Monday, October 15, 2007

Sales Leads



Understanding Leadsomatic
In order to properly utilize the Leadsomatic program, you must understand what is really is, and maybe more importantly, what it is not.  Leadsomatic is a fully functional reverse marketing lead generating tool.  A reverse marketing tool is simply a submission tool that submits a piece of information about your particular website to many locations.  In this case, Leadsomatic submits that information to over 2 billion locations with the simple click of the mouse.  Now, this may be difficult for you to imagine.  I really have no concept as to exactly how many 2 billion really is.  The programming behind this mighty lead generating program is truly astonishing.  The programming mastery of Mike Darling brought this program to the world of the internet.  His vision and consistent effort is always leading the members of Veretekk to have the most sophisticated marketing tools on Google today.
Leadsomatic is not a classified ad submission tool, as many people believe that it is.  Granted, you do submit so called classified ads, but these ads are not going to be read by anyone except the search engine spiders of the internet.  This is very important to understand this concept behind Leadsomatic.  You must never think of this program as being a program that submits information that people are going to see.  That is not the purpose at all.  These pieces of information are going to be submitted to FFA sites, classified ad sites, web business opportunity sites and more.  When you submit your information to these locations, the search engine spiders are going to read this information because it is live content on the net.  These sites are being indexed (or read) many times throughout the day.  People are submitting to these sites in hopes that someone will see their tiny ad, and signup for their programs.  In other words, most people online are simply placing classified ads in order to weakly try to build a business online.  Unfortunately, these ads do not work for that purpose.  To view a very high traffic FFA page, CLICK HERE.  People submit their classified ads here all the time.  It is not effective for advertising, but it is very effective from reverse marketing lead aspect.
When you place your information on these pages, it will be indexed by Google.  In other words, you have just done a very effective job at getting the search engine spiders to view your information.  When you use Leadsomatic, you will naturally produce backlinks.  "Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node (Björneborn and Ingwersen, 2004). Backlinks are also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links."  This whole process may seem new to you, but I assure you that this is precisely how your information is used and viewed by the indexing spider robots of Google.  In other words, Leadsomatic is a highly sophisticated backlinking tool.  When you utilize this amazing program consistently, you will begin to notice an uphill movement of your website.
How to Signup for Leadsomatic
You must carefully consider how to use Leadsomatic before you signup for the program.  You will NEVER use your primary email address for this program.  I suggest that you go to Yahoo, Gmail or some other free web based email server to signup for the program.  The reason for this is that your email will be captured live on the net.  You will receive hundreds, or maybe even thousands of emails from doing a Leadsomatic blast.  There is absolutely nothing to fear here, its just the way the system works.  If you use your primary email address for this, you will be literally inundated with all sorts of email from all these FFA sites.  When you are ready to really learn about leads, you will want to signup for a free Veretekk System.  That way, you can really learn the techniques I have discussed here in detail.
How to Use Leadsomatic Effectively
To be highly effective with Leadsomatic, you must configure your ads effectively.  In beginning the process, you will want to do some effective keyword research.  I use GoodKeywords for this.  Here, you will find keywords that people have typed in the search box to find more information about.  This is the very important first step that you must take.  Secondly, you want to title your ad correctly.  A great title for the keyword term leads would look like this:  Leads|Lead Generating  In this presentation, you can use the bar, or the pipe technique.  That | is simply the back slash key, above your enter key.  You simply hit shift and this | will appear.  This is called a search engine spider trigger.  The search engine spider reads everything with this | attached as a keyword.
Now, you want to add your keywords.  You will also use the GoodKeywords program to find at least six more high traffic keywords to place there.  You now move to the section to put your classified ad in.  You will also not want to use this like classified advertising.  Remember, this is NOT classified advertising, this is called search engine spider food.  Great content for the Leadsomatic ad section would look something like this:  Leads|Leads Generating|Leads Generation|Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist.  Always use your name as a keyword here.  This will assist you in the branding of your name on the internet.
Never listen to the naysayers that do not understand Leadsomatic.  To put it very plainly to you, this is NOT a classified ad submission tool.  It is a ten year old link building program that is designed strictly to build back links for your sites being promoted and is also a great reverse marketing lead tool. 
For more information about Leadsomatic CLICK HERE.

Posted By Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert to What Is Search Engine Marketing? at 9/18/2007 09:39:00 AM

Additional Leads Info

Relationship Marketing


The value of free in relationship building

The most powerful word in marketing is the word "free".
by Thomas Prendergast

Read this timely article brought to you by Tom Prendergast, owner of the Veretekk Internet Marketing Training System.  It will open your eyes to the reality that relationship marketing and sphere of influence marketing is the only thing that truly works on Google.

This is why you see it in advertising all the time and everywhere. There are varying degrees of the usage of this powerful little word. It is best used when the offer is of good value and it really is free. If you have to purchase something to get something for free, that is really not free.

So what exactly is free? You have to ask today because so many things claim to be. But are they really? The Japanese have a saying that free is the most expensive. I agree to a point. Here is why..

When it comes to advertising and marketing, free is a loss leader. However, you must give something to get it. Usually giving your contact information (like email and physical address and phone and fax numbers). Allowing them permission to send you offers via your info. This might not sound so bad until you realize that this information is going to be sold again and again. This means that your email is going to get spammed to death. This means tele-marketers are going to call you incessantly and your fax will become the target of ever increasing advertising. Not so free huh? So, when you see something for free, read the fine print.

You see, all lead production is done with an offer. Have you ever been to a county fair where you can enter to win a free car, a free vacation or a free cruise? Lead production at work. Fill the card out and I guarantee you will get many calls pitching you something. Most likely time-shares. Have you seen the TV commercials promising you work from home success and sending you to a web site to fill out the questionnaire? Lead production. Most of these type of lead production systems get your information and they sell it to multiple sources and before long you find yourself buried in unsolicited emails and annoying telemarketing calls. Unethical and totally disconnected.

But not all lead production is done the same. Free is paramount for a great service or product. But unlike most lead hackers there are some systems that actually do protect your privacy The privacy policy will make it clear that your information is protected and that it will not be sold or traded or disseminated. These systems make it very clear the protection they offer. They will disclose exactly what kind of contact will be made. On the Internet these offers will always send email verification to complete the process as well.

As the Internet has evolved many free services and free sites have disappeared. Many sites have resorted to selling their databases to make needed revenues. The thirst for leads drives the free offer market. So you have to be careful as to what you are actually paying to get free. How valuable is your contact information and how valuable is the free service you are looking for. Be informed and aware exactly how the site is going to use your information.

Here is a quote from the Internet's largest free stuff site,

"Question: Hmm, "free stuff." I'm suspicious.
Answer: Actually that's not a bad approach to take, both with our site and any freebie offer you may find on the Web. Although we work hard to make sure all our offers are legitimate, it's always best to remember that people usually don't give away free stuff out of the goodness of their hearts. By and large, freebie providers are looking to draw you to their site to drum up business, so they can sell you something. Having said that, there are an enormous number of great freebies out there for the taking. So just be careful and use common sense, and you'll be OK. Incidentally, if you sign up for a lot of freebies, you may be targeted by spammers (junk E-mail senders). Be sure to protect yourself against spam."

The relationship side of this:

We use many traffic portals that offer great free services for one reason only. To build a relationship with the person that signed up into one of our portals. When someone signs up into our distributor's particular portal for that specific free service, the subscriber's contact information becomes available only to that particular distributor. Our distributors are instructed to call that specific subscriber and strike up a conversation that will likely lead to building a friendly and profitable relationship. Contrary to the conventional techniques of just sending unsolicited impersonal email to advertise, our system entices the visitor to subscribe and thus invite the distributor to make the phone contact. This process has proved to be very effective in building large profitable spheres of influence. And spam is not part of the equation!

FYI: I am the CEO of We have pioneered free on the Internet and also pioneered true privacy in regards to subscribing systems. We do not sell our contact databases. If you want to check us out go to and signup for a free system.

Come join us, it is free!


Rigo Dominicci




Web Conferencing by Vereconference


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Best in class online, feature-rich
live web conferencing rooms now available worldwide.

SAN DIEGO, CA (October 15, 2007) -, Inc. President Mike Darling (co-founder and chief developer of the Veretekk™ Automated Marketing System) announced today that along with Thomas Prendergast (CEO,, Veretekk™ has cracked the code of web conferencing with new powerful marketers seeing the vision of the finest web conferencing system on Google today.  The latest innovation, turn-key live VoIP conferencing systems at Vereconference™, is being seen as the best of the best in web conferencing services on the internet.

"Frustrated for the past 6 years with incomplete or inadequate third party web conferencing solutions, Inetekk™ recognized that in order to deliver a robust, best of class VoIP system for Veretekk™ subscribers our company would need to take up the challenge itself. We committed our expertise and resources to deliver our own fully functional conferencing system built from the ground up and incorporating all of the critical features required by the market. After years of combing the "Google® search engine" for quality solutions, testing everything we found, we discovered a real void of true quality enterprise solutions that satisfied our vision of what this powerful technology should offer", stated Thomas Prendergast, CEO of, Inc.

"What we did find through our research, was a huge market needing the same quality system we sought ourselves. Key requirements included ease of installation and seamless integration, high quality sound, low bandwidth accessible, live interaction, a follow me browser that successfully displays IFRAMES with out breaking out, advanced white board integration, recording to the desk top features, desk top notifications of room attendance and alerts, RSS feed syndication of live web casting, the ability to give free rooms away with no commitments, month to month integrated upgrade subscriptions and 24 hour live customer support built right in. All automated and instantly delivered on demand", added Mike Darling, President of, Inc. "Vereconference™ seeks to deliver what the market has been clamoring for."

Butch Hamilton, Veretekk™ subscriber and professional SEO Master and trainer remarked, "I have found Vereconference™ to be built to the same precision of other Inetekk™ projects like, and Vereconference™'s back office integration is like the smooth ride of a brand new Cadillac. It even has that new car smell and feel of luxury leather interior. I too have been frustrated with the web conference industry and I am convinced - this system is over the top with quality, price and service beyond compare. Vereconference™ is even priced well below all the competition, but exceeds all of them combined with the amount of value and proprietary features found nowhere else."

Mike Darling also commented, "In addition to being a state of the art web conferencing solution, Vereconference™ also offers live 24/7 professional trainers that are on call to teach even the most novice user how to fully utilize the power of the Vereconference™ system and all the benefits it can offer."

"Price, value, quality and service, nothing else comes close. Anyone can take the system for a free test drive. There is no cost or obligation whatsoever. We built the concept of "free" right into the system to let people see for themselves - we stand behind our quality and service 100%. The technical delivery methods of the solution, its advanced integration, and intuitive customer control panel of Vereconference™ represents the total knowledge base and experience Mike Darling and I have acquired over the last 10 years as innovative leaders and developers in this market. The Vereconference™ interface offers features including: Crystal Clear VoIP Conferencing; Synchronized Web Browsing; Integrated Whiteboard; Presentation Publishing (PowerPoint, OpenDocument); One-Click Web Page Annotation; Presentation Recording (slides, audio, whiteboard, text); Cross Platform (Windows, Mac OS X); Custom Login Page; Brandable user interface: Your Logo and program icon; Massively Scalable (1000's of participants in a single room); Instant text messaging with searchable text log; Multi-Lingual; Firewall & proxy server friendly; Professional control panel; Integrated Browser Favorites; Configurable window layout and color scheme; Individual user accounts and passwords; Extensive moderator controls; Text area for those without microphones. And a fully trained staff of trainers available to help you learn the power of Vereconference™ as well as assist you in your event planning, room design, branding, personal coaching and implementation", concluded Thomas Prendergast. "Internet marketing is shifting to Internet communities. By building communities, companies create loyalty with their customers."

For more information online:

Veretekk™ Online Marketing System

Inetekk™, Veretekk™, Veretracking™ and Vereconference™ are registered trademarks of, Inc. in the USA and other countries.
Google® is a registered trademark of Google®. About, Inc.
Inetekk™ is a privately held corporation specializing in automated marketing and advertising systems for the direct sales and network marketing industry since 1996. With over 50,000 active Veretekk™ subscribers and over 5 million Traffic Portal system users, Veretekk™ is widely acknowledged as the industry leader and has defined the professional standard for ethical online marketing including a 100% Spam free environment., Inc. 7115 Calabria Ct. #D San Diego, CA 92122 858-625-8373.

Ineractive Web Conferencing

Link Building Tools

Link Building Tools
Looking for a powerful link building tool to help your business?

Would it help you to be able to blast your spider food links out to over 2 Billion websites?!? (Seriously!!!)

Well now you can - just go to!

You can sign up at absolutely NO COST and start using the great tools offered by Leadsomatic to promote your business online. Fr33 membership includes access to the search engine submission tool as well as the keyword ranking detection system. All available for fr33!

If you're really serious about exploding your online promotional efforts, then you'll also want to consider upgrading for just $10/month to the paid membership. Doing so gives you full access to The Hammer - technology so powerful, it's one of the last submission tools available online today! With the simple click of a button the system will hammer your ad out to over 2 Billion websites... yes billion with a "B"!

So feel fr33 to check it out... consider it my gift to you. Believe me, this is quite the tip!

Go to right now to signup!

Best wishes,

Rigo Dominicci-Marketing Specialist
Direct: 863-420-2648


Marketing Technology

Marketing Technology

No where else will you find "real" leading edge marketing technology like you will receive from Inetekk's Veretekk service.

Traffic Portal marketing is one such innovation. While the rest of the industry is still trying to figure out how to effectively build legitimate massive email lists, Inetekk's established email verification system allows the company to pursue loftier markets.
If you're looking for the future in online lead generation, it is through Traffic Portals. In recent years there have been numerous methods for generating business prospects online - including things like FFA pages and bulk emailing. These techniques have proven quite effective for generating large numbers of leads... but times are changing. People have become desensitized to the massive amount of bulk email and SPAM that finds it's way to their mailbox each day. After all, who cares if you have 1 a gazillion addresses if none of the recipients will ever read anything you send to them!

So how are Traffic Portals different?

Simple - because at the heart of it, Traffic Portals allow you to offer something of real value to a prospect. This then allows for an increased level of communication between you and that prospect - setting you further and further apart from the masses of bulk email they receive. Your ability to offer more and more of these valuable services to the prospect continues to widen the gap so that eventually you develop a very strong sphere of influence.

Inetekk has developed a large flotilla of unique, valuable web based services on a large array of subjects and domains. Just as incredible, this large and growing portfolio of Traffic Portals, is easily managed with Inetekk's intuitive management system. Each Traffic Portal is equipped with it's own set of automated advertising and marketing tools too. It is all push button easy and it just gets better. Each Traffic Portal has been designed to have it's own custom type of viral marketing flare.

But, it is the viral nature and potential of Traffic Portals that will allow you to truely explode your business. Veretekk's Traffic Portals are designed so that they are not only valuable to your prospect in a direct way... they compell the prospect to use the service in such a way that they are effetively promoting your Traffic Portals for you! Inetekk coined this online marketing phenomenon as Viral Marketing years ago. Imagine 1,000s of people attracted to you through these Traffic Portals... not only for the direct value potential it represents... but also for the value they perceive in actually promoting your services to other people. This allows you to turn 1,000s of prospects into promoters for you!

The quality of the leads these Traffic Portals produce is also unique.

Despite having 10s of thousands of Veretekk subscribers, each Veretekk Traffic Portal system produces a steady flow of leads for each subscriber. What does this mean? It means each lead is uniquely targeted to one individual subscriber. Inetekk's privacy policy assures that every lead entered into the system is only paired with one subscriber. A one on one relationship with little if any abuse associated within the Veretekk system.

No other solution comes close to the value, service and price Inetekk delivers. If your serious about building a successful online business, your first priority is an Inetekk subscription. Unfair Advantage? There is nothing unfair about taking your time and doing it right.

Try Veretekk and see it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

Not just a limited trial either!. We offer you more value than any other marketing system, PERIOD! I know you hear this everywhere else. Part of the game in this world! Like they say, no one is guilty on death row! Right! Well? Does anyone else offer this collection of tools and marketing systems for FR33 for LIFE? NO THEY DON'T! In fact nowhere else does anyone have anything even remotely like it. There really isn't anything that I can say that will explain the elegance and effectiveness of Veretekk to you. You have to experience it yourself! It is absolutely fr33.
and fill out the simple form. That's it! It is fr33 to join and you can even build a great income with the fr33 system. By the way, the fr33 system really is fr33 and for life! What do you have to lose?

With great enthusiasm,

Rigo Dominicci

Apex Business Marketing, Inc.

Branch Manager

109 Lake Davenport Blvd., Hwy 27

Davenport, FL 33897

Office Tel:  (863) 420-2648

Toll Free:   (877) 562-6044

Office Fax: (863) 420-6878




lead sales tracking

The continuation of this article from the forum may just shed some light on the perplexing subject of building substantial business through the use of the search engine of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and all the major searches.  One keyword phrase intrigues me for a simple reason.  That keyword phrase would be lead sales tracking.  Now as you can see on Google, this may not be a massively appealing high traffic keyword phrase, but in all actuality, it is decent.  According to Overture, there is about 1167 searches per month conducted on this keyword term.  That relates to about 50 searches per day.  One of the reasons that this appeals to me is the fact that I use Veretracking in all my presentations, including this one.  Veretracking is just like having spy glasses on when it comes tracking the visitors, the browsers, the time of day, the time of the month and of course the ip addressed used to hit those sites.
I have been using Veretracking in my presentations to see which articles are effective and which are lacking.  Can anyone say seamless action from a website tracking device.  The other great thing about Veretracking is the fact that this function comes with every Veretekk system.  We will even train you on the best ways to use the device to become even more effective with your online presentations.  Honestly, I know of no better online branding and promoting system than Veretekk.  It is a simply amazing system that you can become educated in the mysteries of Google and exactly how it works.  Without that education, you will simply continue to buy automated software programs and place tiny classified ads just hoping (planning to fail) that someone, somewhere will see your advertisement and want more information.  You know, it does not need to be that way at all.  You could buy leads from wealthy leads brokers too, but you know my stance on that.
Until next time, I will continue the diligent process of building my highly successful seo business from what I learned from Tom Prendergast and the Veretekk System.  Perhaps someday you will see the vision as well.


Lead what is an mlm downline lead? An mlm down line lead is any one that is intrsted in developing an mlm business and wants to build their down line.


If you have been trying to develop a downline for a mlm company you would have realise buy now one of the more difficult aspect of mlm is getting the targeted leads.


For your mlm downline luckily you can get a down line builder which helps you to

Promote all your mlm business in one place. You can get yourself a domain

to promote your new mlm downline.


You need to have a domain to promote your business the mlm downline builder

Is your business put your programs in it and help the people in your down line.



One tip on buying a domain name to help get good search engine

position and increasing your chance of getting leads in your business


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Blast your ad to all the major  search engine for free


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Al Turnquist Shows Business Professionals the Real Key to Financial Freedom

Al Turnquist Takes Business Professionals to New Levels of Success
There is no doubt that the mentoring from Al Turnquist, CEO of Jaguar Marketing, is paying off in big rewards for the exclusive membership.  While other less successful ventures on Google make unrealistic claims to instant success, the members of Jaguar simply follow the business mentoring from Al and reap financial rewards.
Business professionals are attracted to lucrative and long lasting businesses that produce huge ROI.  This is evident in the sophisticated marketing plan known as Jaguar Marketing.  Single-handedly, Al Turnquist has turned Google on its ear in producing the most effective way to create wealth from a small business.  His credentials are impeccable in regards to bringing to the table the phenomenal Mentors on a Mission educational program.  There can be no doubt that the "Make Money or Make Excuses" program has produced professional leaders in the home business industry.  They simply follow the exclusive teachings of the master and reap the rewards for their efforts.  This program is only designed for those willing to become educated in the art of building substantial businesses.  Mr. Turnquist, highly regarded for his business sales coaching sessions, is fully committed to his Jaguar Members in seeing that they have all the necessary tools, training, education and motivation to become successful with a business.
Mr. Turnquist is well known for his direct approach.  His daily training sessions for the new account executives entering the program is a testing phase.  He actually sorts and sifts through the candidates to discern between the movers and shakers and the slackers.  This is a tough business to be involved with and there is no room for those not 100% committed to the cause.  The appeal of the jag marketing system is more than about just making money.  As any professional business person knows, education is the way to become cutting edge in the approach.  Education is the core product of this amazing system and Mr. Turnquist has assembled the very finest in trainers and customer support staff who are willing and eager to share their expertise and knowledge with the Jaguar System owners.
The people who are dedicated to having success with this program do just that.  There are many people now making substantial wealth by following very closely that Al Turnquist gives them on a regular basis.  The process begins with forming the correct mindset to accept the success given.  Al knows that without this single element, people will fall short of their goals.  He is willing to add insights and perspectives to the exclusive membership of Jaguar consistently.  He actually produces amazing new concepts on a very regular basis.  He was the first to crack the code of duplication that most online companies teach their membership.  He claims that delegation rather than duplication is the way to create substantial earnings from a business.  The 10K a month program continues to mystify the other program owners on Google.  They can only try to imitate the Jaguar Marketing System.  It is clearly evident that if one tries to promote their program by downgrading a seamless system like Jag and Predator they are, in fact, showing their true state of ignorance when it comes to producing strong businesses that will stand the test of time.
In reading some of the Craigslist like press releases of late on the net, it is quite clear that the educational system has broken down for the junior marketers.  Learning true techniques like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building search engine compatible lead capture pages, traffic exchange marketing and lead generation are just a few of the techniques taught daily in the state of the art web conferencing rooms.  There is never a need for the old and antiquated teleconferencing phone calls to be used for this enhanced marketing system.  Every single aspect of this business is geared for the professionally motivated individual.
Corporate executives seeking new ways to make the six figured incomes they have been accustomed to in "real" jobs, are being ever more drawn to Jaguar Marketing.  People from all levels of corporate management are seen now in positions of account executives right up to system owners.  Granted, the exclusive membership is not for everyone.  The mlm mindset group needs to steer clear of this program as this is the substantial real business that will create wealth in a most significant way.  There will never be a need to buy expensive and non-productive leads again with Jaguar Marketing as the exclusive lead generation system known as Veretekk is the system recommended for that purpose.  Pay per clicks are not required to build this business as the lead generating process will be well handled for the professional who is willing to learn the needed techniques so necessary in internet marketing.  The true statement on the Jaguar Marketing websites that says that this is "the key to your financial future," sums up the entire mindset of Jaguar Marketing and Al Turnquist.



Are your pockets deep enough to begin a home based business? Are you sure that you want to start a business from home to live the life you desire, have the time freedom that you yearn for and are willing to pull out all the stops to achieve that goal? The reason I am asking these questions is the fact that I have been in a number of mlm, health food, payment processing and even a lotto or two in my three and a half years on the net. I have joined the companies, worked very diligently, made the cold calls, and yes, have even bought leads in an effort to build a substantial business from home. Perhaps, you and I are alike in our desire to move away from the area of conventional living. I do not like having a boss, time frames, deadlines and all the other little necessary elements that seem to go with having a real job. I am very content to move in my own path in exactly the way that I choose to go. I do not need all the little hassles in life, nor will I stand for them.

How many times have you joined an organization and were willing to really become a competent marketer and were told that the way to really build this business is to either buy leads, or use expensive pay per click advertising? How many times has some so-called internet marketing guru told you on a conference call that all you need do to become successful in your business was to duplicate what he was doing? How many times have you been asked to pay even more money out of your pocket in hopes that you will receive future rewards for your efforts? How many times have you been told that in 30-60-90 you are not going to believe the money that will flow like wine into your pocket? And, how many times at the end of the day, were you deluged with products that you did not want or need and could not get rid of even if you gave them away.

Hey folks, I have been there...done that. What if I told you that for a very low price per month that you would have all the tools, training, support and motivation that you would ever need to have the success that you yearn for? It is possible you know. I am building a significant business from the comfort of my home office because I have learned from the master of the net, Tom Prendergast, exactly the way to manipulate the search engines, learn all there is to know
about leads and enjoy the journey called marketing online. The choice is yours to make. If you are a professional minded and diligent person, you too, can learn to become the master of Google. All you really need to do is follow the two links below. You can thank me for your success later, because I can assure you of this. If you follow the training, the mentoring, the leadership and the vision of this organization, you can reap the rewards that you have been desperately searching for.


In continuing the story from forum, you have choices to make that can substantially increase, or decrease your effectiveness online.  I am not here to convince you of anything.  As a matter of fact, I really do not care whether you see the vision of this or not.  I am here to build a very lucrative seo business.  I am here to live life on my own terms.  I am here to live my dream of moving away from day job mentality.  Now, this is a reality for me.  This is not some teenaged kids in daddy's sports car telling you about living the good life.  This is one rough old boy who has paid the dues, spent the money, bought the leads, believed the lies and been back ended on every online business I have ever entered into except for two.  You will never be asked to spend your money needlessly in Veretekk.  You will only be asked to do one thing and this is to actually learn.  The education is there for you to grab and the choice is yours.
Oh yes, I have had people tell me that Veretekk just doesn't work.  When I looked at what the people had done or not done, I soon discovered that they were just joining another thing hoping that everything will be pushbutton and their success is inevitable.  I know Google.  I know the internet.  There is NOTHING pushbutton about any legitimate business venture that you will involve yourself with.  People seem to have the mentality that things are easy and simple with an online business.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  As a matter of fact, you will be asked to sweat, bleed and curse your way if you are going to see success with Veretekk.  You will be asked to do things in your educational process that you have never heard of before.  The internet is a demanding and taxing job.  I know.  I spend about 16 hours per day in the pursuit of search engine positions on Google.  But, there is a light at the end of this tunnel that is NOT a freight train, or another networker with his hand out.  The success is real and lasting, and it is available for everyone.
If you are so naive that you believe everything that you read, hear or see about marketing successfully on Google, then I am not looking for you.  I am only looking for professional men and women who desire success online and are willing to go about achieving that success as I have done.  I have spent an incredible amount of time in honing my seo skills.  I have worked when I did not think I could do more, but I still did more.  I have pounded on the keyboard, when I thought that I could not think of another thing to write, but yet, I wrote more.  All I am asking for is 110% of your commitment to achieve your success.  This is a small price to pay to achieve greatness like you have never known before.  Of course, you could just go buy some very expensive pay per clicks, or buy leads if you prefer.  The leads brokers are getting rich from buying and selling your info.  For me, I do not choose to enter into that realm again.  I know that it is absolutely never necessary to buy leads again.  It is an unethical approach to business to try to contact people about a business that do not know me from anyone.  Here again, you can fly with me, Butch Hamilton-SEO Master, or you can scratch with the chickens and post your ads to Craigslist.  The choice is yours.  Here again, two small phrases, and  Type those into Google and see the real view from pinnacle.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic