Saturday, August 04, 2007

Veretekk|Leads Technology

Push Button Automation
Traffic Portals are the Heart of your system:
The Ultimate Guide to Traffic Portal Marketing
So, you have been searching for the perfect online marketing system, right?  Have you considered Veretekk as the prime source of all your promoting needs that you would ever have to have.  Imagine the unparalleled power of the traffic portals to generate yours only premium leads and at the same time offering you first hand knowledge of search engine optimzation and search engine marketing skills all rolled into one seamless system.
My name is Butch Hamilton.  I am a search engine optimization specialist.  I learned my seo skill from the great people at Veretekk and I am here to tell you that if you are looking for the bomb in marketing power, you have found it right here.  Explore the portals in this presentation.  Should you join Veretekk, you have access to all this and much more.  I am not looking for everyone, because quite frankly, most people are intimidated and confused with what we at Veretekk do.  Perhaps, you are that one in a  million, like myself, who will make a concentrated effort to pursue your online career the right way.
The Traffic Portal's main objective is to produce highly qualified entrepreneurial prospects that arrive in an exclusive relationship to you the Veretekk subscriber. By offering products and services of real value to prospects you are able to passively initiate positive relationships with other people, and in so doing broaden your personal sphere of influence. This allows you to build trust and credibility with your prospects rather than forcing your sales pitch on them from the start.

This all important one on one relationship marketing paradigm is what you have before you today. This new generation of Portals exploits the very essence of viral marketing making each portal extremely attractive to the Internet entrepreneur by rewarding them for aggressively distributing your Portals to the masses.

Each Traffic Portal is a uniquely crafted, valuable to it's particular market. At the core, is your "Portal Marketing Center" designed to enable your ability to easily put your "Traffic Portals" into the main stream of the Internet culture. Every portal is designed to benefit unique vertical markets. By building a large portfolio of diverse services and sites, your sphere of influence grows exponentially within the expanding market of the Internet. Thus achieving a well established yet diverse distribution throughout the Internet social dichotomies.

One does not have to be an academic professional nor have deep philosophical beliefs to recognize the benefit that these Portals represent. By re-establishing credibility as the way business is conducted, character, once again becomes the central theme in the orchestration of commerce.

There are 2 types of Traffic Portals within the Veretekk system:

"Traffic Portals" are standard lead generation web sites. Their entire focus is to help you to develop high quality, Premium Leads by offering valuable products, services, or information for free or at a discount. The silver/gold bars indicates Traffic Portals available to Veretekk Silver/Gold subscribers.

"Profit Portals" are the same as Traffic Portals in that they are fully developed lead generation systems, but they go one step further by also offering their own affiliate program that you can sign-up into and create an additional revenue stream. It's totally up to you if you want to do so. Veretekk is all about empowering you with tools to promote your business, not ours or someone else's! That said, Profit Portals are legitimate lead generators for you. Signing up into the associated affiliate programs will simply help you catch additional revenue from leads who purchase something through that system
  • Unique exclusive traffic and lead generation sites are the core of your Veretekk system. State of the art technology is incorporated into every single site. These sites intelligently promote themselves. Push button systems make it easy to turn them on and set them loose, one by one.
  • Lead Generation: With scores of unique Traffic Portals, you are assured of attaining the best, unique, exclusive lead data. Your exclusive leads mean they are looking forward to your call. Or, you can easily transfer individual, groups or all your leads to other Veretekk subscribers that are in your downline. This can virtually create a tsunami of downline success never attainable before.
  • Verification: All data, traffic and search engine rankings for each Traffic Portal is fully verified and verifiable. Never wonder if your ads are pulling, if your email is effective, if your data is accurate. The systems fully account for every action you take inside the system or on other sites, you control the reports.
  • Traffic Initiation: Once you activate the full portfolio of marketing and promotion tools for each portal, the traffic and leads start rolling in. Just push a few buttons and your on your way. That easy!
  • Link Integration: Easily link up to 10 other sites, promotional services, banner exchanges, etc. with a few pull down menus and a couple of buttons to push. One of the scores of systems that pour traffic and leads into your system with every conceivable marketing and advertising system on the Internet. All of your portals are fully integration automated.
  • Custom Configuration: Each one of your Traffic Portals has it's own unique domain name. You can also edit the Title, Meta tags, Hidden copy and text, links, photos and look of each one of your portals. You can also setup each portal to have a different set of sequential autoresponders that start mailing when the lead verifies their email address. This system fully integrates with Inetekk's Veretap systems too. This means, Veretap subscribers can automatically choose to have their leads automatically enrolled into Veretap's tap root automated recruiting systems.

    Your Veretekk Marketing Portal:
    Affiliate Site
    Your Veretekk Traffic Portals:
    1st Classifieds
    Big Kahuna
    Computer Giveaway
    Daily Message Online
    FFA Farm
    Free FFAs
    Free Page
    Money Machine
    Spam Wars
    Vacation 4 Free
    Your Veretekk Profit Portals:
    Your Veretekk Regional Portals:
    Veretekk Down Under
  • Veretekk-Your Path To Online Success!


    Let's talk about possibilities just a little today.  What are your possibilities looking like online so far?  Are you enjoying all the success that you want, or, are you like about 95% of people online today that are not being successful?
    Its time to take positive action to change all of that forever.  I am going to introduce you to a possiblity making system.  This is not only a lead generating system, a search engine optimization training system and the state of the art autoreponder system, but its even more than that.  I like to think of this system as spiritual in nature.  Maybe a bold statement on my part, but you see, I know more about this great online marketing system than almost anyone.  I know the system from the backend and I realize the power and functionality it possesses.  I know how to promote, build, generate and just plain old have great success by using this system.  So, take a minute, prop your feet up and let's explore the Veretekk System in a little more detail.

    I may be contacting you shortly to help answer any questions you may have and help you put a strategic campaign together for your Internet advertising success. Our system allows us to exercise extreme leverage on the Internet. We have made some of these tools available to you for no charge or obligation what-so-ever. Our full tool portfolio includes tools like your very own lead generator, lead capturing FFA system, a free vacation giveaway lead generation system, free destination web pages, free submission services, free software, free computers, well the list is huge. We have spent the last 10 years on the Internet and we have been very busy. To find out more just ask me.

    Our systems cover every need the successful Internet Marketers needs. Tools, Training, Mentoring, Constant Research and Development all hosted on the largest server farm of it's kind. You do not have to spend any money or commit to anything to use some of these systems. But, we have so much more available if you do decide to join.

    So, how long are you going to drive down the same old path that leads to nowhere on Google.  Why don't you join the thousands of successful professional internet business men and women, like me who have found a home in Veretekk.  You will be blown away with your possibilities here.

    Butch Hamilton


    Leads|Generating Leads|Producing Leads|How to Get Leads

    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 8:21 AM
    Subject: [Conferencing on the Web] Generate Premium Leads With Leadsomatic


    Hi Butch Hamilton Here!
    By now you must have explored the Leadsomatic website. (If not - check it out right now!)  Leadsomatic produces leads, lots of leads, all kinds of leads for absolutely any kind of online business gig you have going on.  You will learn All About Leads, lead generation, producing yours only high quality and motivated leads.   We are talking about this powerhouse of lead producing power for only $10 per month...You have to be brain dead not to take advantage of value like this.
    Its really simple to signup for Leadsomatic.  You CLICK HERE!  You immediately check your email to confirm your system. have your own leads producing gig happening within seconds (unless your email blocks be sure to check that spam folder).  You will now be ready to login...upgrade to the $10 gig...and get set to blast out your keyword specific ad.
    So, you don't know about keywords?  No problemo, here is my gift to you:  This software program will tell you everything you need to know about choosing the right keywords to make your efforts online more beneficial.  Don't think for one minute that you know what a good keyword is.  Go by the program to tell you what people are searching for on the Google.

    Obviously the thing that jumps out at most people is the fact that the system will blast your ad out to over 2 billion websites! (It's pretty hard to ignore, huh?)

    Well, that's the point of this email. I want to explain to you the value that tag line has for you.

    You see, anyone who is doing any type of online marketing - whether they are a residential based business person, MLMer, direct sales person, small business owner, political activist, etc, etc, etc. is immediately drawn to Leadsomatic when they see that "2 billion website" statistic. It's impossible to ignore. Virtually everyone that visits the website signs up for a frss membership. These people represent extremely high quality leads that you could be marketing your own product/service and or business to!

    How's it work? How do you get these leads? Simple... Leadsomatic is included as a part of the Veretekk online lead generation and automated marketing system. You can get your very own Veretekk Silver system for frss

    Veretekk contains all the tools you need to drive huge amounts of traffic to your personal Leadsomatic website. Each time someone signs up for the frss membership, you will immediately get a lead notification - via email, or even a text message instantly sent to your cell phone!

    Veretekk also offers you ongoing live training at NO COST by people just like you! They can teach you exactly what you need to do to start seeing results right away. You will be blown away by the training and support offered through the Veretekk community!

    Go to if you have not signed up yet!

    Feel frss to call me anytime as well. I am happy to answer your questions!

    Take care,

    Butch Hamilton
    Direct: 806-874-3314

    Posted By butchhamilton to Conferencing on the Web at 8/04/2007 06:23:00 AM


    As you probably know, I have written a lot of articles concerning different online tools that I use to my distinct advantage.  I use the program known as TrafficWave for a host of different tasks that both automate my marketing, but even more importantly, assist me in the process of giving people relevant information on a numerous amount of topics like Jaguar Marketing, Leadsomatic, Web Conferencing and even my Search Engine Optimization Business.  TrafficWave is owned and operated by Brian Rooney.  I have spoken with Brian on several occasions and I find him to be an excellent marketer and a stand up guy in terms of running a top autoresponder service for people like me.
    The goal of TrafficWave is NOT advertising, at least the way that I use it.  You see, I do not believe in online advertising per sae as the way to promote goods and services online.  I believe that providing people with necessary information that will assist them in their online business is much more effective and profitable than simply trying to sell them something.  TrafficWave gives me this flexibility and ease that I am looking for to make my system work for me 24/7.  Below, I am going to give some examples on TrafficWave and how I use it to accomplish what I need to accomplish in marketing and assisting others in their online pursuits.
    First, let's look at my Jaguar Marketing TrafficWave autoresponder.  There are two options that I can use for people to opt into my Jag Marketing responder series.  One way is that you could simply send me an email to:  When you send an email to this address, you will begin to receive my autoresponder letters about Jag Marketing about every 2 days or so.  TrafficWave let's you decide how many letters you wish to mail out, the span between the letters and of course you may use html in these presentations.  Its a great way to let people know who you are, what you do and quite possibly, if they like what you write, you may just pickup a customer.
    Let's take a peek at the autoresponder series I have setup for my LinkScout Program.  Send an email here:  and I tell people exactly how to setup their Linkscout program.  Now, you know how sold I am on Linkscout.  This is my way of letting people who have joined me exactly how to setup their system for maximum effectiveness.  Do you begin to understand what I have here with TrafficWave?  Its not about selling people something.  Its about assisting people that makes all the difference in the world.  Its THE difference between your success and your failure on Google.
    The next example is concerning Leadsomatic.  I use this system to tell people information on the best way to produce leads, generate leads and getting involved with Veretekk.  By far, Veretekk is the best system to get involved in if you are marketing goods and services online.  You would send an email to me here:  You are beginning to get the point here, right?  TrafficWave let's me choose the topic, write the autoressponder letters, as many as I want, anytime I want and post them at intervals when I choose for them to go out.  Incredibly simple but highly efficient online marketing if you ask me.
    Another advantage of TrafficWave is this.  I have my own FFA Page.  Ok, you maybe saying big deal, so you have an FFA page.  They don't work, right?  Well, you would be absolutely wrong in your assumption there.  My FFA page gets anywhere from 200-500 signups per day.    People submit their links and guess what?  I have the ability to automatically mail out to each individual my information on any topic I wish for them to receive.  Imagine the power of having 200-500 people looking at your valuable info every single day, automatically, with no effort on your part!  This is automated marketing at its finest. 
    Ok, here is the drill.  Try TrafficWave for 30 days to see if you like it.  If you do, its only $17.95 per month to keep this wonderful online marketing tool forever.  By the way, you can make money with this on the affiliate side.  I don't care about affiliate programs, I just use it to build my highly lucrative online businesses.
    CLICK HERE to try TrafficWave, you are going to be glad that you did!
    Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist
    Need more info about TrafficWave?  Send me an email here:  Remember, you must confirm each autoresponder before you will receive the messages!

    About Spam Blogging

    About Spam Blogs

    What Are Spam Blogs?

    As with many powerful tools, blogging services can be both used and abused. The ease of creating and updating webpages with Blogger has made it particularly prone to a form of behavior known as link spamming. Blogs engaged in this behavior are called spam blogs, and can be recognized by their irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site.

    Spam blogs cause various problems, beyond simply wasting a few seconds of your time when you happen to come across one. They can clog up search engines, making it difficult to find real content on the subjects that interest you. They may scrape content from other sites on the web, using other people's writing to make it look as though they have useful information of their own. And if an automated system is creating spam posts at an extremely high rate, it can impact the speed and quality of the service for other, legitimate users.

    What We're Doing About Spam

    Needless to say, we do not approve of spamming here at Blogger. Below are some of the things we've implemented to remove and reduce spam on our service. We will update this list as we continue our efforts.

    • Automated spam classifying algorithms keep spam blogs out of NextBlog and out of our "Recently Published" list on the dashboard.
    • The same classifiers are used to require an extra word verification field on the posting form for potential spam blogs. This makes it harder for spammers to set up automated systems to do their posting, since a human needs to complete this step.
    • The Flag as Objectionable button in the Navbar lets you notify us of problem blogs that you find, so we can review them and take appropriate action.
    • Report spam here.
    I found this article enlightening about spam blogging.  If you have had a blog locked because of possible spam blogging, read this article.  You will see that nohting that we are doing could even remotely be termed as spam blogging.
    All of the articles that the Leasdomatic Master Distributors Team are doing in adding relevant content.  I have seen representations on Google about this think called link spamming or blog spamming.  Do not take this lightly if your blog has been locked.  Go through the necessary steps to take care of the problem and your blog will be up and going very soon.
    Of course, there is a better alternative.  Use BlogFather!

    Generate Premium Leads With Leadsomatic


    Hi Butch Hamilton Here!
    By now you must have explored the Leadsomatic website. (If not - check it out right now!)  Leadsomatic produces leads, lots of leads, all kinds of leads for absolutely any kind of online business gig you have going on.  You will learn All About Leads, lead generation, producing yours only high quality and motivated leads.   We are talking about this powerhouse of lead producing power for only $10 per month...You have to be brain dead not to take advantage of value like this.

    Obviously the thing that jumps out at most people is the fact that the system will blast your ad out to over 2 billion websites! (It's pretty hard to ignore, huh?)

    Well, that's the point of this email. I want to explain to you the value that tag line has for you.

    You see, anyone who is doing any type of online marketing - whether they are a residential based business person, MLMer, direct sales person, small business owner, political activist, etc, etc, etc. is immediately drawn to Leadsomatic when they see that "2 billion website" statistic. It's impossible to ignore. Virtually everyone that visits the website signs up for a frss membership. These people represent extremely high quality leads that you could be marketing your own product/service and or business to!

    How's it work? How do you get these leads? Simple... Leadsomatic is included as a part of the Veretekk online lead generation and automated marketing system. You can get your very own Veretekk Silver system for frss

    Veretekk contains all the tools you need to drive huge amounts of traffic to your personal Leadsomatic website. Each time someone signs up for the frss membership, you will immediately get a lead notification - via email, or even a text message instantly sent to your cell phone!

    Veretekk also offers you ongoing live training at NO COST by people just like you! They can teach you exactly what you need to do to start seeing results right away. You will be blown away by the training and support offered through the Veretekk community!

    Go to if you have not signed up yet!

    Feel frss to call me anytime as well. I am happy to answer your questions!

    Take care,

    Butch Hamilton
    Direct: 806-874-3314

    About Leads

    Interesting About Leads Results This Morning!

    I am constantly monitoring my results for the keyword category on leads in an effort to show you the exact path you need to take to capture top spots on the most powerful search engine on the internet, Google. You must understand that this is no simple act to accomplish on this tough keyword category. The competition is fierce, and you will deal with other leads experts in the industry that are working just as hard as you in their quest for online success.

    You have heard me say time and again that its all about consistency and writing great content. Here are two results for leads that I have found just this morning.

    Leads on Google As you can clearly see here, is making a steady climb for the top of the mound on Google.

    Leads on Google This is the one I have been looking for to surface for a while now. This is my Leadsomatic site This is coming a close second to So, you may be wondering if the techniques that I use to capture the prize on Google are working?

    Leads on Google This is for another site I promote called The interesting point about this particular site is that it also holds number one spot on Google here. You can clearly see that this site is rocking Google on several keyword phrases. My point is that we have the leads product, we have the leads systems with Leadsomatic and Veretekk. There is absolutely no denying that we have the search engine optimization leadership to put Leadsomatic on the internet map for the most sought after leads program ever seen. This will happen in the next time frame. As you probably can tell, I am not about placing time frames on my success. I am all about consistency, patience and an undying element called drive to do what I do best.

    Search engine optimization must be thought of in very simple terms. The problem that most people have is that they try to complicate the process by what they read, think and observe on the search engines. Google is all about one thing, good information. When you place that good and original content there, great things begin to happen.

    SEO is nothing short of amazing when you begin to take the view that I have in that the simplicity is so effective. I live the same way that I promote on the net. I let nothing dampen my spirits in regards to anything that happens. Taking a simplistic view on life, as well as promoting on the internet opens up the entire universe. Its much like God opening up heaven for you and saying "here is what you want." The approach we are using and that I am teaching the Leadsomatic Master Distributors Team will work. It is working now and will only continue to get better with time. This is called being in process. There will never be a time when the se promoting stops. If you stop, others will take you over very quickly. Heed my words, you must never ever quit in your search for perfection in internet promoting. The moment you snooze, you lose! 
    Pushing to the top of Google is an incredible experience for me.  Its addicting like a drug.  The more you do, the more you want.  I want that top spot on Google and I will have it!

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
    Superior Seo Services
    Phase IV Marketing Group