curve. A good mentoring program is "Mentors on a Mission" that is marketed by systems owners of Jaguar Marketing Systems. You can get assistance at Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System, and also get our "Partner Development Program" that tracks the home business builder's progress every step of the way. [You can get the website address in the resources box below.] No matter what your education you should have a mentor watch over your shoulder to make sure that you are doing the right things.


When we mentor our clients we are able to teach how to achieve 10K week income and build your business from the top down. You are taught how to hire a sales manager and a sales force, on commission, to actually handle the sales part of the business. We teach you how to get proper accounting in place and get an accountant that understands how to maximize the tax code. You get on-line classroom instruction on what to do and how to do it taught by people who are actually running successful home businesses. We teach your Account Executives what to do and how to do it. You don't get involved in fact we make sure that you run your business instead of working as an employee in your business. We teach you how to market the "Mentors on a Mission" mentoring course and believe me it will attract people like a magnet, or you can market any product through this process.


This is a great opportunity for anyone who is really serious about running a successful home business. We would be glad to give you more information just click on the sign up link below this article. If you want to call us call 1-800-727-2353 and ask for Rachel Coleman. Also visit our Article and Audio Library and read and hear more about running a home business. All links are below.


Thanks for reading.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Leads|Bruno Rioux|mortgage leads|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, photography leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, water heater leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, fencing leads,flooring leads, driveway paving leads, driveway leads, contractor leads, real estate leads, carpet cleaning leads, carpet leads, insurance leads, locksmith leads,deck leads, catering leads, renovation leads, kitchen renovation leads, kitchen leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


Mortgage Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
SGR Club
Leads Forum,GFRC:2007-04,GFRC:en&start=70&sa=N

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing

Vereconference is a name synonymous with web conferencing. This newly designed conferencing web system is making news across Google as being the "new kid on the block" in web conferencing services. Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling, owners and operators of Vereconference, work diligently to provide people of the net, the tools, training, motivation and inspiration that they require to become successful with a home business.

This is no easy task to accomplish. Some people look at the home business industry as less than adequate in terms of reality and validity. Not Tom and Mike. They know that building a business online requires more persistence, more discipline and more willingness to roll up the sleeves and go to work, than any offline business requires. You see, the people of online marketing are a rare breed, to say the least. They want to live life on their own terms. They want and need to get away from the day J O B (just over broke) mentality. They are committed to living life on their own terms, and not on their bosses terms. Vereconference is just one of the online tools that people can use to build a substantial and lucrative home business the right way.

Inetekk, Veretekk and Vereconference are results of over ten years of intensive effort to bring people to a new paradigm shift in the way that business is conducted online. The actual term Vere, stands for verified. Its a well known that fact that Veretekk is a 100% spam free email system. It controls about 3% of the incoming and outgoing email on the entire planet. There is a massive amount of incoming and outgoing mail 24/7. Mind boggling in of itself, the whole system is based upon verification. Hence the term Veretekk is born. In order to receive any type of correspondence from Veretekk, Intetekk, Vereconference or any of the other traffic portals, you must be verified. In other words, you asked to receive the information at some point in time. This whole process has led Tom on an incredible and costly journey to become white listed 100% with the watchdogs of email delivery on this planet. It is a never ending struggle to accomplish this task. This shows the level of expertise and drive that it requires to build a business venture online such as Veretekk.

So what does this all mean for an online entrepreneur? It simply means that you have every tool, all the training and the motivation to learn to successfully operate any online business that you have. You will learn the insider secrets of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective and Google friendly websites and much more. You will learn that almost no one knows how to market their goods and services online. You will learn to avoid the pitfalls, the scams, the hype and the misrepresented programs in order to protect yourself while doing business online. There is literally no stone unturned when it comes to marketing online successfully with Veretekk.

As Tom Prendergast has said many times, he can lead you to the door of success on Google, but you must walk through that door. Veretekk is the substantial way to become successful online. You must provide the work, effort, the sweat equity and the motivation to achieve that success. So why would I make such a bold statement like "all my roads lead to Veretekk?" Its the absolute truth. I learned my art and craft of search engine optimization as a direct result of the teaching, training and motivation from Tom Prendergast and the entire training staff. I decided to take my business of seo to a new level, and have now become a seo master with hundreds of top positions on the search engine of Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major ones. An important point to be made here is that you can do exactly what I have done. Simply work hard, be diligent and never give up, and someday, you too, can live the life of your dreams.




If you have been online for any length of time and have been trying to generate leads

You most of heard that one of the beast ways to generate leads is by writing articles.

You may even have seen that it make sense to write but thought to your self you I can't write

So you want leads but are one of those people who think you can't write to save your life.

And you can't afford to higher writers?


I was one of those people and even though I am still not a great writer, I simply sit at the computer and start writing. I decided I wanted to run a business online and if that means I have to write

No matter that it is not brilliant I will write first for the search engine then I will learn to write

For any one who cares to read what I have to say.


If you want to succeed enough with your online business then write

And start generating leads you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

If people don't like your way of writing they won't read it.


But the search engine only care that you're material is original and key word specific.


And what you want are leads. Think about it if people find you

In the search engine your link lead back to your website where you

Will have a professional written sales letter, you will have a good chance of making a sale.


How ever research show that most people don't buy on their first visit so it is

Best to have your link going back to a squeeze page offering something for free

Like free leads in this way you will get the chance to market to the leads againe

Most people buy after several messages.


Back to writing if you write it is going to improve over time you can start to befit

In more ways with your writing than generating leads.


As you write for leads you can start learn more about how to write better?


You see to generate leads into any business online you should write

This is one of the best ways to build back links and free traffic to your website.

Write as if you were talking, if you are worried about spelling, use your spell check

to help you clear out some of the spelling mistakes. Most word programs come with

spell checker built in and if you haven't got a spell checker, go to google you are sure

to find a spell checker with a simple search for spell checker.


To generate leads you also should start a blog then write and post material

to the blog. Get free blog here


A blog is good places to start your writing you do not need the approval

of any one about what you post if the spelling is great or not.

It is a good place to learn and develop your skills and writing confidence.


You are quit free to write what you want. The only thing is you need to write

With the search engine in mind using key word much in the way you do for leadsomatic


If you feel a little ashamed about your bad grammar sentence structure

And the like don't the main thing is that people understand what you are communicating.

That is what it is about, and after some time your writing must get better as long as you read

and learn from others how to write better.


The more you write with key word specific material and links going back to your website

The more likely it is to that your blog will then start to show up in the search engines.

And this will give much more people the chance to see your webpage.

When that happens you will start generating quality leads into your business.


If you are thinking you won't know what to write about I will I suggest you read

article speed writing from Andrew Hansen.


 I learn a lot from him, he gives great ideas on how to always know what to write about

with out copying any one.


And how to write a article within Half an Hour It take me a

Bit longer to write, but if you are not dyslectic like myself it will probably be a

Piece of cake for you.


I can get an article done in 45 minuets I think

That is pretty good.


We have spoken about the importance of writing to generate leads for your business.

We suggested that you can start writing using your own blog .and that in the coming issue

I would tell you a bit about speed article writing from Andrew Hansen.

I hope you enjoy this article, Speak with you soon. Keep generating leads with your writing.


From Sterling Hayden


To get Article speed writing Click Here  


"The Golden Article Writing Formula" < Great Book
"What If I Told You That I Can Show You How To Write a High Quality, 100% Unique, Flowing, Informative, 400-600 Word Article, On ANY Keyword, In Under 30 Minutes, INCLUDING RESEARCH?" -

I am using leadsomatic for seo Google

"Discover How To Generate Thousands of your own unique leads

If you would like more information contact the author  Sterling Hayden
About the author: author  Sterling Hayden is a leadsomatic master distributor

He runs a website where you can build downline business

and passive income with team work for free at :


Blast your ad to all the major  search engine for free


TEL. (49) 0382701318