Monday, November 26, 2007

Backlinking for Leads 7

Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

These keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. are used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Link analysis differs from link popularity in analysing the popularity of the pages that link to your pages. It gives a weight to linked site, determining the popularity of those pages. This gives Shaun an idea of the quality of links back to his Leadsomatic site. By linking sites with harmonious keywords to your site, the search engines give higher ranking.

This is where Shaun McClelland’s Veretekk’s Leads Generating Portals beat all other systems hands down. All 23 free giveaway portals have 6 link boxes you can choose who to link to. The most popular and profitable portal is Leadsomatic.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article takes a closer look at linking criteria.





When starting a business on Google, you might very well think that the business is going to flourish within a designated portion of time. Might I say, this is the wrong mindset to have. Any time that you put a time restriction on your success, you have just put into place the needed element NOT to have the success that you are so desperately craving. This is all part of the reason that 95% of people in an online business are not having the success that they are searching for. The are uncommitted, undedicated and really have no workable skills in any of the necessary areas like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective and search engine compatible websites and the other needed educational tools that they all need to become successful online.

Veretekk is the place to come for that internet education. You will come to this place to learn the necessary elements concerning leads, lead generation and lead generation systems. You may even develop your talent to such a degree, that you will never have to buy leads again to promote your business. This is the core of Veretekk.

Leadsomatic is another tools within the system that gives you the ability to create backlinks that cause your site to raise on the search engine of Google. Here again, in order to learn how to effectively use this system, you must become educated in that for it to be totally effective. In my profession of search engine optimization, I see all types of people online. Most of them are simply flailing and surfing for the next big launch of some stupid program that will make them successful. They are more likely to become mlm junkies, than they are to actually learn the real and effective ways to market on Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major search engines of the digital world.

It is crystal clear to me that people want to buy some software program, some ebook, some bullshit program than they are to learn a real business online. They are simply going to spend another big chunk of money, and get the same results that they did the last time. Marketing effectively on Google is a great way to become financially independent. But, you have to be willing to learn the correct ways, apply yourself daily and never lose site of the fact that you will become successful. This is paramount in this fast paced world. The world of internet marketing is not fast, even though most people tend to think that it is. There is nothing fast about gaining top positioning on the search engines, its simply a matter of consistent effort.

Now I have a question. Are you willing to work your online business for the rest of your life?  Are you willing to be educated in the ways and means of the net?  Are you willing to never quit...never quit...never quit?  If you can answer yes to this, you might just have a shot.

Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing

When building any type of business, you must never lose sight of the fact that all things take time and effort to develop properly. Most online marketers are an impatient bunch. The really expect miracles in a short amount of time. They say that they will stay with the business for a three month period, but after that, they are out of here. In all honesty, you must learn to be focused. You must place all full intent on what you are trying to accomplish, and never lose the drive and desire needed to become successful.

In my seo business, I see all things that are on the search engines. I see all types of opportunities, promises for big money, fast cars and beautiful homes. The one thing that I do not see is dedication in building a professional business. As with anything else in life, there are no quick fixes, no magic buttons and no one to make you do the work required. Google is all about information. When you place the best information on the search engine through blogs, forums, websites, press releases and ezine articles, you magnify your chances of success by thousands of times.

Web conferencing is a tool that you can use to increase your effectiveness when talking to people about your business. I know that in my SEO business, as well as my Jag Marketing Business, I use web conferencing every single day to one degree or another. I am one of those types of individuals that has a pit bull mentality. When I bite, I never let go. I wonder if this is why I am so powerful on Google? I would say an unequivocal YES. Web conferencing gives me the needed communication between myself and potential seo clients, to give great business presentations. I can literally send my link to anyone in the entire world, and they can login to my web conferencing room for zero cost. How could this get any better than that?

I have a question for you, the reader. Do you have what it takes to become successful online? Do you have the desire, the motivation and the wherewithal to withstand the tides of no success, until one fine day, the dam breaks, and your success finally finds a home? If you do, then you may very well be a prime candidate for web conferencing. Hey, what have you got to lose. Its free for 24 hours, to use as you will.  You have the opportunity to build your online business the right way, the effective way and the best way with interactive web conferencing from Vereconference.
_________________  Additional Web Conferencing Info here.

The Value of Branding Your Name by David Dial

The Value of Branding Your Name by David Dial

The Value of Branding is Name Recognition on Google
Branding your name to Google is one of the most important steps one can take for an online marketing venture.  If you're unknown, you're not believable, and if you're not believable nobody buys what you say.
Take for example SEO Master Butch Hamilton, Google his name and see 45 pages of results.  Butch has been working online for the past 3 1/2 years consistantly putting out good, relavant content that helps Internet Marketers succeed.
Business Professional, David Dial says " Butch Hamilton is without doubt the most powerful SEO Master on Google today. Consider the fact that Mr. Hamilton started with little knowlede and became an Seo Master, Business Professional in a relativly short time through hard work and dedication.
The good news is that he will teach you to do the same.  Imagine working with the top SEO Master and achiving the results you've always wanted.  This is now very possible with the introduction of Phase IV Marketing Group. Please visit this site for more information
Keywords: Business Professional, David Dial, Phase IV Marketing, Butch Hamilton

David Dial
Phone: 407-931-1781
Skype: dave4haly   

Search Engine

Search Engine
According to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, a" search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system. Search engines help to minimize the time required to find information and the amount of information which must be consulted, akin to other techniques for managing information overload."  In general terms a search engine could be described as your best source of information on a particular subject that you are requiring information about.  Below, find an explanantion on the mechanics of search engines.
"Search engines provide an interface to a group of items that enables users to specify criteria about an item of interest and have the engine find the matching items. The criteria are referred to as a search query. In the case of text search engines, the search query is typically expressed as a set of words that identify the desired concept that one or more documents may contain.[1]

There are several styles of search query syntax that vary in strictness. Where as some text search engines require users to enter two or three words separated by white space, other search engines may enable users to specify entire documents, pictures, sounds, and various forms of natural language. Some search engines apply improvements to search queries to increase the likelihood of providing a quality set of items through a process known as query expansion.

index-based search engine
index-based search engine

The list of items that meet the criteria specified by the query is typically sorted, or ranked, in some regard so as to place the most relevant items first. Ranking items by relevance (from highest to lowest) reduces the time required to find the desired information. Probabilistic search engines rank items based on measures of similarity and sometimes popularity or authority. Boolean search engines typically only return items which match exactly without regard to order.

To provide a set of matching items quickly, a search engine will typically collect metadata about the group of items under consideration beforehand through a process referred to as indexing. The index typically requires a smaller amount of computer storage, and provides a basis for the search engine to calculate item relevance. The search engine may store of copy of each item in a cache so that users can see the state of the item at the time it was indexed or for archive purposes or to make repetitive processes work more efficiently and quickly.

Notably, some search engines do not store an index. Crawler, or spider type search engines may collect and assess items at the time of the search query. Meta search engines simply reuse the index or results of one or more other search engines.

The most public, visible form of a search engine is a Web search engine which searches for information on the World Wide Web."  This overview of search engines brings more relevancy to the overall importance of marketing online as well.  Most marketers struggle and strain in trying to promote their online businesses on the major search engines.  The art of search engine optimization and search engine marketing are viewed as vital parts of the internet marketing puzzle.  Still to this day, most people trying to market online do not have a clue as to how to get a top position on the major search engines.

The major search engines are:

  • Alexa Internet
  • (formerly Ask Jeeves)
  • Exalead
  • Gigablast
  • Google
  • Live Search (formerly MSN Search)
  • MozDex
  • Yahoo! Search

    When trying to market goods and services online, here are the major search engines that an internet marketer will be approaching.  What if you had access to your own search engine?  How would you arrange that search engine to adequately promote it on the internet?  Well, with WebCatch, this is exactly what you have.  When you signup for WebCatch, you then have access to your own self-replicated search engine to add your links to, to advertise to other people and to generally get your information out successfully about your product or online business.  WebCatch is very powerful and sophisticated.  Taking the time to develop a hefty campaign for your own search engine can develop a substantial number of leads.  As a matter of fact, WebCatch is one of the most powerful lead generation systems found within Veretekk.

    Signup for your own WebCatch Search Engine:  and start becoming successful with your online business.

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
    fax 806-874-0036

    Is Your Home Business an Asset or Liability?

    Is Your Home Business An Asset or a Liability?


    If you are running a home business or considering starting one, then you should know the difference between whether you are creating an asset of liability. Having a home business can be very rewarding. It can give you financial freedom and allow you to break away from the nine to five job that you might be contemplating leaving. It gives you freedom to know that even if you want to stay with your current employer you know that you are there because you want to and not because you have to.


    So when you create a home business you want to make sure that its an asset and not a liability. You want to make sure that your creation has value. Let's take a look at when a home business is a liability. When you start your home business you are probably duplicating when someone else has done. If you are running a MLM or Network Marketing home business you probably duplicated what you thought was the right thing to do as you were directed by your up-line sponsor. You duplicated what has been duplicated as directed from your MLM company that you are representing. In any event you have duplicated what other people have done.


    Nine times out of ten you are creating a home business that requires you to do all the work. You have become an employee in your home business and therefore the only asset is you. If you leave the business your sales go away. All of the money you have spent came from the income of your present employment. Lets assume you are turning a profit and that you are pleased with your progress, but ask the question does your home business have value? If you were to leave does your home business have value? Are you the value, if you are you have created a liability instead of an asset.


    If you can leave your business and have it run and grow while you are gone then you have an asset? When you started your home business were you instructed to set up a management structure and run the business through delegation management? Were you established as a CEO in your home business and have you built an organization that can run your business? When you started your home business unless you were coached to start your business from the top down instead of from the bottom up you probably don't have a home business asset.


    So many times when home businesses are started the new home business owner is advised by the person who sold them the business opportunity. The role model, the new business owner followed, was actually copying what there up line told them. Probably the people in the up-line who have instructed you, and the person who sold you, are now off to the next opportunity. When a business is started from the top down you are actually creating your own business, but when it is started from the bottom up then you are becoming an employee for the person who actually created the business opportunity. The people who started the business opportunity are the real ones that have built an asset, because they have gotten you to work for them.


    It doesn't matter what you call it unless you are running your own home business you are working for someone else in a sales capacity. We teach how to set up a business and create an asset. There is a definite strategy to this and requires knowledge of business structure as well as having a mentor structure in place. Our mentoring structure allows us to make sure that you are a good candidate for a home business. Even though you may have the desire to run a home business, unless you are willing to stay with it you will end up as a home business casualty.


    One of our product lines is Jaguar Marketing's Mentors on a Mission. We teach our partners how to market the Mentors on a Mission program or how to become a Jaguar Marketing System Owner. Our system is branded Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System, [ ] so make sure that you look at our system. Why our system? Because it comes with our "Partner Development Program" that makes sure that you achieve the desired results. Within the Jaguar system is the 10K Per Week Program [ ] where you can actually make $10,000 per week fairly quickly, so we make sure that you are on time to achieve that goal. If you would like an interview or a call from one of our Account Executives please click the Sign-up section on the 10K week home business website or the special invitation on the above Jaguar site.


    Dr. Raymond Jewell


    Raymond Jewell PhD
    Skype: rbjewell

    Autoresponder Systems


    Automatic Responders

    When it comes to online advertising, we all want the same
    thing when it comes to promoting our site.

    We want more BANG for the buck.

    Today's note is about making the most of  "Guaranteed Traffic".

    If you don't know what is meant by "Guaranteed Traffic" here is
    the short version: has set up agreements with a variety
    of sites to purchase their exit traffic.

    "Exit Traffic" is what we call the action of someone LEAVING
    (or exiting) a web site.

    They either close their browser or they leave the site to go to a
    different web site. When they do, a new browser window opens up.

    This window is commonly referred to as a pop-up or a pop-under
    depending on where it comes up on the screen.

    We have all seen them, I'm sure. Some of us hate them. Some of us
    love them. Some of us don't care. But for internet advertisers,
    they can be a valuable resource for gaining web site exposure.

    As an advertiser, you can buy a this exit traffic for your own
    web site. This means that when that pop-up window comes up, it
    will have your web site in it.

    One of the big advantages of this type of advertising over banner
    advertising, link exchanges, etc... is that your ad shows up as a
    full web page instead of a small single line of text or a small
    banner graphic.

    So... how do you put all of that to best use for you?

    The key is to make sure you are promoting a page that does a few things:

    1) Loads very quickly.
    2) Has an attention grabbing headline or offer
    3) Has a form for visitors to fill out so you can follow up with them.

    Notice I didn't mention sales?

    When you are using visitor generating systems like these, the key is to
    capture their information so you can follow up with more information
    and make the sale.

    One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with these systems is
    that they actually send these visitors directly to an order page!

    You have to remember that these visitors are not looking for your
    offer. They didn't find you on a search engine. They were "dropped off"
    on your virtual door step and you need to capture their attention and
    their information as quickly as you can.

    As an example, I use a very simple (yet very effective) form that most
    of you reading this message may remember. It's how you got on this
    list to begin with. The URL is:

    This page loads quickly.
    This page has an attention grabbing  headline/offer.
    This page has a form for visitors to request more information.

    Once you have those elements in place, there is a step that you
    absolutely must not overlook if you want to succeed.

    This is a CRITICAL point I am about to make and I want you to be
    absolutely sure you do not take it lightly:


    I know... you've read that phrase from me several times. And you
    are going to read it many more times as we are all doing business
    together. The reason is simple. If you get this one concept down
    you win. If you do NOT get this one concept down you might get
    lucky every once in a while... but NOBODY (including me) is good
    enough to let luck control how I spend my advertising money.

    When you are popping up a page on someone's browser, your
    headline has to be STRONG! Your offer has to be CLEAR and the
    BENEFIT of what you are offering has to JUMP OFF THE PAGE at the

    If these things aren't happening, the reader simply mutters under
    their breath, closes the window, and  moves on to another site.


    The Headline is the first thing the readers are going to see.
    When you read a paper (or an online news site) your eye quickly
    scans the headlines to see what is of interest. If you don't see
    something pretty quick, you move on.

    Advertising works the same way. When your ad pops up on someone's
    browser, they are going to give it a quick look (they have no
    choice... it's right in front of them) and if they don't see
    something that is of interest to them INSTANTLY they are going to

    This is why you must TEST DIFFERENT HEADLINES until you find the
    one(s) that work for your offer.

    If you are a member of, you can test different headlines
    by simply logging in to your back office and going to your Autoresponder.

    When you change your report title, you are changing the headline on your
    report.html page. Simple!

    So... how do you get guaranteed visitors to your web site?

    Select a guaranteed traffic package of your choice by going
    straight to

    My suggestion is to get the largest package you can afford for
    your business.


    1. Business advertising is a tax deductible expense (consult your
    tax advisor).

    2. More visitors give you more room to test different headlines.

    Personally, I run a few thousand visitors through with the first
    headline. If the results are good I leave it alone. If the
    results are not good, I change the headline and run a few
    thousand more.

    I keep repeating that process until things are working the way I
    want them to.

    And by "working the way I want them to" I mean people are
    requesting more information and subscribing to my Autoresponder!

    I focus on generating leads, following up, and then closing the
    sale on the back end. It's MUCH easier to give away free info and
    collect their information for followup in the process than it is
    to try and sell them something with one single shot.

    Ready to try it out for yourself?

    1. Set up your Autoresponder at

    2. OR if you have your own domain name, site, etc... set that up.
        You can even add a convenient form to your own web site
        that will subscribe visitors to your autoresponder.

    3. Go to our Guaranteed Traffic site at
    and select your traffic package.

    4. Test... Test.. and TEST SOME MORE!
    5.  I also use Veremail for an automatic responder system as well.  Veremail is very flexible,
    as is TrafficWave.  I find that the two work in unison that result in effective online marketing.

    Yours in success,

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
    fax 806-874-0036

    Posted By Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert to What Is Search Engine Marketing? at 10/28/2007 11:22:00 AM

    Free Leads



    Looking for a powerful promotional tool to help your business?

    Would it help you to be able to blast your ad out to over 2 Billion websites?!? (Seriously!!!)

    Well now you can - just go to!

    You can sign up at absolutely NO COST and start using the great tools offered by Leadsomatic to promote your business online. Fr333 membership includes access to the search engine submission tool as well as the keyword ranking detection system. All available for fr33!

    If you're really serious about exploding your online promotional efforts, then you'll also want to consider upgrading for just $10/month to the paid membership. Doing so gives you full access to The Hammer - technology so powerful, it's one of the last submission tools available online today! With the simple click of a button the system will hammer your ad out to over 2 Billion websites... yes billion with a "B"!

    So feel fr33e to check it out... consider it my gift to you. Believe me, this is quite the tip!

    Go to right now to signup!

    Best wishes,

    Wayne and Adrienne Amable-Home Business Entrepreneurial Experts
    Direct: 1-866-718-7173

    Internet Marketing "Database Marketing"


    Database Marketing...

    "The Big guys know database and if you don't your lost!"
    by Thomas Prendergast 

    Database Marketing is a powerful and competitive weapon - especially on the Internet. The growth of database marketing is rooted in the small business philosophy of staying close to the customers, under-standing and meeting their needs and treating them well after the sale.

    Corporate marketing is tied to BIG, general marketing or advertising campaigns with a single untargeted message. This message may be based on the companies Unique Selling Proposition (USP). However, customers have different needs and a single USP spelt out to the whole market is no longer enough.

    Messages must be tailored to specific segments of the market and ultimately to the market segment of one, the individual customer. Computerizing the customer database makes it possible to address messages more specifically and market additional products to each customer.

    What is Database Marketing (DBM for short)?

    DBM is an interactive approach to marketing communication, which uses addressable communications media (mail, email, telephone, fax, etc.) to reach your target audience, stimulate demand, staying close by recording and keeping an electronic database memory of customer, prospect and all communication and commercial contacts, to help improve all future contacts.

    The characteristics of fully fledged database marketing are ....

    Each customer and prospect is identified as a record on the marketing database; markets and market segments are groups of individual customers.

    Each customer and prospect record contains not only identification and access information but also a range of marketing information. It also includes information about past transactions and about campaign communications.

    This information is accessible before, during and after the process of each interaction with the customer/prospect, to enable "you" to decide how to respond to the customer/prospect's needs.

    The database is used to record customer/prospects responses to campaigns.

    The information is available to marketing policy makers to enable them to decide such things as which target markets/segments are appropriate for each product/service etc.

    Selling many products to each customer, the database is used to ensure that the approach to the customer is co-ordinated; and a consistent approach developed.

    The database eventually replaces market research. Marketing campaigns are devised such that the response of customers to the campaign provides information, which the company is looking for.

    Marketing Management automation is developed to handle the vast amount of information generated by DBM. This identifies opportunities and threats more or less automatically! This is fully fledged marketing automation. Very few companies have succeeded in doing this; but many have it as their goal.
    DBM presents many challenges to management. It requires careful maintenance of great volumes of detailed customer data. Accessing the data, interpreting it, and using it to drive or support the marketing function requires a long-term marketing systems development policy.
    It also requires computing and marketing people to work together, often educating each other. And, it may well require most people in the company to forget their traditional way of doing business.

    DBM will only work if dealing with customers is viewed as an on-going process (Customer Contact Process).

    The ladder of loyalty is a key concept in DBM.

    No awareness of business or product/service.
    Awareness of business
    Awareness of product/service
    Positive perception
    Recognition of personal benefit
    Objections overcome
    Sale of product or service
    Entry into continued relationship.
    DBM is used to move customers up the ladder.
    The essence of database marketing is communicating directly with the customers and asking them to respond in a tangible way. It provides the means for the customer or prospect to respond and is set up to measure and fulfill the response.

    It sets up or reinforces a relationship with the customer, which is "fulfilled" when we follow up a customer's response to our communication. Fulfillment may be in many ways; a personalized email, a telephone conversation, sending literature (pdf), a sales visit, attendance at a web seminar, exhibition or store, or sending products to the customer. This aspect of relationship marketing if you are expecting to have success on Google.

    So DBM is a broad discipline, not a separate marketing communications medium, but a way of using any medium to elicit the desired response.

    The Phases of Development of Database Marketing

    In any business function, automation tends to go in phases. In DBM, we see four phases - these phases are not jumps, each covers a broad spectrum of approaches. They evolve into each other, but their philosophy is very different.

    Phase 1. Mystery Lists.

    In this phase, marketing databases are basic sales databases. They are often organized by product; a customer may appear many different times under different product categories. It may be hard to identify that it is the same customer. These databases tend to grow from accounts systems and they are hard to analyses for marketing purposes. There is usually conflict with other functions ... they see no reason for changing database structure to meet marketing needs! Lists of potential customers are brought in and not integrated with the sales database/s. They may be used once, to identify potential customers for a particular product, and then discarded. Whether a campaign is successful or not does not affect the rest of marketing.

    Phase 2. Buyer Databases.

    In this phase, sales and marketing databases are well organized, but there may be many databases. If a company uses several channels of distribution, there may be a database for each channel. Customer focus is possible; we can identify the nature of our relationship with a particular customer across different products. Databases can be analyzed to develop strategy. Each database campaign is well planned and executed in itself, but may overlap, or even conflict, with other campaigns. Increased effectiveness without overall co-ordination leads to more conflict. The conflict may be within the marketing function; or with sales or inventory management. From Phase 2, we learn which data are important, which kinds of data we need to use together, which conflicts and stresses we must resolve and how to use DBM professionally.

    Phase 3. Co-ordinated Customer Communication.

    In this phase, one database drives all customer communication and management. Computer systems are used to co-ordinate and drive campaigns. The emphasis is not on the database, though this is the powerful tool that makes it all possible. The emphasis is on customers. Our first questions are: who are our customers, what are their needs, and how shall we plan and co-ordinate all our communications efforts to meet them? In phase 3, we plan campaigns using the database. A campaign management system ensures that all involved in a campaign know the schedule. We review past performance, we test, we inform other functions of our proposed activity, we use automation to evaluate the campaign; all campaign information automatically enriches the database.

    Phase 4. Integrated Marketing.

    Many functions automate within closed loops but need information from other areas. It may never be possible to link every function automatically, but each functional subsystem automatically gets the information it needs from every other subsystem. But we can go a long way to ensuring that the critical links are made at key stages. It is not possible to maintain a good database without a call center. Calling and talking to your customers and prospects is the only way to keep the information relevant and timely.  You must be willing to setup communication with the people that are going to help you build your online business.  Get real here for a moment.  Would you consider doing business with someone who you could never contact?

    In summary, to achieve a high level and capable DBM system, the costs can be astronomical and the actual implementation daunting indeed. Many new companies are springing up across the Internet claiming to be a provider of wide scale DBM systems. However, when one scrutinizes these offers most of them are nothing more than automated auto-responders and a few cute replicated web pages. The primary difference you need to look for is a complete cycling system that builds 24 hours, tracks traffic from all offers, captures full demographics and integrates this wealth of information into every aspect of the marketing tools. To date, the only company that has achieved this is Veretekk. 
    Internet education is your online viable option.  You either choose to become educated in the way that Google operates, or you simply try to run your business the way that you have been doing.


    Come join us, it is free!

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

    Internet Business

    Internet Business
    When you consider the possibilities from an internet business on Google, you might tend to become overwhelmed at the possibilities that are available.  The possibilities are literally endless.  There are all types of internet businesses available.  According to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, "an Internet business is a type of Virtual Business which delivers services via the Internet. As Web 2.0 services rise in popularity many businesses will begin to use these communicative and collaborative technologies to allow customers into their business. At such time, customers will be able to contribute their ideas in developing a company's services and products."
    The modern eBusiness holds great promises, but there are pitfalls to avoid when searching for such a business.  In dealing with many people online, it has been my experience that people tend to become unfocused in their attempts to operate a professional business online unless they see results instantly.  This leads me to think that dealing on the internet is tricky business at its best because of the fact that people really do think that as fast as the net operates, then it just makes perfect sense that their online success should come just as rapidly.
    Any business, whether it be offline or online, takes time, patience and an almost dogged determination to develop into a viable and substantial success.  I do my best to inform people of this tendency, but it remains a mystery as to why the success rate is so low for actual monetary success online.  The act of starting a successful eBusiness is no easy or simple manner.  You simply don't join something, get a self-replicated website, put it live and Google and then start to make money.  There is much more to the process as most would be internet entrepreneurs can attest to.  You must do you due diligence to find the perfect professional business to associate with in the beginning.  Below, find some guidelines that will assist you in the process to make it simpler to find the perfect online business.
    • Due your best to discover exactly how successful other members are in the program by going to the search engine of Google, and finding names and phone numbers of people you can speak with about their program.  Most people are more than willing to share insider secrets to their success, if they are having any.  You will be able to tell if that person is a business pro, or just another person trying to sell you a widget.
    • Explore the policies and procedures carefully before clicking the "I Submit" button.  There are many online businesses that look really good, until you explore the results and policies (or lack of them.)
    • Check out the so-called guru owners of these companies.  Never accept what you read on the website.  You should be able to contact the owners of these companies directly.  If they tend to be shrouded in secrecy, you should be very wary of joining.  A sincere business professional owner is more than willing to share insights with you that will help you determine if the online business is real, or just smoke and mirror.
    • Go with a professional business that has cutting edge technology.  If you deal with an online business that still uses the antiquated teleconferencing system, beware that they are probably not what they say they are.  Go with proven leaders in technology as they know what it takes to build a business online.
    • Education and training should be the first rule to follow with a successful business on Google.  They should provide everything that you need to become successful.  Their trainers should be the leaders in online business with actual training sessions provided in areas like search engine optimization, building effective and search engine compatible websites for promoting, how to prospect effectively, how to talk to prospects on the phone and how to effectively operate your online business to the maximum benefit.  Most online programs are far less than effective in this area.  They talk a great game, but unless that are willing to give you real-time information and training in specific areas, stay away.
    • Never be fooled by hype and exaggeration on the sites.  If you see people driving expensive cars, giving testimonials that you know are not real, telling you about big cars and sexy blondes they are getting, move on down the internet marketing road.  Keep in mind that these people could be living in a mobile home somewhere in the Adirondack mountains, for all you know.  Check their credibility online by putting their names in Google.  If you see them come up on a search, they could be the real deal in internet marketing.  Absolutely anyone that knows their business on Google, will be seen under their name.  If they are not, you know that they are fakes and shams.
    The internet is a great place to live and work.  eBusiness is being seen as the new paradigm shift to the way people are choosing their own destinies in their lives.  When you find that business that offers all the above benefits, and much more, you will be well on your way to having the success that you desire, and deserve.
    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
    fax 806-874-0036


    mlm opportunity|opportunity mlm|mlm

    mlm opportunity|opportunity mlm|mlm


    Read this if you are looking for an mlm opportunity


    Mlm opportunity and the internet growth

    The Internet growth as been phenomenal and Is still growing every day with millions of new people coming online every and a lot of these people are looking to earn some extra money from home, this as paved the way for mlm opportunity to double over the last decade. With this growth in interest in network marketing, many new companies have sprung up to join the ranks of the time-tested, older mlm opportunity.


    If you are thinking of starting a side career in MLM, or just want to see how your current company measures up, take note of the critical things to look for when choosing an MLM opportunity

    The first thing to look for is stability. It would be best if an MLM opportunity

     has been in business for 2 to 5 years. There is really something about companies that have already "stood the test of time".


    The longer the MLM opportunity

    has been around, the more chance of it staying around. There are enough things to worry about in network marketing, such as sponsoring and advertising, without having to wonder if your company will be around next year.


    Even if you were able to build the biggest downline and become the highest earner in the MLM opportunity

    , it would not matter if they suddenly shut down. There are never any guarantees, but a company with a longer track record generally has more chances of longevity.


    The second thing to look for is the one in charge of the company. Who is the president, and who are the directors? What is their track record? Have they spent time in the network marketing industry, or are they new to it all? What businesses have they been involved with in the past?


    If you do not know the answer to these questions, call or email the company to find out. It is critical to know the answers to these questions from the outset. If you plan to spend many years with the MLM opportunity

    , you would want to be dealing with people who are honest, savvy, and have integrity in and outside of the business world.


    Third, is the product being marketed.  Generally speaking, the more products the better. The fewer products you have, the more chance your prospects or potential customers might not be interested.


    There was one MLM telecommunications company that recently went bankrupt. They basically only had a few products in the industry. Perhaps if they had added some nutritional products, they could have survived.


    In addition to this, the products should be competitively priced, and somewhat unique.

    Fourth, know if it is easy to start in that MLM opportunity

    . Can people join online, or do they have to fill out paper forms?


    Having the option to join online makes the whole process a lot easier. On the same note, having the option to join free will open up your opportunity to many more people.


    Your MLM opportunity

    Should let people join free and allow them to market the products to earn income. Once someone has joined free, they have partially committed to the business. This makes it easier for you and your company to follow up with them, via mail or email.


    Lastly, the more automated the MLM opportunity

     is, the better. They should give you a personal company website that you can refer prospects to. A prospect should be able to contact you from that page.


    And the MLM opportunity

    should have a series of emails that follow up with your MLM opportunity prospects.




    Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that developed an e-course that details a step by step process for developing an mlm business if you are interested in learning more about his a how to develop a successful mlm business please go to



    What is a Good Home Based MLM Business Opportunity?

    What is a Good Home Based MLM Business Opportunity?


    MLM business opportunities are abundant nowadays. Especially popular are home-based MLM business opportunities. There is nothing more attractive than making a load of cash, while working from your home.


    Not only can you make money, you can spend more time with your family, instead of driving to and from work. However, not all home-based MLM business opportunities are created equal. In this article, I will give you some criteria to consider, when choosing a home-based MLM business opportunity.


    First, I want you to do this quick exercise. Write down a list of values you have, and passions you want to pursue. Once you do this, then half the work is done for you, when it comes to looking at an MLM business opportunity. This is because the most successful people that sign up for home-based MLM business opportunities, find ones that both reflective values and passions.

    Success in MLM depends more on commitment and persistence than on intelligence and opportunity.


    It is hard enough to have a "never give up attitude" and something that is congruent with your beliefs and something you're highly passionate about. It is almost impossible when these two things don't exist. By understanding your values and passions, you will be able to narrow down your choices immediately.


    Next, an opportunity is only as good as the company behind it. You want to find a company that is reputable, has good standing in the marketplace, and also offers products that are in demand. An unscrupulous company can be shut down overnight by the government, leaving you out for what is owed to you. Or, they might take your money and run. Either way you lose.


    Also, a company may be great from a moral point of view, but offer a product that is boring, and there is no demand for. If this is the case, then you won't succeed. Find a home-based MLM business opportunity that offers both a moral company, and a product that is in demand.

    Finally, consider your strengths. In order to effectively be good at home-based business opportunities, you have to be a self-starter, be highly motivated, and willing to tune out distractions. Also, you have to be highly organized and be able to quickly learn and adapt.


    If you don't have these skills currently, or are not willing to cultivate them, then you probably won't be successful with a home-based them on business opportunity.



    Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that developed an e-course that details a step by step process for developing an mlm business if you are interested in learning more about his a how to develop a successful mlm business please go to



    Leads MLM| Opportunity MLM| MLM Business


    Leads MLM| Opportunity MLM| MLM Business



    How to Generate Leads for Your MLM Business Opportunity


    In order to build a successful MLM business, you need to create a downline. You can create a downline for your MLM business opportunity by generating leads, based on your recruiting. Then, you can convert these leads into signing up underneath you, and reap the reward of a strong downline. In this article, I will tell you how to generate leads for your MLM opportunity.

    First, have you worked your warm market? Your warm market is your family and friends, and other associates you see on a day-to-day basis. They call it a warm market because the people you talk to our already "warm" towards you, and willing to listen to you because they know you personally.

    This is a great way to start building a downline quickly. However, some people are afraid to "bug" the ones close to them. If this is the case, then you are suffering for one or two problems you need to

    correct, if you're going to have success in MLM. The first reason is that you truly don't believe you're offering something to benefit. If that is the case, you should get out of your MLM opportunity as quickly as possible, and find something you can promote that offers a benefit you can't help but sharing with others.


    The second reason you haven't warmed up your market is because you're too "shy". In reality, you're not shy, you're scared. You're afraid to talk to them, for one reason or another. It might be because you're afraid they will say no to your opportunity, or that they will get mad at you for bugging them. If this is the case, then you need to correct your attitude, if you're really going to be successful in MLM marketing. Otherwise, you will let too many opportunities pass you by because you're afraid.


    Another way to get leads and recruit people into your opportunity is to use the Internet. In this way, you can build up a website which does the work of "warming" people up to you. Ways to do this are to offer viable information, as it relates to your product, as well as resources to them -- for free.


    If they build up trust for you, then they will be more apt to listen to what you have to offer. And the more interested people you have listening to your offer, the more will sign of your opportunity, and enter into your downline.


    Finally, your own personal story is going to be the most powerful way of recruiting others. This means you have to become highly successful at MLM if you want to attract others. This is kind of a Catch-22 -- you need to recruit others to become successful. But the best way to recruit others is to be successful.


    To get out of this catch, it means you have to do many different things in order to recruit many different people. By slowly building up your downline by recruiting one person here, one person there, one person this way, one person that way -- eventually you will have enough people under you, that your lifestyle will change completely.


    And with that change of lifestyle, you can use it as an excellent story to get people interested in wanting to know more about your mlm business opportunity.




    Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that developed an e-course that details a step by step process for developing an mlm business if you are interested in learning more about his a how to develop a successful mlm business please go to


    MLM opportunities| opportunities MLM

    MLM opportunities| opportunities MLM


    How to Present Your MLM Opportunity to Others


    MLM opportunities are great ways to become rich fast. There are variety of different MLM business opportunities, and MLM home based business opportunities. A key part of your success in MLM is how you present your opportunity to others, to recruit them to join your downline. In this article, I will give you some tips on how to improve your presentation, to build your downline up quicker.


    There's an old saying that people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. People aren't interested in the "facts" or features of your MLM opportunity, until they understand your motives behind wanting them to join your MLM opportunity. And the greatest motive you can have is that you genuinely want to benefit others. Once they understand that you sincerely believe you have an opportunity that you think will enrich their lives, they will be more predisposed to listen to your presentation. And the more predisposed they are, the easier it is to recruit them.


    This means you have to either understand how beneficial your MLM opportunity is to others, or join an MLM opportunity that is automatically congruent with your passions and believes. Either way, you

    have to 100% stand behind your MLM opportunity, otherwise there will always be something missing in your presentation.


    Second, your presentation has to capture and keep their attention. I want you to imagine this -- every time you give a presentation, imagine that the other person has the ability to push a button, and open a trap door under your feet, and instantly get rid of you. Why would somebody do this? It's because they're bored, you're wasting their time, and because you're not offering something that will interest and benefit them.


    You must keep your presentation action packed, and keep your party interested. The best way to do that is to tell them about what's in it for them. Of course, people don't want to be insulted. Not only have you got to show the benefits they can receive by signing up for your MLM opportunity, you also have to demonstrate to them proof and credibility that what you say is true.


    Finally, each presentation must end with you asking for a certain specific action. It might be having them request more information about your offer. Or it might be for them to sign up with you right on the spot. Whatever the case, every presentation has got to be constructed with the deliberate intention in mind -- getting them to take a certain action.


    There you have it -- how to create a presentation that will compel people to sign up for your MLM opportunity, and join your downline.




    Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that developed an e-course that details a step by step process for developing an mlm business if you are interested in learning more about his a how to develop a successful mlm business please go to

