fax 806-874-0036
this blog give informatin about genarteting leads for your business
Ways and means of gathering leads for free for example
Free leads with veretekk you simply give your company have a op in form
Fill out the form with your information then confirm your email address
And you have 1500 leads a day.
If you want exclusive leads Sterling Hayden feels that veretekk
As one of the best system on the net to help any business to
Gather leads for example when you fill out the form for the free
Leads you are then your self a lead for the person that own that
Particular web portal.
One such portal is leadsomatic which is a stand alone
Portal where you can blast 2 billion ad across the net.
Sterling Hayden says that veretekk as portal for free
Computers http://silveradigun.computer-giveaway.net
or free vacation http://silveradigun.vacation-4-free.com
people who want to start http://silveradigun.money-machine.net
a business on line with web portal
You can target your leads by offering them
That which is of value, these lead is much
More likely to welcome your call are you email
because you have given something of value.
This is some of the ways and means that you can generate leads
using veretekk.
Sterling Hayden say's some people only want to do press
button marketing. Luckily leads o matic allow such people to blast their
Leads across the net to 2 billion websites now that is a lot of website
There is a way to be effective with leadsomatic we can go into that
in the next article.
I give you leads if send you an email you are likely to read it?
Are if I call you and offer you a couple tools that can help your business
Would you appreciate it more than likely?
"The Golden Article Writing Formula" < Great Book
"What If I Told You That I Can Show You How To Write a High Quality, 100% Unique, Flowing, Informative, 400-600 Word Article, On ANY Keyword, In Under 30 Minutes, INCLUDING RESEARCH?" - http://articlespeedwriting.com/?a_aid=b2af67a1
I am using leadsomatic for seo Google
"Discover How To Generate Thousands of your own unique leads
If you would like more information contact the author
About the author: author Sterling Hayden is a leadsomatic master distributor
He runs a website where you can build downline business
and passive income with team work for free at : http://www.smallbusiness-business.com/
Blast your ad to all the major search engine for free http://1mortgageleadgenerations.com
TEL. (49) 0382701318
Free Leads-Confessions of a internet victim getting leads.
How I learned about the internet and got free leads in the process.
My journey and where and how I got trained to learn how to market on the web. I was poking around the internet and landed on a site that caught my interest. It talked to me not like I was an idiot but like I was someone who was looking for help. Boy they were right! I had spend about $100,000 or more on web designers and web marketers who promised me gold and delivered me junk. I spend money on SEO and got garbage. I spent money on lead generation and got names in a phone book. Needless to say I was pissed so I started looking for help myself on the web and found Veretekk.
I made time and education my primary focus, and set off on a quest to learn as much as I could. So at night I burned the midnight oil and learned as much as I could. I went to the live trainings and boy, wow, was I amazed at what I have learned in a short period of time. No leads
I have also realized that boy did I get screwed by people who really didn't know what they were doing. No leads!
So it is my goal to make sure that other people don't fall into the same boat I did, and spend money for things that you will never get. I wanted to make sure that people never, and I say never, get soaked financially by these unscrupulously skilled people that are lurking to take your hard earned money. No leads!
We spent meeting after meeting going over what I thought was substance and necessary, later to learn that what I was doing was an exercise in futility. I thought that we were learning how to generate leads instead the only value that was received was the so called SEO people getting paid and me losing money.
Time after time our corporate meetings lead to useless information that was never put into use. I was spending large sums of money with only promises in return. Finally, we pulled the plug on the whole operation, and boy did everyone scramble. I talked to several of my friends who also run companies, and they have said that they have gotten the same results. Spending large sums of money and getting amateur results. Don't get me wrong, we got a website and email addresses along with our files running on our exchange server. We got technology but no marketing. We got no leads or any lead generation systems. No leads!
This particular letter deals with getting leads and internet marketing like you have never seen before and are likely to see again. There is nothing like this on the internet. Yes, I have drank the purple juice and am a believer of this system and the company. No leads!
So here is what you need to do! Go and join Veretekk and then learn as much as you can. Once you have mastered this then go to Leads-O-Matic and sign up. Veretekk Silver is free, upgrading to Gold cost $42 per month with a set up. If you are interested I will give you a discount certificate for $50 off the set up cost. In order to get the fr33 certificate all you have to do is email me after you join Veretekk and I will send it to you. Getting leads!
Leads-O-Matic will allow you to get leads and redirect people to your sites with ease. All of this takes a little time to learn so you must commit time to your education. Be prepared to learn and put your learning to good use as you learn. This will be probably the most exciting learning curve you will ever go through but the end result will pay off big time. Got leads!
As you learn you will develop skills that will bring you or your business into the 21 st century. You will learn that your SEO and IT people do not know what you think they know. I want to make a point here. I know nothing about the people that service your equipment and am not pointing fingers at the people who are responsible for keeping your systems running. These people present a whole different set of problems. My issue is with the people who pose as SEO experts and sell their skills about lead generation and can't deliver.
You can learn how to generate leads for you company or home business simply by following what I have outlined above. If you want to learn more you can go to the trainings and listen to people from all over the world give you instruction and teach you. Veretekk is the most powerful lead generation system on the net. Simply sign up a see for yourself.
Host, FinancialFreedomRadio.info
Master Distributor
How I learned about the internet and got free leads in the process.
Let me tell you about my journey and where and how I got trained to learn how to market on the web. I was poking around the internet and landed on a site that caught my interest. It talked to me not like I was an idiot but like I was someone who was looking for help. Boy they were right! I had spend about $100,000 or more on web designers and web marketers who promised me gold and delivered me junk. I spend money on SEO and got garbage. I spent money on lead generation and got names in a phone book. Needless to say I was pissed so I started looking for help myself on the web and found Veretekk.
I made time and education my primary focus and set off on a quest to learn as much as I could. So at night I burned the midnight oil and learned as much as I could. I went to the live trainings and boy, wow, was I amazed at what I have learned in a short period of time.
I have also realized that boy did I get screwed by people who really didn't know what they were doing.
So it is my goal to make sure that other people don't fall into the same boat I did and spend money for usless leads and other things that you will never get. This particular letter deals with getting leads and internet marketing like you have never seen before and are likely to see again. There is nothing like this on the internet. Yes, I have drank the purple juice and am a believer of this system and the company.
You owe it to your self to read this in its entirety.
Veretekk was born...
A challenging concept with a pretty easy solution for you. With a Veretekk system, using the tools that come with it, as well as other techniques, you just promote many valuable but free services that are your Traffic Portals. Then the Traffic Portals promote your opportunity. The results are, Veretekk subscribers are experiencing success at building their business for the first time. Getting Leads!
Traffic Portals today...
Since the birth of Blastomatic, we have been busy. Added to the original portfolio of Traffic Portals are: Free-Mart, a free repository of webmaster classics software and self replicating eBooks that are personalized to the recipient automatically. WebCatch a Yahoo style self replicating lead generating search directory, Etracking, a Google style self replicating link exchange and leads builder, Veretracking, a set of advanced Web tracking tools, etc. And all the new generation Traffic Portals build leads for the subscriber with a limited login control panel like FreeFFas. Traffic Portals have become viral. With the proper promotion of these Traffic Portals, premium, one on one, exclusive leads start to flow in. These leads are exclusive and you will not find better leads anywhere. You will not experience the rejection with the results of Veretekk!
Ever play Monopoly®???
Think of Traffic Portals as owning many properties on the Monopoly® board. It is a numbers game, the more Portals you have the more traffic you will receive and Veretekk Traffic Portals will result in entrepreneurial lead generation. Veretekk makes it easy to promote your Traffic Portals too. And....your Traffic Portals can be completely customized for search engine strategies and linking relationships with simple tools found in your Portal Control panels. Each Traffic Portal can be configured to send your own customized set of email promoting your business too, as soon as a premium lead signs up for the free service. Getting Leads!
You Get Unlimited Autoresponders...
Veretekk has several email services to use. The traditional autoresponder promotes your Traffic Portals with a sequential set of HTML email sent out to anyone that sends email to any of your Veretekk email addresses. This autoresponder can easily be turned on and off as needed. You also have the ability to build as many sets of Sequential email that can be selected to send to anyone via any number of your Traffic Portals when someone signs up for them and verifies. In other words, you promote your Traffic Portals, and they in turn promote your business or opportunity. It is very simple. But wait, it gets better! Getting Leads!
You also get Unlimited Email Addresses...
Stealth Email allows you to make an unlimited number of unique email addresses. This allows you to test the submissions to see what works and doesn't work. Veretekk's Bully Pulpit tracks all incoming email to these addresses so you can determine what resulted when you used the specific stealth email in a particular submission.
Traffic Portals promote your site...
Get it? You use the powerful Veretekk tools to promote Veretekk's powerful Traffic Portals. As traffic builds to your Traffic Portals, they are compelled to subscribe due to the very valuable services being offered for free. Once subscribed, they start to receive email from you promoting your business and.....every time they log into their Traffic Portal service they are exposed to your Market Center time and again promoting your business to them. But wait, you also have the entire Veretekk system working for you. From contact management systems, to mailing via the PDF created letters, to autoresponders, etc. Want to see for yourself? Well read on.... Getting Leads!
Join for FREE and see...
The best news is we have made the Veretekk system free. Veretekk Silver is a limited version of the hallmark Veretekk Gold system. It allows you to become orientated as to how the Veretekk system works, getting the Live training and seeing the results. However, only Gold gives you customization and full access so when you're ready to take on the full power you can upgrade. Otherwise, you're at no risk or out of pocket. Gold gives you full compensation commissions too.
Tell Me More, tell me more....
OK, we will tell you more! The following reveals even more of the details and thorough attention given to make Veretekk a marketing system that will never be found anywhere else. First of all, Veretekk was built by some of the most successful Internet Marketers ever to be on the Internet. But this system was built for them to use, so you know it works, and pay attention, every little detail is addressed. The same guys are available to teach you how to use it too. These guys make themselves available live by phone and in our Live Training system, 7 days a week. You are not alone with Veretekk. Now lets get down to the details. For example, the eBooks that the system makes available for you to give away...... Getting Leads!
Self Replicating eBooks...
eBooks that self replicate with your information, email addresses and web sites built right in. But wait, not only can you download the customized ebooks, but as a Veretekk Gold subscriber, we give you your own eBook links so your own customized eBooks are available to anyone that clicks on your link. In other words, you do not need to be a webmaster to take advantage of one of the Internet's hottest products.
Configurable Traffic Portals...
Everyone of your many Traffic Portals is completely customizable for search engine optimization. That is right! Through Veretekk's proprietary Portal Control Panel for each Traffic Portal, you can edit the following:
· Title Tag
· Meta description tag
· Hidden text
· Displayed text
· Keywords
· Reciprocal links
· Auto search engine indexing
· Tracking
We teach you how to use these sophisticated tools and you know what? It works. Check out this ranking from one of our subscribers who has his BLASTOMATIC Traffic Portal listed in Google under Free FFA Submission. You are not alone. We taught him how to do it and we will teach you too! Did we mention tracking? Yes we did......
The Most Sophisticated Tracking Tool...
Veretracking, Veretekk's supreme tracking system is light years ahead of any other system like it on the Internet. A tool remotely similar will cost you $50 or more a month alone. Veretracking keeps track of all your Traffic Portals. It watches for visitors and reports their browser type, IP address, duration, where they came from. Veretracking even reports what verification email got opened. But it also allows you to make custom code to put on your own web sites or HTML email, so you can track all of your sites and pages that are separate from your Veretekk system. Such a deal! Getting Leads!
What's a Bully Pulpit???
We mentioned that the Bully Pulpit will display and categorize all your leads, from the Premium Leads to the captured incoming email addresses that your autoresponders are emailing. It lists all Veremail verified email addresses and all of your stealth emails that have been emailed. This is a great service for tracking the growth of your leads database. But the Bully Pulpit is much more than that as we are about to illustrate. The Bully Pulpit allows you to send email to all or any selected groups of your verified email database. The Bully Pulpit also allows you to select from your Sequential email list. What is that? Read on.... Getting Leads!
Unlimited Autoresponder Letter Sets...
With Veretekk Gold you can build an unlimited amount of autoresponders. We call them Sequential Email sets. Each set can have an unlimited number of email letters and each letter can be scheduled to go out from 1-7 days from the previous email letter. You have heard of Aweber, Getresponse, and others like them right? Well, this puts them to shame and they charge up to $39 per month for an inferior service similar to our Sequential Email system that is just a portion of Veretekk! You are not alone! Getting Leads!
The Email Marketing Crush...
Yes, we know all about the crush of incoming email. What a mess. So we developed eStrange. What the heck is eStrange? It literally means to divorce or separate from something that originally caused a lot of suffering, like the amount of email you have to deal with when marketing on the Internet. With Veretekk you need two separate email accounts. Your primary (the one you signed up with) is used exclusively to alert you of new TOP quality Premium Leads and our monthly newsletter. Your secondary needs to be set up with Estrange a bulk email address that we forward all verification requests and the crush of incoming Spam and marketing email that is caused from Internet Marketing. We recommend using a Yahoo account for this. It is rather clever. You access your secondary email when ever it is required to verify any outside submissions to services like FFA sites, etc. That way, all incoming email, goes through your Veretekk system assuring that the incoming email receives your autoresponders promoting your Traffic Portals without flooding your real personal email you have at home. We train on this everyday, so don't worry, it is very easy to do! Getting Leads!
The Core Benefit is...
Excellent quality leads. In fact, think of Veretekk as an introduction service much like a dating site. When we introduce you to your exclusive Premium lead, they are connected to you and you alone. When you contact them, there is NO REJECTION! Most of the time they know who you are and quite often they will contact you! This is unheard of in this industry, but our Traffic Portal strategy makes this happen. You promote the Portals and they will promote you and your opportunity. It works like this:
· Set up your Portals
· Promote them
· Track them
· Follow up
· Sign them up
Once you get the hang of it, your business will start to grow. Just read the flood of testimonials we get with this system...
Secure is JOB one...
Veretekk runs on hundreds of servers. We have our own routers with three levels of firewalls. All private information is held in a deep level, encrypted SQL 150 terabit storage facility. Another benefit, we protect your privacy. All subscriber's data is extremely secure including our Traffic Portal subscribers. We do not sell, transfer or make your privacy a commodity. In other words, we respect our subscribers and would never violate your privacy at any cost, period! All transactions run through our secure platform as well. Our Gatekeeper means business! We verify everything and track all IP addresses throughout our system too. We know who you are and what you are doing. So you are safe here. No popups, no spyware, no viruses, no banner ads, no spamming. A clean secure environment for all. Getting Leads!
We are there, because we care...
You can call us and we answer the phone. Go ahead call us! 858.625.8373. We have Live training with our proprietary VOIP technology almost everyday and our trainers are almost always available through our VOIP platform 24 hours a day. Thomas Prendergast, the CEO, and Mike Darling, our President, make themselves available on the Sunday VOIP conference at 6pm PST. We have well managed Forums you can access us, when the occasion arises when we are not available. Many times we will call you if we think you need help before you even know it. We love our subscribers! Veretekk Gold, Veretekk Silver and Traffic Portal subscribers alike. We are there because we care! You really are not alone with Veretekk! Getting Leads!
Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.
We offer you more value than any other marketing system, PERIOD! I know you hear this everywhere else it's art of the game in this world! Like they say, no one is guilty on death row! Right! Well, does anyone else offer this collection of tools and marketing systems for FREE for LIFE totally, NO THEY DON'T! In fact nowhere else does anyone have anything even remotely like it. There really isn't anything that I can say that will explain the elegance and effectiveness of Veretekk to you. You have to experience it yourself! It is absolutely free.
Just click here and fill out the simple form. That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great income with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose? Got Leads!
Host, FinancialFreedomRadio.info
Master Distributor
Copyright © 2005 Inetekk.com, Inc.
Free leads
by Sterling Hayden
We call People leads when they have an interest in our business.
But who need leads? Do you need leads ?You might say you need
web traffic but that boils down to the same thing leads for
your website.
you wouldn't want traffic if you did not think traffic would benefit
you in some way. Traffic= people =leads
So traffic is just a word for many potential leads.
You want leads and you want them free I won't beat around
the bush get your free leads here.
Many people offer you free lead but they don't deliver
You find you get 10 leads free but then you have to pay
Once you go over the number 10 or some similar catch.
Sterling Hayden say's you can get 1500 leads a day free here
And these are not leads that are 5 years old either these are leads you
Can down load fresh every day.
The leads are not unique to you because any one else who read
This can also get the leads.
But that is no different from buying leads they are also sold to many
different business.
You have no thing to lose but if you are thinking you will have to
Set up some kind of system and then join a hundred other program
Like you have to do in some programs that you pay to be part of
No you don't have to join any thing simply get your free leads
Down load them and do what you want with them.
If you still thinking you want leads that are exclusive to you
Then generate your own leads join leadsomatic use it to
Generate your own leads leadsomatic cost $10 each month
Let us think about this Sterling Hayden is offering you free
Leads you can find other business selling similar kind of leads
for $25 yes it true some charge more. But why am I trying to
convince you to get free leads.
Well I am not if you don't take the leads I know it is because you
Do not need them I only wonder why you read this article
May be you are waiting for a offer but there is no offer I am writing
This article to promote leadsomatic and I wanted to give you
Real leads you can start down loading within a day after joining.
Because there are so many bull on the net about free leads
Those are not really free, any way I will speak with you soon I have
brabled enough for now.
Enjoy your leads and if you are the kind of person who would
Like to produce your own leads go to leads o matic now join up and start
Producing your own exclusive leads now.
"The Golden Article Writing Formula" < Great Book
"What If I Told You That I Can Show You How To Write a High Quality, 100% Unique, Flowing, Informative, 400-600 Word Article, On ANY Keyword, In Under 30 Minutes, INCLUDING RESEARCH?" - http://articlespeedwriting.com/?a_aid=b2af67a1
I am using leadsomatic for seo Google
"Discover How To Generate Thousands of your own unique leads
If you would like more information contact the author
About the author: author Sterling Hayden is a leadsomatic master distributor
He runs a website where you can build downline business
and passive income with team work for free at : http://www.smallbusiness-business.com/
Blast your ad to all the major search engine for free http://1mortgageleadgenerations.com
TEL. (49) 0382701318
Download | Duration: 00:46:39
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject such as food, politics, or local news; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting) or sexual topics (Adult blog), and are part of a wider network of social media. Micro-blogging is another type of blogging which consists of blogs with very short posts.
As of September 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 106 million blogs.[1] This speaks highly for the blog. You may have been searching on Google for relevant information concerning a particular keyword phrase and have run into a website that looks just a little different from most sites. This was more than likely a blog. People use blogs in all kinds of ways. There can be blogs with titles that run the gambit from anything to teens searching for answers to life, to sex blogs, to informational blogs, but for the purpose that I use blogs, I like to call this blogging for dollars. In fact, blogging is one of the single most powerful ways to obtain top positions on the search engines. When you develop a blog geared towards a particular keyword phrase, add content to that blog daily and are very diligent in your pursuit of that keyword category you can achieve excellent ratings on Google.
Developing a blog is a consistent process. I use a series of different services, such as BlogFather, Blogger, Bloglines and I even use blogs that I host at my domain hosting company. This particular service is available at ButchHamiltonsBestDomains.com The way that I choose to add weblogs to my seo promoting I like to call power blogging. This is the focused effort of adding great content on a daily basis to that blog for my seo clients to obtain top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines. It works every time when you add the best original, and keyword focused information daily.
The whole point is this. You need to be very consistent with your posting to make this an effective online promoting tool. Like anything else, it is almost totally dependent on the content that you add to your blog. While most people are just adding non-sensical and meaningless copy to their blogs, you can create your blog with the intent and purpose of capturing a top position on Google for your website. As content is king, when you begin to arrange your thinking to that goal, your blogs become very powerful. I have noticed that it takes about 100 posts before a particular blog really begins to show presence on Google. You may be thinking that this was going to be a magic button to promoting, but let me assure you, there is no such thing. Search engine rankings on Google are all about consistency, effort and writing. Once you begin to understand that nothing happens quickly on the search engines, the more likely you will be to have success. You will also be automatically producing rss feeds, which you can place on your websites to add constantly changing content for those sites. Understand that the power of blogging lies within the content itself. Once you begin to formulate in your mind that you need to be writing great content, your journey with SEO will be magnified.
As I mentioned last night in my recorded Veretekk training class webinar, where else on Google could you find the training, tools, motivation and information needed to construct a successful online business? I will answer that with an emphatic nowhere else. Veretekk is geared to the professional home business entrepreneur that is searching for the best way to become educated in search engine optimization, search engine marketing and other vital information that will assist them in building a success small business.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert-Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk