Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Business Opportunity Lead Generation

The Most Underused and Powerful Method of Business Opportunity Lead Generation
- by Bill Brine-Lead Generation Master

Are you worried about selling enough today so you can feed your family tomorrow? Would you like to be one of those top producers who get phone calls from new prospects every day? Would you like to find your email box full of messages from potential clients every day?

Sounds wonderful? How do they do that?

Well, read on. I will show you the easiest, quickest and most effective lead generation method to grow your business - using referrals.

Referrals are by far the most effective way to create a steady stream of customers for your product or service. In most businesses, referrals generate more than 70% of their sales. Yet, for some reason, salespeople spend the least amount of their time, money and energy developing referral sources.

Why not put your focus, attention and resources into the lead generation activities that will reap the greatest benefits? Makes sense, right?

If you are not currently using a system to generate referrals, you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table. You are missing out on a golden opportunity to skyrocket your sales.

Did you know that the average person has a relationship with 250 people? So every one of your current clients is a potential source of 250 new clients!

So, if you can get your clients talking about your business, you will have a big network you can easily tap into.

So how do you tap into this market?

Start by creating relationships. Smart sales people will break even or even lose money to create a relationship with a new customer. This is called a "loss leader".

Once you have a relationship with a client, selling to them becomes much easier. So it makes sense to do whatever you can to create new relationships.

Word of mouth is a very powerful tool. When you harness the power of word of mouth, you can build relationships with hundreds of people through the network that your clients have.

Since we all trust our family and friends more than we trust sales people, getting a new client by referral is easier than getting a new client by any other means of promotion.

A referral gives you instant credibility. When your clients refer someone to you or your business, they are giving you a personal endorsement. They are saying to that friend or family member that they trust you. Whatever bond you have with your clients can and often will get transferred to their friends when they recommend you.

It is a well known fact that customers who arrive at a business through a referral:

- Spend more money on each purchase
- Buy more often
- Are more loyal
- Refer more customers
- Trust your advice

Seek out referrals and you will increase your bottom line and have more time to enjoy life.

The number one strategy: give excellent service and always try to deliver more than the client wants. Impress someone and they will be sure to recommend you.

There are many tools, techniques and ideas out there for making full use of referrals to build your business.

There is, however, only one business plan that I have seen that implements this idea of building a business through referrals to its maximum.

It is known as the Its Good Business model. Read on...

How does it work?

We buy customers. We don't buy leads, nor do we cold call anyone. Those customers are acquired by our parent company, and they are encouraged by the parent company to get more customers by word of mouth. If they do, they are rewarded monetarily.

This builds our individual customer base. Result: profits from a growing customer base, and all we do is buy the customers...

And then we take it one step further: we operate as part of a team which uses internet marketing techniques to attract new or existing business entrepreneurs to look at our business model. Those who want to sign up are assigned to those team members who need another business partner on their own team. So we all benefit from the team efforts as well as our own efforts.

This works and it works very well! Come on over and see us at


No obligation, no hype, this is not get-rich-quick. Beware: we are only seeking serious entrepreneurs who are willing to put time, energy and capital into building a real business!
Bill Brine-Lead Generation Master
Ph: 902-667-0798 M-F 08:00-16:00 Eastern Time
Skype: billbrine


Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Today we will talk about KEYWORDS. Where to put them in your website so that the spiders will find them.

1. First, they should be in your meta name=keywords content= like this:

Example 1
meta name="keywords" content=" leads|leads generation|MLM leads|insurance leads|mortgage leads|leads generator|leads generating|"

Example 2
meta name="keywords" content="MLM Leads,Real Time Leads,Local Leads,Live Leads,Surveyed Leads,Prospects"

Example 3
meta name =" keywords" content="opportunities, business, leads, exports, exporting, sales, foreign, markets, tenders, trade, bids, Canada, Canadian, companies, International Business Opportunities Centre, IBOC, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, DFAIT, Industry Canada"

In the example 1, I have use the Bar Technique, this technique was thought to me by no one else than the Top SEO Optimizer, Butch Hamilton. This is the best way to do this, the Commas technique is use in the majority of the place, it is good but not the Best, use the Bar technique and you will get better results.

2. Also use it in your title like this;


title>lead|lead generation|MLM lead|insurance lead|mortgage lead|lead generator|lead generating|

3. And in your meta name="description" content=";


meta name="description" content="Providing the highest quality leads|leads generation|MLM leads|insurance leads|mortgage leads|leads generator|leads generating|”

If you do it this way, the results will be fantastic.

Follow my Leads and Leads others to do it this way. And sign up for your Leads Generation site at Leadsomatic or Veretekk.

Good Luck in your new adventure.

Submit your site free to GOOGLE

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990