Generate your own MLM leads
There are many opportunities presented online to help make money you may even have tried
a few. The problem is, no matter how good the mlm opportunity or what ever other program you run is you can't succeeds unless you have leads. In this article we examine how to generate your own leads and why that is the better way to go than buying leads.
If you have seen the many great programs on offer on the internet and have even tried a few,
There is an excellent chance that you are interested in generating more leads.
You may have paid for leads from a company or considering doing so.
It is very tempting to buy leads when you get an offer like 50,000 leads for a hundred dollar or some thing similar. The problem with these kinds of leads is that they are usually no good you are just throwing away your money. There are some company's who simply collect leads using software to harvest leads then sell them cheaply.
As you might guest this put you in danger of being agues of spamming and the people who receive your offer will mostly likely delete your message as spam.
So what to do? you could buy more expensive leads but then there is no guarantee that they
Are any better in fact these companies usually collect unqualified leads.
This easier for the companies to do they can sell more leads at a cheaper rate.
What then are unqualified leads? These are leads that have not express an interest in mlm the may just fill out a form to win a prize that as nothing to do with building an mlm program. Another way of saying this is if you have seen people giving out flyers on the street they give them to every one, regardless if they want them or not, those are what we call unqualified leads.
What you want is leads that have some interest for mlm are similar opportunity leads who are interested in building a downline so they may have residual income.
You want target leads they are the one that take less effort to sell to, to get them involve in your mlm opportunity as they are already looking for an mlm opportunity.
So how do you get targeted leads for your mlm opportunity? You generate them your self. How first you will need to
Get a cheap domain name then you will build what is know as a squeeze page that is a webpage offering a report or e-course for free it is important that what ever you offer is
of good quality, This way people will more likely trust, you and perhaps join your mlm opportunity later.
On your squeeze page you will have a form that collect the email address of the person that as an interests in your free mlm e-course if you can write html then you can do this yourself
If not most autoresponder company will have one that you can copy and past into your webpage.
To get an idea of what you might write on your squeeze page, go to google write your mlm or the key word of the program you want people to join search for it at google see what comes up look at some of your competitors squeeze page notice the ones that make you want to sign up don't copy but do something similar.
You will want to track your results to see how many people are signing up for your course.
15%. You will also have to promote your squeeze page using some of the tested advertise
Medium such as ppc are traffic exchange.
If all this sound like too much work you have the possibility to join veretekk you will get excited because their marketing system is design with marketers like you in mind they give you the system to generate leads for your mlm program.
We have said you can buy cheap leads for your program, but buying leads is more than likely to cause you more problems that it solves. We also said if you buy more expensive leads that are often times untargeted leads.
You have more work to convert them. And we concluded by saying it is best to create your own leads. You can make a squeeze page in which case it's not necessary to join veretekk
Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that believes the best chance for success when running more than 1 mlm opportunity is to run them all form one place sterling offers a free down line builder which allows you to run all your mlm opportunity from one place. If you are interested in learning more about free down line builder you can go http://www.smallbusiness-business.com get you free downline builder, you also have the opportunity to Submit your website to search engines for free http://silveradigun.leadsomatic.com