Sunday, September 02, 2007

How to Use RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds
What is an RSS Feed? 

A feed, also known as RSS feed, XML feed, syndicated content, or web feed, is frequently updated content published by a website. It is usually used for news and blog websites, but can also be used for distributing other types of digital content, including pictures, audio or video. Feeds can also be used to deliver audio content (usually in MP3 format) which you can listen to on your computer or MP3 player. This is referred to as podcasting.

How do I know if a website offers RSS Feeds?

When you first view a website, Internet Explorer will search for feeds. If feeds are available, the Feeds button Picture of the Feeds button will change color and a sound will play.

How do I view an RSS Feed?

When you visit a webpage, the Feeds button Picture of the Feeds button will change color, letting you know that feeds are available. Click the Feeds button, and then click the feed you want to see. To get content automatically, you should subscribe to a feed. Click Related Topics to learn how to subscribe to a web feed.

How does an RSS feed differ from a website?

A feed can have the same content as a webpage, but it's often formatted differently. When you subscribe, Internet Explorer automatically checks the website and downloads new content so you can see what is new since you last visited the feed.

How can I automatically received updated content?

You can receive content automatically by subscribing to a web feed. When you subscribe to a web feed, you set the interval at which Internet Explorer will check the website for updates. Once you've set an interval, Internet Explorer will automatically download the most up-to-date web feed list. Click Related Topics to learn how to subscribe to a web feed.

What does RSS Really Mean?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and is used to describe the technology used in creating feeds.

What types of foremat do RSS Feeds Come In?
The most common formats are RSS and Atom. Feed formats are constantly being updated with new versions. Internet Explorer supports RSS 0.91, 1.0, and 2.0, and ATOM .3, 1.0. All web feed formats are based on XML (Extensible Markup Language), a text-based computer language used to describe and distribute structured data and documents.
Needless to say, RSS Feeds can drastically improve your search engine rankings, provided that feed provides relevant content pertaining to your site.  My RSS Feed is dedicated to providing tips and techniques in building strong home businesses.  You are more than welcome to add my RSS Feed to your site for changing content.  And believe you me, my content is constantly changing!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist
Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton


Posted By Butch Hamilton to Web Conferencing|Web Video Conferencing|Web Conferencing Solution|Web Conferencing Service at 9/02/2007 11:26:00 AM
Leads Research

I believe that if you are going to be the best in your chosen field, then you definitely check out your competition closely. You find out what these big boys are doing to become successful and then you set about the path to do it better. After visiting several leads websites and learning
about leads and all about leads and purchasing leads, it has been noted that leads companies are simply in the business of selling your personal information. I think it unethical, to say the least. I really am not concerned with privacy as my life is an open book, but I do find it quite distasteful that someone is selling my information to people in hopes of making a sale of some kind on some product. The more I study and learn about leads generating and the process that we use call Leadsomatic, the more thankful I am that we have people like Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling on our side. I am proud that these people are not out there on Google trying to sell our personal information for a profit.

I get phone calls every day from people that I don't know wanting me to take a look at their amazing wealth creating system. I know that my information has landed in their hands because some wealthy leads jockey has sold that info to them. They have also told them that I am a telephone surveyed lead. They have said that I am a targeted and motivated traffic entity just waiting to buy their program. Do you want to try to sell me something? Good luck! I will just reverse market to you and probably will make a sale before you can get off the phone as I am a very competent and sophisticated marketer.

A stern warning to all those in internet marketing who sell my information. Thank you very much for giving me a wealth of leads that I did not have to buy! Are you interested in learning the techniques and strategies that I know?  I guess that you continue to put money in the pockets of slave owners called lead brokers.  I suppose if that is the way you desire to run your business, its totally up to you.  But, I am stating here and now that the leads buying and selling industry is nothing more than a form of slavery that I choose not to be part of.  If you possibly think that I am going to call people that I don't know to try to convince them to buy my stuff, then you would definitely be wrong and you miss the entire point of effective marketing online.  I let people call me.  Interested in that approach?

Leadsomatic for search engine placement and reverse marketing leads

Veretekk for lead generating and learning the legitimate way to run an online business

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

Additional Resources-Jaguar Marketing

Additional Resources-Phase IV Marketing Group

I am certain that you have questions about this program.  You may be asking yourself is this the real deal, or just another hype program designed to take my money and walk away.  Hey, I don't mind you asking these questions.  I am not here to SELL you Jaguar Marketing.  I don't have to be a salesman.  I don't have to convince or coerce you into doing anything at all.  That is not my purpose and that is certainly not my style.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a way to earn substantial money from home, if you are looking to find the last resource that you will ever need to change your life for the better and if you are wanting a way out of the J-O-B, then this is the program to consider.

As you probably already know, my interest is search engine optimization.  I get clients top positions on the search engine of Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major search engines.  I provide quality service at reasonable prices and I love what I do.  I am one of the best search engine optimization specialists on Google today.  Why is this?  I WORK!  I consistently put out keyword rich content to the search engine spiders to get these positions.

You are going to have to work Jaguar Marketing in order to be successful with it.  You are going to have to become a Jaguar expert so that you can tell people all about Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar in a way they can understand.  You are going to have to develop the proper mindset for this program to work for you.

You will also need leads to speak with about your program.  You will need to join Veretekk and become part of the best lead generating system on the planet today.  This is a no nonsense way to learn how to market effectively online.  This is not some automated pushbutton gig here guys.  The sole reason that I am the marketing director for Al Turnqusit at Jaguar Marketing is that I believe in this program.  I know what it can do for you.  I know what Jag Marketing has done for other people and that it can and will work for you, if you work the program.

For additional reading on the inside workings of this amazing wealth creation system, read The Jag Marketing News.  This newsletter is published by me not in an effort to advertise this program online, but rather to inform people on how good this program is and how other people are having success with it.

I trust that you will take a good hard look inside yourself and see if Jag Marketing is a fit for you.  If it is, I say Welcome!  If its not, hey, have a great day anyway!

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Marketing Director for Jaguar Marketing
Phase IV Marketing Group

Free Newsletters


There is no doubt that newsletters are a great way to promote your goods and services online. The key to being really effective with them is that you must move away from your intention of advertising. Advertising on the net, doing just what everyone else is doing is beating a dead horse. What makes your product better than everyone else's? What distinguishes your online program from the other millions of money making programs on Google? The answer is, absolutely nothing. You may think that you have the latest, greatest widget on the planet, but everyone else thinks that way as well.

A well written and information packed newsletter is definitely the ticket to getting your message out live very effectively. In fact, people are really hungry for good information. They are looking for solutions to problems. They are searching for answers to their particular needs. If you give them that information, they will find you. I know this from personal experience marketing on the internet.

For example, in my SEO News, I simply tell people about strategies that they can use to their advantage. They can use the information found there to benefit themselves and their promoting online. Quite possibly, they will take a look at my seo services, who knows? That is really not the point. You give people news they can use and they will come back for more. You give them advertisements, and its so long and adios.

In my Internet Marketing Weekly Newsletter, I give people real time information on some of the hottest programs going online. This newsletter already has some really good traffic and search engine positions on Google. I keep this content flowing as often as I can. You will note that all of the newsletters are linked together as well. When the search engine spider comes and indexes one of them, they will index them all.

I am the marketing director for Jaguar Marketing. I publish a weekly edition called Jag Marketing News. In this newsletter, I give relevant and inside information into the world of Jaguar Marketing. I already know that this is the best money making program. I never have to convince anyone to join it. They find me. I answer their questions and they either see the value in that, or they do not. Its really just that simple.

In my publication About Leads News, I give people information on strategies and techniques they can use to produce leads. This solves a definite problem for online marketers. You need people to talk to about your stuff, right? My about leads program will get you leads the right, eliminating the need to ever have to buy leads again.

Do you see the point I am making here? Information that is useful to people is the way to promote online programs. If you are simply adding your information to Craigslist in hopes that someone will see it and you will make a sale, good luck. There are about a million people doing exactly the same thing. Internet newsletters inform, inspire, motivate and possibly will make sales if the people reading them see a value in them. If you are just going to submit advertisements, forget this path as it will lead to nowhere.
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Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist

Voip Phone Service by Turbophone

Turbophone Voip Phone Services

In this day and age of so many people being online today, voip phone services just makes perfect sense. The Turbophone Voip Phone Service, owned by Gabe Castillo, is the prime example of voip phone at its finest. I have been using the Turbophone system for quite some time. I have never had a phone service that can compare. The sound quality is crisp and clean. There has been no downtime at all with Turbophone.

In my search engine optimization business, I use the telephone a great deal. When you couple this with already using high speed dsl services, then the Turbophone is a perfect match for me. Ok, so you may be saying big deal, another phone service. Exactly, just another voip phone service, right? Hardly just another voip phone service!

What if I told you that Turbophone only costs $24.95 per month? Hey, not bad for a phone service voip, right? What if I told you that you can make money with your Turbophone as well? CLICK HERE for the income calculator. Just by introducing a couple of people to the voip phone service by Turbophone, you can make some extra money. When was the last time that YOUR phone company paid you?

Other Benefits of Using Turbophone

I am presuming that you travel from time to time, right? What if I told you that you simply unhook your Turbophone and take it with you the next time you travel. You simply plug into the internet and a phone line and you talk for absolutely free! Yep, there is more to this voip phone service than you possibly know, just yet.

What if you just happen to be an online marketer? How could Turbophone benefit you? I deal with people around the world. I know that marketing online through the conventional phone service can be very expensive. They don't give away international calling you know. For your business contacts across the world, they too can purchase the Turbophone so that they can have a United States phone number for conducting their online business. Absolutely any where on this planet that you can grab an internet connection, you can use Turbophone.

Look, I am not in the business of selling you a voip phone. I don't have to. I am simply informing you that you might need to take a closer look at Turbophone and see if its a fit for you. CLICK HERE to go to the main page and look at the best voip phone service provider and see if you see the value like I have. Unlimited calling to the US, Canada and Puerto Rico for only $24.95 per month. In my opinion, that is not a bad deal at all.

If you are concerned with the hook up for Turbophone, I can assure you that it is a two or three step process. IF you do run into a problem, the customer support guys for Turbophone are excellent. Hey, maybe there is much more to Turbophone and voip phone communications than you thought, huh? Give it a try and I do believe that you will be impressed.
Maybe you have tried other voip services like Vonage and have a bad taste in your mouth?  I have heard the stories.  Hey, Turbophone is all US based.  You will never have an issue trying to understand another language here, if you know what I mean?

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist

Superior SEO Services

My LInks