Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Affordable Web Conferencing

When you are operating a successful small business online, you need to be aware of the money you spend for the different online programs that you choose to become involved with.  In speaking with several people just today about Vereconference web conferencing, they brought to my attention that they were totally impressed with the system from several different avenues.  We spoke briefly on the effectiveness and simplicity of web conferencing from Vereconference.  They, like myself, had done their due diligence in exploring all the other web conferencing resources in an effort to find the most cost effective conference room system for their particular needs.  These professional business people were very impressed with the fact that Vereconferencing is so very affordable.  I quoted prices for a 200 seat room at $200.  Now I know this is very inexpensive compared to the other systems I have signed up for in my comparative analysis of web conferencing.  Most of the other big boy programs out on Google are far more expensive.  Some can even range into the thousands of dollars and not be half the web conferencing system that we have in Vereconference.
Let's take a closer look at Vereconference prices.
Room Size Monthly Fee
15 People $44.95
20 People $59.95
25 People $68.75
50 People $137.50
75 People $206.25
100 People $250.00
125 People $300.00
150 People $345.00
175 People $385.00
200 People $400.00
250 People $450.00
300 People $480.00
350 People $525.00
400 People $560.00
500 People $650.00
750 People $900.00
These prices are effective as of the date of this article post.  As you can plainly see, Vereconference simply blows the competition completely out of the water on pricing structure.  In exploring web conferencing services deeply on Google, I found some systems that were in excess of $400 for just a 5 person web room!  Compare the better web conferencing service for 200 people at just $400 per month.  All this with NO contract to sign!  This is simply full tilt value in affordable web conferencing services.  The audio and web conferencing services are like having your own individual recording studio at your disposal 24/7t.
The way to promote such a seamless web conferencing room system like Vereconference is to be aware that we are the best of the best program out there online.  There is no system that can match the ease of function, the price nor the full capabilities that this incredible web conferencing system has to offer people.  There is no sense of over exaggerated claims here.  When you have the best service, price and features, people will find you.  In talking with Tom Prendergast, the owner of Vereconference, today, we spoke in detail on this matter.  Tom has consistently lived by his creed to undercharge and over on every online service that he has.  Both he and Mike Darling have spent an incredible amount of time, money and effort to bring to the internet the best web conferencing room system available at any price.  I personally think that its time to give thanks where thanks is due here for such an incredible web conferencing service as Vereconference.
Butch Hamilton-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference

Blogging for Search Engine Placement on Google

There is an art and a science to blogging.  Consistently posting content, keyword rich content and keyword specific titles can land you top positions on Google.  There are a number of excellent blogging systems available for no charge.  I think this is amazing, since in all truthfulness, people need not pay one dime to become a super seo specialist on Google.  Amazing as this is, it is a wonder why more people are not actively pursuing online careers using blogs.
I am going to talk about one of my favorite blogging systems today.  It is called BlogFather.  Now BlogFather is a relatively new kid on the blog to the blog family.  This system is owned and operated by Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling.  For anyone who has been online any time at all, you will know the name of Veretekk.  This amazing lead generating system, search engine optimization system and search engine marketing system is taking the internet by storm.  It empowers average people just like you and me the ability to learn tried and true systems to become very effective in operating a small business online.
The BlogFather blogging system is free to use.  To signup for your own BlogFather system simply click on the hyperlinks in this presentation.  I will tell you also to be keyword specific when choosing your usernames.  It will make the system even more powerful.  BlogFather blogs capture top positions on Google when used correctly.  By consistently posting your great articles every day, they will gain notoriety and presence and also assist you in the branding process for both your name and your business opportunity.  This simple, yet highly effective way to present your business online is an incredible way to build your online business.
The key to successful blogging lies in the keyword rich content that you add consistently to your blogs.  Remember this, content is king on Google.  I cannot over emphasize this one fact.  If you add  your great articles to blogs every day, you will begin to drive traffic to the website that you are choosing to promote.  Here again, absolutely no charge to you for this service.  The blogging system accepts html code for all you programmers out there.  The presentatations will also automatically house an rss feed for you to place a link to a website you have the control over for constantly changing content.  When you consider that changing content is very appealing to the search engine spiders on Google, you will see the value of consistent posting. 
The importance of keyword rich content cannot be overemphasized here if you are attempting to gain notoriety and presence on the search engines.  You will see a slow steady climb to the top of a keyword category that you choose, traffic to your websites on the increase and an ever important notice of the branding of yourself which is so vitally important to marketing online.  Most people view this process from a totally human viewpoint;  however, to be truly effective, you must move away from your human thinking and learn to become a search engine spider who considers really nothing except keywords, ad content and links.  When you put the pieces of this mindset together, you will be truly amazed at what you can accomplish in a small business online.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist

The Opportunities Are There! Find a Quality Opportunity and Never Quit

The Opportunities Are There! Find a Quality Opportunity and Never Quit

If you're looking for ways to make an outstanding income on the internet,
having a quality product is with a plan for success is key.

For Immediate Release:

I am told that there are over 12 million people involved with a home based
business in the United State and 49 million worldwide. That's a staggering
number of people.

The problem is that 95% of them don't make any money. Why is this? There can
be many reasons.

Many people overlook the quality of the product they seek to promote and, as
a result, fail in their business.

Others don't have a marketing or business plan. I once heard that a lack of
a plan is a plan for failure. How true.

So some of the keys to success are to find a quality product that with which
you are comfortable. Next make sure you have someone who can mentor you
until you start having success. Be certain the company you decide to promote
provides regular training and support. Finally, sign with a company that
pays high commissions.

I suggest those looking to make money online check out Jaguar Marketing
Jaguar Marketing provides excellent training and support and pays $1,000 and
$3,000 commissions. Contact Mal Johnson for more information.


Mal Johnson
Direct: (925) 262-8504

# # #

Key words: marketing plan, business plan, home based business, key to
success, Jaguar Marketing

Mal Johnson
(925) 262-8504

Home Business Idea Marketing Is an Idea Whose Time Has Come

Home Business Idea Marketing Is an Idea Whose Time Has Come

Mal Johnson says that it takes as much time, effort and expense to market a
high profit opportunity as it does to market small profit businesses.


If one is going to incur the expense of and make the effort promoting a home
based business, it might as well be a business that delivers a higher profit
than a lower one. The reason is that it will take as much expense and effort
to market either one.

That's why Mal Johnson is promoting Jaguar Marketing through his Home
Business Idea Marketing website. If one is truly interested in being
successful with a home based business, Mal recommends a visit to his website

Mal Johnson
Direct: (925) 262-8504 

# # #

Key words: home business, home business idea, home business marketing, home
based business, high profit

Make Money Online with Home Business Idea Marketing & Jaguar Marketing

Make Money Online With Home Business Idea Marketing & Jaguar Marketing

Mal Johnson says that Jaguar Marketing System is the ultimate marketing
system to help build a home business and earn substantial income. 


Are you tired of all the exaggerations and scams?  Are you struggling with
your home business and for answers to your marketing needs, but you still
are falling short?

Well, take a look at Jaguar Marketing, owned by the most successful online
mentor and entrepreneur,Mr. Al Turnquist <> .
Al will show you exactly what you need to do in order to become successful
with a professionally built online business.  Al Turnquist knows exactly how
to build a professional online business.  He is an expert in motivation and
teaches sound business building techniques. Al is showing people with all
kinds of different backgrounds how be successful in building a home

Al teaches the power of emulating successful Fortune 500 companies business
building techniques rather than the concept of duplication.

Can you imagine the power of delegation instead of duplication to build your
online business?

If you want to have the best small business building system ever designed,
Jaguar Marketing System is what you need.

Mal Johnson
Direct: (925) 262-8504 

# # #

Key words: home business, home business idea, home business marketing, home
based business, high profit, marketing needs, best small business

Why Veretekk Leads in Lead Generation

As a lead generation specialist,  am always looking at lead generation systems to get new ideas for my own lead generation efforts.

Recently, I was given a glimpse into a new lead generation and management system that has been introduced to an MLM opportunity in the Health and Wellness industry that I am considering. I won't mention the name of the company, since, as with many such companies, one is not allowed to mention the name without company approval.  Never understood that, actually - seems to me it would be very difficult to brand the name.  I will call it the HBB System for convenience.

In any event, I looked at this new system and, as I reviewed it, I was struck by how much more powerful the Veretekk Lead Generation System is than this system could ever hope to be.

The HBB System has all the usual things one would expect in a lead generation system centered around email marketing:  autoresponders, prebuilt landing pages, the ability to build other landing pages from company-supplied blocks of code, and a complete communication management system. 

The Veretekk Lead Generation System has all of these as well, and much, much more.

The focus of the HBB System seems to be the creation of landing pages to capture leads.  How does one get traffic to these pages?  Not sure - most likely by word of mouth or email marketing campaigns (which we all know do not work very well any more).  Certainly the only tools I saw in the back office which could drive traffic are the email campaigns.

The one huge thing that is missing from the HBB System is the ability to do search engine optimization, which we all know is extremely important these days to generate leads from the internet. 

There was no ability to change the HTML code through their 'web page builder'.  So much for optimizing the pages...

And, unlike the Veretekk Lead Generation System, there is nothing to support your search engine optimization efforts, such as our SEO portals, and lead generation pages such as Leadsomatic which offer services of real value to business builders.  All that the HBB landing pages offer are the usual blather about how you will get rich if you join the opportunity, and by the way here is our product.  In other words, the usual hype, directed at people who may find the product of interest and have some vague notion that there might be a way to make money doing this, but will quit as soon as they find out there is work involved.

Fortunately for me, I have the power of the Veretekk Lead Generation System at my command, so if I do join this program I will be able to blast their lead generation system out of the water.  I will be able to attract leads who are interested in building a business (as well as trying the product, of course).

Unfortunately for me, the company has made use of this system mandatory.  So if I join I have to purchase and learn another inferior lead generation system, and figure out how to use Veretekk to power it up to the next level. 

This could be an interesting challenge!

I'm up for it, and I know the Veretekk Lead Generation System is up for it. 

What about you?  Are you ready to take your lead generation efforts to the next level? Grab yourself a Veretekk Lead Generation System today!


Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph:   801-289-7145
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
My Favorite Places

Previous Posts

Lead Generation

Lead Generation
Lead generation is a topic that every online marketer should become well acquainted with in the formation of building a small business on Google.  Lead generating systems give a great chance of success by producing leads that can be contacted about various opportunities they are involved with.  As professional online marketers, each one of us has a responsibility in telling people the right way to conduct business online.  The process of internet marketing is often thought of just a way to get money from people and leave them in a cloud of dust once the "I Submit" button is clicked.  In talking, lecturing, teaching and motivating people who are currently involved in some way with network marketing, its amazing that very few people know anything at all about how to build a small business online.  They simply join a business venture of some kind, and its almost like they go blindly on the net in hopes that they will find that magic button that will lead to their success.  People struggling and straining are met with an almost insurmountable task of getting someone to even see their opportunity, much less have a chance of actually making a sale.
When you consider that most people use computers for just a few reasons, it becomes clearer about the difficult job of promoting a home business online.  People use computers for email, chat rooms, online shopping with eBay and that really sums it up.  These people are just surfing, looking, viewing sites and basically are just wandering aimlessly looking for something interesting to do with their time.  Online games are a huge draw for people online.  I personally know people that I have talked with that only view their emails once a month or so.  This would lead me to think that those thinking they are accomplishing something huge by doing things like email blasts are simply wasting their valuable time.  These same people could be accomplishing something that is real and significant online, but the thought of actually working with a computer is a total turnoff to them.
So it is with lead generation.  People surfing tend to sign up for many online opportunities.  Most do not even remember what they signed up for and wake up one morning with thousands of eager marketers in their inbox.  These marketers have the idea that these people are just waiting for them to join their program to get healthy, wealthy and wise.  When you  spend money for leads, this is precisely what you are paying for which is absolutely nothing.  These people are not looking to join anything.  These people are not wanting to talk with you, or anyone else, about your great opportunity.  The fact is, most people in today's world have caller id for that very reason.  They will not answer their phone that has a number they do not recognize.  They will not open their email from some hungry email blaster.  They will not talk with anyone who is involved with marketing online in any way.  There you have the basic mentality of internet marketing.  Even if people do join some online business, they are totally lost at knowing what the next step is.  Most people cannot copy and paste, much less run a successful online business.
When you talk about buying leads, any leads, all leads and especially leads that are called telephone surveyed leads and all that nonsense, the lead brokers are basically lying.  This is truth in the best sense of the word.  When you spend hundreds, or maybe thousands of dollars on leads that are supposedly highly motivated buyers, you are buying nothing more than digital space.  You are buying nothing more than a small piece of information that is basically worthless.  Is there a way around this dilemma?  Of course!  You become proficient in the art of lead generation.  You produce your own leads so that when you do pick up that telephone to talk with someone about your business, they have already seen your name.  They know that you are a real person, just like themselves, that are wanting to make a difference in their lives.  They know that you are probably not going to scam them, lie to them, tell them stories of your rich success or any of  the other crap we see every day online.  You have just begun to develop some sort of relationship.  Perhaps they will take note of your opportunity.  No one ever knows the answer to that riddle.
I am going to give you two simple words below that are clickable.  These two words can cut through the mystery of internet marketing for you.  These two simple words can open up the path to actually becoming a true and viable internet professional for the first time.  Learning all you can know about leads is the way.  It is the ONLY way to appoach the art of internet marketing.

Leads and the small business

If you been on the internet for any length of time now you most have notice that are untold numbers off business offers

The question is which small Business to choose which one will send cash to your account rather than take cash from your account.

Once you decide to start a Business you will need leads for your Business

And again there are so many possibilities how do you know which one to use with out losing your money and wasting your time?

There is no easy answer to these question one suggestion that I have, once you find a business that appeals to you go to Google write the name of the business in the search box and see what comes up.

You are likely to find people who have try that business out.
See what the are saying about it do a who is check on the owner of the Business to find out about the person as far as the leads company are concern you can do a similar check to find out more there are a lot of good Business out there you need to find one that suits your personality and of course the Business most be one that as a real product are service no pansy schemes.

If you would like more information contact the author Sterling Hayden
About the author:
You can find out more about Sterling Hayden at
TEL. (49) 0382701318



Since the Leadsomatic system enhancements on 6/1/07 there have now literally been hundreds of new signups... and hundreds of upgrades to the full Veretekk system! There are thousands of dollars in commissions pending for the month of August alone - and we're almost through the month! The percentage of upgrades to the paid system of total signups since 6/1 is an incredible 28% conversion rate! That is a massive statistic! If you have paid a little attention to the Bully Pulpits from the last few weeks, you can see that as huge a percentage as it has been it's actually increased a little more in recent weeks! Simply amazing specially since we added another 20 SEO portals. Perhaps even more incredible is that for every 6 people that have upgraded, less than 1 has cancelled! Folks that's called retention at its finest!

But beyond the basic statistics, we have received a flood of comments and feedback from Veretekk subscribers about the huge number of premium leads they are being generated by their system... Not just Leadsomatic leads but tons of leads coming in from all of their other traffic portals as well. Do you know why this is happening? BECAUSE VERETEKK WORKS! What's happening is that a lot of you have started really promoting your Leadsomatic site because there is new information and stats for you to use in your marketing efforts. As you do this and people go to your Leadsomatic Website the rest of your system is kicking into gear. Prospects are following the links on your site to your other traffic portals as well. They are receiving your sequential mail sets as they signup into Leadsomatic and your other portals. Your automated marketing system is doing just that! We are pleased to hear from so many people about the great results they are getting...

If you have not taken a close look at your Leadsomatic portal to understand how it can start producing massive leads for your business and a nice passive income at the same time, it's not too late. Go check it out and get to work. You won't be disappointed!

Has you can see, I am not kidding about this Lead Generation System.

They major thing to remember is that YOU have to be the one that make it happen. No one else but you is going to make you successful. However, Veretekk and roughly 100+ fantastic trainers are standing by to help you in person to get your business on the Market. Take advantage of it!

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990