The most powerful word in marketing is the word "free".
by Thomas Prendergast-CEO of Inetekk/Veretekk
Answer: Actually that's not a bad approach to take, both with our site and any freebie offer you may find on the Web. Although we work hard to make sure all our offers are legitimate, it's always best to remember that people usually don't give away free stuff out of the goodness of their hearts. By and large, freebie providers are looking to draw you to their site to drum up business, so they can sell you something. Having said that, there are an enormous number of great freebies out there for the taking. So just be careful and use common sense, and you'll be OK. Incidentally, if you sign up for a lot of freebies, you may be targeted by spammers (junk E-mail senders). Be sure to protect yourself against spam."
Veretekk Traffic Portals:
1st Classifieds http://free.1-family.com
Blastomatic http://free.blastomatic.com
BlogFather http://free.blogfather.net
Computer Giveaway http://free.computer-giveaway.net
Daily Message Online http://free.dailymessageonline.com
eTracking http://free.etracking.net
FFA Farm http://free.ffafarm.com
Free FFAs http://free.freeffas.com
Free-Mart http://free.free-mart.net
Free Page http://free.free-page.net
Money Machine http://free.money-machine.net
Sohomatic http://free.sohomatic.com
Spam Wars http://free.spam-wars.net
Vacation 4 Free http://free.vacation-4-free.com
Veremail http://free.veremail.com
VereTracking http://free.veretracking.com
WebCatch http://free.webcatch.net
Veretekk Profit Portals:
ISP-4-FREE http://free.isp-4-free.net
Leadsomatic http://free.leadsomatic.com
VereConference http://free.vereconference.com
Veretekk Regional Portals:
Veretekk Down Under http://free.veretekk.com.au
Veretekk SEO Portals:
4f500 http://free.4f500.com
Almost-Rich http://free.almost-rich.com
Anzaland http://free.anzaland.net
BlogFreeRadio http://free.blogfreeradio.net
BlogNewsRadio http://free.blognewsradio.net
Blogomatic http://free.blogomatik.com
Generate-Leads http://free.generate-leads.net
ePopMail http://free.epopmail.com
Incomeomatic http://free.incomeomatic.net
iWealthOnline http://free.iwealthonline.com
Lead-Sources http://free.lead-sources.net
My-Free-Biz http://free.my-free-biz.com
MyFreeSearch http://free.myfreesearch.net
SEO5 http://free.seo5.net
SEO9 http://free.seo9.net
Success-Leads http://free.success-leads.net
TinCashCan http://free.tincashcan.com
VoIP-4-Free http://free.voip-4-free.net
Xelr8It http://free.xelr8it.biz
ZeroDebtGroup http://free.zerodebtgroup.com
fax 806-874-0036