Monday, December 17, 2007

free leads and other Marketing Tools

free leads

I gave up on the doing the same ol' thing and found what I have been looking for.

I know you have had a lot of the same problems I as I have.

Take a look at this and let me know if you see it the same way.


The tools below are for free the will help you generate leads.

As you know every business needs leads. these tools will help your business

as you go through them you will see that each tool will help for a different function

in you website optimization.

 1st Classifieds



Computer Giveaway

Completely FR33 MONEY!

 FR33  Money!!

Daily Message Online

FFA Farm


Free FFAs

Free Page

Money Machine


 Promote all your money making programs for Fr33


Sterling Hayden

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ads

Are you aware of ability to help you?

The problem is whether or not one can Join one of the most rewarding financial ventures online! There is nothing complicated to learn! The entire process is based on a ONE-TIME payment of only $25!

Tell me if you can Get Paid without Recruiting Click here for more information!

Leads-O-Matic Interview With A SEO Master

Leads-O-Matic Interview With A SEO Master


How do you build your business? Do you purchase leads from lead companies that sell the same leads to others? How much have you spent on useless leads?


All of these questions come up with the same basic answer. You need to generate your own quality leads. Let's take a look at what you need to do to build your business. To build your business you will need to get a great domain name [URL] and have it closely related to your business. Once you get your domain [URL] you will need to make sure that it is well known all over the internet and that it is associated with your business.


How do you spread your domain name through out the internet? One of the ways is to go to Google Submit and submit your domain name. Another is to blast it to billions of sites on the internet. This is done through Leads-O-Matic.


Leads-O-Matic is a SEO tool which is part of the Veretekk system. Leads-O-Matic will send your domain name to billions of sites allowing these sites to hold your URL, even if they accept it briefly these sites have spiders that crawl them all the time so the spiders will pick up the URL. Sometimes they will pick it up sometimes they won't but by continuing to blast your site through out the internet you will get exposure.


As a special gift here is an interview that will give you insight into how to use Leads-O-Matic. This interview is between me and Butch Hamilton, Head Master Distributor for Leads-O-Matic. Butch will give you inside information into the system and how to use it.


Click here


After you listen to the interview you will be able to use Leads-O-Matic with ease.


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell



Hi Butch Hamilton Here!
By now you must have explored the Leadsomatic website. (If not - check it out right now!)

Obviously the thing that jumps out at most people is the fact that the system will blast your ad out to over 2 billion websites! (It's pretty hard to ignore, huh?)   Keep in mind, these are NOT classified ads.  These are what I like to call spider food ads.  Consistent use of Leadsomatic puts your links out to the search engine spider of Google.  Its all over from there.  The sites get indexed, you picked up some backlinks coming back to the site you promote.

Well, that's the point of this email. I want to explain to you the value that tag line has for you.

You see, anyone who is doing any type of online marketing - whether they are a residential based business person, MLMer, direct sales person, small business owner, political activist, etc, etc, etc. is immediately drawn to Leadsomatic when they see that "2 billion website" statistic. It's impossible to ignore. Virtually everyone that visits the website signs up for a frss membership. These people represent extremely high quality leads that you could be marketing your own product/service and or business to!

How's it work? How do you get these leads? Simple... Leadsomatic is included as a part of the Veretekk online lead generation and automated marketing system. You can get your very own Veretekk Silver system for frss

Veretekk contains all the tools you need to drive huge amounts of traffic to your personal Leadsomatic website. Each time someone signs up for the frss membership, you will immediately get a lead notification - via email, or even a text message instantly sent to your cell phone!

Veretekk also offers you ongoing live training at NO COST by people just like you! They can teach you exactly what you need to do to start seeing results right away. You will be blown away by the training and support offered through the Veretekk community!

Go to if you have not signed up yet!

Once you get the system up and running (usually within seconds), spend just $10 bucks.  Hey, you want to build a significant online business?  You gotta pay your way here.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director-Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk
Direct: 806-874-3314


Online Marketing Offers Business Solutions


Online Marketing Offers Business Solutions


Your Business Professional-David Dial sees an online marketing franchise as a viable alternative.



Orlando, FL


An Online Marketing Franchise is a viable alternative to a storefront franchise. The startup costs can be significantly lower if one chooses wisely. The advantages of franchising are widely know as a way to duplicate a proven business model and reap the benefits of corporate training and advertising. The Jaguar Marketing system is not traditionally thought of in these terms, however the concept is similar.

The core of Jaguar Marketing is the now famous "Make Money or Make Excuses" training course developed by Al Turnquist, CEO of Jaguar Marketing. As a Business Professional and leader in his field, Al is constantly improving and adding features and benefits to the system. With the addition of the new cash flow seminar, the benefits have increased exponentially.

Delegation versus duplication is incorporated in the business model of Jag. While systems are easily duplicable, people are not. The 95% failure rate in home business is directly attributable to this flawed thinking. Quality systems and relevant information are needed to conduct any successful business online or offline. Jaguar Marketing offers real time, real world information to all of it's esteemed business owners. One can obtain more insights by visiting

Keywords: Online Marketing Franchise, David Dial, Jaguar Marketing, Al Turnquist, Butch Hamilton


David Dial




Financial Freedom Radio—and Home Business Success

Financial Freedom Radio—and Home Business Success


On my radio show I have expressed a great concern about the MLM and Network Marketing industry in general. My concern is that unsuspecting people spend their hard earned money based on promises and hype that they end up believing, thinking that they are going to create cash flow that never happens.


People approach the home business with great expectations because they are trusting of the information that is shared with them, by someone who is selling them their home business opportunity. I have heard horror stories about people who have had great expectations, and truly believed that they would see the riches that they were told would happen. These people did what they were told and put lots of energy into their new business and if they saw any revenue come in, it usually is less than what they have spent.


Now I am still trying to get my arms around whether the public is so foolish that they deserve to be conned? Do the people selling the MLM's understand that they are conning the public, and setting out to sell other unsuspecting people on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Do people in general understand that getting rich takes time? Do they really think that they can sign up for a home based business and wake up the next morning and have riches at the foot of their bed? On the other side of the coin do the MLM business owners, who originally started the business, know that the public will buy into the "riches at the foot of the bed concept" and set out to fool them into thinking that they can get rich? Another question is do all of the people selling other people on riches, down deep inside, know that what they are selling will not work? Do they know that it is all hype and look the other way and become the same hucksters that the people before them are?


School is still out as to whether the public really knows that this type of business model will not work and does it anyway. That the reason they do it is they really want it to work but in their gut they know it will not. But if the public is selling other's on the riches concept knowing that it is destined to fail then shame on them.


In addressing the home business arena we are trying to educate the public into learning how to build a solid business and not one that lines the pockets of others at the top. Financial Freedom Radio has addressed this problem and provided solutions in past episodes and will continue to provide helpful solutions. "As the host of the Financial Freedom Radio Show I am concerned with the lack of financial education the public has concerning personal finance, business finance, and general financial situations as well. Even people who have degrees in finance end up looking at financial situations from the point of view of the financial institutions, instead of the consumer point of view. When looking at the financial environment from the institutions point of view, and putting strategies in motion from this perspective, then the consumer loses and the institutions win."


It has always amazed me that if ten percent of the people control ninety percent of the world's wealth, why wouldn't the ninety percent follow the ten percents lead? Instead the ninety percent go through life letting people take advantage of them, while making excuses for their financial failure. If the ninety percent were right then they would not be outliving their wealth. They get taken advantage of daily and they don't know it. We have found that most people are losing anywhere from ten to twenty percent of their income annually and they don't know it. This is costing them dearly annually. Instead they make excuses for the losses.


We teach every client, through a perfected mentoring process how to build wealth, start and run a successful home business, and create wealth far greater than they could imagine. The transformation that our clients make is huge and once the come to the realization that they can achieve wealth and think like the ten percent they then achieve a high level of success.


If you would like to learn more call 610-280-7000 and ask for Rachel Coleman. She will set up a meeting for you to talk with one of our associates and see if out process is right for you or not.  


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell



Raw and unparalleled lead generating power is what you have in our system known as Veretekk. With this system, I have all the best lead capture pages in the industry, coupled with the supreme power of leading search engine optimization master, Butch Hamilton, teaching the membership of Jaguar Marketing the power and flexibility of gaining top positions on the search engine of Google.

This power packed lead system has no competitors on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLIve, and all the other major searches. Veretekk uses only qualified and legitimate seo techniques and spends time in the mentoring and teaching its members to become warriors on the internet. Below, view the power and prestige of Veretekk, and how you can use the fully configurable splash pages to promote your business effectively on Google.

Veretekk Marketing Portal:

Affiliate Site

Veretekk Traffic Portals:

1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online
FFA Farm
Free FFAs
Free Page
Money Machine
Spam Wars
Vacation 4 Free

Veretekk Profit Portals:


Veretekk Regional Portals:

Veretekk Down Under

Veretekk SEO Portals:


Click on each of the individual website links listed below to view the title tags. These portals, or lead capture pages, empower you with the ability to fully configure your business opportunities effectively on the searches. We will even train you in the art of how to be successful online. There is no more powerful lead generating system on the planet today than Veretekk. Please use these portals with caution. The whole system is based on email verification virtually eliminating spam. Veretekk is absolutely 100% spam white listed on the major email servers. No other system offers these benefits and solutions to members.
You will only be limited by your mindset as to what you can accomplish using the Veretekk System to promote your business.  Ease and simplicity, and maximum search engine efficiency is what we strive for.


Motivational and Inspirational Stories

Inspirational Book by D Anthony

December 17, 2007


Inspirational Book by D Anthony


Motivational & Inspirational Stories: Feed the Bear

Recently I found myself endeavoring to better understand the actions of a couple co-workers (from my 'day job'). Although slightly different in their approaches, they shared some rather obvious characteristics – seemingly very much foreign to me. It was easy to see that both were very much rooted a 'me first' mentality – each willing to do whatever was needed to ensure they looked good to management, each, whenever perceived necessary, just as willing, seasoned and comfortable with backstabbing and discrediting undeserving innocents along the way. As I rounded out my quick comparison of the two, it further occurred to me that they also shared a seemingly less than ingenuous inherent concern that the task at hand, or initiative itself, be either successfully executed or flawless in effort. Instead, their apparent concerns were only that their associated decisions and actions be perceived that way… that whenever the proverbial lights were on, management inferred their efforts as the most results-based and commanding. It wasn't about the quality of the mission so much as their relative position in comparison to other employees, when the 'cameras were rolling'.


Having seen the results of their predatory traits numerous times before… having witnessed the easily discernable drop off of concern and diligence once anyone immediately capable of boosting their respective careers were no longer in earshot – on this particular day I found myself wondering.


Regretfully, it occurred to me that these two individuals, by no means, had the market cornered in this arena – and this most definitely was not merely a corporate thing. The unfortunate truth is on a daily basis, in everyday life, the results of this 'Me First' mentality can be readily found. For instance coming out of the market one day, there was a middle-aged gentleman who obviously had the job of collecting the carts from the parking lot. Part of the job, no doubt, was to clean the assorted debris out of the carts before returning them to the store – as I witnessed him diligently retrieving the loose scraps left behind by departed store customers. What I found astonishing was that every loose piece of trash from the carts he retrieved, in a non-accidental manner, ended up in a new resting place - littered across the parking grounds. Apparently, keeping the store's parking area free of debris wasn't listed in his job description… apparently, neither was consideration for whoever would eventually be tasked with cleaning up the parking area or any negative customer impressions and/or impacts until clean-up time arrived.


What was the mindset that provoked each of these people, and so many others, to live mired in such a self-absorbed fashion… and such a self-serving way? What was the thinking… the psychological wiring… that allowed some to be so concerned with only self – while caring little about things such meaningful concepts like the bigger picture, content of character, quality of work, legitimacy of effort - and simply not being the type that, for personal interests, has a propensity to willingly throw someone else under the bus?


It was at that point that I recalled a scene from a movie – originally derived, I believe, from an old joke… Two friends are in the wilderness, upon which they both notice a bear coming towards them. One of the men immediately begins to feverishly work to get his sneakers securely on his feet. The second man asks - "What are you doing… do you really think you can outrun a bear?" The first man looks up at his friend and responds – "I don't have to outrun the bear… only you."


Perhaps, I considered, there are simply two types of people in this world… those who live their lives like the first friend in the joke – and those who do not… those who could readily sacrifice a stranger or a friend if the ends had the potential to be personally advantageous – and those who simply weren't wired that way. Then, I reconsidered; perhaps it's a little more complicated, and a little less black and white, than that. Perhaps we all have the capacity to and do, from time to time, on at least some level, make self-centered statements and decisions – and/or behave in a manner that would suggest the outcome as it effects others is meaningless or irrelevant.


And perhaps, in the end, being a truly happy and fulfilled being is about striving to minimize the instances where we allow ourselves, regardless of the place or circumstances, to stoop to that level… striving instead to accomplish, persevere and achieve in a manner that doesn't require sacrificing another. For when we willingly sacrifice others for our own gain, in reality it is our own content of character that takes the biggest hit of all.


So, feed the bear… if you must. Just endeavor to find an approach that doesn't require you to serve up yourself or a friend – and, for that matter, any innocent bystanders. Because everything in life is much sweeter, and true happiness and fulfillment is only attainable when your content of character remains in tact.






An Inspirational and Motivational Place

And thus begins the blog writing component of my humble existence. After creating, administering and serving as he primary contributor for eight year old, ever popular inspirational website,, progressing the message further with the publishing of my first motivational and inspirational book, "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once: Stories and Perspectives to Help You Unlock Your Amazing Potential" and rolling out the accompanying inspirational and motivational website,, where you can find inspired book reviews, inspirational stories and other uplifting excerpts, and just about any other detail about the book – and how this particular inspirational book can make a difference in your life and the lives of the people you love… This article marks the commencement of my efforts to bring a similar brand of motivation, inspiration, insight and perspective to the Blogosphere.


Sometimes the message might be in the form of a nugget of wisdom intended to help you to increase awareness, challenge the status quo and/or widely assumed constraints, consider your power to change, slow down sometimes to appreciate the wonder of the ride and scenery, strive for purpose and seek your intended destiny – and/or to continuously migrate in the direction of whatever brings you happiness and fulfillment. And sometimes the message might be simply a reminder that obtaining the things we truly desire is often times a factor of the extent to which we are willing to play nice and sometimes share the things we've got.


We will discuss the power of inspiration, passion, motivation, individuality and believing in self. We will discuss the value of time. Inspirational, motivational and generally positively intentioned thoughts, acts, people, websites, stories, poems, quotes and influences will be highlighted. Beneficial elements of my inspirational and motivational book, "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once: Stories and Perspectives to Help You Unlock Your Amazing Potential" will be highlighted – as will similarly uplifting offerings from and, as well.


Expect honesty. Expect frank opinion. Expect passion. Expect a little emotion. Expect much motivation. Expect even more inspiration, Expect light topics. Expect topics that are pretty heavy. Expect some paradigms and perspective to be challenged. Expect lots of questions - and perhaps an occasional answer or two. Expect a little of everything. Then open your mind and heart – and see how the message uplifts you and how much farther together we have the potential to go.


So, are you ready for a regular injection of fresh perspective and empowering inspiration? Well… Welcome aboard the SomethingToShare Express!


Each day, be inspired – then aspire to more…


Talk to you soon.



D Anthony

Inspirational Author and Motivator

Author of "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once"

Founder of and



Business Ethics

Business Ethics
In searching for an online business to become part of, the ever increasing need to choose a service that stands for business ethics is paramount.  You can choose to become part of the junior leaguers of the net, eg;  the ones that make exaggerated claims of instant success, the ones that claim get rich quick with no effort, join this business for only $29.95 and becoming wealthy, promote this new and improved jungle juice and obtain instant wealth, or the other businesses to be found on Google.  The fact of the matter is, there is one business that stands for complete and utter distinction of services and provides it esteemed members with all the tools, seo training, mindset training and the other elements that are needed for success in a home business venture.
That business is called Jaguar Marketing.  There is nothing else that can compare with the raw wealth creating power that Jag Marketing has.  There is no owner of any online company that can compare with the business ethics that Al Turnquist, CEO and Founder of Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, brings to the table.  Other programs online can be seen to teach their membership techniques like buying expensive pay-per-click Google ads, while the members of Jaguar are taught real-time seo techniques by one of the most powerful seo masters on Google today.  This significant training alone is worth many times over, the cost of the business at the Platinum Level.  Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master and Marketing Director for MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, brings his legendary seo abilities to the members of Jaguar Marketing, to use to their distinct advantage.
Mr. Hamilton views many online businesses, websites and views the entire internet marketing world with skepticism and for good reason.  He knows that almost 95% of online businesses promoted on Google are nothing buy mlm offshoot programs.  In other words, people are encouraged to bring additional distributors into their downline.  This one element is the reason for the huge failure rate among networking marketing.  The entire business model is doomed to fail, as there may be many distributors in the downline, but in fact, the vast majority of these distributors are not paying customers.  They are people struggling and straining to build a business, but often, they will have no expertise in that area.
This is the difference in Jaguar Marketing.  It is NOT an mlm program.  It is NOT an affiliate program.  It is not a program designed to convince others to join in hopes that they will make money in the future.  It is not a get rich quick scheme.  It is not a business that you must make exaggerated claims, build flashy websites, talk about getting rich quick, nor even have to accomplish but one thing.  It is your sole function within Jaguar Marketing to attend the training classes.  It is your job to associate yourself with proven masters of the net.  It is your sole goal in life to become successful with a business that will withstand the test of time.
There is no struggling with building downlines.  There is NO residual income with Jaguar.  All the money is paid directly to the Jag Member instantly.  They make all the arrangements to pay Jaguar Corporate.  Since this is a one program, the money made includes another sale.  After that, the payline moves to the next level.  There is nothing that can compare with Jaguar Marketing in terms of creating substantial wealth online.
Al Turnquist's name is synonymous with business ethics and providing Jag Team Members all the training and business sales coaching they need to become successful.  His reputation and business model are followed by thousands of satisfied users within the system.  It is indeed to uncover the diamond of information and find that Jaguar Marketing really is "The Key to Your Financial Future."

Web Conferencing

Interactive Web Conferencing
Web Conferencing
Both web conferencing resources and interactive web conferencing on Google are showing some really good results.

Web conferencing remains to be the keyword of preference in the seo campaign for Vereconference.  The slow steady build of any keyword phrase is much desired, as compared to a quick placement, then quickly disappearing.  I watch the constant ebb and flow of different keyword phrases and I am ever reminded of the fact that posting quality content concerning those phrases is the way to achieve top rankings on the search engines.
Most people seem to be somewhat confused about the total process.  I view seo completely different than most people.  I have a clearly defined objective and keep to the goal, no matter the results I am seeing, or not seeing.  I know that by following the guidelines set forth in the Google tools for webmasters, the process begins to take shape with this consistent effort.
While the keyword phrase web conferencing is literally monopolized by systems like WebEx, ILINC, GoToMeeting, WebConferencingCentral and Adobe, it clearly indicates that these organizations are doing an excellent job in the search engine optimization department, and their domains and sub-directories are aged.  This is also a very important aspect in seo as the aged domains take precedence over the newer ones.  The entire process of seo means consistent effort.  Daily posting to blogs, forums, press releases and of course, building keyword specific webpages is the ticket.
In order to become truly effective on Google, utilizing the all important title and metatags, then following up with high traffic keywords and great original content is what is required for excellent results.  I never stop an seo campaign,  SEO is an ever changing and fluid element.  You really never can predict where your information will land in response to the search engine spiders.  This is why it is necessary to keep that information flowing on a regular basis.
The web conferencing system of Vereconference stands heads above the major players from the standpoint of cost effectiveness and ease of operations.  This is what I have found while signing up for the different systems.  I am also beginning to view Vereconference as the one that will eventually capture the attention of the entire world with the news coming forth concerning a powerful entity which has decided to make Vereconference its web conferencing system of choice.  Stay tuned for more information forthcoming over the days and weeks concerning web conferencing by Vereconference.  The seo process is an intriguing element to view.  Becoming even more attuned to the way that Google approaches different keyword categories, is essential to marketers online.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Free Leads

Free Leads


We hope you can see the value of leads o matic this a powerful marketing system

some use it for reveres marketing.

Others are using it for back links and then there are the ones who use leadsomatic

for both.

Leads O matic allow you to blast your ad to 2 billion website within a few minutes! And you can blast your ads as often as you want.


There are a number of ways to get traffic and leads to your website we will look at a few in this short article.



Are you in need of leads in this article we will look at a number of sites that can help you to generate leads into your business some of these website will give you free leads others you will need to invest a small amount of money. The important thing many of theses leads are converting to sales on daily basis, which is what your business need.

Revisitors help you to generate leads by sending you traffic from Expired domains which are targeted to your particular business.

This Free site helps boost your popularity with the search engines.

This site gives you 1,500-3,000 Free leads daily: Leads

leadsomatic is a leads generating system that blast your ad to 2 billion website, it is a great way to build back links and to do target reveres marketing

Lead Page Generator. Complete Lead Capture Page System. Track Your Visitors By Keyword And Test Actions On All Your Pages. Free Video Shows You How To Increase Your Optin Rate By 300%.

A Marketing, Cycling and Advertising REVOLUTION!! 2x2 magic is a Powerful New Advertising System!  Get a Boatload Of TRAFFIC and Get Cash Back! Sign up For FREE:

Then Go to the Conference Room for all the details, this will Absolutely Amaze you.

Today we gave you 6 resources that can help you start generating leads to your business quickly and effectively. Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that believes the best chance for success when running more than 1 mlm opportunity is to run them all form one place sterling offers a free down line builder which allows you to run all your mlm opportunity from one place. If you are interested in learning more about free down line builder please go