Delegation Management-In Home Business The art of delegation has been around since the beginning of time. It is used from the cradle to the grave when passing duties to others. It has many terms, such as Management by Delegation, Business Management-Delegation, Stress Management, Time Management thru Delegation and so on. I could go on and on with different takes on Delegation Management. Delegation Management begins with Strategic Management down.
Wikipedia defines strategic management the following way:
Strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its objectives [1]. It is the process of specifying the organization's objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve these objectives, and allocating resources to implement the policies and plans to achieve the organization's objectives. Strategic management, therefore, combines the activities of the various functional areas of a business to achieve organizational objectives. It is the highest level of managerial activity, usually formulated by the Board of directors and performed by the organization's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and executive team. Strategic management provides overall direction` to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies.
In looking at the information on strategic management it talks about formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Formulation is done at the beginning and implementation is what the management team does, and evaluation is done through out the process. You can read the page at Wikipedia to learn more, but the point is nowhere does anything talk about duplication.
Home businesses especially MLM businesses operate on the method of duplication. This process is flawed right from the beginning, I will deal with that statement later, but is practiced in an arena that produces a huge proportion of failure. This is how it works! Let's use you, the reader, as the example. You decide that you want to create another stream of income, for what ever reason. Maybe you read that you can do this easily on the internet, or you're job is going nowhere, or you need extra money to educate you're children, whatever reason. You get an email about a home business or you're neighbor tells you that they have come across a great business that will make you millions so you take a look. You see ads and videos that talk about people who are driving sports cars and living in huge houses, so you decide that is you.
You sign on to the business with a promise that you will be trained. [let's look at brief statistics about the home business industry. Ninety nine percent of the new business start-ups will fail. Within the first ten years only one out of nine with survive. The same follows for the next five years, on down till there is a ninety nine percent failure rate. There are 150,000 new home businesses started each week. This means that people are putting their hard earned money into an operation that is pre-destined to fail but they don't know it. Many people start multiple home businesses because they are inexpensive.] You go to the person who sold you the home business opportunity, and ask for training. They may spend some time with you but you quickly realize they are off to sell the next person. You are handed a huge manual along with the products that you bought. The manual teaches you how to duplicate other business and everything that has supposedly worked in the past. [If GE and IBM practiced duplication they would have quickly been out of business. What works for one company will not work for another.]
Duplication- You begin to start to do what you are told and all of a sudden you realize that what you are doing is so time consuming and tedious that you start to burn out. Let alone you are making enemies of your friends. You are following what is called a "Cradle to the Grave" work ethic. You are doing everything! Plus you now realize that the friend or person that sold you the home business is off to another business or finished with it all together. [The reason that people hop from one to another is that they are looking for a quick fix. Instant success! They don't understand that it takes time to build wealth. If it didn't take time everyone would be wealthy.] Now you quickly realize that you are following a strategy of failure. You're duplicating a strategy that has left in it's wake multiple failures. The people that succeed are the ones that are muscling the business through by sheer brute strength, or are following a strategy of Delegation.
Delegation- For your home business to be successful you have to think like a CEO and delegate duties. Strategic Management expressly calls for it. It doesn't call for duplication. It calls for all the strategies to be delegated to the proper department and individual to get done. The problem in running a home business is that you don't know how to think like a CEO and how to delegate. Or you say, delegate to whom? [Now don't get your tail feathers in a flurry, the majority of the people in the world are employees and not CEO's. So how could you expect to think like a CEO unless someone teaches you? Individuals ego's kick in and they all think they are Bill Gates or Donald Trump. Just be you and know your weakness and learn.] And you are right, you don't know how to delegate in you're home business so you stop and call it quits. Just like the person who sold you on the hype, you now have trouble selling the same hype to others but even if you are successful, how are you going to train them since you lack the ability to run your own home business. [I have seen people with great management skills fail in the home business arena because it is so different.]
Now what do you do since you have read that running your home business is a great way to achieve financial freedom but it seems that the cards are stacked against you. You are starting to think that all the information that you re reading is simply just selling books, and dreams, but not reality. [Duplication in theory makes sense, when written about, but when the human element is injected into it failure occurs. The business owner is not like the others that sold the business to you. They have different management styles and personalities. Also one person can't run a company and empty the trash while keeping a positive attitude. It is exhausting just thinking about it. One person will burn out under the "Chief cook and bottle washer" mentality.]
Now all this being said, there is a solution. This is not a sales letter but merely an invitation to view a Cash Flow Seminar movie that addresses these issues. Once you view this video you will realize that running a successful business is doable. You can be successful but you have to learn how. I have been running a successful home business for almost thirty years and know the problems that can occur. We have made sure that our Partners will be successful, and are appalled at the misinformation that is present in the home business arena. Once you view this movie you will hear about Delegation Versus Duplication. You will see where the flaws are and how to correct them. Our Partners are making a 10K per week income and shaking up the home business industry.
We teach you how to think like a CEO and not an employee. We guide you every step of the way, making sure that what you are doing is going to result in income to you and not waste your time. We have done the strategic planning, but will tailor it to you specifically. We will teach you how to delegate and find the people for you. We will teach you how to set up a sales force and make sure that you find the right sales manager to run them for you. I am only putting this little sales blurb in here at this point, to let you know there is a way to win and not through the traditional methods that don't work. My purpose in this article is to point out the differences between a winning strategy and a failed strategy. By letting you know the difference you know you have good choices to make within a market that only offers failed ones.
Dr. Raymond Jewell
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Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell