Thursday, December 06, 2007

Metatag info 4

Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings These keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk. used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

You can provide an in-depth list of words and phrases in the KEYWORD Meta tag. These words should have some relevance to the specific page or, at least, to your website. Choose keywords that are popular using Over 90% of the searches either use lower case or are conducted on search engines that are not case sensitive. Don’t waste time using keywords that are not searched.

Tom Prendergrasp has put together excellent training modules for Veretekk Subscribers using the new enhanced Sohmatic Lead Generating Portals, a section on using word tracker. The leads generated from Sohomatic and Leadsomatic are all Premium class leads. Get your own portals from Veretekk as a Silver member that allows you to attend the free training. Then you will want to join this elite successful Marketing System to market your own online business.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article looks at variations of keywords and description.



Leads|Bruno Rioux|mortgage leads|Leads generation|free leads|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, photography leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, water heater leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, fencing leads,flooring leads, driveway paving leads, driveway leads, contractor leads, real estate leads, carpet cleaning leads, carpet leads, insurance leads, locksmith leads,deck leads, catering leads, renovation leads, kitchen renovation leads, kitchen leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


Mortgage Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
Leads Forum
Free Conference room
Free Leads
Free for Leads

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Veretekk Has Done It Again- Home Business Marketing Tools

Another Major Step for Veretekk


The CEO of Veretekk has taken the time to lay out the Veretekk System for new users through a revolutionary new Web Conferencing System that enables anyone to watch the architect of the Veretekk System explain how to use it and understand its power. No longer does anyone have any excuse for not being a success on the internet. Below is a letter I sent to Tom Prendergast explaining how the new instructional videos help me even though I have been using Veretekk for almost two years.


This system gives results! In the two year period in have amassed over 40,000 spam free opt in emails in my data base along with skills that I would have never learned anywhere else. If you Google "Dr. Raymond Jewell" you will see that I have been able to get some pretty high positions in the search engine through SEO techniques that I have learned through Veretekk. All I knew when I started was the basics of how to navigate the internet and within the two year period have learned how to market on the internet, get reasonable rankings on the search engines [I am being modest.] and manage to build a list of emails that people spend thousands of dollars per year for. Anyone can sign up for a Veretekk Silver system and listen to the intro videos and see for themselves first hand how powerful this system is. Here is the letter for you to read.


Dear Tom Prendergast,


"After almost two years of using and learning the Veretekk System I have come to the realization that it is an amazingly powerful system. As I learn new things to do with the system, from the trainers, and put them to action I am amazed at the results that I get. When I first started to use Veretekk I have to admit that I was pretty overloaded with information, but after sticking it out and learning I look back with awe as to how much I learned in a relatively short period of time. The key to Veretekk is sticking with it!


Now to the reason for this testimonial. I was poking around in the back office in Veretraining and stumbled upon the new introduction videos that you put in explaining the Silver and Gold System along with other aspects of Veretekk. After listening to the Gold introduction it was like I was at Tom's personal training. I learned new things that I can do with the Gold System that I didn't know before. I envy the new Gold subscribers! They will now have the ability to learn about the system from the creator of it first hand. I can see that it will shorten the learning curve as to how powerful this system is. I am proceeding to listening and watching the other new intro videos and am sure that I will learn new things about the system. These intro videos are equally as powerful for people who have been using the system for a while. In my opinion if anyone is serious about learning and marketing on the internet they should watch these videos. "


Thanks Tom for your efforts."


Again I want to extend the special offer to sign up for a free Veretekk Silver System and see for yourself. Also if you are looking for free leads here is a site for you to go to and download thousands of free leads for free. [ ]


Dr. Raymond Jewell









Generate your own MLM leads


There are many opportunities presented online to help make money you may even have tried

a few. The problem is, no matter how good the mlm opportunity or what ever other program you run is you can't succeeds unless you have leads. In this article we examine how to generate your own leads and why that is the better way to go than buying leads.


 If you have seen the many great programs on offer on the internet and have even tried a few,

There is an excellent chance that you are interested in generating more leads.


You may have paid for leads from a company or considering doing so.

It is very tempting to buy leads when you get an offer like 50,000 leads for a hundred dollar or some thing similar. The problem with these kinds of leads is that they are usually no good you are just throwing away your money. There are some company's who simply collect leads using software to harvest leads then sell them cheaply.


As you might guest this put you in danger of being agues of spamming and the people who receive your offer will mostly likely delete your message as spam.


So what to do? you could buy more expensive leads but then there is no guarantee that they

Are any better in fact these companies usually collect unqualified leads.

This easier for the companies to do they can sell more leads at a cheaper rate.


What then are unqualified leads? These are leads that have not express an interest in mlm the may just fill out a form to win a prize that as nothing to do with building an mlm program. Another way of saying this is if you have seen people giving out flyers on the street they give them to every one, regardless if they want them or not, those are what we call unqualified leads.


What you want is leads that have some interest for mlm are similar opportunity leads who are interested in building a downline so they may have residual income.

You want target leads they are the one that take less effort to sell to, to get them involve in your mlm opportunity as they are already looking for an mlm opportunity.


So how do you get targeted leads for your mlm opportunity? You generate them your self. How first you will need to

Get a cheap domain name then you will build what is know as a squeeze page that is a webpage offering a report or e-course for free it is important that what ever you offer is

of good quality, This way people will more likely trust, you and perhaps join your mlm opportunity later.


On your squeeze page you will have a form that collect the email address of the person that as an interests in your free mlm e-course if you can write html then you can do this yourself

If not most autoresponder company will have one that you can copy and past into your webpage.


To get an idea of what you might write on your squeeze page, go to google write your mlm or the key word of the program you want people to join search for it at google see what comes up look at some of your competitors squeeze page notice the ones that make you want to sign up don't copy but do something similar.


You will want to track your results to see how many people are signing up for your course.

15%. You will also have to promote your squeeze page using some of the tested advertise

Medium such as ppc are traffic exchange.


If all this sound like too much work you have the possibility to join veretekk you will get excited because their marketing system is design with marketers like you in mind they give you the system to generate leads for your mlm program.


We have said you can buy cheap leads for your program, but buying leads is more than likely to cause you more problems that it solves. We also said if you buy more expensive leads that are often times untargeted leads.

You have more work to convert them. And we concluded by saying it is best to create your own leads. You can make a squeeze page in which case it's not necessary to join veretekk


Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that believes the best chance for success when running more than 1 mlm opportunity is to run them all form one place sterling offers a free down line builder which allows you to run all your mlm opportunity from one place. If you are interested in learning more about free down line builder you can go get you free downline builder, you also have the opportunity to Submit your website to search engines for free


Work From home

Working from home allows you to get outsourced to. Turning the tables from losing your job, to working from home as a consultant owning your own business. There are many benefits to working from home with your own business.
When you start your own business, the first obvious benefit is significantly lowering your tax liabilities. The work from home tax advantage can be as much as putting 40% of your taxes in your pocket, not Uncle Sam's. Just check the facts on Google.
Going green is another major benefit of working from home.  No longer commuting saves 1000s of gallons of fuel and emissions are drastically reduced.  Less traffic results and the home becomes the main focal point of your energy use. It cost far less to maintain the home than an office. Working from home your food becomes healthier as you tend to eat at home and prepare your meals instead of eating at restaurants. Another major cost savings not to mention having to put up with a coworkers bad breathe after they have had onions for lunch.
When you work from home, you also have the time and opportunity to home school your children.  By home schooling and being with your children almost all the time, you will have better educated children as well as better adjusted children. Primarily, because you are saving your child from the increasing political correctness agenda in public schools today. In California, Governor Schwarzenegger just recently signed SB 777 into law that will make teaching homosexuality as a normal choice to children as young as Kindergarten.
"By prohibiting any textbook or instruction "reflecting adversely" upon a variety of sexual lifestyles, SB 777 would, in effect, require all instruction to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality because silence on these sexual lifestyles would no longer be permitted. Consequently, schools would have to promote "same-sex marriages" and even sex-change procedures."
Not to mention the drugs, the gangs and constant exposure to attitudes of other children adversely affecting your children. Working from home negates the necessity of sending your children to the propaganda indoctrination centers that public schools have become. Working from home, I school my children with the help of an online accredited school at And I am very pleased with the results.
I have two teenagers that do not exhibit the disrespect and rebelliousness of the typical teenager most parents complain about today. They are both A students and engaged with both academic pursuits as well as clearly defined goals on what they want to do with their lives.
Working from home has improved the family in my household. We are truly bonded in all ways and I have the opportunity to take my family on vacations during off peak times when everyone else is working and at schools. We get to travel together during non peak seasons saving money as well. These frequent trips are often viewed as adventures and educational field trips. Our last trip was going to Washington DC the week after Thanksgiving. This meant cheaper airfare, cheaper lodging and NO CROWDS.
But the best part of working from home and owning your own business is the fact that you have the flexibility and innovative capacity to shift immediately to market changes. Thus, maintaining your income in uncertain times and the fluctuating economy, because, when you work from home, and own your own business, you can make immediate changes to keep up with the changes, unlike a job represents. If you have a job with a large corporation, when the market shifts, you get laid off.
I often get calls from my friends and associates that inform me they just lost their job.  They go on to say that they are now serious about starting a home business and want to start working from home. This is sad, because they knew the advantages of owning a business but were not motivated to start building one while they had the revenue coming in from their business. After losing your job, fear becomes your motivation.
I suggest that you wait no longer. With the Clinton's and Bush's policies to set up more and more free trade agreements sending more and more of our jobs offshore, you must face the fact that your only real option is to go into business for yourself. And the prospect of another 4-8 years of the Clinton's back in office is very real if not terrifying.
In the last 20 years of the Clinton and Bush crime team in office the United States and other free world economies have lost over 60% of their manufacturing jobs and 40% of their white collar jobs to third world multinational corporations. What are you going to do? The writing is on the walls. Your only choice is to work from home with your own business. For more information, go to my site at 
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
Tom Prendergast-CEO Inetekk/Veretekk
fax 806-874-0036


Looking for a powerful promotional tool to help your business?

Would it help you to be able to blast your ad out to over 2 Billion websites?!? (Seriously!!!)   This incredible tool builds backlinks that lead to improve search engine rankings on Google.  Consistently used, and in the right way, you will see results.

Well now you can - just go to!

You can sign up at absolutely NO COST and start using the great tools offered by Leadsomatic to promote your business online. Fr33 membership includes access to the search engine submission tool as well as the keyword ranking detection system. All available for fr33!

If you're really serious about exploding your online promotional efforts, then you'll also want to consider upgrading for just $10/month to the paid membership. Doing so gives you full access to The Hammer - technology so powerful, it's one of the last submission tools available online today! With the simple click of a button the system will hammer your ad out to over 2 Billion websites... yes billion with a "B"!

So feel fr33 to check it out... consider it my gift to you. Believe me, this is quite the tip!  You have the power to choose your online future, right here, and right now.  Come and let me show you how to build a signifcant business using the Veretekk training, tools, systems and strategies to your distinct advantage.

Go to right now to signup!

Best wishes,

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Direct: 806-874-3314


SEO Services

Are you ready for your "Unfair SEO Advantage?"

That's what Veretekk is all about.

Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master right now!

CLICK HERE for more information on Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"

Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:

1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan

The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?

While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...

2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads

The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)

So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!

That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!

Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!

3) Upline Leadership and Support

Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!

CLICK HERE for more information on Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master!

So how does Veretekk really work?

It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!

Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master!

CLICK HERE for more information on Superior SEO Services from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master!

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Professional Business Consulting by Edward Bryant

Are you ready for your "Unfair Advantage?"

That's what Veretekk is all about.
Hi, my name is Edward Bryant and I am your sponsor in the Veretekk system. Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Professional Business Consulting Services. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Professional Business Consulting Services right now! 

CLICK HERE for more information on Professional Business Consulting Services!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"

Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:

1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan

The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?

While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...

2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads

The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)

So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!

That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool! 

Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!

3) Upline Leadership and Support

Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!

You can contact me at any time:

Edward Bryant
PO Box 662
Selma, NC 27576 USA
Phone: 9192025697
CLICK HERE for more information on Professional Business Consulting Services!

So how does Veretekk really work?

It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!

Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

So Welcome Aboard!
I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Professional Business Consulting Services!

CLICK HERE for more information on Professional Business Consulting Services!


Professional Business Consulting Services

Professional Business Consulting Services
Edward Bryant, esteemed professional business consultant, announces online venture with Jaguar Marketing.
Boston, MA
Highly regarded business consultant, Edward Bryant, is taking online business to a new level with Jaguar Marketing.  Mr. Bryant's knowledge of business, business building strategies, business systems and the art and science of creating wealth, has led him to choose one of the most significant business ventures online today.  The core of Mr. Bryant's persistent and dedicated involvement with Jag Marketing, owned and operated by Al Turnquist, noted business sales coach and mentor, is the internet educational package known as Mentors on a Mission.  It has been Edward Bryant's experience that becoming associated with knowledge, the combining that knowledge with action, is the key to financial freedom.
Mr. Bryant is committed to bringing to the table, years of insider secrets on how to become successful with an online business.  Through the MOM education, he is now able to share that knowledge and expertise with others in order to consult them on achieving that same success.  The business is unlike any other seen on Google today.  There are many imitators in online businesses, but the fact remains that Mentors on a Mission is the best online educational package that one can purchase at any price.  The   real-time benefits that one derives from becoming educated in the ways to for a significant small business online, using the techniques and strategies that Mr. Turnquist, and his impressive training crew teach, is of enormous and far ranging value.
Many corporate level executives are beginning to judge Jaguar and Mentors on a Mission, as the best ROI program on the internet today.  Another appeal to the business is the fact that no affiliate program is attached.  All money captured goes first to the Jaguar System owner, the payments are forwarded to Jag Corporate.  This is indeed a novel approach to online business and takes care of the objection of having to wait to be after thirty to forty five days after the sale is made.  This simply means that the new prospective member of Jaguar can be in the money within sixty days, providing they follow the teaching, training, mentoring and advice that they receive.  Mr. Bryant can also lend his expertise in tax business for home business ownership to the new prospective Jaguar Marketing, showing them even more value to the overall picture of the program.  It is a fact that joining Jaguar Marketing will save thousands of dollars per year in taxes alone.  This brings more even more benefits and solutions for becoming part of the business.
Granted, Jaguar Marketing mostly appeals to business professionals more than the mlm mindset.  This is not an mlm program.  There are no downlines, no need for hype nor exaggerated claims and the dedicated and highly regarded Jaguar Marketers, are some of the best equipped online marketers on Google today.  The training they receive in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective traffic gathering websites and all the other essential elements needed for online success are indeed impressive.
Mr. Edward Bryant is in the business of helping others see the value in building a strong and viable business from the home environment.  He is committed to sharing his extensive business and sales experience with anyone wishing to possess that knowledge.  His far ranging goals include teaching others how to work significantly from home and enjoy the benefits of no longer having to depend on a day job for income.  The basis for Mr. Bryant's success lies in the fact that he knows the value of assisting others in their quest, and therefore boosts his business as well.  Mr. Edward Bryant is a credit to the online business community in this effort and looks forward to sharing inside secrets to wealth generation from the most substantial business online today.  Simply following the link below, leads the prospective entrepreneur in the right direction to online success.
This entire business venture is also built in conjunction with the most powerful lead generation system on Google today known as Veretekk.  Within the Veretekk System, people in Jaguar Marketing learn the true way to significantly generate their own leads for promoting the business.  All the pieces of the internet marketing puzzle are laid nicely in place with the combination of these two powerful business ventures.  Far ranging in thought and action, Edward Bryant, professional business consulting services, teaches online success to those desiring that information.

The Franchise Game

The Franchise Game by David Dial


While franchises can be very lucrative they also involve substantial startup costs.


--Orlando, FL



Business Professional, David Dial has been doing research on some of the most popular franchises in existence today.  Among the top picks are…McDonalds, 7-Eleven, Subway, and Carvel Ice Cream. The non borrowed cash down payment for these franchises is from $12,500 for Subway up to $200,000 for McDonalds according to the franchising website found on Google.


As you can plainly see, there are significant startup costs as well as ongoing rent and maintenance fees contained in any of these franchises.  Owner-Operators can expect to spend at least 60 hours per week running their business after they have completed the intensive training provided by the company they chose to partner with.


Contrast this with the Business model of Jaguar Marketing .  Compare the initial investment of $3995 for a Platinum Jaguar Marketing system and the expected rate of return after expenses.  It should become immediately obvious as to which is the lower risk investment with the highest return. 


Does McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts or 7-Eleven ever have failures ?  The answer is yes, absolutely they do, and yet you will never see anyone call them a scam.  When people elect to purchase a Jag system and never work that Business, the result will be the same as purchasing a franchise and not showing up for work or hiring employees.


Running any successful business requires hard work and dedication.  Jaguar Marketing provides the tools to make anyone successful if they will just plug in to the many training classes available. The SEO training alone is worth thousands more than the cost of entire system.  The key to success is simply visualization, think success into existence and it appears.


Keys:  Franchises, Home Business, David Dial, Business Professional


David Dial



Leads|Bruno Rioux|mortgage leads|Leads generation|free leads|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, photography leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, water heater leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, fencing leads,driveway paving leads, contractor leads, real estate leads, carpet cleaning leads, carpet leads, insurance leads, locksmith leads,deck leads, catering leads, renovation leads, kitchen renovation leads, kitchen leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


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Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990