Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Homepage 7


Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords, Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk . Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Next you could put smaller heading by making your heading the same size as regular text but just make it bold. Then you'd list the links to your pages, and ideally have a brief description of each link using keywords and keyword phrases in the text. You also want to have several pages of quality content to link to. Repeat that procedure for all your links that relate to your theme of MLM LEADS. Then close your page with a keyword-laden paragraph. Be carefull not to overdo writing your keywords like Online Leads Education. 40 times all over your page as you stand the chance of getting caught for cheating.

Ideally, somewhere from 3% - 20% of your page text would be keywords. You can go higher if it makes sense and isn't redundant. If you are smart you will use Wordtracker.com to analyse how many times your keywords are searched and replace them if they are used less then 60 searches. Online Leads Education is not even searched as opposed to mlm leads that are searched 88 times a day.

So replace your hyperlink name Online Leads Education with mlm leads with a description of how Veretekk and Leadsomatic will educate netrepreneurs on becoming masters of marketing.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist



Looks like Google is doing a little housecleaning today on the keyword term leads. Most people become disturbed when they see their website disappear. I never do, as I see this all the time in my seo business. The key to effective promoting on Google is to keep the consistent flow of original information coming, thereby building the links that lead back to the website that you are promoting.

Leads is no exception. The flow of information into this keyword term is amazing. With over 50,000 searches done per month on that keyword terms, Google makes sure that the top sites only contain relevant information. Once you tap into the ebb and flow of this information, you begin to understand that it is completely natural for your sites to disappear from the searches for a time.




These three sites have dropped off, but not to worry, they will be back very soon. In speaking and lecturing about leads, lead generation and obtaining top spots on Google for websites, I see many changes on the net. What works today, may not work tomorrow. In fact, it may work the next day. There is absolutely no way that any person, or group of people, can predict with 100% certainty what a site will do. Anyone that makes that type of claim is simply someone out on the net trying to convince you that they have secret insider info about search engines and search engine marketing. It is not true, folks. Save your money, write your articles, keep your information flowing and stand back and obtain good search engine results.

There is something that is for sure when marketing on Google. Nothing is certain, nothing can be predicted and everything requires time to pursue. I see people struggling and straining to build a business on the internet. They think that everything happens instantly. The bottom line is that everything on Google is a slow consistent process that continually arranges and rearranges itself. You must be able to become fluid in your thinking and approach to marketing.

This is where Veretekk and Leadsomatic come into play. We teach you specific techniques and give you the education that you need to become effective with your online business. We cannot teach you patience and determination. You must bring those to this table yourself.



There is an art and science to lead generation and search engine optimization. Most do not have the patience and determination to accomplish this. For more articles concerning leads. about leads, lead generation and search engine optimization, visit this link: http://adsubmit.net/search.php?search_author=butchhamilton Here you will find out all that you need to know about this mystery called internet marketing.

By the way, would you like to know exactly what I think about the whole process of marketing online? Visit:
http://askbutchhamilton.org My comments and articles may just surprise and inform you. It may even allow you to see why you have not yet begun to see the success that you hope for.  You will see that getting down to the core of marketing online is essential if you are going to succeed.

About Web Conferencing


About Web Conferencing
This site is designed to give the reader relevant and insightful information concerning web conferencing on Google.  In an effort to inform, rather than advertise, Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master and Head Master Distributor for Vereconference will attempt to make clear exactly what web conferencing is, and how one can utilize this conference room system to maximum benefit.  At this time, most people are relatively new to the concept of logging into a conference room system on their pc.  This site is designed to inform people of how simple and easy it really is to use a web conferencing system, and exactly why they should consider it for their own use.
Web conferencing uses advanced VOIP (voice over internet protocol) to connect.  The web conferencing room setting is much like being in an office.  Hence, the term virtual office is beginning to make an appearance on the scene.  The incredible part of the web conferencing process is that people no longer have to drive across town, or across the state, to attend an online meeting.  A constructive email can be sent out to the participants of the meeting, and by a very simple step, they simply login from their computer using that link.  Here is an example of a typical web conferencing link.  http://butchhamiltonwebconferencing.com  By clicking on that link, one is brought into the web conferencing system.  There is a small download required, but it is totally safe, with no harmful malware or adware attached.  Anyone is more than welcome to login under this link to gain access to the information there.
The simplicity of learning about web conferencing is beginning to appeal to the online business professionals of Google.  In Mr. Hamilton's vast experience in using the web conferencing room from Vereconference, it is possible for a person to obtain a FREE trial of the web room system to see if it is a fit for their particular business needs.  Signing up is a very simple task to accomplish.  Simply following this link:  http://free.webconferencing.com  one must wait for the confirmation email that will be delivered.  The link is the clicked to confirm.  The room details will also be emailed instantaneously and the person now has full access to the FREE web conferencing room until midnight PST.  If additional time is needed, the person is welcome to signup for another room as many times as they wish.
There is simply no logical reason not to try web conferencing.  The art and science behind this technology, makes Vereconference second to none in the web conferencing field.  There are many systems available like WebEx, ILINC, GoToMeeting, Adobe, WebConferencingCentral and many more.  It is Butch Hamilton's professional opinion, that no system can compete with Vereconference in terms of simplicity and cost effectiveness as well.  For literally pennies per day, the web conferencing system by Vereconference room can be used to connect to people around the world, who have an internet access.  Dialup is no problem for Vereconference.  Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling have taken significant strides in web meetings, and have left no stone unturned for the users of their state of the art web conferencing system.
When the prospective web conferencing user begins to learn about web confernecing, they will then begin to see what a boost that this service can be to any SOHO (small home/small office), and up to the largest Fortune 500 Company as well.  Vereconference is designed to handle any size web conferencing room up to 750 people.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference-Marketing Director for Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing



Skype:  butch.hamilton

Yahoo IM:  hamilton_butch

For More Info on Jag Marketing send an email to:  butchhamilton.jag@info.trafficwave.net

For More Web Conferencing Info, send an email to:  butchhamilton.webroom@info.trafficwave.net 





about web conferencing, all about web conferencing, web conferencing, Butch Hamilton-SEO Master, Butch Hamilton-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference, Vereconference, Vereconference Web Conferencing, WebEx, ILINC, GoToMeeting, Adobe, WebConferencingCentral, state of the art web conferencing by Vereconference

Virtual Office for Home Business

Virtual Office A New Technology For Home Business.


In many articles that were written about Virtual Office's several years ago they were right on as to their interpretation of what the Virtual Office meant several years ago. Now the Virtual Office has taken on a new trend. Today's Virtual Office is really an office that gives you the same ability as if you were in a physical building but in reality you are running it from your computer. Below is an article that was written in 2006 about what a virtual office meant just a short time ago?


"Virtual office is what you make it

While everyone was watching for the telecommuting trend to explode, something else exploded right next to it: The virtual company. The business with no office to telecommute from.

These companies give new opportunities to entrepreneurs to get started with no money down. But a virtual business also gives people the opportunity to create the personal life they want.

``The future is likely to be the age of virtual businesses," writes Anita Campbell, founder of Small Business Trends. ``Forget three guys in a garage -- that was your father's startup. Today it's three people spread out across the country or even across continents, each in their home offices or back porches with laptops, mobile phones, and WiFi."

Pamela Slim, who blogs at Escape From Cubicle Nation, says a perfect storm of factors is converging to make virtual businesses more popular, and easier to start:

1. Workers will quit regular jobs to get control over their time. Both men and women are increasingly willing to leave the work force to create personal time and family time, according to Jacqueline Luffman, a labor analyst for the Canadian government. In light of that, a virtual office ends up seeming like a compromise rather than an extreme solution.

2. Technology levels the playing field. It has become so cheap and easy to use that someone who doesn't have a lot of resources can create a Web presence that looks established and professional.

3. Retail businesses can be virtual. Of course, there's always eBay. But you can also set up a shop with Amazon, where you create a storefront and Amazon handles all inventory and fulfillment issues -- and then sends you a check for the sales you make. Or you can work with a slew of smaller online wholesalers the same way.

4. The rise of telecommuting. Established companies such as Sun Microsystems realize that telecommuters are happy, appreciative, and cost-effective, so they encourage people to telecommute. Smart companies provide essential training and support so workers are productive at home from the start. The side effect is that location-based companies are training workers on how to set up their own virtual companies.

This trend means that it's easier for you to have a work life that you can control -- whether you're working at your own virtual company or at someone else's. The benefits are flexibility, efficiency, and little overhead. The drawback is that time management is difficult, and not everyone adapts."

After reading this article the Virtual Office, as they are referring to, is simply a computer and a wifi phone. The technology has changed to allow a person to create their own Virtual Office and have it perform as if everyone were in a real office. Because of the technology shift now you can, through your computer, meet, talk, and demonstrate as if you were sitting together in the same room, real time.

With the new Virtual Office you can run a global home business as if you were running a local business in a small town. With the internet now becoming riddled with potential fraud many people want to know there is a real person behind a product or service that is of interest to the consumer. Many people would want to speak to a real-live-person before they spend their hard earned money.

Now you will get substance without hollow promises. Dr. Raymond Jewell- Economic Advisor and Mr. Butch Hamilton, Master SEO Expert have teamed up to provide on line live instruction into how to set up your own Virtual Office, create and run a home business, getting you to the top of the search engines, and other instructions that will enable you to become successful on the internet.

If you would like to learn first hand how to "Build Your Own Virtual Office" and much more simply sign up for our free instruction series. This series will guide you through steps that you need to follow to get ready for the live instruction on Building Your Own Virtual Office. Make sure you follow the steps! This free offer is limited so take advantage of it now. Go to http://virtualovaloffice.com and sign up for the free series now.

Dr. Raymond Jewell










Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

|Bruno Rioux|Leads|Lead|sales leads|business opportunity leads|MLM Lead|free Lead|business leads|Leads generation|leadsomatic|

real time leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for business opportunity leads|sales leads|?

What kind of leads are looking for? business opportunity leads, real time leads, network marketing leads, Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, MLM leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, pest leads, roofing leads, market leads, free, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system. And don't forhet to submit your URL to Google.

Need training on how to use Leadsomatic then come to my conference room on Sunday at 0600 hrs PST.


Consumer Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
Leads Forum
Free Conference room
Free Leads
More Leads
Free stuff
Marketing leads
1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

|Bruno Rioux|Leads|Lead|sales leads|business opportunity leads|MLM Lead|free Lead|business leads|Leads generation|leadsomatic|

real time leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for real time leads|business opportunity leads|?

What kind of leads are looking for? business opportunity leads, real time leads, network marketing leads, Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, MLM leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, pest leads, roofing leads, market leads, free, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system. And don't forhet to submit your URL to Google.

Need training on how to use Leadsomatic then come to my conference room on Sunday at 0600 hrs PST.


Consumer Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
Leads Forum
Free Conference room
Free Leads
More Leads
Free stuff
Marketing leads
1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Business Profitability


Business Profitability

In the world of business, the number one priority should be profitability or the common term called ROI (return on investment). Jaguar Marketing is proving this business profitability at a staggering rate for people who are working the 10K per week program. The fact is that people who are motivated and dedicated to building a significant small business are seeing jag marketing as just the ticket to accomplish their dreams and goals. Many corporate level people are leaving that lifestyle and coming to be with the most significant business online today. This is a true statement. The thing that does appeal to me is the fact that this is a no-nonsense approach to business. You will never hear hype of over-exaggerated claims from the exclusive and highly regarded jaguar marketing team. All that you will see is results.

I received an interesting call yesterday from a gentleman that is going to be joining jag marketing within the next thirty days. He was an experienced marketer. He had been in other programs that were simply not supplying him with the right ROI to his way of thinking. I was telling him about the benefits of jag marketing and the solutions to that problem that he is currently having. He shared with me a very interesting phenomenon that is occurring almost daily in jag. People who are currently in jaguar marketing and have made money with the program are now starting other successful business ventures by using Al Turnquist's business mentoring techniques. In my professional opinion, this is the greatest form of flattery. The people are not only working the jag program, but are also being very effective with their other business interests as well!

This is just one case that I have personally witnessed about the phenomenon sweeping across Google. Al Turnquist has more down to earth business building knowledge that anyone else on Google today. His mentoring and business sales training is legendary. While jag marketing never claims to be for everyone, it is quite clear that we attract only the best of true professional business clientele who are willing to let jag marketing and Al Turnquist work for them to achieve their business goals. Once again, I have to give Mr. Turnquist all the credit that he is due. Never do I login to one of his web conferencing seminars that I do not pick up a valuable piece of knowledge that I can put into action to make my business grow and prosper.
The Goal of Business Profitability
The entire goal of making a business profitabiable is unique to each indivual within the business model.  For some people, extraordinary amounts of money are needed, while others, can live on substantially less.  The first objective in starting a business is to clearly define what the actual needs are.  After that, simply putting into motion the steps that will lead to the end result of business profit are clearly defined.  Al Turnquist is known for his ability to assist people in this goal setting step.  This is one of the main reasons that Jaguar Marketing and Mentors on a MIssion has seen such notoriety.  The educational aspect of MOM is far reaching in depth.  While most online businesses try to convince and coerce you into joining the next big deal, Jaguar Marketing quietly and efficiently teaches people the exact steps needed to have desired money creation.

Jaguar Marketing System appeals to professional business entrepreneurs who are seeking to gain great business profitability ratios. I sincerely believe that anyone who has the drive, determination and the ability to put into motion the plans that Al Turnquist devises, will ultimately become successful in their small business.

For more information about Jag Marketing and what this program can mean for your small business profitability, click on any of the above links. Give Al Turnquist a call today. He will inform you on your best next move to achieving your goals. Al's phone number can be found on the business portfolio page. If you are seeking a small business startup, I urge you to take a close perspective on this amazing program.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Marketing Director for MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

The Home Business Pros

Jag Marketing News

Jag Marketing RSS Feeds

Virtual Office



The virtual office concept is making a statement on the effectiveness of the home business industry at present.  Its well known that most people online are not seeing the results that they had expected.  Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master, and Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor, have decided to approach the industry in a much different way.  They will provide the necessary tools and training that will empower people with knowledge that will lead them to the right path.  Veretekk is a substantial part of this concept.

Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 24 hours a day 6 days per week so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998.  The concept of the virtual conference system from Butch Hamilton-SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell-Economic Advisor, is to inform people concerned with building substantial and long lasting wealth from a home business.  Approaching business in this manner, the possiblities are truly endless on what can be accomplished.

Veretekk is the only company that builds all of this technology on it's own, debt free, million dollar server farm.

What does that mean for you? Speed and dependability! Since 1997 Veretekk servers have delivered 99.99% of the time. Downtime doesn't happen with Veretekk, so it won't happen to your system. We implement routers, storage facilities, file servers, web servers, ffafarm servers, database servers, firewalls, mail servers, etc. What exactly does all that techno babble mean to you? That you are in good hands with Veretekk. People that care and are there when you need us. We have invested in the infrastructure, so the technology that we have built for you is effective and reliable. That is what all that stuff means!

Veretekk's multi source "sequential driven" autoresponder systems!

If you want to increase sales, studies prove it takes up to seven or more exposures before potential customers make a purchase. With Veretekk's Sequential Driven Autoresponders, your prospects will automatically receive your marketing message.

There are dozens of autoresponder systems on the Internet... but none that are triggered by the actions that your prospects take. Because your prospects (through our innovative verification system) are also engaged in the Veretekk system... your marketing message not only get's proven delivery, your email is tracked, and you know if and when they open it through your own proprietary Veretracking system. All mail is proven spam free and Inetekk proves it every step of the way! This is unique to Veretekk.

Veretekk's unique follow-up system will save you time, increase your conversion rates, keep you well organized, and increase your profits!

  • Create as many follow-up letters as you want.
  • Set the time and date you want each follow-up sent.
  • Automate delivery based on your prospects verification.
  • Send HTML or plain text messages.
  • Fast and verifiable delivery.
Professional Web Tracking analysis with Veretracking:

Veretracking is not a click counter. Click counters are toys compared to the professional analysis you get with Veretekk. All of your Veretekk web sites have this feature. All of your default autoresponders have this feature. Veretracking tells you where the visitor came from, what their IP address is, what browser they are using, how long they visited and shows this data in real time as well as in easy to read bar graphs. But Veretracking also makes code for you to use in any HTML email you send or web page you build anywhere on the Internet. This feature alone sells for $50 - $100 per month elsewhere.

Lead Development and Management:

  • Premium Leads
    The "creme de le creme" of the Veretekk system. Much like a sophisticated dating site, you will discover that this level of lead acquisition from Veretekk delivers like minded exclusive entrepreneurial individuals eager to do business with you! Your Premium Leads Control panel handles all the details. With complete database management ability, contact memos, sequential mailers, reminders, lead transfer to other Veretekk members in your downline, push technology, VOIP rooms and much, much more. Easy push button controls!
  • Bully Pulpit
    Does all your mailings to your entire leads database through our Veremail servers. Choose groups or the entire database. Send HTML, text or sequential sets of letters from our exclusive selection or build your own with your own Sequential Letters Control Panel. Build a newsletter and publish it to your entire database. Veretekk's Veremail assures that you will never suffer from illicit spam complaints.
  • Bulk eMail
    Build huge verified email databases and drive the traffic to your Traffic Portals to increase the rate of Premium leads. Upload up to 10,000 email addresses from your own database and reverify your list into your Bully Pulpit's verified email database for future mailings. Transfer other verified email databases into your system from our exclusive list of strategic lead partners.
  • The Hammer
    Create unlimited ads and store them for future submissions. The Hammer submits 2 billion ads with the simple selection of your ad and the push of a button.
  • Live VOIP Conferencing
    Join our advanced training and learn all the tricks using your Traffic Portals to pour hundreds of Premium Leads into your system.

Lead Generation Websites:

If you want to increase sales, studies prove it takes up to seven or more exposures before potential customers make a purchase. With Veretekk's Sequential Driven Autoresponders, your prospects will automatically receive your marketing message.

Known as Traffic Portals, Veretekk invented this concept in 1996. Since then the rest of the industry still tries to copy us, but fail miserably! Traffic Portals attract entrepreneurial minded professionals who want to do business with you. You will never experiencing rejection with these leads. Veretekk hosts all your Traffic Portals and each Traffic Portal is on it's own unique domain address (Makes it real easy to get them in the search engines.).

  • Web Catch
    The first of our new generation of Traffic Portals! WebCatch is deployed throughout the Internet by leveraging the promotional power of literally thousands of individuals who have each signed up to receive and promote their very own web directory. Each subscriber entusiastically promotes their own WebCatch directory through a multitude of marketing methods so that ultimately WebCatch directories have become visible throughout a myriad of advertisements, free links sites, bullitin boards, ezines, classified ad sites, etc. Each time a new web site submission is made to any of these individual WebCatch directories, the central database expands to include the new submission. Thus, through highly advanced viral marketing techniques, WebCatch is always expanding...
    Check it out!

  • Blastomatic
    Give away the original 12 million ads Blast-O-Matic. It is the most powerful AD submission system in the world - and best of all, you get to give it away for FREE! No other AD submission service can compare to the "high-tech" service your prospects will receive from Blast-O-Matic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service! You get to provide top notch service with a great product for FREE!!! Your ads can claim "We dare you to take the challenge of finding a better deal than Blastomatic".
    Check it out!

    Give away..."Free Contacts For Life!" This site is as valuable and has better quality leads than other FFA lead systems like FFAnet, Links2u and others that sell for as much as $50 per month, but you give this away for free. Talk about a Traffic Portal, what POWER! And the Flash for this one will blow you right out of your chair, but then all of Veretekk does that!
    Check it out!

  • Free Mart
    Free software... Free ebooks... Free newsletter... Free live seminars...! A class act site ready for promoting the heart of what entreprenuerial webmasters and aspiring webmasters are looking for. Put this lead magnet into a search engine result and watch the mega traffic!
    Check it out!

  • Money Machine
    Survey entrance to your Market Center! The Money Machine is a stunning Flash presentation and survey then takes the visitor to your Market Center. This site promotes access into your center and also promotes your free and pay services.
    Check it out!

  • Affiliate Center
    Vanity entrance to your Market Center! The address matches your vanity email. Your vanity site is a compelling entrance into the power and source of your Market Center. This site promotes access into your center and also promotes your free and pay services. This is the center attraction of your system!
    Check it out!

    Give away the world's first self-replicating search engine! This is an extremely viral tool that allows you to generate massive leads directly, as well as indirectly by giving away additional eTracking search engines.
    Check it out!

  • FFA Farm
    You get your own FFA system. The FFAfarm is the oldest FFA system on the Internet. You can promote this but it already brings in a huge number of leads. Besides, FFAs are not what Veretekk is all about. But, we keep it around anyway. LOL! FFA linking may be a thing of the past, but.....The FFAFarm is a permanent LINK exchange now and ONE POST EQUALS MILLIONS OF LINKS with VERIFICATION
    Check it out!


Veretekk is a process, a journey. Many more Traffic Portals are included with your system and more are being added in an ongoing bases! The Internet is in a constant state of flux. Change drives the engine of Veretekk. You will see that Veretekk delivers to the situations the Internet changes. The core mission of Veretekk never changes though. That being, "Building your sphere of influence!".

Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

We offer you more value than any other marketing system, PERIOD! I know you hear this everywhere else. Part of the game in this world! Like they say, no one is guilty on death row! Right! Well? Does anyone else offer this collection of tools and marketing systems for FREE for LIFE? NO THEY DON'T! In fact nowhere else does anyone have anything even remotely like it. There really isn't anything that I can say that will explain the elegance and effectiveness of Veretekk to you. You have to experience it yourself!

Just click here and fill out the simple form. That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great income with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose?   Take time to register at our exclusive virtual live office seminar.  You will be given more insights and perspectives into how to build wealth from a home business.

With great enthusiasm,

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Dr. Ray;mond Jewell-Economic Advisor



