Saturday, September 15, 2007

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds
I like to think of RSS Feeds as a way to have viral marketing at your fingertips.  According to the Wikipedia online encyclopedia:  "RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a "feed", "web feed", or "channel", contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.

RSS content can be read using software called a "feed reader" or an "aggregator." The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's link into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds.

The initials "RSS" are used to refer to the following formats:

  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
  • RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0 and RSS 0.90)
  • Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)

RSS formats are specified using XML, a generic specification for the creation of data formats."


What does this mean for you, a budding internet marketer?  Well, it means that you create a blog, such as, and then you post keyword specific information to that blog daily, and you begin to get excellent search engine positions on Google.  The key here is the content.  You have probably heard that "content is king on Google."  That is the bottom line to effective marketing on the most powerful search engine on the planet.  Its time to quit your surfing for some magic button and start writing.  Ok, so you are going to tell me now that you can't write, right?  I am here to tell you that you can write.  You learn the art of writing by writing.  Move past your fear of the keyboard and begin the process.  It may be tough at first, but you will get the hang of it quickly.


History of RSS


"The RSS formats were preceded by several attempts at syndication that did not achieve widespread popularity. The basic idea of restructuring information about web sites goes back to at least 1995, when Ramanathan V. Guha and others in Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group developed the Meta Content Framework (MCF).[2]. For a more detailed discussion of these early developments, see the history of web syndication technology.


RDF Site Summary, the first version of RSS, was created by Guha at Netscape in March 1999 for use on the My.Netscape.Com portal. This version became known as RSS 0.9.[3] In July 1999, Dan Libby of Netscape produced a new version, RSS 0.91[4], that simplified the format by removing RDF elements and incorporating elements from Dave Winer's scriptingNews syndication format.[5] Libby also renamed RSS to Rich Site Summary and outlined further development of the format in a "futures document."[6]


This would be Netscape's last participation in RSS development for eight years. As RSS was being embraced by web publishers who wanted their feeds to be used on My.Netscape.Com and other early RSS portals, Netscape dropped RSS support from My.Netscape.Com in April 2001 during new owner AOL's restructuring of the company, also removing documentation and tools that supported the format.[7]


Two entities emerged to fill the void, neither with Netscape's help or approval: The RSS-DEV Working Group and Winer, whose UserLand Software had published some of the first publishing tools outside of Netscape that could read and write RSS.


Winer published a modified version of the RSS 0.91 specification on the UserLand web site, covering how it was being used in his company's products, and claimed copyright to the document.[8] A few months later, UserLand filed a U.S. trademark registration for RSS, but failed to respond to a USPTO trademark examiner's request and the request was rejected in December 2001.[9]


The RSS-DEV group, a project whose members included Guha and representatives of O'Reilly Media and Moreover, produced RSS 1.0 in December 2000.[10] This new version, which reclaimed the name RDF Site Summary from RSS 0.9, reintroduced support for RDF and added XML namespaces support, adopting elements from standard metadata vocabularies such as Dublin Core.


In December 2000, Winer released RSS 0.92[11] a minor set of changes aside from the introduction of the enclosure element, which permitted audio files to be carried in RSS feeds and helped spark podcasting. He also released drafts of RSS 0.93 and RSS 0.94 that were subsequently withdrawn.[12]


In September 2002, Winer released a major new version of the format, RSS 2.0, that redubbed its initials Really Simple Syndication. RSS 2.0 removed the type attribute added in the RSS 0.94 draft and added support for namespaces.


Because neither Winer nor the RSS-DEV Working Group had Netscape's involvement, they could not make an official claim on the RSS name or format. This has fueled ongoing controversy in the syndication development community as to which entity was the proper publisher of RSS.


One product of that contentious debate was the creation of a rival syndication format, Atom, that began in June 2003. The Atom syndication format, whose creation was in part motivated by a desire to get a clean start free of the issues surrounding RSS, has been adopted as an IETF standard.


In July 2003, Winer and UserLand Software assigned the copyright of the RSS 2.0 specification to Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet & Society, where he had just begun a term as a visiting fellow.[13] At the same time, Winer launched the RSS Advisory Board with Brent Simmons and Jon Udell, a group whose purpose was to maintain and publish the specification and answer questions about the format.[14]


In December 2005, the Microsoft Internet Explorer team and Outlook team announced on their blogs that they were adopting the feed icon first used in the Mozilla Firefox browser . A few months later, Opera Software followed suit. This effectively made the orange square with white radio waves the industry standard for RSS and Atom feeds, replacing the large variety of icons and text that had been used previously to identify syndication data.


In January 2006, RSS Advisory Board chairman Rogers Cadenhead announced that eight new members had joined the group, continuing the development of the RSS format and resolving ambiguities in the RSS 2.0 specification. Netscape developer Chris Finke joined the board in March 2007, the company's first involvement in RSS since the publication of RSS 0.91. In June 2007, the board revised its version of the specification to confirm that namespaces may extend core elements with namespace attributes, as Microsoft has done in Internet Explorer 7. In its view, a difference of interpretation left publishers unsure of whether this was permitted or forbidden."


This brief history of rss feeds gives you insight and perspectives into the nature of RSS feeds.  Now, you probably are wondering exactly how to use RSS Feeds in your normal routine of promoting on Google.  Each time that you post an article into a blog, you will see a unique link that has been created.  This is called link building and this is the key to successful search engine rankings on Google.  You have also created an RSS Feed link by using the blogging system.  This will be called something like an xml file.  You will place the link for that file into a hyperlink format into your website.  Each time you post to your blog, you will then be submitting fresh content into your website automatically.


Search engine spiders love constantly changing content.  They do not like static, or non-changing sites.  This is the workaround to that stagnation.  Of course, you must have a website that you control the content on, or this process will not work.  If you are going to be a professional internet marketer, you must purchase your domain name, and then build an informational site that has all the elements needed for online success.  If you have not done that, you are simply not going to have much of a chance of success on Google.


RSS Feeds Can Become Viral Marketing Tools


You may not have thought of RSS Feeds as being anything but changing content for your website, but in all actuality, it can become a viral marketing tool for you as well.  You see, anytime that you find a site or a blog that has an RSS Feed on it, you can grab that content and place it on your site.  If that person is writing great information that you can use to assist you in your business, you have this tool available to you at all time.  You simply click on the link you placed on your site, and you have access to their information.  I have been syndicated hundreds of times.  Therefore, my information is widespread across the internet without me doing any additional work.  The whole process boils down to the content that you write.  If it is information, and not advertising, chances are good that people will begin to see you as credible.  You can become very popular on Google by using this technique. 


Here are a few of my RSS Feeds for you to view.


Butch Hamilton's SEO RSS Feed  In this blog, I post at least seven or eight articles per day.  I am talking about seo, web conferencing, lead generating, about leads and other information.  I also use blogs for my seo clients, as they get terrific search engine rankings on Google.


Butch Hamilton's SEO Services RSS Feed  In this blog, I post consistently all the time.  I post all types of information here.  This is an extremely powerful blog, as I have about 300 articles permanently stored about search engine optimization, obtaining top positions on Google, Jaguar Marketing, search engine optimizer and other articles as well.


About Leads Blog RSS Feed  In this blog, which I host on my server at, I provide yet another way to post clear and concise information to the search engine spiders.  This blog is extremely powerful.  I am always obtaining top positions for any information I place here.


In conclusion, RSS Feeds are extremely powerful internet promoting tools when used correctly.  The whole process is based solely on your ability to write insightful, thought provoking and beneficial information that people can use to their distinct advantage.


Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert


Butch Hamilton's SEO Services


My Links

Business Consulting

Business Consulting
Business consulting on Google is a very high traffic area.  This is because people are searching for top rated business consultants to assist them in making wise decisions in business.  One of the best business consultants today is a man who has had the vision, the drive, the determination and the far sightedness to bring to the internet, the way to assist people in building strong and lasting small businesses.  This man's dedication to dream building is unmatched.  He has been often criticized by small thinking individuals for his leadership, but in talking with these people about his amazing internet educational system known as Mentors on a Mission, even those people agree that this is absolutely the best of the best of internet education programs on Google today.  Al Turnquist's works incredibly hard for his members of Jaguar marketing to make sure they receive the very best in business consulting ideas that he has to offer.  His leadership pays off in big rewards for the members who actually pay attention and then act upon his mentoring ideas.
There is much to be said about men like Al Turnquist.  They are willing each day, to put their plans into motion that assist others in small business startups.  His program, called Jaguar Marketing, is one of the very few and elite programs that does work in terms of creating wealth from a home business.  The people that decide to join are paying him, not so much for his programs, but for being able to listen to his motivational web conferencing seminars that he places live on the net five days a week.  In all earnestness, the price of the program is well worth these sessions.  Its being mentored and tutored by one of the legends of Google in terms of different techniques and strategies that assist people with the small business endeavors.
Al Turnquist was the very first person to introduce to Google the term delegation not duplication.  He took this directly from successful and profitable Fortune 500 Companies, and brought this into being for his Jag Marketing Membership.  Al Turnquist teaches people how to become successful in life.  Through his internet educational system known as Mentors on a Mission, Al gives first hand information concerning mindset.  This is one area which he speaks of greatly as he realizes that the whole act of building any successful business must begin with mindset.  For the price of joining Jaguar Marketing, you not only have access to Al's incredible information, live training from proven leaders in internet marketing and the internet education series, but you also will be trained in other business building techniques as well.
From my way of thinking, this program is the absolute top of the line elite marketing system on Google today.  The entire program is designed to work hand in hand wit the lead generation system called Veretekk.  Within this program as well, the absolute cream of the crop in internet marketing training is available to people with the desire and motivation to become successful.  There is no better combination in this regard.  Now granted, Jaguar Marketing is not for everyone.  There is no room here for slackers, tire kickers and surfers on the net.  This program is designed to attract professional and highly motivated individuals who are willing to stay the course for their success.  We have many corporate leaders in America joining jag marketing because of the effectiveness and wealth creation possibilities.  These people have already been in the upper echelon of income in the US and across the world, but they are leaving their high stress positions to be with Jag Marketing.
For more information concerning membership for Jag Marketing, simply click on any of the above links.  You will be glad that you found this presentation today.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert-Marketing Director for Jaguar Marketing.
Al Turnquist-Owner Jaguar Marketing

Lead Generation

Why The Sudden Interest in Lead Generation?
- by Bill Brine, Lead Generation Specialist

Everybody is talking more and more about online lead generation these days. Even though over 592 million dollars was spent on online lead generation in the first half of 2006, and that figure continues to grow, online lead generation is still a fledgling industry.

Why is this?

Well, there are three reasons at least:

(1) The recent revamp of the Leadsomatic Lead Generation portal, a service of the Veretekk Lead Generation System, has raised the capabilities of lead generation portals to new heights.

The Veretekk Lead Generation system has been the most powerful, consistent and successful lead generation system on the internet for over 10 years now, and has helped many thousands of internet entrepreneurs to generate insurance leads, MLM leads, mortgage leads, in fact just about any kind of business leads. The recent revamp of the Leadsomatic portal has increased lead generation results significantly for many Veretekk members, and so naturally they are excited and are talking about it.

(2) Veretekk has set up a team of Master Distributors to promote Leadsomatic at the corporate level. This team of Veretekk members, called the Leadsomatic Master Distributors Team, is being trained (for free, I might add) to become crack internet marketers. Their goal: to completely dominate the keyword category '
leads', for which there are over 200 million competing websites. The resulting online promotions, Press Releases, blog posts and other online postings we are seeing are the results of their ongoing efforts. There is no doubt that they will become successful. Such is the power of the Veretekk Lead Generation System when combined with a crack team of marketers.

(3) Because of rampant abuses by leads brokers in the online lead generation industry, suggested guidelines for ethical lead generation practices are now starting to become more prevalent. Many businesses who purchase leads are finding that most of the leads are worthless. All these businesses are doing is lining the pockets of the lead generation companies. The businesses who are purchasing leads are demanding better quality from their online lead generation companies.

This is why the Veretekk Lead Generation System is so successful. Veretekk does not generate leads that are resold. The Veretekk Lead Generation System teaches businesses how to generate their own leads. Leads that are exclusive to the business. Leads that are definitely interested in the products, services or business opportunities being offered. And generating your own leads is a much more cost-effective approach to lead generation, especially for the small business entrepreneur with a limited budget.

So, yes, lead generation is becoming a hot topic, with good reason. Every business needs good quality leads. The best leads are those you generate for yourself. And there is simply no other lead generation system on the internet today that can compare with the Veretekk Lead Generation System

For more information:


Leadsomatic Master Distributors Group:

Veretekk Lead Generation System:

Bill Brine is a noted leads generation expert who assists small businesses, online or offline, to generate business leads by utilizing the full capabilities of the tools and techniques available in the Veretekk Lead Generation System. He welcomes inquiries from businesses or MLM distributors who wish to reduce their lead generation budget and increase their lead conversions by learning how to generate their own, exclusive, quality premium leads.

More information about the services offered by Bill Brine is available at:

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
My Favorite Places

Previous Posts

Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing
When you decide to become part of the growing community of web conferencing room owners, you are going to be in for a pleasant surprise.  The communication aspects of web conferencing by Vereconference is truly amazing.  I am constantly upgrading and adding new features to my web conference room.  You are more than welcome anytime to login.  Be sure to view the training page pull down menus.  Within this page, you will find recorded training sessions that will assist you in building your business.  Viewing my calendar, will also give you the information you need for a few of my training sessions.  Keep in mind that these event calendars come with every web conferencing room from Vereconference.  They are totally configurable.  You can add any information there that you care to share with people.  They also have the unique ability to let people log right into your web conferencing room from calendar.  You simply add your information from your back office, and then send people the link to the calendar.  Yes, it really is this simple to share your web conferencing room with others.
Let me let you in on a little seo secret as well.  I often place keyword specific information live on Google.  People are naturally curious.  When they find your link, if you have done a great job promoting it, the might just be inquisitive enough to login to check out this new system called web conferencing.  I keep my room open most of the time.  I have a simple sound notifier installed that lets me know when someone enters my room.  If I am not on the phone, or in the middle of an article, I will respond.  When you begin to catch the vision of how to build a business using the Vereconference web conferencing system, you will be naturally led to expand on these ideas rapidly.  You are only limited by your imagination as to how best utilize the web conferencing room to your distinct advantage.
I am always in the process of posting keyword specific information on Google.  Hey, its just my job, being an seo expert.  Posting rich keyword specific content is the way to produce search engine positions on Google.  You must begin to realize that we, as the Master Distributors Group for Vereconference do not have to advertise our product.  People are drawn naturally to the best web conferencing system on Google today.  You as well can learn from this.  When you know that you have the best product or service, and are willing to go past all the advertising gimmicks to gain notoriety, then you will realize that advertising online is dead.  You will be trying to promote your business just like everyone else is doing it, and failing.  If you need help in this area, I suggest that you become a part of the Veretekk System.  Here, you will learn specific strategies and techniques that will grow your business the right way.


In watching the constantly moving sea of information concerning the leads category on Google, I have noticed a tendency developing that makes my job as a search engine optimizer more intent driven.  I constantly monitor this category.  I simply write my keyword specific articles concerning leads and then watch where those land on the search engine.  There is a definite trend to something I would call the loop.  The loop is defined as this.  You bring a website online.  Let's call this site  This site is committed to the cause of marketers worldwide never having to buy leads again.  I developed this site with the intent to be laser focused and obtain the top position on Google.  It has accomplished this nicely on several occasions.  I wrote an article at  This article, as of this morning has landed position three page one on Google for the keyword term leads. has dropped back to page three for now, but I am very aware that it will reform strength and land the page one ranking again.  Another site I own is called  This site is showing marked progress for the campaign and already holds number one position on Google the keyword term all about leads.  This ever evolving leads category shows massive movement from day to day.  This further leads my in my explorative move to continually place information concerning leads on the search engines to monitor this flow more closely.  Another site that I own is called  This site is the main affiliate site for the system that we have been consistently writing about for weeks.  Now this affiliate site is making huge strides.  As I have stated in many presentations here, this is proof that subdomains are ever bit as powerful promotional tools as root domains.  I have no doubts that this site will surface to page one Google in the very near future.
Another leads website I have just recently constructed is termed  Now this site is already showing marked progress on the uphill struggle to page one Google for leads.  Again, this site is dedicated to giving people information concerning leads and lead generation.  The domain, has been around for nearly two years.  I had initially developed this site to describe my search engine optimizer services.  In completely revamping this popular domain, I am now able to push this page to the top of Google as well.  One of my powerful blog sites, is a subdomain of the original site.  These subdomains are beginning to intrigue me as they are constantly proving their awesome power in regards to gaining notoriety and presence on the most powerful search engine on the internet, Google.  This is called the loop.  I do see this term coming into play as watching the flow of the net, you begin to pick the positions you are promoting and the system places one after another in succession.  There is no absolute method to promoting to the search engines.  Its simply all about consistent and slow moving effort towards the goal that makes it work.
My point to this whole presentation is to give insights into the world of leads.  There is, without a doubt, undeniable proof that writing keyword specific content, about any subject you are promoting is the way to obtain top positions on Google.  The needs to be brought to the attention of the people who are struggling and straining to gain some kind of notice on Google for their sites.  If you move away from your advertising mentality, and give people information that they can use to their advantage, you will begin the process of building a significant business online.  If you choose to conduct yourself diligently and ethically, you will achieve results over a certain period of time.
These are precisely the techniques that I teach in my advanced seo training classes at Veretekk.  This is why Veretekk is so rich and powerful.  If you are trying to promote a business online, you need help.  There is absolutely no reason that you can think of why you would not signup for a free Veretekk system today and learn the real  way to promote online.  Of course, you could simply go down the same path that you have gone up to the point and try to buy pay-per-clicks to build your online business, but as any thinking entrepreneur knows, you will be spending your money needlessly as your competition will be clicking on your ads to drive your prices up.  Do you see what I am talking about here?  These are the techniques that I teach in Veretekk every week.  There is simply no more powerful internet marketing training system on the planet today like Veretekk.
This amazing system is reminiscent of a huge battle ship.  This battle ship has been charting new territories in internet marketing for over 10 years.  People have tried to rip it apart, tear it from the search engines, tried to overtake it to use for their own greedy needs and still, the huge lumbering battleship keeps moving forward along with the founders of the system, Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling.  The two men have been ripped, torn, usurped, gouged and taken advantage of so many times, yet they continue to provide excellent and legitimate service to their members.  Undeniably, this exclusive marketing system is not for everyone.  If you happen to be one of the surfers on the net looking for quick money, then I heartily suggest that you just continue to find the magic button for your success.  I recommend that if you are one of those mlm junkies who is trying to get rich quick, do not apply here.  This Veretekk system is only for people who are dedicated, committed and willing to stay the course to build a significant online business the right way.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Optimizer-Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk


Leads|lead|lead generation|

The number one issue facing small business owners today is not having enough qualified Leads or prospects.

Your business need to use the Internet power if you expect to be successful. Internet lead generation is a great way to improve your business and find new customers.

Our cost effective solutions will save countless hours while helping you understand and manage your lead business better.

The key to success with handling leads is to have an aggressive and proactive system in place, even if it is as simple as picking up the phone and calling your leads. Each new lead responded to you because they were interested in what you sell.

Adding this lead generation system is the fastest way to build your business. The one that I am telling you take’s the least amount of effort and will get you the biggest results in the shortest amount of time. Now take action and follow through and your business will thrive.

What do I do with all those leads?

You need to follow up on the leads you've collected in a timely manner. Don’t miss your chance by waiting too long. Make sure that your promises are kept.

After all, businesses don’t buy anything but people do.

Now a leads generation website should have words like “leads” and “generation” and other related words appear several times on the website. It is also a good idea to include the different type of leads in this case that can be generated as well, mortgage leads, insurance leads, MLM leads, Sale lead, business leads, lead list, op-tin leads, qualified leads, local leads, local customer leads, business opportunity lead, marketing lead, sales lead generation, advertising leads, email leads, phone leads, sales lead lists, Live Leads, Instant Leads, Surveyed Leads, exports leads, foreign leads, markets leads, tenders leads, trade leads, Canadian leads, US leads, American leads, private leads, construction leads, specific industry leads, life insurance leads, health insurance leads, debt leads, refinance leads, loan leads, annuity leads, disability leads, auto insurance leads, homeowners leads, financial planning leads, homeowners leads, credit counseling leads, and so on.

This is what I have found to be the most powerful lead generation system in existence. I call it my "Ultimate Lead Generation System" or Leadsomatic for short. That is not all the fully Automated Internet Marketing System call Veretekk that also include SEO tools is extremely powerful.

To look at it CLICK HERE.

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990