Monday, January 14, 2008

Automated Internet Wealth Creation


Automated Internet Wealth Creation

Can I Work From Home?

Why Do Business Online?

How Do I Do Business Online?

    What do the Wealthy Do on Payday   You need to know this!!!

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Do 100% Hands Free Systems Really Work?

Can You Really Earn Money Online?


Answer:  Yes and NO

Now that I have you completely confused let me explain.

A lot of money has changed hands on the internet for automated marketing systems.

Normally the money flows from some poor man or women(Victims) interested in earning money from home to the person or people(HeavyHitter) who own the so called marketing system.

That's typically just the beginning for our victims.

What the heavy hitters did not tell our victim is that they now have to find ways to drive traffic to the website doing the selling.

Our Victims now have a few unpleasant and expensive choices

1. Pay per Click with the search engines

2. Buy huge lead lists and import into a bulk mailer and hope you're not hit with SPAM COMPLAINTS

3. Use the start page exchanges (I use them)

4. Buy leads, get on the phone and invite the prospect to see you automated system (this is not really automated)

5. Some of these systems include a database of prospects but they give the same database to everyone buying the system

Normally what happens next is our victim realizes he or she has been had and they quit.

This probably sounds familiar to some of you reading this.

Now, I'm not saying automated systems don't work, they just don't work the way a lot of unethical people are selling these systems.

But in my answer to the original question I also said, YES, automated systems do work. Let's take a look at how a real system works.

Let's begin with what you should expect from an automated marketing system.

1. The system should be out there working for you 24/7

2. The system should produce prospects for your opportunities and products who are receptive to speaking with you.

3. The system should include an autometed followup marketing system for prospects who do not buy or join the first time you talk to them.

4. Your system should delegate closing your sales to a professional sales team.

5. Your system should Generate immediate and long term income streams.

6. Your system should target the right kind of prospect (people who have demonstrated by thier actions they want to work from home)

7. Your system should help you build massive presence on the internet without having to worry about spam complaints.

8.The product, service or opportunity you are promoting should make sense

9. Your system should seemlessly help you build MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME

10. Your system should retire your home based business and support your no based business (You work from anywhere)

11. Your system should provide leverage so you only need to work the system 2-3 hrs a week

12. The system should include live training and support (so you don't have to)

What you have just read will save you money, time and frustration. The next time someone starts shouting at you about thier fully automated system you will know what questions to ask.

Example:  How will I drive traffic to the system site and how much will that cost me? (if you don't ask anything else, ask this)

The system requirement described is one tall order.  Just think about it, if a system is truly automated, it would have to contain all of the components listed above.





Whoa! What did he just say? That's right, I said it, stop promoting your business. I want you to think about what you see in the start page exchanges, the emails you get everyday from others trying to recruit you. In a nutshell it goes like this: MAKE $20,000 IN THE NEXT 5 DAYS, JOIN TODAY, WE BUILD IT FOR YOU, GET RICH ON SPILLOVER ECT ECT

Folks its a huge yelling match out there and everybody is screaming at everybody else Join me , No, Join me!!! Its crazy

Here's a better way--have your automated system offer free tools and services the kind of stuff only people trying to make money on the internet will want. This does a couple of powerful things for you. First you seperate yourself  from the pack out there so you will stabd out and second these kinds of offer will only attract people who are interested in making money from home on the internet. In other words people who are presently doing business on the internet.

Now you ask, why would I want prospects who already have a business on the internet. Read the following answer carefully it will change your life.

Answer:  About 95% of the people on the internet trying to make money are not making money so you can assume that a big majority of those people would be open to looking at your opportunity.   READ THAT AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL YOU GET IT

Next the Predator Marketing System was to target these people and others interested in building multiple streams of income.

Click on the following link. You will be taken to the Predator Marketing System. This one system can built up to 9 different income streams at the same time. Be sure to see the movie, visit the site owners My Portfolio Page and see how Predator produces both immediate and long term income.


 Click Here



Veremail....  The ultimate email marketing system. Automated marketing takes leads and lots of them and a legal way to email those leads. You do not want to be accused of Spam. With the addition of Veremail you can upload 10,000 leads a day 7 days a week. Veremail will send a confirmation email. When your contact confirms thay have opted in to your email database. Veremail is endorsed by Worldwide Scam as the only real email marketing system.

Click Here To Check Out our Free version of Veremail


    What do the Wealthy Do on Payday     

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Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing



Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords,Internet Marketing,mlm leads,mortgage leads,work from home,working from home,leads|
Leadsomatic and Veretekk . Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites Smile


How many times have you read just join this co-op advertising and you will be rotated receiving leads with wallets wide open to buy your product. At $100 per place. Shaun McClelland spent several thousand dollars falling for this with many signups but no conversions.

Then you get the PPC where "You just run ads in Google and point them to your landing page. And the rest supposedly runs itself." At between 1$ and $5 per click your money soon is eaten up with no conversions meaning the leads do start coming in at a very high cost with a very low ROI.

This is a story that is getting all too common. A marketer gets the latest eBook or training course and subsequently invests thousands into marketing methods they don't fully understand or have yet to master. The end result is more debt, more frustration and more strain on relationships.

Praise the LORD for
Veretekk and Leadsomatic says Shaun McClelland

Every month Shaun's
Veretekk cheque gets bigger. Where can you get a complete office with all the tools you need to be successful with all the real live training on how to use these tools for only $41 per month. Veretekk cuts across all the hype and teaches you in the trench systems of becoming successful in developing your 2nd income. Pick up a Free Silver System and come to class FREE. Evaluate Veretekk for yourself.

Then Shaun McClelland says Veretekk flagship Lead Generating Portal
Leadsomatic is a no brainier. For only $10 per month you will be able to post your adds promoting any URL you want to over 2 billion sites internationally. This achieves 2 objectives. 1 Exclusive double opt in yours only premium leads. 2 Multiplied thousands of black links pointing to the URL you are promoting. Plus a streaming presentation from Butch Hamilton, Shaun McClelland's mentor, with full instruction on maximizing your new Leadsomatic Portal.

Bottom line is that if you want your ads to deliver results, there's no investment that will pay off quite like a
Veretekk subscription and pumping out daily adds with your Leadsomatic Lead Generating Portal. No more hype and gimmicks to be successful developing your 2nd income stream. Don't set yourself up for failure believing all the instant riches and doing nothing for it.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next post looks at more ways to use robots.txt


Choose a Lead Generating Portal

SEO Tips

SEO Tips
SEO Tip 1
In this website, find relevant and insightful SEO tips that will maximize your efforts on the search engine of Google.  The art and science of search engine optimization is both complicated and extremely simple at the same time.  The place to start for information is Google Tools for Webmasters.  Within this site, the Google webmasters will inform you on exactly the procedures to follow that will lead to better search engine rankings.  I recommend using these techniques as its a rule on the net, if you want to appeal to the search engine spiders of Google, you simply use the Google Tools to your advantage.  Its really quite amazing to consider that all these tools are available for use by anyone, yet most people do not implement them in their routines.  This SEO Tip will lead to improvement in the overall status of any site that you happen to be promoting.
SEO Tip 2
Write.  Its really simple as this.  You will want to develop the habit of writing content in the form of press releases, blog posts, forum posts and writing keyword specific information for your sites.  Its interesting to note that most people believe that a website must be catchy, appealing, have numerous graphics and overstated bold text to get the attention of the reader.  In all actuality, when you provide the best information, in a clear and concise fashion, you will achieve your end result of substantial traffic.  Visitors mean nothing.  You want people to read your information.  In other words, you are reading this informative article, right?  The art of writing must be the key element to pursue, if you desire top rankings on the search engines.
SEO Tip 3
Be very aware that content is king on Google.  You must develop your content, both in websites, and in your blog and forum postings that is insightful and gives people benefits for reading this material.  You must be willing to become the master of your fate, so to speak, in order to capture the attention of both the spiders and the web readers as well.  This can be developed over time, but is an area that you must consider when launching an effective SEO campaign.
SEO Tip 4
Proper mindset is essential when developing a website for promoting.  Long ago, I approached the keyword term Visualization Marketing.  Within this realm, there were many insightful articles from Bill Gates concerning website construction, website promoting and other interests concerning Microsoft as well.  I decided to launch my very own Visualization Marketing campaign.  Though not a searched term, I was only testing the waters.  I now hold many positions on that keyword category even today.  Visualizing your success on Google is essential.  You must first visualize the position and then set about the path to building consistent and relevant links that point back to that site.
SEO Tip 5
Stay away from the so-called SEO gurus who tell you than you can do this, and you cannot do that.  You must blaze your own trail to success on Google.  You test, test and then test again.  Sometimes you will be right on cue.  Other times, you will have to rethink and begin the testing all over again.  There is a given on Google that what works today, may not work tomorrow, but it very well may work the next day.  You must remain focused in your objective and be prepared to work diligently until the position is obtained.
SEO Tips 6
Stay completely away from the lies and hype concerning SEO.  In all truthfulness, there is NO software program, No downloadable ebook and certainly no quick fixes around the fact that running a substantial SEO campaign is really nothing but consistent and focused effort.  There are SEO Companies that claim that they have the insider secrets to SEO.  It is a lie.  We all have substantial abilities in the field of writing.  This is the power and the glory when it comes to successful promoting online.
SEO Tip 7
Building search engine friendly website is the aim of every SEO Master.  You must constantly evaluate the effectiveness of any site, tag it correctly and then leave that site alone to do its job.  One of the worst things that a person can do is to constantly change the title and metatag description.  You will only delay the progress of your site.  There is a rule on Google.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  This speaks highly for doing the correct job of titling your site, placing high traffic keywords and using an adequate metatag description, then following that up with a good keyword rich article, and that site will come up on the search engine over time.  Who knows how much time this will take?  There is absolutely no one in the SEO business that can make that prediction.  It takes as long as it takes.
SEO Tip 8
Never try using any blackhat SEO techniques.  They may succeed for a while, but in all actuality, you will only run the risk of total banishment from the search engines for that domain.  You must always place content in a logical manner, using only proven and time tested methods that lead to great success on Google.  Many have touted claims of knowing little known techniques in fooling the search engine spiders.  Nothing like this is ever successful for very long.  If you fall for this type of tactic from someone selling you a service of this nature, you are asking for a fleecing.
There are eight SEO tips that will give you an indication of exactly how to pursue an effective assault to the top of any keyword category.  It matters not what goods and services you are promoting, the rules are all the same.  Using the above techniques will solidly put you in top positions for the long term. 
Stay tuned for more insights, articles and commentaries concerning the art and science of SEO.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-SEO Consultant
Fax:  806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST

Online Business

One of the world's most successful businessmen was being interviewed. During the interview the interviewer asked... "How did you do it? What's the secret of being successful in business?" The businessman replied... "Well, it's simple really. I just buy something for one price and sell it for a higher price."

As you read through this web site, you will discover that the answer the businessman gave was a great answer! It doesn't matter if you have been in business for 20 years or are just starting out. To be successful, you must know how to make a profit; how to buy low and sell high. There is no other reason for being in business.

You can start off in business because it's something that you enjoy, something that your mum or dad did, however, ultimately you are in business to make money.

So why do some people succeed and others don't? As you read through this web site you will get the business principles necessary to understand how to make a profit in any business. This includes any business you start on the Internet.

There are people who start businesses on the Internet and then do absolutely nothing . And I mean, they don't even monitor their site for opportunity nor do they communicate with others to create opportunity. This is a lot like whispering down a well about your business. The only thing that's visible is your rear-end and no one can hear you!

Don't let this happen to you...

Having a business on the Internet is just like having a business anywhere else. The same principles apply. Most important of all are generating leads and turning leads into customers. To be successful you must get leads and turn some of these leads into customers.

As you read through this web site you'll get an understanding of what's required to get leads and turn them into customers. Also there are tons of examples that you can relate to in everyday life together with many other great ideas that you can put into your business immediately.

So get ready! You're about to get a lesson in business like never before!


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  9-6 CST

How to Build a Business



How to Build a Business on Google.
You may be thinking about, or in the process of building a business on the search engine of Google.  You must become aware that you need to be educated in the right ways to accomplish this.  Read on...You have found the key to your business building ability.

After Eight Years...The Final Touches....We did it totally backwards from the standard procedures! We have been building this system since 1996. Veretekk has been a gargantuan undertaking, but it was worth it! We could have made it an opportunity when we started, but we didn't feel that was honest. How many times have you joined an opportunity only to hear the typical BS that the services will be launched next month or get in at the top before we launch the great service we are promising? We could list the companies but that would take to much band width. LOL!

Serious Living

So do you want to make some serious living and at the same time seriously and successfully promote your other opportunity(s)?y If your answer is yes, please read on. The compensation plan is real easy to explain and to understand. Basically we pay out 90% of the setup fee and 50% of the monthly subscription fee.

10 x 10 x 10 Unilevel example...

You join as a Veretekk Silver subscriber. Silver only pays on one level:


  • Setup Commission $60.00
  • Monthly commission $0.00. The pay out comes when someone you enrolled upgrades to Gold. When you upgrade to Gold your pay out goes to three levels that pays out like this:
    Level one:
  • Setup commission $60.00
  • Monthly commission $0.00
    Level two:
  • Setup commission $20.00
  • Monthly commission $5.00
    Level three:
  • Setup commission $10.00
  • Monthly commission $15.00
  • This is an illustration of what you could expect if 10 signed up 10 and they signed up 10, etc. Your results may differ better or worse. But considering the aforementioned example your monthly living could be $15,500 per month pretty fast! Some will do better and some not as well. But even with only 100 in your third level you would receive over $1,500 per month. You also need to consider this....Veretekk works right now. We are not promising something in the future. We are delivering a lead and marketing system that has been tested and proven to work beyond expectations! The pressure to upgrade from Silver to Gold is powerful. Silver shows you how well it works. We teach you how to make it work. But Gold allows full customization, access to all the Traffic Portals and tools and after all, Gold is designed to promote your business, and if your not only getting access to all the power of Gold but making a ton of cash how easy is it going to be to build your primary business or businesses? And that is exactly what the Gold Veretekk system will do! It will build your business beyond your expectations.

    Online International Payment...

    When you receive your first payment email alert from Veretekk you go to Paystone and setup your account. It is so wonderfully simple! Once you setup your account, Veretekk transfers your commissions into your Paystone account. From your Paystone account you can choose an International Visa debit card or transfer the funds into your banking account or have then mail you your check. Paystone is in place and recognizes most countries in the world. It is that simple. By the way, it took us two days to build the compensation technology and eight years to build Veretekk! What does that tell you about those other opportunities out their that launch the infamous pre launch and pay out but never deliver the promise? Think about it. See you at the bank! Oh yea, you are not alone with Veretekk!

    Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

    Fill out the simple form.That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great living with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose?   Its time to make the tough choice here.  You can keep doing what you are doing now, or you can learn from me.  The choice is yours.

    With great enthusiasm,

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

  • 806-205-0648

  • Fax:  806-874-0036





    The Art of Linking


    Ready to learn the art of linking?
    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
    fax 806-874-0036
    Office Hours:  9-6 CST

    Financial Freedom and Virtual Office


    Financial Freedom and Virtual Office


    With the U.S. and World economies going into a recession many people are looking for alternative ways to boost their income. Other people are just simply looking for a better way to generate revenue. The majority of people want to be financially free and struggle to achieve this goal.


    In the quest for Financial Freedom many people focus on running a home business with the idea in mind that they will become financially free. If you are reading this article and are looking to either free yourself from your job or create an additional stream of revenue than there are several things that you need to understand before you attempt to start your business.


    First of all don't listen to the MLM or network marketing offers that tell you that you will make substantial income in a very short period of time. This is impossible, and will not work! If it did work there would be multi millionaires built daily through MLM or network marketing and the price to get in would be outrageous. Instead the failure rate is about 99%, with one out of every ten businesses surviving a five year interval. The next five years has the same statistics with one out of every ten surviving that period of time.


    If you look at MLM or network marketing their business plan is very clear, which is to get many people like you to sell for them. If they can convince you that you are running your own business, than you will spend your own money to sell their products. Your revenues are a fraction of the sale with the MLM business getting the lion's share of the dollars. MLM businesses have been around for years with a very high failure rate. Only a few people will actually make the cut with the ones that don't spending huge amounts of their own money to build a business for someone else.


    [Now don't get me wrong, there are some MLM opportunities that are ok but they are rare. We can help you find the right one if that is what you want.]


    The Internet is loaded with people making outrageous claims as to their income, with many of them touting rags to riches in several months. Unless you hit the lottery these claims will never be achieved. As a matter of fact if you read the fine print there are many disclaimers pointing out that these are not normal results. When considering any business it important to do due diligence into the business you're considering. Performing due diligence on an MLM company is tedious but worthwhile. The effort is necessary because you want to make sure that the business you're entering into is a viable one, and one that will become an asset instead of a liability.


    The second point is to get a strong mentor that will guide you through the process of determining whether the business you're considering is viable are not. If you're unwilling to do the necessary than having a mentor that is used to gathering the data and looking at these businesses is essential. Also a good mentor will make sure that you grow your business in a way that will make it successful. As mentioned above with the failure statistics, as great as they are, you want to make sure that you have every competitive advantage on your side.


    Mentoring is not new and has been around for years, some people call it coaching; some people call it an apprenticeship, but in any event using someone to guide you to success is the only smart thing to do. If you're considering starting a business the first step should be to find a good mentor who can guide you every step of the way. Personal Economic Coach and Phase IV Marketing have put together a Partner Development Program that is second to none in the mentoring realm. Included in the Jaguar Marketing Systems the Partner Development Program actually guides every client step by step throughout the growth process of their business. It's like a walking into a tunnel of information and coming out the other side with a finished product.


    Jaguar Marketing Systems is a marketing arm that allows you to attract clients into "mentors on a mission" enabling all the clients to have the tools at their disposal in setting up and running their business. The Partner Development Program takes it a step further and actually walks with you step by step making sure that you performed each task and understand it as you go through the process. Failure only comes if you do not follow the steps. By following all of the steps closely you will build a successful business.


    [There are other Jaguar Marketing Systems, System Owners so be careful Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System is the only one that comes with the "Partner Development Program".]


    In order to give you a preview of some of the things that are included in our mentoring system we have put together the Virtual Office International Symposium. In this symposium you will get a flavor of what it takes to build a Virtual Office, set up a home business, and get high rankings in the search engines. This information will be taught by Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Adviser to teach the public how to spot businesses that will not work, how to do their due diligence on businesses that they are considering, and where to get good business and marketing advice. The symposium is free but it is open to first come first serve. If you have an interest in coming to the symposium I would suggest that you Sign-UP ASAP since seating is limited [This is just a figure of speech because you will actually be sitting at your computer in the comfort of your office or home.]. This is an International Symposium therefore there will be people they're from all over the world so great your seat now, they're going fast. To sign up go to and register.



    Dr. Raymond Jewell


    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master


    Raymond Jewell PhD
    Skype: rbjewell

    Business Sales Coaching

    Business Sales Coaching
    People need direction and guidance when attempting to market on Google.  There is no doubt that the internet is fraught with lies, deception and dirty dealing.  Most online companies seemed to be geared more for the bucks, than they are in being concerned with meeting actual needs of internet education.  Al Turnquist and Jaguar Marketing are the exceptions to that rule.

    Business sales coaching is a critical element that would be successful professionals need in order to achieve their level of competency.  Business sales coaching and mentoring can be a significant step forward in online business.  Learning from a proven master the arts of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, prospecting, lead generation, closing sales, phone presence and other elements that are needed by the internet marketer, can mean the difference between success and failure in that business.  "Taking a closer look at the words involved in business sales coaching and executive coaching, we turn to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.  "Executive coaching is a one-on-one session between a coach and an executive. The aim is to enhance the on-the-job performance of the executive. [] Executive coaching is like any other coaching class; the only difference is that these classes are meant for business executives, entrepreneurs, H
    R managers and other executive class of people. These coaching classes look into the problems that are generally faced by these professional people working in the corporate world where almost everything depends on the professionals presentation skills. In order to convince clientele and confidently lead and motivate subordinates; business executives must be able to present themselves in an impressive manner.

    Executive coaching usually deals with people individually by analyzing their personality and performance; thereby giving a boost to their strengths and working out on their weaknesses. This brings an overall improvement in their performance. It polishes their interpersonal skills and develops leadership skills. The executives gain confidence and tricks to motivate their team in a better way. Executives also get acquainted with tricks and behavioral changes that they should adopt to increase the productivity of their subordinates and give their best efforts. They also teach how one can avoid conflicts and even sort out issues of the subordinates for the benefit of the whole organization. All of these things combined helps the company climb the ladder of success.

    Management of stress is a common problem that bothers most of us at our workplace due to long working hours and little or no social circle. Executive coaching also provides training to executives so that their stress wont affect the atmosphere in which they and others work in; not to mention productivity. Classes also guide executives to conduct effective speeches for meetings and events so that it can make an impact amongst the peers. From communication skills to management training, boosting the sales performance, and delivering effective customer services are all taught to executives. This ensures an overall development to both the company and the individual. In other words, this coaching takes you from a dilemma to strategic planning and develops your pro-active skills that help you to foresee the problems that might affect your business in the near future and thus be prepared for it. These are generally the performance enhancing techniques that are innate in each one of
    us, the executive coaching only makes us realize and flaunt them for the benefit of your own self and your company.

    Time management is another problem that is dealt within this coaching, so that the executives are able to finish their work in time and have a social network to relax that takes them away from the stressful business environment. It helps the executives to free themselves from all the fears and develop a better understanding that assures their healthy relationship both with seniors and subordinates. This coaching can be taken face-to-face or via telephone by the executives. When executives take time to participate in such a class, it saves them time in the long haul. An executive coaching class will better prepare them to deal with inevitable problems."


    This is a representative of the business sales coaching environment and the needed information that can be derived from an adequate session.  Al Turnquist, CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, is one of the most highly regarded business sales coaches on Google today.  His range of expertise is not from the classroom but from actual business experience from a lifetime of sales.  Without a doubt, Al Turnquist knows more about sales than most people.  Learning business sales from a leader like Mr. Turnquist, the wealth creation is magnified to a large degree.

    Jaguar Marketing is a substantial professional business.  There is nothing like this business on Google.  This is not an MLM program, nor an affiliate program.  You get paid directly for the sales you make in Jag Marketing.  Al Turnquist takes personal responsibility for the exclusive membership of Jag.  This is unprecedented in the home business industry.  It is very unusual for the CEO to take an active part in the business.  Al Turnquist is known for his pointed and direct style in telling the members exact measures to take to build the business.  He even takes this to a different level.  He provides business sales training to the account executives that work for the Jag system owners.  This provides real-time information to be used in a constructive manner to build a viable and strong professional business.

    For more information concerning Jag Marketing, and the exclusive business sales training available with this program from Mr. Al Turnquist, visit the websites below.

    Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing
    Phone:  727-865-0670
    Additional Business Sales and Mentoring  Resources

    Jaguar: Virtual Phone Room System Increasing Sales Steadily

    Jaguar:  Virtual Phone Room System Increasing Sales Steadily
    The Jaguar Marketing System, owned and operated by Al Turnquist, the CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, is now using the virtual phone room to increase sales for system owners.
    St. Petersburg, FL
    Jaguar Marketing is known for innovations in the home business arena.  As of late, the virtual phone room has been added to the already powerful marketing system.  This feature is the vision of Al Turnquist and the Jag System owners to increase profitability to a large degree.  At the time of this press release, no one else is implementing the virtual phone room aspect into any type of marketing plan.  To understand fully the power and functionality of the virtual phone room, the below explanantion will give benefits and solutions to internet marketing.
    The virtual phone room is a web conferencing room whereby account executives (phone professionals employed by Jagaur System Owners) can login to the room via a web link.  Inside the conference room environment, the account executives make phone calls via telephone to prospects that have been generated through the system.  Al Turnquist monitors these calls and instructs the account executives on how to be more effective in dealing with prospective purchasers.  Al is known for his powerful sales closing ability.  When an ae receives a yes to the prospect call, Mr. Turnquist personally gets on the phone to close the sale.  The results of this action leads to more sales made for Jag Corporate and the Jag System Owners as well. 
    The virtual phone room has only been in operation for a few weeks, and already sales have increased exponentially.  The power of Jaguar Marketing simply ages with time.  Since the introduction of Mentors on a MIssion in 2004, sales of the business have been on a steady increase.  The power of Jag Marketing lies in the product of Mentors on a Mission, the business mentoring and coaching from Al Turnquist, the seo training from some of the leaders on Google and the top level customer support team.  This all mixes into a powerful marketing program that business minded men and women are seeing as "The Key to Your Financial Future."
    No online business today uses all the Fortune 500 Company model for success as Jaguar Marketing.  Al Turnquiat is ever diligent in his quest for seamless operation and top quality services via the Jag and Predator Marketing System.  People from around the world are currently using Jag to build substanial businesses the right way.  The new hallmark phrase for Mentors on a Mission is "Join the Mission." in assisting people in the right direction that will lead to success in a SOHO (small home office) business.  Granted, Jaguar Marketing is only for the truly dedicated SOHO business owner who is searching for the Rolls Royce of Marketing Systems.  Jaguar Creates Online Success!
    For more details contact:
    Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing
    Phone:  727-865-0670


    In delving deeper into the word free, when pertaining to online marketing, its important to see value.  You may have the particular mindset that you only get what you pay for.  In other words, with this type of thinking, you might say that buying incredibly expensive leads is the way to build an online business.  In that case, you would be willing to pay $10, $20, or maybe even $50 per lead in order to obtain a paying customer for your business.  You might walk right past the fact that those same leads that you just bought were sold many times before you came along.
    Case in point.  What makes that leads that you pay money for any different than free leads?  You may think that leads brokers have some magical way of creating some type of special lead.  This is not the case.  All leads are generated in much the same manner.  In other words, people have filled out an online form on a lead capture page.  They saw value in something, or perhaps they were just bored with their surfing, and they decided to fill in their privileged information to learn more about the exciting new pre-launch program.  In other words, they just became a lead.
    It is my professional opinion that the whole internet marketing game leaves much to be desired.  It is getting to the point, because of all the hype, lies, scams, broken promises and broken dreams, that people fear filling out these forms.  Anyone that has ever filled out some type of form on the net, and used their primary email address, knows full well that they are going to receive tens of thousands of offers to make money, quit smoking, get healthy, get a bigger (well you know), and various other get rich quick schemes and scams.  So is that something that you would consider free?  Hardly!  Exchanging your information to have the ability to be spammed is NOT FREE!  It can be very costly, particularly if you join the latest and greatest pre-launch bunch of crap, in hopes of getting rich in a month.
    Here is my point.  If you are trying to get involved with a SOHO (small home office) type of business on Google, you must decide here and now, that you are going to become educated in the way that the internet works.  You are going to have to develop particular habits that will allow yourself to become aware of every aspect that you need to know in order to become adapt at learning the fake, from the real.  Until you decide to make this important move, you, my friend, are going to be like a babe in the woods.  You are going to become a lead to some so-called self professed marketing guru, who is going to freely strip you from your money, fill your garage and home with worthless products, and now you will be forced to go to and bitch, moan and whine about how you were ripped off.
    What is there were a free work-around to this whole ball game called internet marketing?  What if there were a place where you could gain that free internet education where you could arm yourself against that guy, sitting in a mobile home in the middle of Mississippi, and preying on all the newbie marketers, calling himself the world's greatest internet marketer, and being really nothing but a shiftless wanderer on the planet, looking to make a fast buck?  I am here to offer you a free solution to your dilemma.
    Below, find the FREE marketing system that can be used to generate leads for your business.  These people will become some type of relationship to you over time.  These people will see the value in free tools, free training, free mentoring and free advice that will develop your online business into a powerful marketing system.
    Veretekk FREE Marketing Portals:

    Affiliate Site

    Veretekk Profit Portals:


    Veretekk Regional Portals:

    Veretekk Down Under
    Consider the domain in the above presentations concerning Veretekk.  Now, if you know nothing about internet marketing, I will tell you that the domain of Veretekk has been live for well over ten years.  In other words, it has aged like fine wine on the search engines.  Its powerful, it loaded with promoting power on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines.  In other words, when you choose your subdomain to attach to this root domain, you have a powerful marketing tool just in that.  You are free to choose any subdomain name that you wish, but choose wisely when you signup.  You internet marketing success in the future depends on these domains.
    Is free a valuable commodity?  Is free that is something useful?  Is free of noteworthy recognition on the internet?  Well, let me ask you a question, is Google free?  Is the information available to you on the internet for free?  Is everything that we do on the internet actually free as far as searching for information that helps us in all areas of our lives?  Did I make my point?
    Stay tuned for more free articles concerning the words free, work from home, Google and a vast array of other stimulating and thought provoking articles concerning The Truth About Internet Marketing.

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
    fax 806-874-0036
    Office Hours:  9-6 CST
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    |Bruno Rioux|Leads|home based business leads|sales leads|lead time|home business leads|MLM Lead|free Lead|business leads|Leads generation|leadsomatic|

    home based business leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

    Are you looking for |home based business leads|leads generation|buy leads|business sales leads|opt in leads|prospecting leads|live leads|investor leads|generate leads|fresh leads|qualified leads|marketing leads|cheap leads|email leads|surveyed leads|home business leads|business opportunity leads|targeted leads|lead time|network marketing leads|follow my lead|?

    What kind of leads are looking for? home based business leads, leads generation, buy leads, business sales leads, opt in leads, prospecting leads, live leads, investor leads, generate leads, fresh leads, qualified leads, cheap leads, email leads, follow my lead, lead time, surveyed leads, targeted leads, home business leads, business opportunity leads, real time leads, network marketing leads, Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, MLM leads, Marketing Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, market leads, free, , …

    I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

    1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
    2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
    3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
    4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

    The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

    What are SALES LEADS?

    A sales lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in purchasing a product or service, and represents the first stage of a sales process. The lead may have a corporation or business associated with the person(s). Sales leads come from either marketing lead generation processes such as trade shows, direct marketing, advertising, Internet marketing or from sales person prospecting activities. For a sales lead to qualify as a sales prospect, qualification must be performed and evaluated. Typically this involves identifying by direct interrogation of the lead's product applicability, availability of funding and time frame for purchase. This is also known as the entry point of a sales tunnel, sales funnel or sales pipeline.

    Once a qualified lead exists, additional operations may be performed such as background research on the lead's, the market of the lead, contact information beyond that provided initially or other information useful for contacting and evaluating a lead for elevation to prospect leads.

    If a sales lead eventually makes a purchase, this is called conversion. The ratio of sales leads that convert is often referred to as the conversion rate, a way to measure the effectiveness of a sales process, sales team, or sales person.

    What are Real Time Leads?

    Real time leads is a resource that allows an individual to build a home-based business such as a franchise or MLM. These leads lists contain names of and the means to contact individuals interested in purchasing a business opportunity.

    What differentiates real time leads from more traditional business leads is the means by which they are harvested and timeliness. Traditionally, business leads were generated by a MLM or franchise owner cold-calling on individuals or by business/ social networking. Real time leads are harvested via websites targeting MLM/ franchise opportunity seekers. Individuals interested in such business seek out information on the web, choose opportunities best suited to themselves and fill out a form requesting contact from those selling the business opportunities.

    One of the more intriguing facets of real time leads is how “fresh” they are. MLM/ franchise opportunity sellers can receive a request from an opportunity seeker the moment the form is completed. Within seconds of an online forms completion opportunity seeker and seller can be in direct contact with each other.

    How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

    Click here to find out more about this leads generating system. And don't forhet to submit your URL to Google.

    Need training on how to use Leadsomatic then come to my conference room on Sunday at 0600 hrs PST.


    Consumer Leads
    Leads Free Leads
    Your Lucky List
    Leads Forum
    Free Conference room
    Free Leads
    More Leads
    Free stuff
    Marketing leads
    1st Classifieds
    Computer Giveaway
    Daily Message Online
    FFA Farm
    Free FFAs
    Free Page
    Money Machine
    Spam Wars
    Vacation 4 Free
    Veretekk Down Under

    Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
    Bruno Rioux
    Skype brrioux
    Phone 1-506-455-4990

    Blogging to generates rank


    Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords,Internet Marketing,mlm leads,mortgage leads,work from home,working from home,leads,
    Leadsomatic and Veretekk . Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

    Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites Smile

    Blogging your Home Business to Success

    It is great that the phrase blog floats around the net day in and day out, but what if you have no idea what a blog really is? Is this going to be helpful to your web site? No, not really. Here we will offer the skinny on the phrase blog, and you can decide for yourself if it may or may not be useful in your web pages. Shaun McClelland uses blogs to promote the most sort after commodity on the net. Leads He promotes
    Veretekk's Leadsomatic Portal using

    The term blog refers to weblog and it is in every fashion not a commercial or professional site. Generally the most recent information on a blog is kept at the top of the page, as blog's are dated log formats. Often they will have commentary of other sites or links directing you to them. Many times the site is dictated by group links and the log is updated frequently. This is a good way to get you web page linked for your readers to go to increasing your sales potential. For maximum porential Shaun McClelland also uses BlogFather for syndicating his blog articles.

    Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next post looks at more ways to use robots.txt

    ADD a LINK

    Choose a Lead Generating Portal

    Homepage 9


    Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords,Internet Marketing,mlm leads,mortgage,leads,work from home,working from home,leads,
    Leadsomatic and Veretekk . Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

    Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites Smile

    Making frames visible to Search Engines

    Using Robots.txt to your advantage

    We discussed the ROBOTS tag in brief earlier. Let us understand this tag a little more in detail. All the major search engines differ somewhat, so what's get you ranked high on one engine may actually help to lower your ranking on another engine.

    It is for this reason that some people like to optimise pages for each particular search engine. Usually these pages would only be slightly different but this slight difference could make all the difference when it comes to ranking high. By using
    Leadsomatic Lead Generating Portal you can also overcome this.

    The whole issue of page ranking is to tap into the lucrative leads produced by queries from search engines. This article will help you to develop your
    Splash Page for Leadsomatic. It is all about Premium leads for your online business.

    However because search engine spiders crawl through sites indexing every page it can find, it might come across your search engine specific optimised pages and because they are very similar, the spider may think you are spamming it and will do one of two things, ban your site altogether or severely punish you in the form of lower rankings.

    The solution in this case is to stop specific Search Engine spiders from indexing some of your web pages. This is done using a robots.txt file which resides on your web space. A Robots.txt file is a vital part of any webmasters battle against getting banned or punished by the search engines if he or she designs different pages for different search engine's.

    The robots.txt file is just a simple text file as the file extension suggests. It's created using a simple text editor like notepad or WordPad; complicated word processors such as Microsoft Word will only corrupt the file.

    Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next post looks at more ways to use robots.txt

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    Choose a Lead Generating Portal