Monday, September 03, 2007

Leads-A Comprehesive Study About Leads


By Butch Hamilton

A comprehensive study of the keyword leads will lead to some interesting insight into building a successful home based business. Most people consider leads as something that needs to be bought. The higher the price, obviously the more chance of success that you have in your online business. The leads brokerage game is risky at best, as most people who fill out a lead capture page on the net, really do not even realize what they have done. Making a phone call to this type of lead is most often met with a certain distaste. Hence the buying of leads needs to be closely scrutinized to be sure that people are interested in a particular product or service.

In my internet career I have bought leads on a regular basis. I have purchased telephone surveyed leads, home business leads, real time leads and have also used genealogy leads in the pursuit of my home business career. In my personal experience with buying leads, the success rate has been relatively low. A successful networker once said "a lead is a lead is a lead." I tend to believe that she was exactly right. Another friend and highly regarded internet marketing legend once said "I could literally build my online business by calling people from the white pages of a phone book and have just as much success than I could by purchasing high ticket leads." In looking at my particular situation, and the type of businesses I have pursued online, I tend to agree with that statement wholeheartedly.

I like to consider a lead as some person that I have not yet met. That person can be actually looking for some online project and perhaps they are interested in taking a look at what I am using to better my financial situation. I also look at leads as a friend I have not yet met. It has been experience online that most people are very interesting to talk with and share views about this amazing process called internet marketing. I have also found that calling people about opportunities is really nothing to fear. Most people are willing to be approached if you use the right techniques and strategies.

I do not believe in trying to sell that lead anything. As a matter of fact, I like to view selling in a negative context. If you are simply trying to sell something, and you consider this marketing plan as nothing more than a numbers game, you will be somewhat disappointed in your results. The bottom line in marketing is that relationship building takes precedence over selling. In using the techniques found in relationship marketing, you form some type of bond with the person over a period of time. You exchange ideas and thoughts about particular products and services online. Quite possibly, at some point in time, that person will want to know exactly what you are doing to achieve online success. Then, the path is clear on exactly how to approach the person with the opportunity you have.

I also believe in not setting time frames with leads. By saying that, I think its best to let the chips fall where they may. I have been witness to leads not being at all interested when I first contact them, but there is a possibility that I caught them at an inopportune moment. Knowing the internet the way that I do, people seem not to have a tremendous amount of focus initially. However, if you let them develop at their own pace and find you, your chances of making a sale to that lead are increased exponentially. I have been indeed fortunate in this area. I actually have people calling me quite frequently to discuss certain projects I may have going online at the present time. Most people who have suffered rejection on a regular basis by calling leads who are rude and totally not open to the opportunity they are selling find this an amazing story. If are simply attempting to sell that lead the new latest and greatest widget, you may find that your efforts can be multiplied greatly by using the art of relationship marketing.

I feel that people are weary from being sold anything. All you have to do is watch a few moments of television to understand this. We are literally inundated 24/7 by sales people trying to get us to try that new diet, pill, weight loss remedy and a billion other things. They vie for our attention both physically and subliminally in an effort to make that prized sale. In effect, we are all leads for someone. When you consider that, the art of using leads effectively takes on an entirely new venue. Making sales is of course important to network marketers, but using relationship techniques when speaking with leads will improve that sales closing art immeasurably.

In closing, I will leave you with the great mystery of the internet marketing universe. Do you buy leads or do you produce your own leads? The question is left to the gods of Google to be answered. In my opinion, relationship marketing takes precedence over selling any day to the prospects known as leads.  Never having to buy leads again just makes perfect sense to me.  I am so tired of talking with people that do not know me.  I feel like the used car salesman on the corner when I call these so-called telephone surveyed leads.  I do not have to stoop to such low means to run a lucrative home business.  You should consider your objectives and join the real way that business is being conducted online.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference-Marketing Director for Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing
Skype: butch.hamilton
Yahoo IM: hamilton_butch

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An Easy Way to Generate Leads

Are you mystified by the lead generation process?  Would you like simplify your online marketing efforts?  Have a look at the Leadsomatic program.

Without leads, your online business will falter.  Most new online business owners struggle  mightily to learn how to generate leads.  Many will opt to purchase leads and will be very disappointed by the results. Lead Generation seems to be an expensive, time-consuming and puzzling process to a newbie.

That's why I always recommend the Veretekk Lead Generation System and the Veretekk Leadsomatic portal to any online business owners who ask for my advice.

The idea behind Veretekk is to provide the tools and training to help any business owner to generate premium leads - leads that belong only to the business owner. Leads that have never been bought or sold before.  Leads that will not reject you when you call.  And Veretekk does it job very well.

Veretekk and Leadsomatic are two extremely powerful lead generation systems.  Many Veretekk owners report success with dominating their chosen keyword categories on Google for the first time, after years of trying other methods.

The Veretekk Lead Generation System incorporates a literal powerhouse of search engine optimization, email marketing and lead generation tools, all fused together into one seamless system that can be used to generate leads for any business, whether you want MLM leads, insurance leads, mortgage leads, or any other kind of business leads. 

Even employing just one of the 43 different 'portals' available through the Veretekk Lead Generation system can make a huge difference to our business.

My current favorite is the Leadsomatic portal, which allows you to make your business known to 40 different search engine and, if you upgrade to the $10 per month level, over 2 Billion other sites on the internet. 

Joining Leadsomatic could not be any easier. Simply sign up and wait for the confirmation email. Once confirmed, you have access to one of the most powerful lead generation tools available today.  This is push button marketing at its finest! 

Want to simplify your online marketing efforts?  Have a look at the Leadsomatic program today!

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph:   801-289-7145
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
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What is Search Engine Optimization?

What Is Search Engine Optimization?
Search engine optimization is an art form.  You might think this an off the wall statement.  I believe that is in an art form because Google is an ever changing sea of information.  In order to successfully promote there, you must be willing to tap into the ebb and flow of that information.  This is precisely why I am very good at my chosen craft.  Search engine optimization is about looking at the internet in a totally different way than most people do.  I look at the search engine spiders of Google as being nothing more than keywords, ad content and links watchers.  When you really consider this, that is exactly what Google is all about.  They have the system in place to discern from the legitimate and keyword specific information and the junk.
In choosing my craft of search engine optimization and search engine marketing, I have know for a long time that you must be willing to be very fluid in your approach to marketing online.  You could even call this being a rebel.  The bottom line to this is that you must think outside the box from the way that everyone else is attempting, and failing to do.  There is a rhythm and flow to Google and I am fortunate to be tapped into the proper mindset to have the tools and techniques that I need to successfully obtain top positions on the search engines.  I like to call this art visualization marketing.  I always visualize my success before I do any actual work.  This process works perfectly every time.
What Is The Process Used In Search Engine Optimization?
The process that I use in obtaining top positions on the search engines is called building relevant keyword specific links that lead back to your opportunity.  This process hinges on my ability to write great and original content to push that quality work to the search engine spider of Google.  My ability to write great content is unsurpassed in search engine optimization.  My love for the written word is the reason that I am very proficient in what I do.  I never use any automated submission services.  All the quality content that I write for you will come straight from my keyboard and screen.  There are no quick fixes in search engine optimization techniques.  Oh sure, you have probably seen those fancy little websites that make exaggerated claims about what they can and will do for your sites, but let me set you straight right here and now.  There are no automated software programs that will get you great search engine positions.  There is only quality writing and consistent effort.
I submit to many different blogging accounts, my own forums, produce my own keyword rich websites, write keyword specific press releases and then follow that process up by writing for ezine article submission services.  This is the true and legitimate way to build search engine rankings and I am a master at that craft.
How Much Does SEO Cost?
The cost of an seo campaign is totally relevant to the keyword phrase that I am going to promote on Google.  Some keyword phrases are not difficult to capture, but the tough ones will take very much time and consistent effort to obtain.  Take home based business.  I did rate a number 2 position on Google for that keyword term over a year ago.  I have to tell you that it was amazingly tough to obtain.  A keyword in that range will be very expensive, but possibly worth it for you small business.  I have much experience in promoting online.  It generally takes me several days to do effective keyword research for your business.  After that, I will determine that cost of the service to you.
What Is The First Thing I Need to Do to Get Started with Your SEO Service?
The very first thing that you need to do is to be clear on my processes.  They are not rapid.  I never guarantee sales for you by using my service.  I will not run your internet business for you.  My whole purpose is to get you traffic on a high traffic keyword category on Google.  The rest is up to you in marketing to the people that will find your information.  I stand by my seo clients.  I never give up once I start an seo campaign.  I am always as close as the phone number below should you need assistance or have a question.
The place for you to begin your seo journey with me is to give me a call at the number listed below.  Be advised.  You may get my voicemail message, but I always return my calls.  It only means that I am conducting business for one of my other clients.  Also, I suggest that you receive my autoresponder series concerning seo.  Simply fill in your name and email and you will receive my letters every couple of days about search engine optimization services.  Be sure to click on my Site Map page.  Here you will find all the information you need to get started.
Reliable seo services by Butch Hamilton is a substantial move in the right direction for your online business venture.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist  Be sure to Google Butch Hamilton.  This well tell you more about what I do.

A tip to Increase Ranking and drive more leads to your website

If you are to drive more leads into your small business, it is worth cataloguing
the basic principles to be enforced to increase website traffic and search engine rankings.

• Create a site with valuable content, products or services. Give your potential lead something of value for free.

• Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document.

• Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers or leads.
• Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.
• Have a form to capture the email of your leads so you can keep in touch with your new prospect = your new leads.

• Keep your site design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what they want and buy products and services.

• Submit your web pages i.e. every web page and not just the home page, to the most popular search engines and directory services. You can submit your url for free at leads o matic. But it is wise to submit to Google manually it does not take long.
• Once you start to generate leads build a relationship with them build trust by giving them good information.

• Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your small business website is doing.

• Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.
• Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from.
• Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.
• Make your customer visit easy and give them plenty of ways to remember you in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc you work hard to get these leads so be sure to demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your Small Business website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field.

Cheap Web Conferencing

Cheap Web Conferencing

I would suppose in today's economy and Wal-Mart thinking, we are always looking for the best deals on everything that we purchase. Dare that we pay too much for a product or service. That would almost be insulting for some people. This goes right into web conferencing. We are definitely looking for the best web conferencing room for the best price. Cheap web conferencing systems can be very inexpensive to own, but the amazing features of these systems is literally mind blowing.

The web conferencing room system, owned and operated by noted entrepreneurs and programming geniuses Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling, called
Vereconference, believe that in order to build a successful online business, you simply undercharge and over deliver your product. I would say that their track record of over 10 successful years online would prove that statement very substantially. This conferencing room system is ever bit as functional, streamlined and much more affordable than the big three of web conferencing offer. I would know this as I have spent an incredible amount of time and energy signing up for other web conferencing systems.

If you are looking for cheap web conferencing on Google, be very aware that there is a system that is heads above the rest. These web meeting systems can take your business to an entirely new level once you understand the theory and power behind the system. You will need to do your due diligence in locating the web conferencing system that suits your particular needs. Once you have accomplished this overwhelming task, you will then enter in the corridor of success with you home business. You will be seeing the results of your online marketing improve with the best that 21st century technology has to offer.

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The topic of leads is a multi-billion dollar industry. People are in the lead business to make the big bucks. This is evident of the fact that yours and my personal information is being raffled off to the highest bidder thousands of times per day. Obviously there is really nothing you can do about this situation. You are in that system and I am as well. The scramble for making money online is apparent just be visiting Google. Everyone is frantically trying to put out their high quality online businesses in hopes that you or I will join the latest and greatest money making system. I call this futility in its finest hour. Your private information in today's world is simply not. You may think that you are protected by laws and government, but in all actuality that is a misnomer as well. There is no such thing as privacy on this planet.

Is there a way around this problem of successfully marketing online without all the lies, hype and over exaggerated claims that we as networking entrepreneurs see every day? Of course there is. You only deal with people that you know and that know you. In studying
about leads, I have found that only people who know my name are interested in looking at something that I am selling.

There is the real way to conduct online business and there is the way that everyone else is struggling to do it. If your mindset is to join the herd, that is exactly what you will receive. You will get what you put into. Anyone ever heard of karma? Marketing online for people like myself is real. Its ever bit as real as someone who trots off to a day job somewhere. I spend an incredible amount of time on the internet. I find no where else can you live the life that you dream of in the right way. Finding a business model that will empower you, rather than try to sell you something is so essential in this Google economy that we all share. The choice you have to make is a responsibility to operate your business in the right and effective manner.  Using the tools below, you will magnify your chances of long term online success immeasurably.  Once you really learn all about leads and lead generation systems, your eyes will be totally wide open for a change.



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Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

Small Business

Small Business

Its obvious that starting a small business these days just makes good sense. Why should you startup a small home business? You will increase your net income. You can dramatically cut your income taxes that you will pay. We have two tax systems. One is for individuals, and one is for businesses. The small business owner pays much less in taxes. Almost anything can be counted as a business expense when you become a small business owner. All you really need to become a business system owner is to prove that you are in that business to make a profit.

The great flexibility that we have in today's business world is the fact that we all the capability of making money online. This move is the best business decision that you will ever make. Have you ever gotten rich working for someone else? If you position yourself correctly and with the right home business, you can be poised to become financially free within the next 5 year period. This is something that you really need to consider carefully.

Finding the right small business venture is critical. There is so much information out on Google about making money, where do you turn to find the best business systems to become involved with?

You need a small business that has a proven and stable track record. Your online business is your life's blood, so there is no need to join something just because you think it might be good. This is where due diligence plays the critical role. You must make the effort to fully check out the business model offered. Do some intensive research about the owner of the company, the compensation plan, how long they have been in business, and even contact members that are already involved with the business to see if its a fit for you.

Once you have begun the process of joining that small business, you then have the full responsibility to become proficient in your pursuit of your dreams and goals. The business should have in place training, great customer support and the leader of the program should always be strategizing new ways to make the system even better. This is building a true business after leaders in the industry have done for years using Fortune 500 Company's techniques. Once you have put all the pieces of your financial business plan into place, you then will hold the keys to your financial future.

Remember, all it takes the right small business idea. Once you put into motion the necessary steps to achieve success, you will be in for an incredible success ride.

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