Saturday, December 22, 2007

I Don't Have Time

I Don't Have Time
I would suppose  that time is the one thing that we all battle against.  We never seem to have enough time to do the things that need to be done.  There are 24 hours in every day that we walk the planet.  Within those 24 hours, are precious reminders that we are running out of time.  We can seem to find the time to make excuses about not having enough time, but in all acutality, we really do have the time, we just don't make the time.
In dealing with all types of people on the internet, there seems to be a common thread amongst them all.  They talk about wanting to start an online business of some kind.  The spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in the pursuance of this idea, but in all actuality, have they really explored the core of the program, and are they willing to do whatever is necessary to build this business?  I would wholeheartedly answer no.  I will give you my reasons for this below.  They seem to struggle and strain with the time factor.  When I ask them this question, "so what have you done today to build your business on Google?"  Their answer is most likely, well, I really didn't have time to write the article like I know that I should have.  I really did not have time to work on learning all that I could learn about the program I am trying to promote.  I really did not have the time to learn the necessary things that I need to make money online.
Interesting points to be made here.  We all have NO time, but in fact, we have ALL the time that we need in any given day to pursue whatever we want to pursue.  How long does it really take to write a small keyword specific article about your program?  How long does it take to pull up your webpage and really dig deep into the product or service that you are promoting?  How long does it take to actually learn to become an internet professional?
The answer to these questions is simple.  It takes as long as it takes.  If you think that you don't have the time to learn, youi won't.  If you think that you don't have the time to write, you won't.  If you think that you don't have the time to become an expert in your online business, then you certainly will not have the success that you claim that you want.
Progress in any endeavor that you choose takes time to develop.  You must arrange your thinking to be in direct relation to the events to happen that you are hoping and praying for.  Hope is planning to fail.  Prayer is begging for something that you already possess.  God grants us all 24 hours in this day to do with however we want.  That is the gift.  The whole problem begins with the way that you think.  Unless you unlearn negative and self-defeating self talk, you will never experience anything but the negative.
In closing, I have developed over the years of visualizing what I consider to be the perfect prayer.  I take time to say this prayer often through the day.  Its a simple prayer, that tells exactly my thought processes at any given point in time that I choose. 
Here is my perfect prayer.  "Thank You for My Possibilities!"
Take time to develop the habit of success, not failure.  Take time to develop your business into the plan that will take you to a new level of success.  Take time to learn the specific techniques and strategies that you need to become successful with a business.  After all, you have the time.  Now, its up to you to take that time and turn into a productuve and meaningful time.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Homepage 4


Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords, Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk . Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

MAKE YOUR HOME PAGE COUNT With Shaun McClelland’s Leadsomatic Website He made the Homepage layout as search engine friendly as possible. This is where you set the theme of your site. Let's suppose the primary focus of your site is about Business leads. Your header should contain the keywords leads. You also have secondary content that is there, as alternative content for those not interested leads. Place a link in the Keyword as Shaun McClelland has done with a Work from Home link.

There is also other content that you would like to share with your visitors. For example, this might include book reviews, humour, and links. Then take a serious look at Veretekk. This 12 year old company has all the tools to market your homepage, give you all the internet marketing training and generate leads to market your homepage to.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article expands on homepage and ranking possibilities.


Global Seminar Marketing

Getting Leads through Global Seminar Marketing


If you want to build a global business and learn how to get global leads for your business, you need to take advantage of this free offer that will teach you how to build a global business, create a global office or store, and provide on-line instruction to teach you how to set it all up. All the training is done in real time after a series of email instructions are completed.


All you have to do is go to and sign up. Once you sign up you will receive a series of emails that will give you instructions that you need to follow to get ready for the actual on-line meetings that will be provided. This series of instructions will guide you to have an understanding of internet marketing and how to use some of the tools available to you that will assist you in following along with the live-real-time training.


This Global Seminar will teach you how to get free leads along with many other terrific marketing tools. This seminar is so powerful that there is a weeding process involved. It is important that everyone who comes to the seminar is prepared equally. This is why the emails will give you the needed instructions to follow.


Let me be clear the end result is that you will be able to learn how to build your own virtual office or store, market to people all over the world, learn how to establish global seminars, have leads call you instead of you calling them, get high positions on the search engines, and much more. Again if you are interested in learning how to take your business globally then you should go to and submit the form with your information process.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Work From Home

Work From Home
Work from is a mighty keyword on Google.  As you may well know, Google is the most powerful search engine on the entire internet.  They pride themselves in putting the most relevant and inisightful commentary type sites at the very top.  Most people are a little confused at this process;  however, since I am one of the best SEO Masters on Google today, it really is no problem.  The whole basis for writing this article is to show you, the person looking to work from home, exactly how to approach the whole matter logically.  I will not advertise work from home like most people do.  The number one thing that you must realize is this.  There are many scams and lies on the internet.  I am telling you because I have been down that road too many times as well.  You know that online programs that tout the claim work from home and become rich, are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.  I will not do that to you on this site.
You need to understand that finding a genuine work from home business that will actually produce results, is going to take time and effort to find.  You will have to sift and sort through a myriad of lies, in order to find the perfect work from home business to spend your quality time with.  In this insightful website called I dispel those lies and hype.  I sort and sift through that maze for you in an effort to educate you in the inner workings of the internet.  Click on that link first to view my articles, then come back here to continue the work from home journey with me.
Ok good, you made it back I see.  Did you see the mindset that I use when conducting an seo campaign.  I am a real person, who makes real money on the internet.  This is a fact that I pride myself in.  I work incredibly hard for this and I know that you, too, can accomplish the same things that I have.  It is going to all be centered around the mindset that you develop.  I am sick of the lies, hype, scams, advertising, flashy websites and all the other BS that is associated with internet marketing.  The truth of the matter is that MOST online businesses are nothing but that.  NO MLM program will lend you the results you are seeking.  The whole process of multi-level-marketing is based on you bringing in people and they bring people and they bring in people.  In theory, this looks very good.  In fact, it never works.  The number one reason that this process does not work is the simple fact that those people are NOT your paying customers.  In other words, you bring in 100 distributors and you only have 1 or 2 paying customers.  Get it?  It never has worked and it never will work.
I do not care what so-called super-networker tells you differently.  Its all lies.  ALL super-networkers are liars at heart.  They will promise you the moon...and deliver squat.  Ok, before we go any further here, you need to fill in my contact form (I never distribute your personal information here) and let me tell you in detail exactly what I am talking about.  I will share insider secrets that almost no one knows concerning the art and science of creating wealth from an online business.  The business plan that I will share with you is logistically and ethically correct.  It has nothing to do with lies, but is built around the same business model as Fortune 500 Companies have built upon for years.  If you truly want to work from home in a professional business be aware that working from home is a great way to live.  No time restrictions, no JOB and NO BOSS!  Can it get better than that?
Let's continue down the road to the best work from home business on Google today and how you can learn to earn significant money online the right way.  Having been in the work from home industry for about four years, I am well schooled in the way to conduct your business online.  I know, from being a search engine optimization master, that you need to become educated in the art of seo, sem, building search engine compatible websites, choosing correct domain names and the other elements needed in order to have a chance in making it in a work from home business.  I am an expert in this field, and am willing to share that knowledge with you in this business.  You must also consider that trying to advertise your latest and greatest work form home business is absolutely futile.  You must decide, right here and now, that you are going to be teachable, trainable and that you will develop your mindset in that area.  I call this the art of visualization marketing.  I am a believer in the fact that we create our own destiny from the way that we think.
If you are thinking that this is too good to be true, then you are right.  Whatever you think, is the way that you live.  This is a universal law that also applies to making money from a work from home business.  The whole process will hinge on your mindset.  Are you willing to accept success?  Are you able to accept the success that you are striving for?  Once you answer these questions, you may just be ready for a work at home business that will last you a lifetime.
Ok, you now are well on your way to becoming a true work from home professional  I look forward to speaking with you soon and sharing with you the insider secrets to the best work from home business on Google today.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
Fax:  806-874-0036  Work From Home Resources and Insights  Ask Butch Hamilton About Jaguar Marketing  Work from Home  The Best Visualization Marketing Website on Google   Just a Few of My Links are Found Here

Global Seminar Marketing

Global Seminar Marketing


Understanding Seminar Marketing


Seminar Marketing is the bringing of people together under a common premise of educating, all attending the seminar, about a particular product or service. As seminars are used in academic environments to convey specific information to students in mass, seminars are used in social environments convey specific information about products and services to interested consumers in a group setting.


Seminar Marketing is making sure that a company gets specific information to the public about their goods and services and one efficient way is to attract consumers, who are all interested in the same product or service, together and make one presentation. In marketing to large or small groups there is comfort in numbers when listening to a sales presentation versus a one on one situation. In groups anonymity can give the attendees more freedom to ask questions they would not normally ask in a smaller setting.


Seminar Marketing is used today in a number of settings. Some methods are inviting people to dinner and making presentations. Another method is inviting people to a large auditorium and give an all day information meeting. The most popular products that are introduced and sold are financial products or information. Well known wealthy people are billed as the drawing card, and people are invited to come and listen to their success stories. Some of the most notable are Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, and Tony Robbins. These individuals pack meetings with people who are all there to learn how to become rich and achieve financial freedom.


There are many books written on Seminar Selling and how to do it effectively. Since Marketing and Selling a very closely related this topic could be lumped together as one category. Seminar marketing is probably the better of the two topics since marketing covers the development of the product in addition to the selling of it.


Some seminars are free others charge for them, but the end result is that information is taught by the instructors and then acted upon in an individual way. With the advent of the internet the delivery systems are no longer relegated to auditoriums. With the on-line capabilities available it is possible to do seminar marketing through on-line meetings.  What ever the mode, the end result is this method of marketing is more efficient than one-on-one meetings.


Global Seminar Marketing


Learning how to attract people and get them together globally is a new challenge. Since the printing of the book "The World is Flat", by Tom Freidman people companies are pushing harder than ever to learn how to reach out to a global marketplace. Being able to market to a global audience will increase the law or numbers when selling or teaching about products or services. Another concern about global marketing is the cost. Is this another area left to the big boys with all the money? Is the little guy, once again, left out in the cold?


Global meetings and influence is no longer left to the people with deep pockets. The "little guy" can now participate but they must know how. This is a challenging opportunity to large and small business but must be done properly otherwise you will fall prey to hucksters who will take your money while promising you the moon. Understanding all the techniques in developing a global presence is essential and learning how to bring people together from all over the world is very important. Entering into a global presence and giving global seminars is very profitable but is not for the weak. You must learn the skills and techniques to pull this off. You must develop a good plan and then execute it.


Giving a global seminar is relatively easy if you learn through one. By learning through our global seminar on building a virtual office or store you will be better equipped to being able to do it yourself. We have put together this free seminar on "How to Build Your Own Virtual Office" to give you real time instruction as to how to develop a global business and get it going without running into the hype and misinformation that abounds on the internet. All you have to do is go to and fill our the request form. All the information will be sent to you over a period of time giving you instructions to follow to get ready for the on-line real time global meetings. You must follow the instructions to be ready for the real time meetings. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, this is Global.


I hope that you take advantage of this free offer because I don't know how long it will be available.


 Dr. Raymond Jewell






Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Leads|Bruno Rioux|free leads|free|leadsomatic|business leads|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, MLM leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, pest leads, roofing leads, free, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system. And don't forhet to submit your URL to Google.

Need training on how to use Leadsomatic then come to my conference room on Sunday at 0600 hrs PST.


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Your Lucky List
Leads Forum
Free Conference room
Free Leads
More Leads
Free stuff
Marketing leads

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Web Conferencing: Results

I found some interesting Google search results this morning for the keyword term web conferencing. I will start out with the keyword web conferencing resources. This result is holding page one for the blog I have going. This clearly indicates the validity and the power of blogging to gain search engine recognition.

The next keyword phrase I found was interactive web conferencing. This particular position, I have nailed three or four positions on page one. As a matter of fact, I am nearing the top on this keyword with, you guessed it, another blog post. With this particular blog, I host it on my own server; however, clearly indicating again, the power of blogging. Its really amazing to watch the process of seo unfold on Google. The constant ebb and flow of the internet is intriguing, and my passion for seo continues to rise each time a position is obtained.

The next keyword phrase would be free web conferencing service. The interesting part of this keyword is that I just approached this less than a week ago, and already have page one on Google for another blog post. While Vereconference is really not a free web conferencing system per sae, the signup is free, and unlimited signups are available to try the system fully to see if its a fit for a particular business.

These results I am writing about this morning are in real-time, so its important to realize that Google is an ever changing dynamic system. You may not see the same results as you click through. These are only a few of the results for the seo campaign for Vereconference. The journey continues towards the top of the major player known as web conferencing. This is a high traffic keyword, and the major players in that realm have unlimited resources to assist them with their online promotions. I guess you could say that buying a keyword position on Google is entirely possible, even with so-called organic positions.

Even though the big players of web conferencing have the most money, I know for a fact that Vereconference has the best web conferencing service. I do not say this in an advertising way. I have done the comparative analysis by signing up for each of the major web conferencing systems. I have not found even one that comes close to Vereconference in terms of form, functionality and pricing.  Vereconferencing is soon going to reach organizations where communications are an integral part of the overall scope of their online business.

The art and science of obtaining top positions on Google continues with interactive posting of keyword specific articles concerning web conferencing, interactive web conferencing, free web conferencing and webinars.  I will add more results as they become available.  For more web conferencing, please visit: