Friday, January 16, 2009

Veretekk Web 2.0 Pre-Launch...

Veretekk Web 2.0 Pre Launch…

If you are familiar with Veretekk and its power for marketing on the internet then you will want to take a look at Veretekk Web 2.0. This new Veretekk system has more power and much more tools included you will be able to run your home business from the main page. The control room is right at your fingertips giving you the Veretekk assets at quicker speed and lighting speed.

The pre-launch has started and so you will want to take advantage of the free set up fee for getting a new Veretekk Gold System. The pre-launch will waive the set-up fees only till April 1, 2009 giving you the opportunity to get the worlds most powerful internet marketing system on the planet. Don't be fooled by other programs that promise great tools this is the real deal.

Among the amazing tools that you will receive is a conference room that seat 5 people. This room will give you video capability, which will allow your attendees at your meetings to see you personally. I use this feature all the time with great results.

If this interests you at all go to and sign up. To get the set up fee waived follow these instructions from the CEO, Tom Prendergast, "To get your fee waived you must first contact me via Skype and give me your username. My Skype address is INETEKK. After leaving your username I will Skype you back that your account now has your setup fee waived."

Don't miss this prelaunch, you can sign up directly. Many good things only show up briefly then disappear, this is one of those opportunities. Seize the Moment!

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

Spot Fat Reduction

Contrary to what many different weight loss programs suggest it is not possible to spot reduce fat from one particular part of the body.

Just because you might have fat thighs or flabby triceps you won't find a diet that will specifically reduce the fat in those areas.

When you lose fat you will lose it throughout your body and not in specific areas alone.

The same applies to areas such as the belly however there is something that you can do.

By adding targeted resistance training exercises to your daily routine you can assist the muscles in those areas to support and tone your body.

By doing abdominal exercises you can firm and tighten your abdominal muscles where they will assist in better posture. This alone can help to flatten your stomach and give the appearance of weight loss through the better posture you will achieve.

You can do tricep exercises to tone and strengthen the tricep muscles and this too will help that area to look better even without fat loss.

When you start a work out program. A good idea is to nourish your joints to assist in the extra stress been placed on them. Drink lots of filtered water and tak Optima Flex

OptimaFlex can nourish and hydrate your joints and make movement easier and less painful! Simply add one scoop (included) of OptimaFlex to a glass of water or juice to help your body fight pain and inflammation. OptimaFlex's benefits include: Helps reduce inflammation & pain. Increases joint hydration and helps repair connective tissue . Check it out here OptimaFlex Click on the 2nd tab called SHOP. Scroll down and the 3rd category on the right you will find OptimaFlex . Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

Once you begin to lose fat throughout the body those parts where you have been applying your resistance training will begin to show the benefits of your training.

You can have the best shape abdominal muscles in the world but no one is going to see them if they are covered in a layer of body fat.

You need to understand from reading this that you won't be able to get the look of rock hard abs by using the latest advertised abdominal machine each day if the muscles are hidden by a layer of fat. Sure you will be able to add support to the whole of your body by strengthening the muscles but you need to reduce fat to get in shape no matter what else you do.

Training will help to burn the fat as will diet and you will find that most of these solutions that are advertised in the infomercials that promise such startling results include dietary recommendations and it is by applying those changes to your eating habits that has the most influence on your body shape rather than the exercise equipment.

To assist in this weight loss plan to get the results that you require in the fastest and easiest way possible. I can highly recommend the Leanology Weight Loss Plan from Leanology Appetite Control Chews

Shaun McClelland.
Internet Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

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