Saturday, December 08, 2007



I heard an amusing statement that was made by a member of another online organization concerning Veretekk and Leadsomatic. They said that Veretekk was way too complicated for anyone to learn, and they just did not have the time to spend on it. I reiterated that they were exactly right. Its not easy. Its no simple. Its not a quick fix program where you pay your money and get instant results. But let me ask the reading audience if they have ever found a rock solid venture of any kind that was simple or easy? I never have and I have been on this planet for some 54 years. I do know this. Veretekk is substantial. There is a learning curve, and it is the most powerful search engine optimization and lead generating system on Google today.

Without a doubt, Veretekk is worth the effort. Is getting to the top of Google easy? Is it simple? Is it quick? Absolutely not. Search engine mastery is an art form. It takes diligent time and effort to achieve results. In my particular case, three and half + years of non-stop writing, lecturing, teaching, training and putting into motion, all the elements that I need to operate a sophisticated and lucrative seo business. The journey is well worth the effort in that case as well.

Is it easy and simple to make money online? Cannot I just join something and become ultra wealthy? If you believe this statement made on websites with guys sitting in lounge chairs with their shirts off, getting great tans and drinking pina coladas, then by all means, put more money in their pocket. I will tell you this, however. These people are lying and are out to convince you that they are mega wealthy gurus at the young age of 27 or something. The fact probably is that they still live at home with Mom and Dad, and drive the family car on their nightly escapades. I see this all the time on Google. I absolutely live and work online. I know the struggles. I know the effort required. I know that every sale, every seo campaign, every bit of notoriety and presence that I have gotten is because of one thing. WORK

Am I rich? Absolutely. I am rich in the things that matter to me. I drive a Chevy Tracker, live in a modest, but very comfortable home, enjoy every moment of existence I have on the planet, and to me, this is rich. I do not believe in buying stuff, I now buy assets. I am only willing to spend my quality time with quality people. I do what I want, when I want, mind my own business and enjoy making substantial money on the internet. I am one of the 5% that is successful, and I do not mind saying that absolutely anyone can do the very same thing. It depends on your motivation, drive, mindset and your willingness to work.

Is Veretekk automated? NO

Is Leadsomatic automated? NO

The require work and effort to learn, and to grow. They both can create needed links you require for search engine placement on Google, but here again, you will earn that right.   You will be richly rewarded for your efforts when you learn the right ways to build your online business on Google.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic



Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings These keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk. are used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

The DESCRIPTION tag gives a summary that is displayed on the results page. No repeated variations of your keyword here. Just a powerful short summary of the main topic of your web page. Do this and you will not lose visitors as this is what they see before clicking onto your site. Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article looks at the Meta Robot Tag


Web Conferencing Resources

I nailed position 3 on Google for web conferencing resources. My forum, Internet Tales and Tips, has really done an excellent job in obtaining top spots on the search engines. This is indicative of the promoting power of the forum itself, but also from a comment marketing standpoint. Consistent effort and writing effective keyword specific copy is the ticket to successful promoting online.

Your Business Professional Announces Number One Results On Google


Your Business Professional Announces Number One Results On Google

Business Professional David Dial sees number one Google results for your business professional.

David Dial announces number one, first page results on Google for his new website, Your Business Professional. The website was designed to give business professionals more information on the Jaguar Marketing system created by Al Turnquist.

The information contained in the back office of Jaguar Marketing is the equivalent of a university degree in online marketing. With over thirty years of real world experience, Al Turnquist shows business professionals how to achieve that success with an online business. Internet Marketing, once thought of as less than professional, is now being taught in colleges and universities.

There is however a glaring difference between learning from a teacher or learning from a coach and mentor who has actually been there done that. That person is Al Turnquist, a highly successful business professional. Honest, ethical, and hardworking, are just a few of the adjectives that describe the CEO of Jag marketing. Business Professionals seeking a solution for their online efforts are encouraged to request more information.


Keywords: Your Business Professional, David Dial, Jaguar Marketing, Al Turnquist, Butch Hamilton

David Dial


David Dial
Phone: 407-931-1781
Skype: dave4haly

Leads for your Home Business.

Leads and your Home Business.


If you are running a home business you need to focus in on where to get quality leads for your business. One of the problems in running a home based business is not having enough quality people to talk to in presenting your product too.   Many times when people begin a home business they think that the business will just flock to them and their operating under the misconception, that all they have to do is sit back and become wealthy.   Without leads you're out of business! There are many places to get leads, you can buy them, or you can get them for free.


Now you have a choice in running your home business, whether you purchase the leads or whether you get them for free.   Personally I would never purchased leads again knowing what I know.  You can get leads for free or for a minimal cost.  All you have to do is what the lead generation companies do, and that is having systems harvest them.


There are several systems that you can use that will give you quality leads the first one is "Free Leads for Life".  This site will give you anywhere from 1000 to 2000 leads per day that you can harvest, put in your autoresponder and send a qualifying letter to letting the client up into your e-mail last.   The second way to get leads is through reverse marketing.


By using free leads for life I get anywhere from 1500 to 2000 leads per day. I am able to send up to 10,000 leads per day through my autoresponder spam free. When I send these emails out they market my 10Kweek Home Business, and when people opt in to the list they get my series of letters. Another way to get leads is through reverse marketing.


Reverse marketing is simple but yet can be very complicated in its approach.  Let's keep it simple for now.   There is a program called Leads-O-Matic that will allow you to blast your URL to billions of places on the Internet, for Internet spiders to pickup and index in the search engines.   When this is done the lead generation companies will pick up your information and put it into their list.   They will sell your name and your URL along with your e-mail address, and then the people purchasing the list will send you an e-mail which will trigger on autoresponder sending them back your marketing information.


To properly do reverse marketing the way I explained it with Leads-O-Matic you want to compliment Leads-O-Matic with the Veretekk system.  This system gives you the e-mail capability and the reverse of marketing autoresponders which will send out your marketing letters to people sending you emails.   Learning how to use the system takes time, but it will be time well invested in building your home business.


I look forward to seeing you on the side of your home business success. 


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Site Build It – WebTools

Master Distributor


10K Income Program

RSS Feed



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Financial Freedom Radio and Home Business

Financial Freedom Radio talks about Home Business


Financial Freedom Radio is dedicating many shows to teaching people how to understand and create a home business. The title of the shows "Why You Should Be Rich" will share with you many insights to assist you in running a home business. We have researched the reasons why home business fail and have discovered that many home business are started without having a proper structure in place. Many start a home business not knowing how to start or run the business. They begin their business without having a plan of what the business is, what the structure will be, and how to run the business.


When starting a home business it is essential that the business owner understands the business they are beginning and has full product knowledge of the products they are selling. They usually believe the information [Hype] that they are told by the home business opportunity sales people [Usually on line movies that present the home business opportunity company.] without doing their due diligence.


Home business payment structures


One of the most misunderstood areas of the new home business operator is the pay structure and whether the pay structure makes sense or not. There is a movie on business compensation from a very popular home business that explains a pay structure to the potential business owner, who would be paid on a "one up" pay system. It explained that they would be paid on people they sold into the system, and then they would be paid on the people that those people brought into the system. [If you are still following good, but if you are not that's ok because the whole thing is confusing.] If you do the math this would be impossible to pay people they way the movie explained it, since the only person that made money in the movie would be the viewer. When I did the math there would not be enough money to pay everyone the way they explained it.


This is what they said, "the first two sales would roll up to the person who brought them into the home business then the next sale would be kept by them. But the movie continued to say that the person viewing the movie would receive money from all the others that their down line legs would sell, and that the pay line would go to infinity".


If it were a true "one up system" then the pay line would end after the second sale by the people below them, unless they continued to sell new people. Every sale would result in the actual sale and then the first sale of the person they sold. There is no infinity payment otherwise the people that sold the others would not make any money. There is only so much to go around, and any hint of infinity payment is simply false in a "one up system".


Everyone should do their due diligence when it comes to how the payment schedules of their home business works because sometimes the explanation is not what will happen in actuality. If the dollars are diluted down through any payment structure that extends above you then your income will be less. If sales from people below you are to be paid up to you then the people below you will have their incomes diluted. And if it is a one up system than there can't be any payments due you from infinity otherwise the people below you will make no money or very little.


There are only a few true "one up" payment structures in the home business arena that will produce substantial income for the home business owner. A true "one up system" is like a mini franchise. Lets assume that the home business owner purchases a home business that is based on a "one up" payment system. The way a "one up system" works is when the system owner purchases the system the purchase price goes to the person who sold them the business. After the purchase the person who sold the business to the new home business owner must send a fee to the developers of the system so the new home business owner can have access to their new business system.


Now the new home business owner sells their first system or product to a person they cultivate. The money from this first sale goes to the person above them who sold them their new home business. Then there is no more commitment to pay anyone except the main company who developed the product. Usually the company who developed the product or service gets a piece of every sale. For their efforts they provide customer service and training along with any other support unique to the particular home business. If you want to look at a true "one up" pay system and a home business that comes with mentoring and guidance, Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System will give you information about the tools needed to achieve a home business success.


Doing due diligence is very important and must be attempted with an open mind. You have to cut through the hype and the useless information on the websites of the home business opportunities that abound on the internet. The particular home business pay system that I referred to above had a website that was full of misinformation and statements that would woo the unsuspecting newbie home business owner. Learning good questions to ask when doing your due diligence is very important. Here is a place [ click here] where you can read and hear audios about how to find a good home business. Running a home business can be exciting and successful if done properly, but you have to find the right home business. Do your due diligence! Tune in to and listen to "Why you should be rich", every Friday 9:00 AM EST or download past shows. You can also download to your i-Pod from i-Tunes.


Thanks for reading.


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Business Plan

Business Plan
A business plan is essential in starting any successful venture.  This particularly applies to online businesses.  This will be the focus of this article, to inform you, the reader, in the best ways to setup a small business plan that will lead to success.  There is an old adage that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  This is much like saying "I hope that this works."  Hoping is for losers.  Definitive and objective business plans will lead to increased productivity.  According to Wikipiedia, "A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.

The business goals being attempted may be for-profit or non-profit. For-profit business plans typically focus on financial goals. Non-profit and government agency business plans tend to focus on service goals. Business plans may also target changes in perception and branding by the customer, client, tax-payer, or larger community. A business plan that has changes in perception and branding as its primary goals is called a marketing plan.


Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders. They typically have detailed information about the organization or team attempting to reach the goals. With for-profit entities, external stakeholders include investors and customers.[1] External stake-holders of non-profits include donors and the clients of the non-profit's services.[2] For government agencies, external stakeholders include tax-payers, higher-level government agencies, and international lending bodies such as the IMF, the World Bank, various economic agencies of the UN, and development banks.


Internally focused business plans target intermediate goals required to reach the external goals. They may cover the development of a new product, a new service, a new IT system, a restructuring of finance, the refurbishing of a factory or a restructuring of the organization. An internal business is often developed in conjunction with a balanced scorecard or a list of critical success factors. This allows success of the plan to be measured using non-financial measures. Business plans that identify and target internal goals, but provide only general guidance on how they will be met are called strategic plans.


Operational plans describe the goals of an internal organization, working group or department.[3] Project plans, sometimes known as project frameworks, describe the goals of a particular project. They may also address the project's place within the organization's larger strategic goals.[4][5]"  This specific term is the benchmark of successful entrepreneurs on Google.  Setting up specific small business goals and then reaching plateaus, is exactly what the internet business that we will be discussing today, is all about.  I am going to write this article not from an advertising standpoint, but from an informational and instructional format on the reasons that this small business company is the choice of many professional business men and women.


Perhaps you have heard of Jaguar Marketing.  Perhaps you have read why this person or that person thinks that its the greatest program since sliced bread.  I do not advertise in this way.  Since I am a highly regarded SEO Master, and the Marketing Director for Jaguar Marketing, it is my duty and responsibility to inform people about the Jag Marketing Plan, in the most consistent and informative way that I know how.  My expertise in online business is vast.  I know exactly what makes certain programs work, and why others, simply do not.  Will Jaguar Marketing work for everyone?  I would definitely state no.  The reason that I am boldly making this comment is the fact that if you join Jag thinking that you are going to get rich quick, get that new Ferrari, build that new house on top of the hill and all the ridiculous statements that you see in websites these days on Google, then you will be sadly disappointed.  There are many people in Jaguar well on their way to becoming millionaires.  This is not a hazy statement of hype, this is the reality.  These men and women have totally dedicated themselves to use Jaguar Marketing to their distinct advantage.  They all have in common, the business plan that will lead to this coming about for them.  They are willing to eat, breathe, sleep and talk Jaguar Marketing whether they go.  They are willing to commit.  If you are this type of individual, then the small investment of $3995 is nothing in comparison with the product and value that you will receive for joining.


Let's get right to the business plan that Jaguar Marketing will lay before you to achieve the success that you desire and deserve.  This will be an information packed plan, so it will take time to formulate within your mind, if this is indeed a business plan template that you can follow.  Read and digest the bulletpoints of this presentation.  You will gain knowledge and insights, as well as insider secrets to the system known as Jaguar Marketing.


  • Visualization  This is first thing that you must do when deciding to go full bore in an new small business venture on Google.  Visualizing what you wish to accomplish and then setting forth in motion the procedures that you will use, will mean ultimate success.  Al Turnquist is well known for his motivational and mindset webinars.  He is not in the business of creating excitement, he is in the business of creating wealth in a substantial way.
  • Education  You must become educated in the ways of building a substantial and sustaining small business on the internet.  Within Jaguar Marketing, we have set before you.  It has been said that there is no product in Jaguar Marketing, therefore this business is destined to fail.  The realities are this.  Mentors on a Mission is the top level internet educational system found on Google today.  Anyone that would make an asinine statement like this, is both a moronic mentality, and has absolutely no basis for that sort of statement.  The education that one derives from joining Jaguar Marketing at the Platinum level could be compared to getting a degree from a well established university.  The training and information in MOM, will be necessary to learn the real ways of the internet, and how to build stable and reliable businesses online.
  • Training  Without a doubt, Al Turnquist has the best training and trainers of any program online today.  Substantial search engine optimization and search engine marketing training is available 5 days per week, by some of the legends in the home business arena.  All of these training sessions are conducted in a state of the art web conferencing room.  In other words, you simply login to our conference rooms, record the sessions if you wish, and learn the art and science of creating wealth from an online business.,
  • Prospecting and Lead Generation  You will become adapt at producing your own leads for this venture using the Veretekk Lead Generating System.  This exclusive and highly prized system, owned and operated by Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling, is designed to assist you in the building process online.  You will have 40 fully configurable splash pages to place on any high traffic keyword category you choose.  With time and effort, you will learn the significant steps needed to become successful on the internet.
  • Customer Support  The customer support team is headed by Kimberly Turnquist.  Her dedication and knowledge in taking care of the issues that crop up from time to time, are very well known.  She is particularly gifted in this area, as she received her business training from Mr. Al Turnquist.  She has been exposed to the successful ways to create wealth online from the master himself.
  • Learning to Delegate, Not Duplicate  In this area, there is no other online business that can approach the mastery of Jaguar Marketing.  Mr. Turnquist teaches the esteemed membership of Jag, the art and science of building a successful business using techniques found in Fortune 500 Companies. 
  • Active Participation from the CEO of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing  This element is almost unheard of in the business industry online.  Al Turnquist takes a leadership role of instructing, motivation and guiding the Jaguar Members in the ways to create wealth.  Weekly, he is establishing and breaking new ground for the membership and teaching new and creative ways to market, and to be successful online.  He has even put into play a Virtual Phone Room, where he is willing to work with your Account Executives, empowering them with substantial knowledge on how to close sales prospects on the phone.
Here you have the best business plan needed for becoming successful with a small business.  Think of this as a roadmap to riches.  There is no doubt that Jaguar Marketing is the most professional business organization online today.  The question is this.  Are you qualified to become part of this exclusive membership, or you going to remain totally in the dark to the real art and science of creating wealth online?  This question can only be answered by you and whatever you are thinking at this point.  Commitment and dedication to excellence is the benchmark for Jaguar Marketing.  This is precisely why Jaguar Marketing can become "The Key to Your Financial Future."


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036


Inspirational Book

Turning to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, an inspirational book is clearly defined.  "Inspirational writing includes a personal philosophy that attempts to persuade the reader to incorporate into his or her own life. The writer of a piece of inspirational writing draws upon personal experiences of his own or of others. The desired result strives to benefit the reader emotionally, physically and spiritually. Forms of inspirational writing include novels, short stories, or any other form of narrative prose. The natural extension of inspirational fiction would be the religious novel. Well-done pieces rely upon honest expression that creates an emotional impact without being preachy."  Inspirational book can often be seen as a significant way to enrich and unfold our existence in a positive manner.  Reading inspirational material on a daily basis can accomplish masterful results.  Often people just need a little thought provoking material within the fabric of their lives to break free from conventional negative thought patterns.
D Anthony, the inspirational and motivational author, does an extremely effective job with his new book titled, "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once."  His unique style of writing both captures and motivates the reader into the world of positive living.  This is not done in a way that is preaching a particular faith of any kind.  Mr. Anthony knows that our thoughts govern our lives, and brings the reader, through a series of well written short stories, close to the realization that every thing that happens to and around us, is directly affected by our thoughts.  After purchasing the book directly from the author at, I began to see the value in spending my time absorbing the knowledge and wisdom of D Anthony.  I am never attracted to inspirational books that are dull and boring, and contain much rhetoric.  I am attracted to books that both invoke my thought processes in a positive way and inspire me to continue reading the material.  This is exactly what D Anthony has accomplished with his new inspirational and motivational book.
I found that while reading his work, I became even more aware of the fact that what we think, is precisely what we become.  I have been an avid believer in this for years, and reading "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once." was just another indication of a person who truly was on the path to enlightenment.  In times of troubles, we often tend to reach out to some outside source of help to solve our problems, while I now know, that each and every problem that comes our way can be solved by going within.  There was one particularly interesting story about a tribe of natives in and along the coast of Thailand.  These people known as Mokens.  For a little background knowledge about the sea gypsies, I turned to Google.  Here is one article that I found interesting.  "The Mokens, also known as the Sea Gypsies, are a tribe of maritime people who live in, and travel to, different islands and the littoral regions of the Andaman Sea.  They are related to the sea-faring nomadic peoples that include the Orang Laut and Bajau of Riau-Lingga Archipelago in south-eastern South-East Asia.  Their ancestors have been known to travel and live at various times, as far north as the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of the Tenasserim Peninsula of Myanmar, and as far south as Langkawi in the Malay Peninsula.


Most of the elderly speak only Malay and Moken, an Austro-nesian language.  They have no written history as Moken is a verbal language with no written form. The current tribe migrated to the Surin Islands, about 70km off the coast of Phang-nga province, and has been staying there for the last 150 years.


When Thailand declared the Surin Islands as a National Park in July 1981, the Mokens were disallowed to fish even for their subsistence.  Environmental protection policies were in conflict with the traditional life-style of the Mokens.  Banned from fishing and catching sea cucumbers for their subsistence, and from collecting shells for sale and making indigenous crafts, they lost their livelihood.  Many were reduced to menial labour.  They now work as sweepers and general labourers at the Surin National Park


Assimilation and integration into Thai society is slow.  Partly, this is because the Thai people look down upon them as "Chao Lay", an implied term used in Southern Thailand for people "who are ignorant about health and hygiene, education or wasteful in their spending".  Being nomadic, the Mokens have no established domicile.  This resulted in them being denied Thai citizenship, with its attendant public services and amenities.  Without Thai citizenship which would have facilitated their obtaining jobs, or receiving state benefits like medical services, the Mokens were caught in a limbo.  They were forced to exchange their traditional nomadic marine life-style for one based on land, yet they had no sustainable livelihood."


I was intrigued by D Anthony's short story titled "Moken Time."  In his presentation, he shared background information concerning the nomadic tribe that was very entertaining to read.  These people show no interest in conventional ways of approaching life.  I am suspecting that they have the right way to approach living.  There is no time, no hellos or goodbyes, no remorse, there is only now.  I am was led to think that at some point, I must have some Moken background in my heritage, as this is precisely the way that I approach life as well.  I like to term it living richly and fully to the nth degree, every second that God grants me to possess on this planet.  D Anthony provides and insightful peek into the world of Mokens and should inspire people to become more aware of the present, than being concerned with the past or the future events.  Personally, I highly recommend this inspirational book "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once," to anyone who is inspired and motivated to lead exceptional lives.  He captures the essence of living with his down to earth style and grace, and the price of the book is well worth the knowledge times one hundred.


D Anthony's book may be purchased directly from the author's website located here:  More insights and perspectives and can be found by going to:  and  D Anthony has a message and clearly Something to Share with the world.  I believe that you will gain additional insights and perspectives from taking time to absorb this book and I was very impressed by the speediness of delivery when ordering.  You are welcome to read additional reviews by this comprehensive inspirational and motivational author by going to:


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


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Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Home Business Success

Home Business Success is becoming a goal for many displaced corporate business people. As more job opportunities are being outsourced, and the job market continues to decline, the need for income still exists. What is the best alternative for a business professional to replace lost income ? A Home Based Business can be a viable and lucrative means of earning a substantial income if done correctly.

The lack of training or understanding has been overcome by the Business Professionals in Jaguar Marketing. Everything is covered in the training from start to finish. You can learn how to create a lead capture page, search engine optimization, blogging, writing press releases, and the list goes on.

These classes are not theory, they are taught by some of the most successful people marketing on the Internet today, people that have been there and done that. Masters that have been in the trenches and learned the methods for operating a successful Home Business that really works. This is not smoke and mirrors but real life experience from real people. Why gamble with your future when there is a proven Business model that anyone can learn and earn from. Jaguar is that Business Model and the time and place are now.

David Dial
Phone: 407-931-1781
Jaguar Marketing
Skype: dave4haly