Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Metatag info 3

Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings

These keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. are used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

Two Meta tags that are important are KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION. You have to be very careful about how these are developed and positioned. Frequency and location of the keyword that is being searched are important criteria that determine relevance and hence page ranking.

With Leadsomatic Lead Generating Portals, all these factors have been built in. The search engine would generally consider the page more relevant if the keyword that is being sought is in the TITLE tag or is in the KEYWORDS tag near the top of the page. Shaun McClelland applies what he has learnt from his Veretekk Subscription online training and keeps his web page Titles and Keyword Meta tags reflected in the content of his websites. This improves ranking criteria. Also keep the relevancy near the top of the page to give it more weight with search engines.

Similarly if the sought after keyword is found being repeated in the page, it may give the impression that this is a more relevant page and improve ranking. There are many variants to it, so don’t resort to keyword stuffing or spamming {repeating long strings of keywords}. The intelligent method today is to stay away from spamming and to use tags intellegently. Blend your application to attain the right frequency and location, but stay away from any excess or spamming.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article looks Keywords and description.


Mind Blowing Web Conferencing and Home Business

Mind Blowing Web Conferencing System


Today I saw a web conferencing system that blew my mind. I have been on this planet for quite awhile and sometimes think that I have seen everything, but today I saw a web conferencing system that's allows individuals to communicate with another person, anywhere else in the world, as if they were in the same room.


In my home business I use a web conferencing system that requires me to use a telephone conferencing setup, and a live meeting type conferencing system, allowing me to show my computer screen and talk to my clients at the same time. This system is great if you're working with people within your ability to make a phone call. Although it is possible to call anywhere in the world but it can get very expensive very quickly.


What I saw today was a web conferencing system that allowed me to communicate with anyone no matter where they are in the world through my computer. The clarity was as if we were right next door speaking on a normal telephone. The functions on the screen allowed me to draw diagrams, import websites, show videos, record the presentation, and much more.


As I mentioned I've been doing live conferencing for years with clients from all over the world, but was restricted as to some of the capabilities. The limitations I had to make allowances for by purchasing additional software to over come the deficiencies. As I was viewing the presentation I watched an individual go through instruction as if I was in the same office. I could actually watch the person that was giving the presentation go through their activities step by step and watch the screen change as they typed. I know that the live meeting type programs give you real time capability but I had never seen a VOIP Web Conferencing type meeting actually give that capability. I also saw the instructor stream a live podcast without interruption and also saw a live video of the instructor.


This is a great tool if you are running a home business. You can stay in touch with your sales people and your sales manager can see who is working. Its like everyone is in a huge room even though they are at separate locations. In our case the instructor was in Texas and I am in Pennsylvania. It was literally like we were in the same building in offices down the hall. It was actually seem less as to where we were in the world. I have been on meetings with this system where people are located all over the world and you would never know it unless you knew it. They all see to be right in the same room.


If you would like to take a peak at it and test if for yourself go to and sign up for a free room. You can get a three seat room for twenty four hours, and then after that you will need to sign up for another room. [The free room only last for 24 hours.] You can keep doing this as long as you want. If you want a larger room you will pay a small monthly price for unlimited usage. The price is a fraction of what I pay for the "Go To Meeting" system that I use and the Vereconference has more capabilities.


If you would like to learn more simply call us at 610-280-7000 and ask for Rachel Coleman and she will set you up with an appointment with one of our associates.


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Wanted Sales Manager and Sales People

Wanted Sales Manager and Sales People


Learn how to make $10,000.00 per week as a sales manager, or $2000 to $3,000.00 per week as a salesman.   If you could learn how to earn a six figure income without leaving your home and no upfront cost, would that be of interest to you?


Personal Economic Coach and Phase IV Marketing are looking for talented people to sell and to manage a sales force.   If you are a sales manager and want to earn thousands of dollars per week this opportunity is for you.  We're in the process of expanding our existing sales force with an international focus.   As a sales manager we will provide the tools necessary to identify, recruit, and hire sales people from around the world.


The tools are in place to allow you to monitor your salespeople and their activity no matter where they are in the world.   These systems are state of the art and allow you to know who is making the sales calls, actually watch their activity in real time, and know who is profitable for your team or not.   We give you all of the training necessary to enable you to achieve maximum success.  We're looking for a sales manager that has the ability to manage and build a profitable organization.


If you're a salesperson and want to earn a minimum six figure income with no upfront cost you should contact us. We're looking for people from all parts of the globe to sell a high ticket item that returns good commissions to you. We're looking for someone to work fifteen to twenty hours per week minimum, which will in turn provide you with a six figure income. The product we sell is a mentoring program which teaches people who have the desire to build a home based business, how to build their business from the "top down" instead of the "bottom up". We teach people who are running their own home business how to be a CEO in their business, instead of just an employee.


We are interviewing candidates for the sales manager position, and salespersons position to fill these slots. Each candidate will go through an intensive interviewing process which will encompass a testing procedure to see whether the position is right for them. We're not just hiring anyone, but the right people to fit the job.


If this is of interest to you please go to and fill out the form at the signup part of the site. One of our associates will contact you to explain this opportunity further. If you would like to call us directly please call 610 – 280 – 7000, and ask for Rachel Colman. She will schedule a meeting with you a one of our associates within a 48 hour time frame. We're not just looking for bodies we are creating a team.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Positive Results in a Home Business


Nothing is Impossible when you have the right tools. Running a home business can be very profitable when done right. The problem is most of the time it is not done properly and people fail. The reason for the failure is evident when you know what to look for.


Running a home business like everyone else is what causes the failure rate to go up instead of down. If you start a home business and copy the people who sold you the home business opportunity, you are duplicating someone else's failure. So many times the people selling the home business opportunity have no clue in how to run a business. By listening to people who don't know what to do, and are destined to fail themselves will only result in a home business failure for you.


If I could show you a way to eliminate the home business failure rate would that interest you?


People don't have to fail in home business if they have a burning desire to be a success. Success can be predictable with the proper ingredients put in the mix. The home business industry has great attraction to the public because people want to increase their income or create multiple streams of revenue. Many want to quit their jobs entirely so the attractiveness of a home business is world wide. Because many people are open to the idea of running a home business they are willing to listen to presentations from people who are selling a home business opportunity. When people listen with an open mind they become prey to a lot of hype and false promises. I am not saying having an open mind is bad, but doing due diligence is necessary when contemplating a home business. I have put up a website that addresses many questions that you might have concerning a home business. You can go to and read about areas that you should be concerned with when looking at a home business.


Being open minded is always a good thing and asking good questions is even better. You will be able to uncover flaws that can be very costly later on. If you want to learn how to build a successful home business and make fortune 500 income you should go to and read the information in the Virtual Library. There you will have access to information which will give you insight into what to look for when starting a home business.


One of the most important points to look out for is whether you are going to end up being a salesperson for someone else in their MLM business. Always plan on building your business from the "top down" instead of "bottom up". To many times when looking at a home business the top of the business is someone who started the home business. Being an employee in your own business is certainly not what you want to be doing.


The above links will give you enough information to clearly understand what you want your home business structure to look like. If you need further assistance please feel free

to fill out the request form on this site and one of our associates will call you and explain how we can help you further.


Thanks for reading.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Phase IV Marketing Group Announces New Expansion

Phase IV Marketing Group Announces New Expansion


The phone sales branch of  Phase IV Marketing Group is expanding it's reach.



-- Orlando, FL



Efforts are now underway to bring qualified sales managers into the most lucrative job opportunity in existence today.  With the guidance and training from Al Turnquist, CEO of Jaguar Marketing, this is poised to become one of the best jobs anywhere.  Al Turnquist is a  Sales Professional with over 30 years in the direct sales industry and he will personally coach the phone sales people.


With the decline of corporate jobs, the earning potential is greatly reduced as more and more companies downsize their workforce.  Pink slips and layoffs seem to be the order of the day.  Phase IV Marketing Group is the solution to that problem for phone sales professionals.


The Phase IV Group actively markets the Jag system to business owners that are seeking a better, more profitable way to conduct their online business.  Interested candidates can get more information by visiting


Butch Hamilton is the founder and owner of Phase IV Marketing Group.  He is a legendary search engine optimization master and a professional businessman.  Please contact his advertising coordinator David Dial for more information on any of the services offered.



Keywords:  Sales Managers, David Dial, Business, Phone Sales, Butch Hamilton, Al Turnquist



David Dial



Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing
I just constructed an article concerning leads and lead generation over at the forum. This information is designed to inform people about the seamless lead generating system known as Veretekk. View that article here:
I think that it is of paramount importance to let people know the power of Veretekk and the incredibly seamless web conferencing system known as Vereconference. Within this full range of internet marketing tools, an individual has everything needed at their disposal, to become successful with an online business. There is no system on the internet today that can match the raw promoting power of Veretekk.
I witnessed a brand new feature within our web conferencing system last night. We not have the ability to conducting live web casting right from our conference rooms. You have to login under a separate java script code to see the feature. If you are interested in viewing this incredible web conferencing feature go here:
Simply place your name, and use guest for your password to see the webcasting feature that is available. This makes the already sophisticated web conferencing room even better. The possibilities here are endless in the applications that you can use it to build your online business on Google with.
Tom Prendergast, the CEO of Veretekk, has just placed within our back offices, a complete training module system. What this means is that literally anyone breathing can now pick up free Veretekk System, and go to the Veretraining section, click on the Training Modules, and learn every detail concerning the setup of a Veretekk System. It simply does not get any better than that folks. Who better to train you at the art and science of Veretekk configuration, than the producer of the system?
Every single element that you need to become successful with an online business is available here. The fact is, we produce internet warriors at Veretekk. We produce people who are willing to commit, and stay the course, to earn their success. We only choose to spend our quality time with quality people.
Isn't it about time to take charge of your online business and learn the true ways to Google your way to success? Taking your opportunity to a new level is what we are all about at Veretekk.

For even more insights and education into the world of web conferencing, be sure to visit us here. We are dedicated Vereconference Master Distributors and are here to assist you in building a substantial business online. 

Butch Hamilton Marketing Director for Mentors on a Mission-Jaguar and Predator Marketing-Certified Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk 



Positions are consistently holding a nice pattern on page one Google for the keyword term
leads. This paints a picture of effective keyword specific information being placed via blogs, press releases, ezine articles and forum posting. The process, though never quick, always works. The trick is to learn to write effective leads copy on a consistent basis. This is really no problem as the subject leads, is a very far ranging category and finding new and interesting ways to approach the category is a simply task.

Veretekk is the most significant lead generating system on Google today. When a person is introduced to this program, the natural tendency is to become overwhelmed. The CEO of Veretekk/Inetekk, Mr. Tom Prendergast has just made that process much simpler. In this back office, one can simply login to the Veretraining section, view the new Training Modules portion, and become educated in the fine art of setting up your leads generating system from the CEO. What is better than that folks? Imagine the seamless integration and effectiveness for the new people entering Veretekk for the first time. Your job is to simply get them to point, and if they are breathing and can read, they can literally set their own systems up very efficiently.

I am blown away with all the features that Tom and Mike have put into place for each of the Veretekk subscribers. Now, all we have to do is to work the system, and the business works for us.

Get a full rundown of the system by following the above links. Start thinking outside the box in promoting your online business. Come with the proven masters of Google and become successful for a change.

The upcoming days at Veretekk are going to become even better for the far sighted people of Google to actually come and be successful online, possibly for the first time. Tom and Mike become even more committed to excellence in lead generation, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective and search engine compatible websites and the full gambit of everything that a person needs in the way of internet education.

The Gold Subscriber of Veretekk, at $41.95 per month, has raw lead generation capabilities, branding capabilities of name and opportunity, seamless integration and configuration of the best lead capture pages in the business, more value in the word free than anyone on Google today and features that rival the best web conferencing systems on the internet today. The subscriber has access to all this and more. In my mind, it does not get any better than that. This is precisely why I have four Gold Systems in Veretekk. This is precisely because I know the value, the earning capabilities, the unmatched education and more features of the super-powerful seo portals which have just been added.

Within these four Gold Veretekk lead generation systems, lie the keys to my financial success on the internet. I hear people bitching, moaning and whining that they cannot make money, but quite frankly, when you have this kind of power, and are willing to use it like I do, there is no room for the bmw's of the world. You blaze your own trails on the internet. This is precisely why I chose my path to success online through search engine optimization. This is a wide open playing field, and there is no one that can match the possibilities of building an online business the way that Veretekk can.

There is just one simple catch that must be taken care of here. You must be willing to dedicate your time, effort and energy into building that Google Business. There are no more excuses to be made, no more I can't do this or that, no more sitting in front of the TV for endless hours and watching reruns and absolutely no room for the whining statement called "I can't make money online." This is the one shot that you have to walk out of the hazy mystery called internet marketing, and actually learn to become successful.

After all, what we think, is what we become.

And to continue, not only do we have all the tools, training, motivation and the internet education, but we also have Leadsomatic. This incredibly simple, yet effective online link building tool is like nothing else that you can buy. There is no software traffic magnet folks. There is only consistent effort and determination to build a business on Google.

With the leadsomatic tool, which is also a very handsome traffic generating portal within Veretekk, you have the ability to post spider food across the internet at a staggering rate. I am not going to call these classified ads. They are not. They will never be seen by human eyes, but they will be seen by the search engine spiders of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask.Com, WindowsLive and all the other major search engines of the internet.

When used on a consistent and focused manner (and we will even train you on exactly how to use this system once you decide to become a member of Veretekk), you will then have the ability to build significant backlinks that will begin to push your websites to better positions. The value here simply does not get any better than that. I will not convince you to signup for anything. I don't have to do that. All my job is to do is inform and educate you in the real ways to conduct business online. You take this information and actually read it, use it and become successful, or you simply surf to the next ridiculous website that says something like "we will get you top ratings on Google for only $129.00." If you believe that type of garbage, I have some really nice coastal property in Arizona I can let you have at a steal this morning...

Leads|Bruno Rioux|mortgage leads|Leads generation|free leads|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, photography leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, water heater leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, fencing leads,flooring leads, driveway paving leads, driveway leads, contractor leads, real estate leads, carpet cleaning leads, carpet leads, insurance leads, locksmith leads,deck leads, catering leads, renovation leads, kitchen renovation leads, kitchen leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


Mortgage Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
Leads Forum
Free Conference room

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990



When you start to generating leads for your business you will find yourself quickly and easily

succeeding with your business opportunity. We will take a look at lead generation, in relation to mlm and how you can generate leads, for your mlm opportunity. How important is taking action.

We also look at a couple tools that can be of help when generating targeted leads.

We acknowledge the fact that you need to know who want to run an mlm business.

So let's take a look at something's you need to do when running an mlm a business

You need to identify your target  audience this is vital part of your marketing to know who want what you have to offer because not every one will want 1 mlm leads business to some people won't have any interest in running a mlm business so don't waste your time chasing them mlm is not  for every one.

If you are chasing leads that have no interests in your mlm opportunity, like many new mlm marketers they send out there ads randomly rather than targeting their ad to those people that want what the have to offer. For example with  a mlm opportunity. It would be wise to target your leads using leads o matic.

Once you know who your target audience are then you will need to do a few things to get their attention notice I said do things to get their attention, which leads me directly to an obvious point

That many would be business people tend to leave out of their plan and that is action you need to take action with your 1 mlm leads there is no way around that too many people think it is enough to read the information and not take any action then wonder why their business don't work you have to work the business before it works for you.

So take action with your 1 mlm leads. Then the next thing to do is to stop doing the things that don't work for you if you have been taking certain actions and those actions do not give the results you want, stop doing them this might seem like commonsense and it is but sometimes we keep doing the same things again and again out of habit but those habit do not serve us, instead develop the habit that does serve you.

Take  action in a big way have two are three projects going at the same time one main one that most of your focus is going on then the others you give a little energy to in this way something most stick 1 mlm leads I can be highly beneficial to any person that stick with it and take action.

Even though you may have three projects are mlm program going at the same time be sure to have them in one place under one platform. Once you have made the decision to take massive action keep in mined that you can do this all in one place using a free downline builder when you have a system that houses your entire mlm programs your marketing become much more powerful.

When you take part with 1 mlm leads you need to think like a business person you need to know this is your business not just think what is my up line doing for me but to look how to best develop your business.

You need a constant flow of leads going to your business, and how to help the 20% of your leads that are willing to build their business.

We look at the importance of generating targeted leads into your mlm opportunity the importance of action and the need to take massive action. Plus we mention a couple tools that might be helpful to help you achieve your goal. One example   leads o matic and a downline builder

After you have mastered these skills. You will be on the way to improving in all other areas of mlm marketing from generating leads to using a downline builder.

By Sterling Hayden
