Tuesday, January 08, 2008


In the midst of the new paradigm shift in internet business, SOHO plays an integral part in the lives of online marketers across the world.
St. Petersburg, FL
The SOHO mindset is beginning to blossom fully on Google these days with new and exciting online business opportunities sprouting from every corner.  People are searching for the right type of business to become involved with.  This new shift, this new thinking about online business, is beginning to make itself heard around the world.  People are weary from the "jump on board with me" claims of instant success, wealth and peace of mind.  Savvy online marketers are growing  tired of the same approach to online marketing.  MLM simply does not work.  This is not an exaggerated statement, but a fact.
The typical mlm business model claims to bring just three people into the business, and that business will expand exponentially.  In theory, this is a good plan.  In all actuality, the plan is doomed to fail.  Any business which grows more distributors than it does paying customers, is headed down the road of eventual breakdown.  The loss of time, money, effort and will for millions of marketers on Google, is responsible for the new trend in online enterprise.
People are now searching for real businesses that give the needed tools, training, systems, motivation and mentoring that is required to achieve success.  In terms of these key phrases, the word real should be included.   Often times, in the home SOHO business, one finds claims of knowing how to market effectively online, but when the sites are viewed, they are just another piece of worthless digital memory that will never be seen by search engine spiders, nor real people.  Within these boundaries lie the problem, and the solution as well.
One must be diligent in the pursuit of finding the perfect business model to associate with.  This business must be stable, have the best ROI in the SOHO business realm, must be cost effective to maintain, must possess the essential search engine optimization training needed and most of all, have the CEO available for training in these areas.  These are the real businesses that people are searching for and finding.  SOHO is more than a business.  Its an ongoing process that people are finding real and substantial ways to quit the day jobs, and have the best chance of creating wealth the right way.
SOHO is important in today's economy.  It corners a substantial amount of the money that is being made across the internet on a daily basis.  Finding the right SOHO business can become "The Key to Your Financial Future."
Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

Work From Home


Work From Home Business

Working from Home is the Best of All Possible Jobs

A site map is designed to give readers relevant information concerning different services that are available to assist them in working from home.  Work from home resources number in the millions on Google.  Finding the perfect blend of cost effectiveness and ROI (return on investment) is critical to starting any work from home business.  Working from home is beginning to enter a new paradigm shift in the home business industry.  While many online businesses are thought of as scams, there is beginning a new thinking towards true online business.  Some companies are staying with the hype and exaggerated claims of instant success with no effort, but in all reality, people are beginning to wise up to these claims, and are finding real business that do create wealth from a SOHO (small home office).  You can develop, over time, a wealth creation system that will withstand the onslaught of negative financial impact this country is going to see in the future.  Arming yourself with the internet education that you need, makes perfect sense.
This webpage is designed to be strictly information.  The services found here are known to be some of the best lead generating services on Google today.  There will also be a number of well known and highly regarded business services and small businesses that one can associate themselves with that will empower them with internet education, search engine optimization techniques, wealth creation and a vast array of services that are intended to assist, rather than to sell, the people searching for work from home businesses.  Taking time to fully explore the links below will lead to a new perspective of the work from home industry.
This work from home site map is designed by noted SEO Master, Butch Hamilton.  Mr. Hamilton has extensive knowledge and expertise in the areas of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, creating effective and compatible Google webpages, creative copy writing and other essential elements that are needed for success on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major searches.  Mr. Hamilton is also the Marketing Director for Al Turnquist and the Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing System.  His power lies in his ability to write effective and compelling ad copy for the search engines.  He is also dedicated to providing information to people who are not attuned to the way that the internet works.  He is also a Master SEO trainer for the Veretekk internet marketing training system.  His dedication and consistent work to provide quality advice and seo tips is unparalleled on Google.  His work ethic stands for quality, reliability and consistency.
In searching the work from home links below, the reader will become familiar with certain lead capture pages that will work for generating leads and are valuable for placing information across the internet in the area of producing significant back links for any business that is promoted.  There will also be provided significant websites that are both intriguing and informational and will assist people with their online businesses.  Wealth creation from a work from home business is a reality in the years ahead.  With genuine information and knowledge that is provided by Butch Hamilton, people are placed in a new position for actually creating substantial and viable money from a work from home business.
Lead Generation
Veretekk Traffic Portals:
1st Classifieds http://workfromhome.1-family.com
Blastomatic http://workfromhome.blastomatic.com
BlogFather http://workfromhome.blogfather.net
Computer Giveaway http://workfromhome.computer-giveaway.net
Daily Message Online http://workfromhome.dailymessageonline.com
eTracking http://workfromhome.etracking.net
FFA Farm http://workfromhome.ffafarm.com
Free FFAs http://workfromhome.freeffas.com
Free-Mart http://workfromhome.free-mart.net
Free Page http://workfromhome.free-page.net
Money Machine http://workfromhome.money-machine.net
Sohomatic http://workfromhome.sohomatic.com
Spam Wars http://workfromhome.spam-wars.net
Vacation 4 Free http://workfromhome.vacation-4-free.com
Veremail http://workfromhome.veremail.com
VereTracking http://workfromhome.veretracking.com
WebCatch http://workfromhome.webcatch.net
Veretekk Profit Portals:
Veretekk Regional Portals:
Veretekk SEO Portals:
4f500 http://workfromhome.4f500.com
Almost-Rich http://workfromhome.almost-rich.com
Anzaland http://workfromhome.anzaland.net
BlogFreeRadio http://workfromhome.blogfreeradio.net
BlogNewsRadio http://workfromhome.blognewsradio.net
Blogomatic http://workfromhome.blogomatik.com
Generate-Leads http://workfromhome.generate-leads.net
ePopMail http://workfromhome.epopmail.com
Incomeomatic http://workfromhome.incomeomatic.net
iWealthOnline http://workfromhome.iwealthonline.com
Lead-Sources http://workfromhome.lead-sources.net
My-Free-Biz http://workfromhome.my-free-biz.com
MyFreeSearch http://workfromhome.myfreesearch.net
SEO5 http://workfromhome.seo5.net
SEO9 http://workfromhome.seo9.net
Success-Leads http://workfromhome.success-leads.net
TinCashCan http://workfromhome.tincashcan.com
VoIP-4-Free http://workfromhome.voip-4-free.net
Xelr8It http://workfromhome.xelr8it.biz
ZeroDebtGroup http://workfromhome.zerodebtgroup.com
Substantial Work From Home Businesses
SEO Services
Within these sites, one can unlock the power of working from home.  The whole intent and purpose of these websites is to provide real information about the world of internet marketing.  While other businesses online tout claims of instant wealth and success, Mr. Hamilton fully realizes that producing a business online requires work, consistent effort and a dogged determination.  Living fully and profitably is the goal of the work from home webpage being currently viewed.  It is recommended to take and use this information to a distinct advantage.
Living the SOHO life is the best life of all.  Finding the diamonds of wealth and information above really is the "Key to Your FInancial Future."  Having the innate ability to work from home in a substantial Google business, gives people new hope and perspectives into the art of living well.  The answer is SOHO!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  9-6 CST

Posted By Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert to What Is Search Engine Marketing? at 12/27/2007 08:26:00 AM

Additional Work From Home Articles

Risk Reversal and Virtual Office

Risk Reversal Definition and Virtual Office


For years the consumer has been placed in the position that if they want to purchase any goods or service they have to buy it, then decide if it is right for them. This forces them into the position that they want to make sure a particular product or service is what they truly want. The consumer has been put in the position of purchasing then deciding. Many years ago consumers would have to make sure that what they had purchased was what they wanted because refunds were unheard of. As time went on companies that sell their products created warranties to cover breakage and malfunctions, but no matter what the problem was the consumer was stuck with the product.


Everyone understands the term risk, and there are only a few people in society that will take risk. Risk of losing life is the number one risk that people don't take, the other risk's are less severe, but all in all most people go through life practicing "risk avoidance". They don't want any part of risk that puts any part of their life in jeopardy unless that is what they think they are supposed to do. For example, consumers will put hard earned money into a 401k retirement plan because they think that is what they are supposed to do, when in fact the risk of losing money is great and they would never put their own money knowingly at risk in the same way. If they understood that there was a huge chance that they could lose the majority of their money, they probably would not put their money in such instruments but the financial institutions, and financial people have convinced them that this is what they should do.


Consumers think they are doing the right thing when in fact their will be a huge loss but they won't realize it until it is too late.  If consumers were told the truth about their money they would not put their money in such instruments.  


Risk of Monetary loss


One of the biggest risks that people get very upset with is monetary loss. When consumers purchase products, they want to evaluate them to make sure that they are getting what they want. They want to make sure that no one is going to "pull the wool over their eyes" and promise them more than they actually get. The severity of ill feelings moves on a scale where less money lost is easier to take than more money lost. The more money lost or spent to evaluate a product or service, the more scrutiny the product receives. Purchasing an automobile is a major expense which in most cases requires financing, creating debt. If a bad purchase is made then the consumer has a fight on their hands, this is why consumers do extensive comparative shopping to make sure that what they get is right.


Although governments have built regulations to protect the consumers [When a consumer purchases a very expensive product there are regulations that are designed to protect them.] the expense of making it right is more of a loss. Having to lose money never sets well with anyone and with many products now days having a very short life span sometimes it is hard to recoup the cost or loss before they have to purchase another product again, putting them in the same evaluation position. Years ago if you made a bad purchase you had time to use it after the cash outlay but today the break down of products "planned obsolescence" is designed so the consumer gets no reprieve financially before they have to purchase another product of the same nature. [Washing machines, refrigerators, television sets, etc.] Years ago people would drive cars for many years but today they don't even make it out of the financing period.


So lets take a look at what the consumer puts up with. When a company decides to sell a product or service they know that with reasonable distribution the consumers will purchase a certain amount of what they are selling. The companies know that if they make certain claims some people will purchase the product because there is a certain segment of society that will tolerate the product that stands for the specific usage. The cheaper the product the less risk the consumer is taking in their mind so if the product or service is priced within a certain range the "risk tolerance" is lower. Now the "risk tolerance" increases with income. [Some people have a higher "risk tolerance" of loss than others because their incomes will be higher.] In any event there is a break point for everyone, where they will feel uncomfortable with what they have bought.


If the consumer has to decide about whether they want you're particular product or not they now are pushed into a analytical mode of action that will cause them to have to do comparative shopping and also look for guarantees. The consumer knows that they have to bear the risk so they want to make sure they want to. They want to make sure that your product or service fits their parameters of what they are looking for. Having to bear the risk that someone else should, make's everyone uncomfortable. Consumers are not stupid people and know what they want and don't want. So when they purchase a product or service thinking they are getting one thing and getting something else they get very angry and suspicious.



Risk Reversal


When a company decides to sell a product or service if they are willing to let the consumer use it, indefinitely they are indirectly saying to the consumer we are confident that our product or service is what we say it is so therefore give it a try and if you like it buy it, if not you at least were able to satisfy yourself. When a company takes the risk up front the consumer is less likely to not want the product. The consumer is more forgiving when the company takes the risk up front than they would if they laid out their hard earned money and didn't like it.


When I say forgiving I mean that consumers are willing to look the other way if the product or service is not perfect, since they realize that nobody is, therefore they understand that they have time to figure a work around if necessary. And if the product or service is no good at all, their loss is only time testing it and not money. Educated consumers are demanding, more and more, that they try the product before they purchase it so they see if it meets the claims made.


When a company is un-willing to take the risk up front, than look out because you now are put in the position of deciding whether you want to take the time to understand and use what is being sold. Many times consumers will look for a product that they can try first. The internet is loaded with products that are given a 100% money back guarantee, which is getting close to "Risk Reversal" but not quite there. There are companies that will give you a trial period to let you load up your data into a software program realizing that you will not want to redo your data if you don't like the system. But all in all the internet practices more "risk reversal" than other industries. Some department stores will take the products back but you have laid out cash first.


Now when you are looking for a good or service you want to set your benchmark to the highest point then work backwards. Look for a product or service that allows you to use it first, no strings and no money, and then if you like it you can purchase it. If you can't find a "Risk Reversal" product then you can move down the scale to giving your credit card information with a solid guarantee. If you can't find what you are looking for in this category, then you are now forced into the uncomfortable area of analytical behavior.


The purpose of this article is two fold. One to explain the term "Risk Reversal" and second to point out that our Virtual Office is just that. A great example of "Risk Reversal" is Virtual Office http://virtualoffice.vereconference.com where you can use it no questions asked for as long as you want to see if you like it. You can even use it for your business and see if it fits into your business structure without spending a dime. This is "Risk Reversal" at it's finest.


What is Virtual Office? It's a system that allows you to do globally anything that you can do locally. You can do anything that you can do in a physical office, now with anyone else in the world. Virtual Office has bridged the gap of "flattening out the world" and enabling anyone to work with anyone else no matter where they are in the world. If you would like to learn more sign up for our free Virtual Office International Symposium and check it out. Go to http://unitednations.imasite.com and sign up, you will begin to receive a series of emails that will prepare you for this international conference. You will be there with people from all over the world. The emails will give you some instructions that you need to follow to get ready for the Symposium. Everyone has to be on the same page.


The Virtual Office International Symposium is developed by Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor and Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master to provide a "Risk Reversal" training system to teach people how to set up their own Virtual Office and in addition how to market on the internet. Don't miss this ground breaking event.



Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell





Butch Hamilton-SEO Master










Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Pc Satellite TV-High-end HDTV At Its Best

Pc Satellite TV - Review of Satellite TV for Pc 2006 Software Click Here




High-end HDTV At Its Best


Setting up the ideal HDTV system can become very laborious, confusing and frustrating given the huge selection of HD-related products in the market. Can watching shows be as complicated and costly? However, that put a huge emphasis on the getting the best equipment regardless of how much money they need to spend. Here some of the best HDTV equipment available in the market today.


Terk TV2 antenna


Is the Terk TV2 antenna the best in its class? For starters this antenna is advisable for those living in the suburbs or cities, as these locations usually receive strong TV signals. The Terk TV2's dipole elements can be extended and be independently swiveled for directional tuning to capture the best reception.


Pc Satellite TV - Review of Satellite TV for Pc 2006 Software Click Here



The Terk TV2 will likely be a great addition especially for a DBS system. The Terk TV2's additional parts include RF-style coaxial input to enable connecting a second or third video source such as a VCR, or video game machine. No addition connections are required.



- VHF/UHF band separator with 75-300 ohm matching transformer

- VHF and UHF capability for reception of channels 2-69

- extendable dipole elements

- RF-style video input with antenna/source switch

- Dimensions: 8"W x 9"H x 4-1/4"D

-  1 year warranty


DIRECTV HR10-250 satellite receiver


Based on the impressive specification of the DIRECTV HR10-250 HDTV satellite receiver, is it safe to say that it is the best LCD for HDTV today?  The HR10-250 can receive and decode digital signals from DIRECTV's high-resolution broadcasts. The satellite receiver also has a built-in hard drive digital video recorder that can be used to record favorite programs from any HD channel.


HD-broadcasts boasts of images rich in detail and surround sound. The DIRECTV HR10-250 HDTV receiver can be hooked to any HD-capable TV and home audio system.




Pc Satellite TV - Review of Satellite TV for Pc 2006 Software Click Here



   »  HDTV DIRECTV tuner — receives and decodes digital HDTV signals from DIRECTV's satellite broadcasts and local free-to-air broadcasts with the use of a compatible antenna.

   »  receives digital TV broadcasts in 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i

   »  manual timer recording by channel and time

   »  1 antenna input and 2 satellite inputs

   »  optical digital audio outputs pass Dolby® Digital 5.1-channel audio

   »  phone jack

   »  TiVo 14-day interactive program guide

   »  dual ATSC tuners

   »  can record up to 200 hours of standard-definition digital TV with its built-in hard disk digital video recorder and up to 30 hours of HDTV

   »  WishList™ keyword search of program listings

   »  Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down buttons — ratings system from TiVo

   »  selectable 480i/480p/720p/1080i output via HDMI and component video

   »  Season Pass™

   »  1 set audio/video outputs (composite, S-video, component video, HDMI)

   »  remote control (multibrand for TVs and A/V receivers)

   »  can record two shows simultaneously

   »  2 USB interfaces for future use

   »  HDMI, HDMI-to-DVI, component video, S-video, composite video, and telephone cables

   »  15-1/8"W x 3-5/16"H x 13-7/8"D

   »  1 year warranty


Monster HDMI400


Monster has been knows from producing arguably the best audio and video cables in the US. Given its industrial design and durability, Monster has carved a name for itself that it currently unmatched in the cable industry. Monster's video cable is a favorite among installers and audio and video enthusiasts around the world.


Attaining the best HD image and detailed sound has been the mission of high-definition enthusiasts. The Monster HDMI400 is a powerful tool given its advanced design. Information can be sent out as fast as 5 gigabytes a second with HDMI. Such capability means that one HDMI cable can handle the transfer of uncompressed high-definition video and uncompressed multichannel digital audio signals and even have extra bandwidth.


The Monster HDMI400 HDTV cable utilizes gas-injected dielectric that makes sure any signal loss is only minimal signal and signal strength even on extended connections. RFI and EMI noise are rejected by high-density triple-shielding, delivering a clean signal to your components. The Monster cable also fully supports both 720p and 1080i HDTV video formats and multi-channel audio formats.




   »  signal strength runs at optimum level with its gas-injected dielectric

   »  signal transfer is seamless and corrosion is effectively avoided with 24k gold contacts

   »  noise rejection with high-density triple-shielding treatment

   »  lifetime warranty for the Monster HDMI400 HDTV cable

Arista HDTV cable

Pc Satellite TV - Review of Satellite TV for Pc 2006 Software Click Here


|Bruno Rioux|Leads|live leads|Lead|sales leads|lead time|home business leads|MLM Lead|free Lead|business leads|Leads generation|leadsomatic|

live leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for live leads|investor leads|generate leads|fresh leads|qualified leads|marketing leads|cheap leads|email leads|surveyed leads|home business leads|business opportunity leads|targeted leads|lead time|network marketing leads|follow my lead|?

What kind of leads are looking for? live leads, investor leads, generate leads, fresh leads, qualified leads, cheap leads, email leads, follow my lead, lead time, surveyed leads, targeted leads, home business leads, business opportunity leads, real time leads, network marketing leads, Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, MLM leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, market leads, free, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.


A sales lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in purchasing a product or service, and represents the first stage of a sales process. The lead may have a corporation or business associated with the person(s). Sales leads come from either marketing lead generation processes such as trade shows, direct marketing, advertising, Internet marketing or from sales person prospecting activities. For a sales lead to qualify as a sales prospect, qualification must be performed and evaluated. Typically this involves identifying by direct interrogation of the lead's product applicability, availability of funding and time frame for purchase. This is also known as the entry point of a sales tunnel, sales funnel or sales pipeline.

Once a qualified lead exists, additional operations may be performed such as background research on the lead's, the market of the lead, contact information beyond that provided initially or other information useful for contacting and evaluating a lead for elevation to prospect leads.

If a sales lead eventually makes a purchase, this is called conversion. The ratio of sales leads that convert is often referred to as the conversion rate, a way to measure the effectiveness of a sales process, sales team, or sales person.

What are Real Time Leads?

Real time leads is a resource that allows an individual to build a home-based business such as a franchise or MLM. These leads lists contain names of and the means to contact individuals interested in purchasing a business opportunity.

What differentiates real time leads from more traditional business leads is the means by which they are harvested and timeliness. Traditionally, business leads were generated by a MLM or franchise owner cold-calling on individuals or by business/ social networking. Real time leads are harvested via websites targeting MLM/ franchise opportunity seekers. Individuals interested in such business seek out information on the web, choose opportunities best suited to themselves and fill out a form requesting contact from those selling the business opportunities.

One of the more intriguing facets of real time leads is how “fresh” they are. MLM/ franchise opportunity sellers can receive a request from an opportunity seeker the moment the form is completed. Within seconds of an online forms completion opportunity seeker and seller can be in direct contact with each other.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system. And don't forhet to submit your URL to Google.

Need training on how to use Leadsomatic then come to my conference room on Sunday at 0600 hrs PST.


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Veretekk Down Under

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990
Mortgage Leads