Veretekk Web 2.0 Pre Launch…
If you are familiar with Veretekk and its power for marketing on the internet then you will want to take a look at Veretekk Web 2.0. This new Veretekk system has more power and much more tools included you will be able to run your home business from the main page. The control room is right at your fingertips giving you the Veretekk assets at quicker speed and lighting speed.
The pre-launch has started and so you will want to take advantage of the free set up fee for getting a new Veretekk Gold System. The pre-launch will waive the set-up fees only till April 1, 2009 giving you the opportunity to get the worlds most powerful internet marketing system on the planet. Don't be fooled by other programs that promise great tools this is the real deal.
Among the amazing tools that you will receive is a conference room that seat 5 people. This room will give you video capability, which will allow your attendees at your meetings to see you personally. I use this feature all the time with great results.
If this interests you at all go to and sign up. To get the set up fee waived follow these instructions from the CEO, Tom Prendergast, "To get your fee waived you must first contact me via Skype and give me your username. My Skype address is INETEKK. After leaving your username I will Skype you back that your account now has your setup fee waived."
Don't miss this prelaunch, you can sign up directly. Many good things only show up briefly then disappear, this is one of those opportunities. Seize the Moment!
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor
--Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell