Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Building a Business with Email
All you really have to do is to build a list.  Building a list, I have heard it said by the super powers that be in the internet marketing world, is the most significant way to build a stable and long lasting business on Google.  You simply gather a huge amount of emails from somewhere in cyber space, then pop out your latest and greatest widget, and you make huge amounts of money with no effort.  Ah, the quintessential catch phrase.  You may money with no effort.  I mean seriously, how hard can that be.  Just buy some high quality telephone surveyed leads from some leads brokers, pop those email addresses into an autoresponder, and within minutes, you have hungry prospects signing up for your stuff almost automatically.  This happens for you 24/7 with almost no effort.  Building a list is the way to build a business online?  Email marketing is the way to achieve financial independence?  Have you heard this term before?  You can make money at home stuffing envelopes.  That statement makes just as much sense as trying to build a business using email.  Let's get to the bare bones facts today concerning email, and email delivery issues and the word called
Let's take a look at the word spam.  Maybe this will clear up some misconceptions that you may have concerning the use of unsolicited emails.  This comes to us from the online encyclopedia known as Wikipedia.  "E-mail spam, also known as bulk e-mail or junk e-mail is a subset of spam that involves sending nearly identical messages to numerous recipients by e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE). Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that email is unsolicited and sent in bulk.UCE refers specifically to unsolicited commercial e-mail"  The word unsolicited simply means that people do not want you to advertise your stuff without them asking for it.  In other words, they are not opted into your list.  Further clarification concerning spam emails follows here."

From the beginning of the Internet, sending of junk e-mail has been prohibited, enforced by many ISPs' Terms of Service/Acceptable Use Policy (ToS/AUP) and peer pressure. Even with a thousand users, using junk e-mail for advertising is not tenable, and with a million users it is not only impractical, but also expensive, costing US businesses on the order of $10 billion per year in 2003.


As the Internet has grown, ISPs and the public have turned to government for relief. This relief has failed to materialize, particularly in the U.S. where tough state laws were superseded by a permissive federal law, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Some other countries have passed laws against spam, notably Australia and all the countries of the European Union.


As the recipient directly bears the cost of delivery, storage, and processing, one could regard spam as the electronic equivalent of "postage-due" junk mail. Due to the low cost of sending unsolicited e-mail and the potential profit entailed, some believe that only the strict enforcement of such laws would stop junk e-mail. "Today, much of the spam volume is sent by career criminals and malicious hackers who won't stop until they're all rounded up and put in jail."  Ok, are you beginning to get the picture here Mr. or Ms. Marketer?  Spam email is not only invasive to you and the people around you, it is also illegal.  Now, I don't know about you, but my business is not worth hefty fines or imprisonment, just for sending out my latest widget to the world!  The lesson to be learned here as well is the fact that MOST of email is never even delivered.  Yes, they are blocking your email folks.  All of the major web servers do this.  They are looking out for your best interest here, right?  If that is the case, why cannot I get a business email to an seo client, but the spammers can get their crap through to me?  Chew on that little statement for just a moment, and the email situation will be clarified for you.


If you are sending out unverified emails to people to advertise your goods and services, then you are spamming.  You must first, send out an email to see if that person WANTS to receive your information.  If they are interested, they click on the link, and they have opted into your system.  If they do not want the email, they ignore it, and go away.  The whole art of verification is the secret that a vast majority of marketers today miss.  Verification is the only way to achieve any success in the world of internet marketing.  Any company that allows you to upload emails and send them out, is condoning spamming.  There is simply no way around that fact.  If you use these systems, you are asking for trouble.


How many spam emails did you receive today in your inbox?  I know that on any given day, I literally receive thousands and thousands of unsolicited emails from penis enlargement, breast enlargement, stop smoking for your health, lose weight, pre launch, post launch, latest and greatest and all the other tremendous amounts of bullshit that is regularly seen on the digital highway.  Let me ask you a question here.  How many times have you actually fallen for some program, scheme, scam or assorted other systems out there, by answering an unsolicited email?   How many times have you received an email from what looked like PayPal, to login to your account by clicking here?  How many times have you provided your private information to some digital pervert on the net, in hopes of making huge money with NO effort?  You get my point.  If you are trying to conduct your online business either by advertising your stuff to people using email, or by answering unsolicited spam emails, then you my friend, are a moron.


The internet on Google is absolutely jam packed full of criminals.  They are trying to steal your information, steal your money, steal your credit card numbers and generally wreak havoc on gullible, misinformed people.  NEVER answer an email that is loaded with this type of crap.  How do you tell if its crap or not?  Do NOT answer any of them unless you actually know the person or company that is sending these emails out.  If someone is trying to contact you, tell them to pickup the phone and call you.  Here, you must be careful as well.  NEVER give out any of your personal information on the phone to ANYONE!  You have no way of telling if they are real, or simply another scam artist who has found a way to lift your life away from you.


The bottom line here my reader is the fact that the internet is a great source of information and businesses to become associated with.  If you think that you are going to build an online business using emails, then you my friend, are an absolutely nephritic moron.  I mean when you think about trying to make money and you do nothing but send out emails to people that do NOT want to receive them, and that would be everyone, then you do qualify for the dumbass award of the century.  If you mentality is such that you think you are doing something great to build your business by buying email lists, uploading those lists to autoresponders, and then hungry shoppers are going to buy your stuff, you definitely are NOT the sharpest crayon in the box.


The whole key to building sustainable businesses on Google is built on four means.  You write articles to post in webpages, you write press releases, you write ezine articles and you post consistently to blogs and forums.  This is the legitimate and quality way to approach your online business.  Nothing else will ever hope to work for you unless you become educated in the way that they internet actually works.  Its time to wake up to the fact that the information highway is full of people that are looking to get something for nothing.  You may just be one of those people if you have not decided to become serious about internet marketing.  You have all sorts of possibilities online, but you must make the conscious decision to become aware of the actual business building process to ever hope to make any money at all.


The money is in the list, huh?  Hey Mr. Super-Networker, I have a statement for you that appropriately describes my sentiments for you.  BITE ME!  Learn how to market effectively using proven Google Tools for Webmasters.  Its all there.  Maybe even you can become an effective, and credible, individual who does make money online.  Attempting to build your business with email is the totally wrong approach.  The journey will continue with my articles concerning internet marketing.  The hows and whys of people not being successful will be discussed in further detail.  Pay attention, you may learn a thing or two along the way.  Like what you read here?  Hey, send me an email!


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036









Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords, Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk. Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

In organizing a Leads Home Business or Whatever Shaun McClelland says you need to develop a business mindset when starting your Internet Business from home. With the success of Veretekk’s Leadsomatic lead generating Portals sending daily Premium leads to your inbox. Separate a room that is private so you can call these leads and start the relationship building process. Set this up in your space to make your business space reflect your personal style.

This will make you want to sit at your desk and work because you are comfortable there, as opposed to dreading going to your work area. Be disciplined and create a professional environment Most Internet wannabes hold down a full time job. So setting aside at least 2 hours a day or night to build your 2nd income is crucial to your success. Make your work time count.

Veretekk’s Affiliate Program . is the best way to get into a Home Based business, especially promoting what everyone needs. LEADS. Leads are the name of the game. You need to become a Veretekk Gold Subscriber and attend the online free classes 24/7. Don’t be in a hurry to learn everything, as you will burn out. Make a long term commitment and learn the basics from the trainers to set up your Lead Generating Business and how to optimise your website for page ranking. All this takes time and is well worth the effort to start generating cash flow. Stay focused on Veretekk, use the portals to generate the leads And you will build that 2nd income that will overtake your job's income.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article Homepage


Internet Marketing


Eight YEARS Ago...
In 1996 we saw a vision of what the Internet was going to become. At the time, un-verified email worked. FFA sites brought traffic. Search engines were pretty new and comparably easy to get to the top. But we knew this was going to change and we wanted to be ready for it.  This new shift in thinking is taking place in the latter portion of 2007.  We are making extraordinary progress in producing internet marketing warriors on Google.  Hey, give us a shot.  Your potential is waiting to happen at Veretekk. 

Veretekk was born...
A challenging concept with a pretty easy solution for you. With a Veretekk system, using the tools that come with it, as well as other techniques, you just promote many valuable but free services that are your Traffic Portals. Then the Traffic Portals promote your opportunity. The results are, Veretekk subscribers are experiencing success at building their business for the first time.

Replication was KEY...
To make Network Marketing work, duplication is neccesary! We had already created the first replicating website in 1993 or so, but our first real breakthrough was the self replicating PDF document. This gave us the ability to deliver personalized business cards, fliers, and personalized eBooks, within seconds. A very important addition to a marketing system....but we needed leads and good quality leads.

Portals was the buzz...
Yahoo was the first to be labeled as a Search Engine Portal. Ebay was an auction Portal. MSNBC was a news Portal, well you get the picture. What we needed were Traffic Portals. Free is a big deal on the Internet and draws major traffic if people know about them. The first Traffic Portal was our FFAFarm. It required a submission with name, email address and URL. It got us a lot of trouble, because the email address did not get double opt in. We quickly retooled and built the only 3rd party verifiable, double opt in, closed loop verification shortly after it's debut. Verification is a story all to itself. (Read:Veremail). Soon to follow was our Free Computers contest site, Daily Messages, Free Holidays (With the only site to deliver the free coupon with our PDF Duplication technology). As the Traffic Portal concept matured, we realized we needed Free services that appealed to the entrepreneur. But before we went further as to the next generation of Traffic Portals, the Hammer was born!

The Mother of all Submitters....
Shortly after building the FFAFarm we knew we needed a tool that would simplify the tedious process of submitting to all the other FFA sites, classifieds sites, web boards, search engines and web boards that were springing up all over the Internet. Our very first submitter actually submitted to guest books. We called it the Hammer because you had to hit the submit button over and over again until we figured out how to make it submit with one click, which we did. Today the 12 million ad Hammer is found for free in our first real entrepreneurial Traffic Portal, Blastomatic. Blastomatic has been a huge success with over 100,000 free subscribers signed up in it to date. The newer version of the Hammer is also a standard tool in Veretekk. That Hammer submits a whooping 2 billion ads with the click of a button and stores your ads for easy retrieval whenever you need them.

Traffic Portals today...
Since the birth of Blastomatic, we have been busy. Added to the original portfolio of Traffic Portals are: Free-Mart, a free repository of webmaster classics software and self replicating eBooks that are personalized to the recipient automatically. WebCatch a Yahoo style self replicating lead generating search directory, Etracking, a Google style self replicating link exchange and leads builder, Veretracking, a set of advanced Web tracking tools, etc. And all the new generation Traffic Portals build leads for the subscriber with a limited login control panel like FreeFFas. Traffic Portals have become viral. With the proper promotion of these Traffic Portals, premium, one on one, exclusive leads start to flow in. These leads are exclusive and you will not find better leads anywhere. You will not experience the rejection with the results of Veretekk!

Ever play Monopoly®???
Think of Traffic Portals as owning many properties on the Monopoly® board. It is a numbers game, the more Portals you have the more traffic you will receive and Veretekk Traffic Portals will result in entrepreneurial lead generation. Veretekk makes it easy to promote your Traffic Portals too. And....your Traffic Portals can be completely customized for search engine strategies and linking relationships with simple tools found in your Portal Control panels. Each Traffic Portal can be configured to send your own customized set of email promoting your business too, as soon as a premium lead signs up for the free service.

You Get Unlimited Autoresponders...
Veretekk has several email services to use. The traditional autoresponder promotes your Traffic Portals with a sequential set of HTML email sent out to anyone that sends email to any of your Veretekk email addresses. This autoresponder can easily be turned on and off as needed. You also have the ability to build as many sets of Sequential email that can be selected to send to anyone via any number of your Traffic Portals when someone signs up for them and verifies. In other words, you promote your Traffic Portals, and they in turn promote your business or opportunity. It is very simple. But wait, it gets better!

You also get Unlimited Email Addresses...
Stealth Email allows you to make an unlimited number of unique email addresses. This allows you to test the submissions to see what works and doesn't work. Veretekk's Bully Pulpit tracks all incoming email to these addresses so you can determine what resulted when you used the specific stealth email in a particular submission.

Traffic Portals promote your site...
Get it? You use the powerful Veretekk tools to promote Veretekk's powerful Traffic Portals. As traffic builds to your Traffic Portals, they are compelled to subscribe due to the very valuable services being offered for free. Once subscribed, they start to receive email from you promoting your business and.....every time they log into their Traffic Portal service they are exposed to your Market Center time and again promoting your business to them. But wait, you also have the entire Veretekk system working for you. From contact management systems, to mailing via the PDF created letters, to autoresponders, etc. Want to see for yourself? Well read on....

Join for FREE and see...
The best news is we have made the Veretekk system free. Veretekk Silver is a limited version of the hallmark Veretekk Gold system. It allows you to become orientated as to how the Veretekk system works, getting the Live training and seeing the results. However, only Gold gives you customization and full access so when you're ready to take on the full power you can upgrade. Otherwise, you're at no risk or out of pocket. Gold gives you full compensation commissions too.

Tell Me More, tell me more....
OK, we will tell you more! The following reveals even more of the details and thorough attention given to make Veretekk a marketing system that will never be found anywhere else. First of all, Veretekk was built by some of the most successful Internet Marketers ever to be on the Internet. But this system was built for them to use, so you know it works, and pay attention, every little detail is addressed. The same guys are available to teach you how to use it too. These guys make themselves available live by phone and in our Live Training system, 7 days a week. You are not alone with Veretekk. Now lets get down to the details. For example, the eBooks that the system makes available for you to give away......

Self Replicating eBooks...
eBooks that self replicate with your information, email addresses and web sites built right in. But wait, not only can you download the customized ebooks, but as a Veretekk Gold subscriber, we give you your own eBook links so your own customized eBooks are available to anyone that clicks on your link. In other words, you do not need to be a webmaster to take advantage of one of the Internet's hottest products.

Configurable Traffic Portals...
Everyone of your many Traffic Portals is completely customizable for search engine optimization. That is right! Through Veretekk's proprietary Portal Control Panel for each Traffic Portal, you can edit the following:

  • Title Tag
  • Meta description tag
  • Hidden text
  • Displayed text
  • Keywords
  • Reciprocal links
  • Auto search engine indexing
  • Tracking
  • Learn from the master the art of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, how to write html code and how to capture top positions on Google for your websites.
    We teach you how to use these sophisticated tools and you know what? It works. Check out this ranking from one of our subscribers who has his BLASTOMATIC Traffic Portal listed in Google under Free FFA Submission. You are not alone. We taught him how to do it and we will teach you too! Did we mention tracking? Yes we did......

  • The Most Sophisticated Tracking Tool...
    Veretracking, Veretekk's supreme tracking system is light years ahead of any other system like it on the Internet. A tool remotely similar will cost you $50 or more a month alone. Veretracking keeps track of all your Traffic Portals. It watches for visitors and reports their browser type, IP address, duration, where they came from. Veretracking even reports what verification email got opened. But it also allows you to make custom code to put on your own web sites or HTML email, so you can track all of your sites and pages that are separate from your Veretekk system. Such a deal!

    What's a Bully Pulpit???
    We mentioned that the Bully Pulpit will display and categorize all your leads, from the Premium Leads to the captured incoming email addresses that your autoresponders are emailing. It lists all Veremail verified email addresses and all of your stealth emails that have been emailed. This is a great service for tracking the growth of your leads database. But the Bully Pulpit is much more than that as we are about to illustrate. The Bully Pulpit allows you to send email to all or any selected groups of your verified email database. The Bully Pulpit also allows you to select from your Sequential email list. What is that? Read on....

    Unlimited Autoresponder Letter Sets...
    With Veretekk Gold you can build an unlimited amount of autoresponders. We call them Sequential Email sets. Each set can have an unlimited number of email letters and each letter can be scheduled to go out from 1-7 days from the previous email letter. You have heard of Aweber, Getresponse, and others like them right? Well, this puts them to shame and they charge up to $39 per month for an inferior service similar to our Sequential Email system that is just a portion of Veretekk! You are not alone!

    The Email Marketing Crush...
    Yes, we know all about the crush of incoming email. What a mess. So we developed eStrange. What the heck is eStrange? It literally means to divorce or separate from something that originally caused a lot of suffering, like the amount of email you have to deal with when marketing on the Internet. With Veretekk you need two separate email accounts. Your primary (the one you signed up with) is used exclusively to alert you of new TOP quality Premium Leads and our monthly newsletter. Your secondary needs to be set up with Estrange a bulk email address that we forward all verification requests and the crush of incoming Spam and marketing email that is caused from Internet Marketing. We recommend using a Yahoo account for this. It is rather clever. You access your secondary email when ever it is required to verify any outside submissions to services like FFA sites, etc. That way, all incoming email, goes through your Veretekk system assuring that the incoming email receives your autoresponders promoting your Traffic Portals without flooding your real personal email you have at home. We train on this everyday, so don't worry, it is very easy to do!

    The Core Benefit is...
    Excellent quality leads. In fact, think of Veretekk as an introduction service much like a dating site. When we introduce you to your exclusive Premium lead, they are connected to you and you alone. When you contact them, there is NO REJECTION! Most of the time they know who you are and quite often they will contact you! This is unheard of in this industry, but our Traffic Portal strategy makes this happen. You promote the Portals and they will promote you and your opportunity. It works like this:

  • Set up your Portals
  • Promote them
  • Track them
  • Follow up
  • Sign them up
  • There is now in place a full line of training modules that will empower you to setup your lead capture pages correctly.  This comes directly from Tom Prendergast and Master SEO Trainer Butch Hamilton.
    Once you get the hang of it, your business will start to grow. Just read the flood of testimonials we get with this system...

    Secure is JOB one...
    Veretekk runs on hundreds of servers. We have our own routers with three levels of firewalls. All private information is held in a deep level, encrypted SQL 150 terabit storage facility. Another benefit, we protect your privacy. All subscriber's data is extremely secure including our Traffic Portal subscribers. We do not sell, transfer or make your privacy a commodity. In other words, we respect our subscribers and would never violate your privacy at any cost, period! All transactions run through our secure platform as well. Our Gatekeeper means business! We verify everything and track all IP addresses throughout our system too. We know who you are and what you are doing. So you are safe here. No popups, no spyware, no viruses, no banner ads, no spamming. A clean secure environment for all.

    We are there, because we care...
    You can call us and we answer the phone. Go ahead call us! 858.625.8373. We have Live training with our proprietary VOIP technology almost everyday and our trainers are almost always available through our VOIP platform 24 hours a day. Thomas Prendergast, the CEO, and Mike Darling, our President, make themselves available on the Sunday VOIP conference at 6pm PST. We have well managed Forums you can access us, when the occasion arises when we are not available. Many times we will call you if we think you need help before you even know it. We love our subscribers! Veretekk Gold, Veretekk Silver and Traffic Portal subscribers alike. We are there because we care! You really are not alone with Veretekk!

    Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

    We offer you more value than any other marketing system, PERIOD! I know you hear this everywhere else it's art of the game in this world! Like they say, no one is guilty on death row! Right! Well, does anyone else offer this collection of tools and marketing systems for FREE for LIFE totally, NO THEY DON'T! In fact nowhere else does anyone have anything even remotely like it. There really isn't anything that I can say that will explain the elegance and effectiveness of Veretekk to you. You have to experience it yourself! It is absolutely free.

    Just click here and fill out the simple form. That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great income with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose?

    With great enthusiasm,

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director-Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk

  • http://butchhamilton.com

  • http://butchhamilton.net

  • http://aboutleads.net

  • http://allaboutleads.net

  • http://butchhamilton.4f500.com

  • Copyright © 2005 Inetekk.com, Inc.

  • Leads


    In a quick overview for the keyword term leads on Google, I find two positions on page one:

    Ezine Articles


    These two sites have been constant producers for the page rank and are clearly in the process of producing a fair amount of leads. It is also clear that Google likes original and thought provoking content. This is the reason for their consistent notoriety on the search engines.

    Another interesting turn of events goes to page three on
    Google for leads. These two sites are neck and neck for the page one rank shortly.



    Its interesting to note that ButchHamilton.net fell off the Google wagon for a short time. I have noticed this event taking place from time to time. ButchHamilton.net was on page one just a short time ago, but fell from grace after I made some content revisions. Its coming on strong again, and I look for it to be on the page one shortly.

    I enjoy watching the ebb and flow of Google. There is no doubt that no one can predict exactly the reasons that sites gain positions. The consistent effort of posting relevant content to forums, blogs, producing quality webpages and writing effective press releases all help the process along.

    Stay tuned for the race for the top of leads. Additional leads resources can be found below.



    If you are needing assistance with any questions concerning leads, lead generation or leads generating systems, you can find that by contacting the knowledgeable people here: http://leadsomaticmasterdistributors.com These people are experts in lead generating systems, and are willing to spend time in helping you discover the most powerful way to promote your online businesses, without buying expensive and non-effective leads.
    Learning specific and proven ways to configure lead capture pages for top rankings on Google is the job of the Leadsomatic Master Distributors Group.  You will find the answer to the riddle of how to effectively market online.  It is an educating that is waiting for you here.

    Love compatibility

     Love compatibility

    Love compatibility, are you compatible with your lover are you right for each other?

    How do you know that you are compatible with each other is from the feeling you have when you are with that special some one? Are do you just know you can feel it? May be you have been with each other so long that you know that you are compatible with each other.


    Perhaps however you know that you can learn more that will deepen your relationship.

    Perhaps you are not too sure that you are compatible with each other may be you are both having problems you may even be going to the marriage consoler to solve your problems.


    But may be you have the answers in the kind of question you ask each other may be there are things you don't know about your partner that you should may be you don't quit have the courage to ask certain question that are at the back of your mind but you are a little scared to ask these question. It could be you really want for you and your partner to be compatible but do know how to help and support the process of finding out about each other in the deepest ways possible to create good relationship. It could even be that you are in a long distance relationship and wondering how to sustain your relationship.  


    You need to be asking your partner the right kind of questions to help you understanding

    Each other you need to allow yourself to ask those questions that are a little scary to ask

    Your partner it better to ask now than to regret latter. If you have been together for long

    Time are if you are at the start ask those important question that help you to know each

    Other asks those questions that deepen relationship.


    If the question pushes you apart then your Love compatibility was not right and you would of save your self a lot of hart pain. Mostly you will find that asking the right question deepen understanding and.


    If you are wondering what kind of questions to ask there is a book that gives you

    1000 for couple the most important question to help anyone that would like to know if they Love compatibility.


    Sterling D Hayden run a dating tip website at girlsdateingtips you can Learn more about relationships and dating at http://www.girlsdateingtips.com



    Good relationship

    Good relationship


    Are you in a relationship as it been going for a while? May be you are at the start of a relationship 0r may be you are looking for that special someone.

    If you are in a relationship no matter how long if you are serious about being with that special some one you will want to do what ever you can to be sure your relationship works that you and your partner are compatible.


    If you are in the position of trying to find the right mach the right partner your situation is a bit different but once you meet that someone, weather by online dating are a mach making agent you will want to have a fulfilling and happy relationship. But how do you build a loving and long lasting relationship.


    When so many couples divorce after a couple years of being with each and relationships

    Do not seem to last very long these days.


    If you are with a partner and wondering if this is the right one for you how can you know this?


    The answer is in the kind of questions you ask each other you need to really know how your partner thinks how she or he thinks. You may think you know your partner of course you ask each other questions such as what is

    You hopes for the future may be you ask about certain hobbies are about each others political views these are all well and good but do they give you the deep insight you need to really understand your partner and your partner you .


    What are the right kind of question to ask may be you have never thought about it but it is an essential part of getting to know each other and deepening the relationship between you and your partner. Right questions are one of the essential tools of building a lasting relationship. Asking the right question can change a casual affair in to serious relationship as you both start to look at each others needs.


    If you are wondering what might be some question that you can begin to ask your partner are potential partner there is a book called 1000 question for couples you can take a look at it here.


    Sterling D Hayden run a dating tip website at girlsdateingtips you can Learn more about relationships and dating at http://www.girlsdateingtips.com



    Leads|Bruno Rioux|free leads|free|leadsomatic|

    Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

    Are you looking for leads?

    What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, pest leads, roofing leads, market leads, free, , …

    I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

    1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
    2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
    3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
    4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

    The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

    How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

    Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


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    Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
    Bruno Rioux
    Skype brrioux
    Phone 1-506-455-4990