Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lets Podcast to Generate Leads- Thankyou Butch Hamilton for a 1 hour Interview on Lead Generation| Leads| Veretekk | Allen Seagers

I enjoy kidding Butch about being rough on people. But after this interview. I understand his tatic so much more. This is great information on SEO,Veretekk, Generating Leads and online training. I know Butch is really pushing people to their Limits. Why? We most likely won't push it to the Limit if the Leaders Direction is wishy washy. If we think about it why does Butch go BOOTCAMP on us. Tom Prendergast, Mike Darling all the early creaters and trainers of Veretekk survived days when it all could have fell apart. With one wrong move then backup it's going to crash! But somehow they pulled it off.
They want SUCCESS for the Veretekk concept. They push themselves so hard. We signed up for SUCCESS so they see if we can take it when the heat is on.
The Talkshoe starts out a little slow for the clear Website spelling and Learning the pace of an interview on my end. Then Butch goes into his Alter-Ego. Then we both beat the keywords [b]LeadsLead GenerationLeadGeneration Mortgage LeadsVeretekkTom PrendergastMike Darling[/b] and many more to Death.
One hour of Insight and SEO Food is Valuable $$$$. Plus the configuration and the applications in Leadsomatic/Veretekk. My Talkshoes will be interviews with successful Leaders in Veretekk. Is there any other kind in Veretekk? This will be Fun and allow us another tool to take Positions on Google.[b][/b]

Review leads with Leadsomatic

Leads for your business with Leads o matic.
What ever business you do online you will need leads
Leads o matic is a system that sends your ads to 2 billion website across the internet
That is huge number most of us can’t even imagine what 2 Billion looks like But we
Know its lot a websites right.

Leads are what we want can leads O matic give us that?

Well if you only blast your ad out maybe you will get some result but with that number you want good results right! The answer to that is in the way you use the tool.

Use it as a way to build link popularity in combination with reverse marketing and you will
Start to get some good result.

Leads O matic is part of the veretekk leads and marketing system if you combine leads O matic with the rest of the veretekk marketing system you will be head of 90% of the people marketing on line today.

The good thing with veretekk you can get a silver system and use it for as long as you choose for free.

What can you do with leads O matic and the veretekk system I here you ask?
Good question let me tell you.

One of the things you can use the system for is to brand yourself on the internet
It is essential that people start to see your name you need to build trust with people
I mean when you think of some of the online marketing gurus
What’s one of the things they all have in common?

You got it they have brand themselves on the internet their names.

The next thing you can do is to send email that is spam-compliant, reliable system to put you in contact with fellow entrepreneurs who are building work at home business.

If you would like more information contact the author Sterling Hayden
About the author:
You can find out more about Sterling Hayden at
TEL. (49) 0382701318

Fw: Blast Your Ad to over 2 Billion Websites



Hey, Online Marketing Guru
 Looking for a powerful promotional tool to help your business?

Would it help you to be able to blast your ad out to over 2 Billion websites?!? (Seriously!!!)  Now, when you consider this, you will know that making keyword rich mini articles is more effective than just advertising.  Hey, you need leads, right?  What if I can show you a significant way to produce yours only leads? What if I showed you about leads and all about leads and how to operate a highly successful professional business the right way? 

Well now you can - just go to!

You can sign up at absolutely NO COST and start using the great tools offered by Leadsomatic to promote your business online. Fr333 membership includes access to the search engine submission tool as well as the keyword ranking detection system. All available for fr33!

If you're really serious about exploding your online promotional efforts, then you'll also want to consider upgrading for just $10/month to the paid membership. Doing so gives you full access to The Hammer - technology so powerful, it's one of the last submission tools available online today! With the simple click of a button the system will hammer your ad out to over 2 Billion websites... yes billion with a "B"!

So feel fr33e to check it out... consider it my gift to you. Believe me, this is quite the tip!

Go to right now to signup!

Best wishes,

Butch Hamilton

Lead generation system

The difference between mortgage lead generation and insurance lead generation.

Mortgage lead generation deals with people who need to refinance their homes or apply for loans, while insurance lead generation is a service that connects potential buyers with insurance agents.

It is vital that insurance and mortgage company to have a steady stream of leads. Often, people don’t even know about a particular type of insurance or mortgage information and it is up to a agent to explain it to them. The agent must have good leads in order to know who may be more open to purchasing certain types of insurance or mortgage.

One common strategy is the use of a lead services. These are companys that generates the leads by gathering extensive information on people and then selling either the entire list or individual leads to their customers. Would you pay $3.99 - 8.99 for each lead or even pay $270.00 = 15 leads at $18 a lead, that is crazy. There is many places like that and even more expensive, what I suggest to you is to go with Veretekk.

Veretekk is one organization that specialize in generating leads and the list is not for sale. A member of Veretekk will generate leads for himself with a number of lead generation sites that he get for free when he becomes a member for the ridiculous price of $41.95 a month and if he decide to get more serious about lead generation, he goes and get Leadsomatic for only $10. more a month with unlimited use. That person will become very successful in no time, because he will always have fresh leads to go with.

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990


Jag Marketing Forum

Jaguar Marketing Forum
The Jaguar Marketing Forum is dedicated to providing people with relevant and timely information on the art of successful home business building techniques.  This forum has many categories, each committed to excellence in writing timely articles not designed to advertise jaguar marketing, but rather to inform and educate people in the importance of real business techniques that Al Turnquist provides for his members.  What a rarity indeed to move away from the advertising mindset.  Any online marketer knows, or should know, that advertising on Google simply does not work.  What works is feeding the hungry giant the best information on a consistent basis.  If you do a great job of content writing, people will find you.  This is the dedication and commitment that the Jaguar Marketing Forum holds for people.
Some of the categories in the jag forum are found below:
1.  How to Post to the Jaguar Forum  This section is dedicated to giving people the real way to learn comment marketing.  By posting to forums, you will gain internet notoriety.
2.  Testimonials about jag marketing  This section reveals some of the phenomenal results that people have in learning how to build real businesses.
3.  Press Releases  Press releases are an integral part of any online program.  View some of the pr's here to gain knowledge and information about jag program.
4.  Ezine Articles  Any sophisticated marketer today knows the viral benefit of writing great content.  Its a well known way, and perhaps the only way, to gain notoriety and prominence on the search engine of Google.  Unless you decide to become an expert in your chosen field, and are willing to learn the art of content writing, you will never have the kind of results in internet marketing that you desire.
5.  Internet Newsletters  Internet newsletters are an outstanding way to let people into the inside workings of the right way to build online businesses.  Newsletters, when added with great content are an outstanding way to gain readers and interested parties in the right program for success.
These are only a few categories dedicated to the business of building a business with jag marketing.  This strictly information based concern will give you an indication about the program as a whole, and some of the members who have decided on how to build significant home businesses the right way.  Al Turnquist, owner of Mentors on a Mission and Jaguar Marketing prove that building strong and proven home businesses is ever bit the process that Fortune 500 Companies use to create wealth.  People joining Jag Marketing have the chance to become associated with the only online program that teaches people how to build real businesses the right way.
Al Turnquist

Lead Forum

Ad Submit-Leads Generating Forum
When searching for information on leads, you need the best information you can find.  You may wish to buy leads, but what if I could show you a way to produce your own leads?  Would that be of benefit to you?  The AdSubmit forum is designed for that purpose.  We are a dedicated group of individuals that are leads and lead generation specialist.  We have dedicated ourselves to learning all about leads, leads generation, leads generating, leads producing systems and any facet that deals with the leads category.
By going to the AdSubmit forum, you will gain a vast amount of knowledge and expertise that is designed to assist you in building a viable home business.  Even if you know nothing at all about leads, you will be in for a rare treat to find all the information housed under one forum.  The people at AdSubmit are here to answer your questions, address your issues and let you know that they are dedicated to providing the best information on Google today concerning leads.
The following is a  list of the leads experts at the AdSubmit Forum.
Thomas Prendergast
Butch Hamilton
Bill Brine
Raymond Jewell
Pam Allison
Annette Schwindt
Karen Caffrey
Lynda Schroeder
Jim Byrne
Melford Woolery
Johnny Vander Hayden
Clyde Thorburn
Michael Hall
Randy Gibbons
Diane L. Tifft
E. Allen Blicker
Allen Seagers
Shaun McClelland
Dr. Gwen A Roberts Foote
Jitendra Jog
Sterling Hayden
Brian Walters
Cindy Bolley
Bruno Rioux
Armand Serio
James LaFace
Coach Marsh
Larry Miller
Any one of this esteemed leads specialist are standing at the ready to answer any questions that you may having concerning leads, lead generation, leads producing and how to sort and sift through masses of misinformation to bring you the real story on how leads are produced and utilized.
Knowing that the art of lead generation is based on assisting people with their online businesses is the core of the AdSubmit Forum.  Never advertising should be the hallmark of the AdSubmit Forum.  We are a dedicated group of individuals who mission is to help others in the building of home businesses the way that it should be done on Google.  There is no doubt that people are craving assistance in that building process.  The facts remain that most people are struggling straining to find the magic button for success.  There is no magic button, software or course that you can buy that will give you this information.  There is only consistent and focused effort in the pursuit of perfection in online marketing.

Lead Generation by Veretekk

I write a lot of articles about generating quality leads for your business.

If you have read any of my previous postings on leads and lead generation, you will know that I am an advocate of the Veretekk Lead Generation system. I do not believe there is any other lead generation system on the planet which can do such a great job of generating quality leads and helping me achieve top search engine rankings for my chosen keywords.

In today's article, I want to give you a very brief introduction to the system.

For those of you who are already Veretekk members, this may be a review for you, so please bear with me. For those of you who are not Veretekk members yet, why haven't you signed up yet? You can test drive this great lead generation system for as long as you wish for free, and our extensive online training is free as well. All you have to do is go to and sign up for a free Silver system...

The Veretekk Lead Generation system, as I see it, has 2 purposes: to brand yourself on the internet, and to provide a spam-compliant, reliable system to put you in contact with fellow entrepreneurs who are building work at home business opportunities and are searching for better and smarter ways to generate quality leads without spending lots of money. Of course, you can also use Veretekk to promote one or more of your own primary businesses, but to me this is incidental to the whole process. What is more important is building trust and good relationships with other like-minded entrepreneurs. Once people trust you they are more likely to do business with you.

Veretekk provides a number of 'traffic portals' which can each be configured separately.  You have complete control over meta information such as title, keywords and description, and you can add additional text to customize the content more specifically to your market.  You can even add RSS feeds to make the portals more attractive to the search engine spiders. And the Veretekk Lead Generation System has many different promotional tools available which will help you gain top search engine positions quickly.

These lead generation portals are basically free services, each of which appeals to a different kind of marketer who is struggling to generate leads. Once the marketer signs up to use the service, their contact details are captured and you can then follow up with them to see how you can assist them further.

When signing up for a service, the lead is shown your name and contact information, and so when you call this new lead, he or she is already somewhat familiar with your name.

This eliminates a lot of the rejection you will experience from purchased leads, who generally have no idea who you are and usually have forgotten that they filled out a form requesting to be contacted.  This also eliminates a lot of the 'tire-kickers'. The leads who use the Veretekk services are actively building a business and are more than willing to have someone help them to do just that.

And the cost of all this power?  Only $41.95 a month, which is a very good deal if you decide to upgrade. Or perhaps you might like to try our Leadsomatic portal for only $10 a month.  Either way, you will have access to a very powerful lead generation tool!

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph:   801-289-7145
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
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