Tuesday, November 13, 2007





Sterling Hayden say's leads generating is one of the most competitive

words on google. But our leads o matic master distributors group

as decided to take the challenge onto put our leads website on the

first 3 pages of google for leads.


We haven't put a time on this but we have decided to put the work in

That Is necessary to get the job done.


We have the tools to do it with. We use veretekk and leads o matic.

we are confident that our website will hit the top of the search engine.

In fact our leadsomatic team as already seen some results.


At google the website alabout leads as are already hit the first 3 pages


And we have seen other results at  Google .


Some of the ways in which leads o matic master distributors are going t

this job is for example using directory


fellow leads o matic master distributors Shaun McClelland says'

"An important aspect of

submitting your website to a directory is to have a 25 word or less

description of the website.


This allows the web crawler search engines to

efficiently find and include your website."


Leadsomatic is one place you could submit

Your website from to many of the search engine

For free, to help get more leads and a better positioning

on the search engines.


Get your website spider by google get leads.

Some directories you can submit to are open directory project,


Yahoo and look smart are also good according to Shaun McClelland


Sterling Hayden say's this is the way that search engine can find

and spiders your website.


If you have been using leads o matic you may know by now that

You write your description with the key words that you are after


For ex ample leads or leads generating you would put in your title

You could even write it like this leads|lead|leads generating to get full

effect. When writing a description for directories think like a search engine.


In other word think of what the search engine are looking for.

When the search engine crawl your website, give them what they want.


Free lead using google.

The best place to get quality leads is to get them from the search engines.

Google being the nr: one search engine.

 The others search engine tend to follow google's lead.


But how do you get your webpage to the top of the search engine? |Generate leads |

You could use one of the Internet Seo Company .


Which promise to get your website to the top of the search engine.

for more leads


You pay some company $ 100,00 a month and some times more for a

top position. One colleague of mine did just that and in return recived

nothing, no top position and no leads. in other words he got completely

ripped of .


Luckily for this colleague he found Veretekk where he was able to get

quality training with out the high expenses plus he use leadsomatic

to promote is website, by developing back links.


What are back links? I hear you ask they are links that are attached

to other sites that link back to your website.


You might be wondering what is veretekk well veretekk provide a

top quality marketing tools to help any marketer promote their website.


Find out more simply click the link  http://silveradigun.veretekk.com

And have a look at veretekk.


You can get a free silvers system to see exactly how veretekk works.

You can also attend free training on internet marketing every day

in live conference room with your silver system there is no selling in

these training you can learn and meet other marketers in the process.


But you may be still be wondering how to get your website on

the number one page of google.


The best way would be to send key word specific information out to

billions of webpage in so doing creating back links this is what

leads o matic does. Some of these WebPages that get this back links

only keep your link for a short period of time before they drop of

but long enough for your website to be spider


Leadsomatic does that and more leadsomatic also as a URL

submission service which is free to use .


You should also submit your URL by hand to google that will also

increase your chances of gaining a top position on google.


Spend 10 dollars a month with leadsomatic to bring more leads into

your business If you are not a joke business that thinks you can get

every thing free and do no work then you should try something else

because what ever business you do you will  have to invest in it

with both money and time.


Leadsomatic is defiantly a tool you should check out for reveres

marketing and back links in this way you can start getting leads

both through your reveres marketing efforts and through the

search engine.


Quick recap on what we discus in this article to get your link on the

first top 3 pages of google you need back links to your website and

you need a lot of them.


Leadsomatic can help you to do that.


To learn about marketing on the web you can get free training

from veretekk plus a full range of top quality tools to generate leads.


You can pay a SEO company thousands of $ to do it for you but you

might get ripped of.


If you do chose that course of action check out the company to see if

they themselves are at the top of search engine and take a look at

some of there customers and the success rate of the company.



I am using leadsomatic for seo Google

"Discover How To Generate Thousands of your own unique leads


If you would like more information contact the author  Sterling Hayden
About the author: author  Sterling Hayden is a leadsomatic master distributor

He runs a website where you can build downline business

and passive income with team work for free at : http://www.smallbusiness-business.com/


Blast your ad to all the major  search engine for free http://1mortgageleadgenerations.com




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Business Consulting Services

Business Consulting Services
Business consulting services on Google is a very dominant keyword phrase.  It is evident that people are continually searching for the finest in professional business consultants to assist them with building their businesses.  Any business requires diligence, patience and perseverance in order to make it a profitable endeavor.  It is the responsibility and duty of the person searching for a small business endeavor, to conduct their own research into the organization before clicking the "I Submit" button.  There are many profitable online projects to choose from.  Most people view this from a much too simplistic attitude.  Perhaps their neighbor or friend joined the business and told them about how good it was.  Maybe some so-called super-networker told them in an email that this program is in pre-launch, and you simply must join.  Whatever the case might be, it is very important to know all the essential details before attempting to build a stable and profitable business online.
In operating my business consulting service, I have found that there are many elements that need to be in place before considering joining an organization.  I will make note of these steps below.  I will endeavor to guide you through my business consulting website in order for you to become more aware of things to search for when starting a business.  I trust that my knowledge and expertise will be of value to you.  It is my goal to assist people in becoming very attuned to the way that real business is conducted successfully on the internet.
  • The business in question should be stable and productive.  It should have a proven track record of the membership in empowering them to become successful.
  • The business venture should have great leadership.  The leaders of these businesses should take an active part in the daily operation of the business.  They should also be reachable.  Only stable businesses have this type of leadership.
  • The business should have all the necessary elements in place to train, mentor, coach, inspire and motivate individuals in the key areas of successful promoting on Google.  These types of training should include search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building search engine compatible websites, how to build links that attract the search engine spiders of Google, Yahoo and MSN effectively.
  • The leaders of these programs should be readily available to answer questions or concerns.  This is essential as most people are somewhat confused about the whole process of marketing successfully online.
  • The customer support team should be very professional and top level.  There will always be certain aspects of online businesses that need attention.  The customer support needs to be in place so that questions can be answered efficiently.
  • The ROI (return on investment) needs to be substantial.  Many online businesses can be promoted for only a few dollars.  It is a well known fact that it is the same work required to promote a small payout business, that it is a business which yields great returns.
  • The websites that are given to you should be first quality.  Self replicated sites are generally very non search engine friendly.  A professional business will have websites that are easily made to attract the search engine spiders, therefore making their presence known on the internet.
  • Lead generation is a crucial element in any online business.  A substantial business will not tell its members to buy leads.  A professional business online will train and mentor their members in the ways that leads can be gathered legitimately.
In my attempt to guide you through this process, it has been my professional opinion that most businesses on the internet fall short of the mark in terms of the bullet points listed above.  At this time, I will give you pertinent and factual information concerning the business that I am involved in, to see if the overall picture is a fit for you.
Enter Jaguar Marketing.  This highly rated and exclusive online business is like no other.  The Mentors on a Mission program, conceived and brought to life in 2004, has continually climbed the success charts since its inception.  Al Turnquist, CEO and founder of Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, has gained notoriety and presence on the internet in teaching and mentoring people to become ultra successful.  He takes an active interest in the daily training sessions.  He oversees the professional trainers that are on staff to ensure that his exclusive membership receives the best information concerning building a successful business.  He is constantly honing the entire process and is known for his ability to think outside the box when building businesses online. 
Mentors on a Mission is a complete internet educational package.  Each area that is discussed is relevant and insightful to give people real-time information in the business building process.  The course is very insightful and will take time to go through all the important date and recordings that are essential in this process.  You begin to see the power that Jag Marketing is.  It is NOT just another business.  It is a complete marketing package from start to finish. 
The training staff at Jaguar Marketing are proven leaders in building successful businesses on Google.  Their expertise and knowledge range from teaching correct mindset, seo techniques, traffic exchange marketing, building highly effective websites, training people how to effectively talk to prospects, how to use proper phone etiquette and how to close sales.  There is literally no stone unturned in Jaguar Marketing when it comes to learning to be successful both in life and on the internet as well.  Al Turnquist has done an excellent job in producing this online business.
If this is the way that you would like to learn how to become effective, how to earn substantial and long lasting incomes, how to improve your mindset for success and how to become an effective and productive business professional, then I suggest that you fill in my contact form.  I am here to assist you with my business consulting knowledge on the right way to approach your business.
Gudrun Smith-Professional Business Consultant

Directory subitting for Leads

To gain extra milage from Shaun McClelland’s Leadsomatic Lead Generation portal promoting his keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. He has also submitted the URL to Open Directory Doing this provides extra results to Google, AOL, Lycos and Netscape Search.

Open Directory does have its drawbacks been free. There is no guarantee if and when your website will be approved for submission. Once approved it will generate high traffic for your website giving you a larger audience to your website.

Look out for Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next post on Submission to Directories.

Think success in order to succeed

Jaguar Marketing Lead Generating System


Here's how our lead generation system works……

The hammer is a tool that with the click of a button will blast out 2 BILLION ads that will drive traffic to your Jaguar - Marketing System. You will use the hammer approximately once a week.


Traffic Portals are the core of your Veretekk lead generating system. Your traffic portals, sometimes called lead capture websites are the core of your lead generation system. You will have at last count 20 different traffic portal websites. Each of your traffic portals has free offers designed to attract people who are interested in earning money with a home business. This is important because it produces a targeted prospect. Businesses target their market, if you manufacture golf balls you create your advertising to target people who play golf or sell golf balls. If you are promoting a home business building system your best prospect will be someone who already has a home business or someone interested in a home business. Your lead generation system use REVERSE MARKETING to find exactly those types of people.  Using Leadsomatic multiplies your reverse marketing leads, plus it gives you more prominence on Google by building backlinks for your sites.

For example, if you are building a home business and you come across one of my traffic portals and I offer to give you 1000-2000 free leads a day for life and you can use these leads to build your business, you just might take advantage of my offer. When that person registers to get the free leads your system will start the sales process.


Every prospect who takes one of your free offers will start receiving a professionally written series of emails that explain the Jaguar Marketing System and invite that prospect to take visit your Jaguar - MS website. Each prospect will get 1 email a day for seven days, after that 1 email a week for 4 weeks and finally 1 email a month for the next 12 months. This is all happening automatically, you do not have the send the emails the system does it for you. Here's why this is important to you, some of your prospects will buy the first time they visit your site but many will not. Your email system will help you stay in touch with that prospect and many will buy later. Professional marketers know that many of your prospects will only buy after repeated contacts. Your system automates the follow up process.


Your lead generation system includes a mass email system that does not violate Anti Spam Laws. As you continue using your lead system, people will opt into your database and be captures by your email database. You can legally send email to these people. Once a week you will send an email to your database again inviting them to take advantage of Jaguar - MS. We have had professionals write these emails for you and each week you can choose a letter to send. Your email database will grow daily with the use of your lead generation system. Ultimately you will have hundreds of thousands of prospects in your database and they will have all agreed to accept your emails.



We have live interactive training to teach you how to use this system. We show it to you step by step. Every one of our trainers has successfully made a living doing business on the internet. They will show you how to work with your lead generation system approximately 30 minutes a day to generate thousands of dollar in monthly income.



Think about this…… 

The fact that you are here checking out the Jaguar Marketing System demonstrates the power of our lead generation system. The system probably found you. No one had to call you to get you here. You already know that part of our system works.

Now check out the rest of this visualization marketing system, take a minute and request a call from one of our professionals. They will show you the power of the rest of the system.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036



"The term domain name has multiple related meanings:


  • A name that identifies a computer or computers on the internet. These names appear as a component of a Web site's URL, e.g. wikipedia.org. This type of domain name is also called a hostname.
  • The product that domain name registrars provide to their customers. These names are often called registered domain names.
  • Names used for other purposes in the Domain Name System (DNS), for example the special name which follows the @ sign in an email address, or the Top-level domains like .com, or the names used by the Session Initiation Protocol (VoIP), or DomainKeys.
  • They are sometimes colloquially (and incorrectly) referred to by marketers as "web addresses".

This article will primarily discuss registered domain names. See the Domain Name System article for technical discussions about general domain names and the hostname article for further information about the most common type of domain name."


Without question, your domain is your life's blood on Google.  Your domain name is the single most important element in the process of internet marketing.  In further explorations of domains and domains hosting, turning to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia brings to light the subject and importance of domain names.  "On the Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS) associates various sorts of information with so-called domain names; most importantly, it serves as the "phone book" for the Internet: it translates human-readable computer hostnames, e.g. en.wikipedia.org, into the IP addresses that networking equipment needs for delivering information. It also stores other information such as the list of mail exchange servers that accept email for a given domain. In providing a worldwide keyword-based redirection service, the Domain Name System is an essential component of contemporary Internet use."


In searching for the perfect domain that is going to be relating to your particular keyword category, I always begin the process with GoodKeywords.com  In this software program, which is free for the asking, you will see relevant keyword searches that people have typed into the Overture search engine.  The reason that I highly recommend this program is because it will give you relevant information in choosing a high traffic keyword specific domain name.  Once you have determined this initial step, you need to buy a domain name.  Buying your domain name will mean money in your pocket.  I like to term purchasing domains as buying assets.  I only spend my hard earned money for assets, not junk.


This is a very important step for your professional home business.  You must consider carefully exactly where you purchase you domain name to get the maximum benefits for your money.  I highly recommend ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com  Let me inform you as to why I make my choice at this particular domain hosting company.  I am a search engine optimization specialist.  In other words, I assist people in getting top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines.  In knowing this art, I am very well attuned to choosing the best places to purchase domain names for Google promoting purposes.  Oh sure, there are thousands of places that you can purchase keyword specific domains, but be very aware, my hosting company offers you 24/7 live customer support from the best people in the domain registration business.  Customer support is a key issue in domain hosting, as you will encounter problems at some point.  You need to be able to talk with the customer support team at any time.  These professional customer support personnel are the best at what they do and are always able to get you running in record time.


In owning my own reseller's account at ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com, I can configure my store's domain sales to any application that I desire.  I know what you need in terms of profitability and features.  Here are some of the features that ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com offers you.


1.  Domains are $8.95 per year.  This is an incredible value in itself.  Here is the place to begin your domain search.


2.  I offer you a FREE 5-page website that you can build to any specs you need for appropriate promoting on Google.  In the website tonight program, you simply add your correct titles, construct a one to two sentence metatag description and add your keywords.  The you set about the task of building your website using over 100 attractive templates designed for eye appeal.  These sites are hosted for FREE for one year.  Then, you choose to update your information for another year at the low $8.95 price.


3.  For your registration of your domain name, I also offer a FREE POP3 email account.  If you are going to be in business, you must setup your own domain email account.  The reason for this may not be apparent to you at first, so let me inform of why this is supremely important for you.  You need to develop a professional personae on Google.  You need to give people the idea that you are real and credible.  If you are trying to market online using a free web based email program like Yahoo, GMail, AOL, RoadRunner, ComCast or many of the other email server systems, you are not presenting yourself as professional to people who are thinking of joining your business.  Your POP3 email is ever bit as important to you as your domain name.  Spam FREE Email is very important to your online business.


4.  ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com offers a full ranging of hosting services as well.  The WebSite Tonight Program is very simple, yet highly effective to use.


5.  ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com has a full range of Hosting Plans to suit an online marketer.


6.  We have a full range of SSL Security Certificates for you premium secured websites.  Security on your domain hosted websites need no longer be a problem.  We have the security plan to fit your online business to a tee.


7.  We even have a superior line of online shopping cartsthat you can utilize if you need an online selling site.  Its very easy to implement right into your website.  Every feature we have at ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com is geared to you, the professional internet marketer.


8.  On our FAQ Page, you will have all your questions answered to most situations that will arise.


These are only a few of the more popular programs that ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com offers you.  You will be able to build great online presence by utilizing the different features to your distinct advantage.  I trust that this has been information that you will find useful in buildiing that great presence online.  I look forward to serving your needs at some point in the future.


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036



Without a doubt, operating a successful online business is one of the most demanding jobs that you will ever pursue. The variables are such that the element of self discipline comes heavily into play. Most people seem to think that marketing online is just a hobby. You can just get a site, put your name and phone number on that site, and have the money start pouring in. In reality, even a top position on Google means absolutely nothing unless you have a viable product.

If a product is so revolutionary online, then why is that product not stocked on the shelves at Wal-Mart? If that health food product is so good, why do not all the major chains of health foods stock this product as well? You must consider that nearly all the products, goods and services found on Google are not necessarily top level. This is the key to finding a viable business that produces good results, has stability behind that company and does not teach people how to misrepresent the product at every turn.

Marketing online can be a risky business. Conversely, marketing on Google can be extremely rewarding and very substantially monetarily rewarding. Here is the trick. You must do your due diligence to find that company, check them out fully and ask those tough questions before you agree to their terms and conditions. I know that in my research concerning online programs, the policies and procedures of those companies are stated in such a way that say that they can do anything they want to you, at any time they deem it necessary and you will have no recourse at all. In other words, do you wish to spend your hard earned money for something that can vanish just on a whim by one of the leaders? My answer would be hardly.

Its amazing to me in dealing with people online, the number of people just buy something thinking they are going to get rich quick. I have learned from the school of hard knocks that these people have not the discipline, the desire or the motivation that it takes to become successful at anything. They are much better off being satisfied with their job at the Pak-N-Sak, than get into a demanding position on Google.

Its really all about focus and being able to clearly define your objectives and goals. Mindset and visualization is the place to begin any online business. You must never become excited about something just because your buddy tells you how much money he or she is making. In the last 3-4 years of my online experience, I see people come and go very rapidly. These people have picked my brain for info, but not really accomplished anything at all. I have spent hours and hours on the phone with these people lecturing them about how they can become successful, and even told them exactly what they need to achieve said success. Did they do it? Did they take that information and use it to their advantage. NO. They simply wasted my valuable time and energy. I do not go down that road anymore. I am very straight forward and objective with the people that I choose to spend my valuable time with.

Marketing online is a very rewarding career for me in search engine optimization and search engine marketing. I am dedicated to the career that I chose years ago, and will pursue this fully. Anyone, and I mean anyone can do what I do. The question is, are you up for the task?  Are you willing to become highly motivated and focused day by day, working steadily and seeing no real results until the time that you make your dream happen?  That is what marketing on Google is really all about.  Here again, we come to mindset and focus.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic