Friday, November 23, 2007

How To Become Successful Online

How To Become Successful Online
It would seem that the dream of home business ownership grows daily on Google.  People seem to be searching and finding businesses to become involved in at a staggering rate.  Online companies are making money.  People promoting these programs are becoming self supporting and actually have no need to return to the work force to become a slave to the company.  In talking with many people, this would seem to be a new paradigm shift in the way that business will become in the new age.  People can stay at home and make much more money than they could have ever done working a J O B.  This raises an interesting question in my mind.  With all the people desiring this new way of living, why is the failure rate so high.  You would think that being diligent, working hard and obtaining the necessary elements that will lead to that online success, people would be achieving mastery, but obviously they are not.  The 95% failure of online business owners is clearly a sign of something being very wrong with the system.  I will attempt to give first hand knowledge in this area to try to dissect the reasons people are not achieving at the level they had hoped for.
  • Being a consistent bitcher, moaner and whiner about every small and unimportant detail about the business will result in a pattern of non-success.
  • Being too analytical with minute details, rather than choosing to become positive about all things within the business can lead to no success.
  • Thinking that you know more about the business than the owner, the founder, the trainers and the customer support staff, can be a real detriment to the success, or lack of success, in any online program.
  • Being your own worst enemy when it comes to success online.  Most people sabotage their success without ever knowing they have done so.  It is a true statement that "what we think, is what we become."  When a person is concerned with the negatives, rather than focusing on the positive benefits will surely lead to no success.
  • Being consistent in your desire to complain that all parts of the program are not up to your rigorous demands for perfection, is the best way to block the positive points of any program, and will lead to no success online.
  • Being stubborn in the fact that you are right, and everyone else is a moron, makes you very prone to have less than the desired effects in any business.
  • Condemning, criticizing and complaining about every person, place or thing on this planet, will surely lead to no gain in a business.
I realize very well that any business, whether it be online or offline, has its pluses and minuses.  Its fair to say that in a perfect world, we would all have the perfect things that we think that we deserve.  Unfortunately, we live in a world where things just don't work right for us, no matter what we do.  Our struggling, striving, complaining, bitching, moaning and whining about anything less than perfection, leads one to become very stubborn and unmoving in the overall process.  We must learn to overcome this pattern of behavior, before we can hope to achieve any type of online success.
In my professional opinion, I find that the best ways to success are learning to be fluid and changeable, and are the best answers to achieving both personal, and financial gains.  We must learn that systems break down, but we find ways to overcome our situations.  We learn to overcome and adapt to any situation, be it good or bad.  With this type of fluidity in our personal and business lives, we learn that the universe opens its majesty to those who maintain a positive and uplifting mentality, no matter what the circumstance we find ourselves in.  The spiritual attributes within our core being are telling us constantly the right moves to make.  The trick is, to listen to these universal laws, and take full advantage of the message they are telling us.  Most people tend to believe that perfection can only be achieved in the hereafter.  I, for one, believe that perfection is here and now for the people that are willing to open their minds and hearts to that reality.
Life is about change.  Life is about us being able to move freely about without the restrictions that others place upon us, but more importantly, the restrictions that we place upon ourselves.  So what is the secret to becoming successful?  The absolute truth lies within each of us to open ourselves, and to look within for that answer.  It is there, but sometimes finding that special gift means a letting go of everything that you think you need to be...and to just be.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036


Free Leads thru Leads-O-Matic


Leads-O-Matic Is The Mule!


Years ago there was a Farmer who had a mule.  This mule would lead his plow, would lead his wagon, and when he went to church on Sunday would lead his carriage.   The Farmer had a problem with the mule which was that the mule from time to time did not want to take the lead, and would stop dead in his tracks.   The Farmer was used to this behavior by the mule. But because he needed the mule to lead his wagon he was willing to overlook this animal's obnoxious behavior.


The Farmer knew when the mule got like this, and decided not to lead the carriage, he had to get the mules attention.   Every time this happened and the mule decided not to lead the carriage the Farmer took out his "two by four" board and hit the mule.   The mule would then have to make a decision as to whether he wanted to get hit again by the farmer, or lead the wagon. In most cases the mule decided to lead the wagon and go about their journey or task.


Many times people are like the mule they need something to get their attention. How many times have you had someone offer you help but you rejected it for whatever reason? When we reject help, many times we end up continuing our long arduous journey struggling to get things done, when had we listened to the person offering help our lives would've been made much easier.


Well here's the help!


Leads-O-Matic is the mule the can pull your wagon to get massive amounts of leads for you and allow you to grow your business far beyond your wildest dreams without stopping. Every business needs a mule to keep the business going, but they need a mule that won't stop in midstream.


The above dialogue was designed to get your attention and also to show you good search engine optimization centered around the keyword lead. You see the search engine spiders don't know the difference between whether the content I am writing is relevant to the reader and the subject or not. All they're looking for are the words.


Growing your business through good search engine optimization and the use of proper tools can assist you in getting your business into top positions on the Internet. Writing content, whether Pulitzer Prize winning or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is content with keywords.


In addition to writing good content for the Internet and placing it in different places it is always equally important to promote your website and the keywords associated with it. Leads-O-Matic can do this and get you leads to help you grow your business but more importantly work for you day and night, night and day, without fail.


If you are the Mule then Leads-O-Matic is the 2x4!


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Master Distributor



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing Systems

Dr. Raymond Jewells Jaguar Marketing Systems.


Dr. Raymond Jewell and Personal Economic Coach have selected Jaguar Marketing Systems to be added to their economic model system. One of the strategies that are used to guide clients to achieve wealth is putting together a home business to create passive income streams. After completing an economic model, looking for financial inefficiencies, we guide clients to set up home business to create wealth. Jaguar Marketing is a great tool to use in creating a home business.


We teach clients how to set up their business, and then use the Jaguar product as the vehicle to create income. Selling the Jaguar Marketing "Mentors on a Mission" product will give clients the tools to create their own home business. Using the Jaguar home business system allows anyone to learn how to set up their home business and make it a success. When we incorporate it into our models we are able to utilize the strengths of the Jaguar Marketing System to eliminate the failure rate that normally persist in the home business arena.


"We will use the Jaguar Marketing System to help many clients create multiple streams of income. We will include our 'Partner Development System" to make sure all clients follow all the steps needed in setting up their home business. There are many system owners of Jaguar Marketing, but make sure that you chose Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing Systems, so you will be able to be plugged into our "Partner Development System" to insure your success", quoted Dr. Raymond Jewell.


"Our Partner Development System is backed by a staff of experienced veteran customer executives that understands that customer service is needed when mentoring occurs. We add to the already strong learning systems in place with Jaguar Marketing."


We look forward to adding you to our Partner Development System, if you have interest please fill out this form [ Click here].


  Dr. Raymond Jewell


10K Week Income Program

RSS Feed





Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Backlinking for Leads 4

Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites with keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. that are top Keywords used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

How to use SEs to determine Link Popularity

You can use link:’site URL’ feature of many search engines to list all the pages that link to the selected site, and that too in order of Page Rank. For Google, North Light and AltaVista, use to find the listing of pages that link to the web site For Alltheweb use link.all instead of link and for Inktomi use ‘linkdomain’ instead of ‘link’ in the above example. The results would be a list of all pages (if indexed by the search engine) that link to your target site, listed in the order of popularity.

My Mentor Butch Hamilton has this to say about another linking system called LinkScout. "I have been using Paul Antovich's LinkScout program for a long time. I use the LinkScout link on most of my websites, my blog posts and my forum posts. I also use them anytime I place live information on the internet. This amazing program is designed to be search engine spider food. When you add LinkScout to everything else you are doing, you create a powerful search engine optimization tool. I get loads of high traffic search positions just by my LinkScout link. When you consider adding the seo portals of Veretekk to this mix, look out Google, I am coming to see you soon!"

Look out for Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next on Link analysis



Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing
I made a mistake in the above post.  I placed the wrong url there.  Rather than go all the way through my postings, I will give that guy some free advertising...what the heck!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing

In putting together some new websites to promote Vereconfernece, I highly congratulate Tom Prendergast for the great work and sweat equity that he has applied in creating the new flash presentations. There is a great deal of effort in preparing these flashes and I know that the members of Veretekk will take great pride in using both the flashes, and the form codes. To check out how I am using the flashes you may login to my web conferencing room here: You can also view my web conferencing resources sites by going to:


I am constantly blogging about the web conference rooms from Vereconference as I truly believe that we have the best in web conferencing services found on Google today. I can always find something new and different to present my point of view concerning interactive web conferencing.

I am dedicated to my seo clients who have chosen me and my talents for promoting to assist them in placing keyword rich content about Vereconference. You know, effective seo never quits, the well never runs dry, the possibilities remain endless in the ways to effectively write, teach train and motivate individuals who earnestly want to learn to effectively build an online business. Real seo work never takes a holiday, it never gets sick or disinterested. It is something that you have a passion and drive for, or you do not. Quite frankly, if you do not possess that kind of ambition, you probably will not do well in an online business.

Vereconference is like that. Vereconference is always available. Vereconference never takes a holiday. Vereconference is readily available for people to use at any time of the day or night. What would happen if someday, they just decided to pull the plug on the whole program? What if Tom Mike just got tired of the same old, same old and said to heck with all the systems of Veretekk? Well, people like me would be the losers of that. I am too determined to let that happen. I will continue to post interesting and informational material about web conferencing. I feel it too valuable of a system to just let go of.

I call Vereconference the best web conferencing service on Google today for a reason. In my research of all the other systems available on the internet, this is by far the best, most inexpensive and easiest to use online meeting system around.

Inspirational Book Reviews

Inspirational Book Reviews
The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once by noted inspirational and motivational author D Anthony, is getting good reviews at  D Anthony's writing style is unique in that it contains powerful messages about living well, living for the moment and clearly tells ancient secrets to passionate living in today's world.  The reviews below are just a few found at  Keep revisiting for more upcoming inspirational book reviews to be posted.
4.0 out of 5 stars Delightful common sense book, November 20, 2007
By  Lesley West (St James, Western Australia) - See all my reviews
I must confess up front that I am not particularly fond of the genre of motivational and enlightenment books, but as I picked this up I was willing to be surprised, and I have to confess that I was, and pleasantly so. This is a lovely and delightful little book of simple philosophy, or perhaps put another way, a confident presentation of positive ways to reflect on and ultimately live your life.

What it really offers is common sense with 2 focuses:

(i) have a positive attitude and

(ii) live life to the fullest

I particularly liked the affirmation at the beginning of the book about appreciating every day, and throughout the book there are words of wisdom that cannot be refuted. The athor's own examples of where life has taken him and how he faces its challenges and obstacles is interesting and entertaining.

However, if I have a criticism, it's simply that taken in one reading, as I did, it really is a little too much and after a while the message begins to get lost.

If you buy this book, and it is a worthwhile purchase, use it as something that you dip into when you are looking for a boost or affirmation. It is indeed heart warming, and even though it is not a large format book it would make a nice book to leave on your coffee table or in a reception area. The title alone will make people pick it up, and there is certainly enough within the covers to make for entertaining discussion or a little self reflection.
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is very good!, November 19, 2007
By (Madison, WI United States) - See all my reviews
Who could disagree with an author who observes, whether we utilize our time wisely or are immobilized by our doubts and fears, the sand will continue to fall through the hourglass and one day will soon become the next. His advice: take ownership of your circumstances, "chose to stand and demand more from yourself and your life." Easy guidance to accept if you already believe it, but I think the test of a good self-help book is whether it can convince those who don't.

D. Anthony (no biographical information is provided) illustrates through analogies how we come to accept our limitations. He then discusses a test of the perceptions of two people about luck which shows how attitude affects expectations, commitment, awareness of opportunities and ultimately results. I found this convincing. I also appreciated the little exercises--saying hello to five strangers, giving yourself a gift of something you ordinarily wouldn't take time to enjoy, saying "thank you" to the person who is most important to you in life, etc--some of his little epigrams--"Stress is nothing less than this life's express to the next."--and his unabashed devotion to his now deceased mother. What I didn't care for was the rather simplistic poetry meant to reinforce the prose message. To me it was little better than syrupy, rhyming, mini-sermons that trivialized the book's message. In fairness, some readers will probably cut these out and post them on their refrigerators. Whatever works!

And just when I began to fear suffocation by feel-good frenzy, I was re-grounded by essays like the one where he makes a collection call to an elderly man who had gone blind and another that offers an excellent perspective on our unaccountable need to feel someone else is doing even worse than we are ("It suggests that when we go into our familiar 'winners and losers' mind set, we may actually lose regardless of whether we finish first or last.") In fact there are strong passages that show the power of positive attitude may not always be enough--for example, the author tries to help a fellow worker who feels unappreciated in her job. "Just to be clear, in no way do I mean to suggest every problem is insignificant or imagined. The reality is that no matter the spiral of choice and no matter who we are or what we do, every once in a while, a serious issue is going to find us. Someway and somehow, every so often life is going to manage to get a good punch in... My theory is that the way we feel is about 15-20 percent circumstance and 80-85 percent perspective. If we alter our perspective, we can't help but change or live." That's the practical voice of someone I can listen to.

"The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once" is a conversational presentation that is easy to read, easy to understand, easy to put into practice. A nice present for yourself. Or a great gift for someone who considers you to be important to his or her life.
5.0 out of 5 stars To get more out of life, read this book! Unique, yet easy perspective!, November 18, 2007
As this author says, "There has to be more to life than the here and now" ... "more to the hustle-bustle of daily life." And he goes on to tell us how to unlock our own amazing potential.

When I received an ARC of this inspiring book, the title alone grabbed my attention. What's that all about? I wondered, and when Mr. Anthony went on to explain that that was the first blow life dealt him, I began to understand.

I had heard some of these truths in other forms, of course, but none so succinct and clear. This book taught me how to make simple changes in my reactions to the blows life hands me, and how to adjust my attitude so that I could learn from them and "make a difference" ... not only in my own life but in the lives of my friends and family and all those with whom I come in contact.

I confess it won't be an overnight miracle, but if I stop to think about what I'm doing and plan where I'm going and what I want to be (not what others want me to be) I will change little by little until I eventually grow into the successful person I was meant to be.

This book is clear, concise and easy to read, with many examples of successful people to guide us along our way. I especially enjoyed the inspiring story of Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame. He was knocked down more than the average person, but he persisted in diligently pursuing his dream, and the rest is history. We all know how successful he was.

The author also describes how an insignificant little book he read as a child affected him; he cites an intriguing psychological case study ... Well, I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that each chapter gave me more insight into how I (and other readers) can unlock our own potential and fulfill our dreams.

Thanks, Mr. Anthony, for renewed inspiration and for sharing your wisdom with the world. I highly recommend this book.
5.0 out of 5 stars A wonderful reading gift to empower ! Reread it!, November 14, 2007
By  Rizzo "MzRizz" (Denver, CO) - See all my reviews
It was after the death of his mother and the excruciating heartache he endured, that author D Anthony's life began to take on a whole new meaning. The book is a life-long quest for meaning, happiness and fulfillment. Now WHO could possibly not want those elements in their world?

The book is filled with wonderful inspirational stories, passages, and easily understood poetry with a clear message. It is a little of everything, wisdom, lessons, guidance, insight and spiritual enrichment. It is meant to be read over, to sit down for a quiet moment of inspiration, to grasp new meaning or to refresh your thoughts. Read it again, or a little each day. Keep it, share it with others, and give someone this great gift, the gift to empower. It is a refresher course on life and that refresher course should never end.

I like the unique title, The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped me...Once. It signifys that first punch, kick or slap that will inevitably find us in life. We will encounter more of those punches, kicks or slaps in our lifetime and his question is ...what will you do and what choice will you make?

This book is categorized into several headings, from Born to Lead, Life Happened, Perspectives, Personal Touch, Gratitude, Playing with Passion, Death Visits Us, and Faith Ensues. Furthermore, there is a link to the website: See it, Use it, Share in it!! .....Rizzo
5.0 out of 5 stars Nikki, September 5, 2007
By  Nich Nichols "Nikki" (Perryville, MD USA) - See all my reviews
The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is a book that reminded me of the joys and sorrows in life. The book will take you back in time to your childhood and make laugh, cry and remember the good ole days. It will make you remember a loved one that has been lost, pick up the phone to tell an estranged child and or friend that you miss and love them still. It will cause you to look in the mirror at your self and ask why not. It will challenge you to do more and to be more not to just accept was is given to you. It will cause you to question life and the purpose you have. Bottom life if you want a book to that is going to cause you to ponder your life, your purpose and what you can do to make the world a better place then this might just be the book for you. It was and is for me.
D Anthony is being seen as becoming ever prevalent on Google as one of the best inspirational authors of late.  Undoubtedly, his graceful and direct writing is becoming popular by readers of inspirational and motivational writings.  The 220 pages of The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once is a breath of fresh air to those yearning to live fully and completely.  One man's journey to the core of living encompasses this book with the articles landing close to home with every page.  More information concerning D Anthony and the inspirational book can be found by visiting the websites below.
(Note:  All Reviews were Taken Directly From in Their Original Context.)
D Anthony-Inspirational and Motivational Author
Image Hosted by

Free Ad Submit

Free Ad Submit

Unlimited No Cost subscription. Place 12 million ads per submission.

Blast-O-Matic provides you with the most powerful ad submission system in the world - and best of all, it's NOCOST! Not just another ad submission either! No other ad submission service can compare to the "high-tech" / "high-touch" service you receive from Blast-O-Matic. Also receive unlimited live training.
Most companies charge a fee to provide you with an inferior service! The following is a comparison of a few of our "competitors" prices as of January, 2005:  Think of Blastomatic as building spider food.  You will produce backlinks that help your website urls in the search engines of Google. 

Service: Submit Cheap Cost: $25 Receive: Out of Business.
Service: Submit Wolf Cost: $95 Receive: Software.
Service: Mega Response Cost: $39 Receive: 1 year.
Service: 123 Link Cost: $99 Receive: 6 subs.
Service: Ace Promote Cost: $129 Receive: 12 subs.
Service: Worldwide Promoter Cost: Starts at $9.95 Receive: One month limited use.
Service: Blast-O-Matic Cost: No cost Receive: Lifetime unlimited use.

Sign Up:

Blastomatic is aimed to provide one goal. RESULTS!!!
Trying to promote on the Internet can be disheartening and costly. Unless you find the right tools you're simply wasting your time and money. We make it easy for you by submitting your ad to millions of pages with just one click.
By using Blast-O-Matic you will literally be creating millions of links pointing to your website - automatically! This can greatly help increase your site popularity and help you to get a much better ranking in the search engines. The more you use Blast-O-Matic, the more links pointing to your website are created!

Blast-O-Matic provides you with the most powerful submission system in the world - and best of all, it's No Cost! No other submission service can compare to the "high-tech" / "high-touch" service you receive from Blast-O-Matic. Most companies charge a fee to provide you with an inferior service! We charge you NOTHING! It is No Cost for ever!

Veretekk Testimonies!

I'll NEVER be without Veretekk!
Where to begin... Well, the first time I spoke to Tom (several months ago) and he explained this amazing system to me the first thing out of my mouth was "WOW! I've been looking for something like this!"... The NEXT thing out of my mouth was "Where can I sign-up!". The rest is history.
Since then I have put several thousand dollars in the bank using Veretekk generated leads for my Primary Program, Secondary Program, etc... And now, for the past couple of months since Veretekk launched their Affiliate Program, I have an additional stream of income... The Veretekk Affiliate Program.

By the way, my first check from the Veretekk Affiliate Program was a nice 4 figures & the second one is even a NICER 4 figures! THANKS Veretekk!

Of course, I'll never "buy" leads again.

THANKS Tom, Mike & Jeff & God bless you all for putting this amazing system together the right-way for all of us. It's definitely been a blessing to my residential business!

Paul Stanton

This System Has "Heart"
I'm new to the residential business/Internet marketing scene! I started Dec 04 and by the end of Dec 04, after spending money and wasting time, I was frustrated and disheartened. I knew there had to be something out there that worked! Then came Veretekk. I've learned so much in just a few short weeks. For the first time I'm getting quality leads. And I'm making money...without having done much of anything. And this passive income is going to get huge. Veretekk is so powerful and creative. The trainings are worth their weight in gold!
Veretekk equals All Possibilities!

The guys at Veretekk are ahead of their time. Tom Prendergast has a huge intellect balanced with a huge heart. He really cares about helping people. I'm so grateful to have Veretekk.

Please, whatever you're doing...STOP. Do yourself a favor. Get on this system...plug into the trainings, bring a caring heart and a desire to help people and watch it work!

Connie Coffee


Veretekk makes Blastomatic No charge!

Wonder what Veretekk is? Veretekk increases your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful suite of marketing tools ever created on the Internet! Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 5 - 10 times per day so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998. It is no cost to join. Are you crazy or what?
Wayne and Adrienne Amable-Home Business Entrepreneurial Experts

Free Leads



Looking for a powerful promotional tool to help your business?

Would it help you to be able to blast your ad out to over 2 Billion websites?!? (Seriously!!!)  This is NOT a classified ad submission tool.  This is a very powerful link building tool.  By using Leadsomatic consistently, you will build backlinks for your websites which enable you to get better page rank on Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major search engines.

Well now you can - just go to!

You can sign up at absolutely NO COST and start using the great tools offered by Leadsomatic to promote your business online. Fr333 membership includes access to the search engine submission tool as well as the keyword ranking detection system. All available for fr33!

If you're really serious about exploding your online promotional efforts, then you'll also want to consider upgrading for just $10/month to the paid membership. Doing so gives you full access to The Hammer - technology so powerful, it's one of the last submission tools available online today! With the simple click of a button the system will hammer your ad out to over 2 Billion websites... yes billion with a "B"!

So feel fr33e to check it out... consider it my gift to you. Believe me, this is quite the tip!

Go to right now to signup!

Best wishes,

Wayne Amable
Direct: 1-866-718-7173

Home Business Alberta



Home Business in Alberta is Booming!

After Eight Years...The Final Touches....We did it totally backwards from the standard procedures! We have been building this system since 1996. Veretekk has been a gargantuan undertaking, but it was worth it! We could have made it an opportunity when we started, but we didn't feel that was honest. How many times have you joined an opportunity only to hear the typical BS that the services will be launched next month or get in at the top before we launch the great service we are promising? We could list the companies but that would take to much band width.  Building your home business in Alberta with Veretekk just makes perfect sense.  Since the new paradigm shift in the Alberta, Canada area, people are searching for the real answer to effectively marketing online.

Serious Living

So do you want to make some serious living and at the same time seriously and successfully promote your other opportunity(s)?y If your answer is yes, please read on. The compensation plan is real easy to explain and to understand. Basically we pay out 90% of the setup fee and 50% of the monthly subscription fee.

10 x 10 x 10 Unilevel example...

You join as a Veretekk Silver subscriber. Silver only pays on one level:

  • Setup Commission $60.00
  • Monthly commission $0.00. The pay out comes when someone you enrolled upgrades to Gold.
  • When you upgrade to Gold your pay out goes to three levels that pays out like this:
    Level one:
  • Setup commission $60.00
  • Monthly commission $0.00
    Level two:
  • Setup commission $20.00
  • Monthly commission $5.00
    Level three:
  • Setup commission $10.00
  • Monthly commission $15.00
  • This is an illustration of what you could expect if 10 signed up 10 and they signed up 10, etc. Your results may differ better or worse. But considering the aforementioned example your monthly living could be $15,500 per month pretty fast! Some will do better and some not as well. But even with only 100 in your third level you would receive over $1,500 per month. You also need to consider this....Veretekk works right now. We are not promising something in the future. We are delivering a lead and marketing system that has been tested and proven to work beyond expectations! The pressure to upgrade from Silver to Gold is powerful. Silver shows you how well it works. We teach you how to make it work. But Gold allows full customization, access to all the Traffic Portals and tools and after all, Gold is designed to promote your business, and if your not only getting access to all the power of Gold but making a ton of cash how easy is it going to be to build your primary business or businesses? And that is exactly what the Gold Veretekk system will do! It will build your business beyond your expectations.

    Online International Payment...

    When you receive your first payment email alert from Veretekk you go to Paystone and setup your account. It is so wonderfully simple! Once you setup your account, Veretekk transfers your commissions into your Paystone account. From your Paystone account you can choose an International Visa debit card or transfer the funds into your banking account or have then mail you your check. Paystone is in place and recognizes most countries in the world. It is that simple. By the way, it took us two days to build the compensation technology and eight years to build Veretekk! What does that tell you about those other opportunities out their that launch the infamous pre launch and pay out but never deliver the promise? Think about it. See you at the bank! Oh yea, you are not alone with Veretekk!

    Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

    Fill out the simple form.That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great living with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose?

    With great enthusiasm,

    Wayne and Adrienne Amable-Home Business Entrepreneurial Experts




    Copyright © 2005, Inc.

  • Home Business success thru Delegation Management

    Home Business Truths!


    The truth is more unbelievable than lies. When you take a look at why home businesses fail, you will discover that the truth is unbelievable about why the failures occur. In one of the most powerful economic systems the failure rate is tremendously high. Why is this the case? In looking at the structure of home businesses, it is evident why most people fail. The failure is because the whole home business strategy is flawed. The strategy focuses more on selling than on structure. When a person who is currently an employee or a self employed individual is put in a position of running a business, the system breaks down. Unless the home business owner makes the transition from the employee mentality to the self employed or business owner mentality they will end up being a business casualty.


    In Robert Kiyosaki's book "Cash Flow Quadrant" he explains the difference between the types of individuals in the market place. The quadrant has four sections:


    • Employee- This person works for others. Gets paid through the W-2 tax system, where they pay taxes on the gross income then pay taxes on the net income. They have 401k retirement incomes and don't think about the entrepreneurial spirit.


    • Self-Employed- These people have a tendency to want to do everything themselves. Their business is usually regional and if they were to leave the business suffers. The business they build has very little value since the Self Employed person is the business. If they are able to sell their business the person buying it requires that the self employed person stays and works in the business for a period of time. Now they are an employee in their own business. They believe that "no one can do it as good as they can". If they leave for any period of time the business suffers. They worry that other self employed people with steal their customers.


    • Businesses Owners-These people delegate all task to employees and expect the business to develop value. These business owners can leave their business for an indefinite period of time and the business will grow and survive. Their focus is a global focus and not regional, they expect their business to develop into a global powerhouse and grow because their team is filled with highly competent employees. They are different than the self employed people because they want to build an asset and not just value.


    • Investors- This group of people looks to invest their wealth and build what they have acquired. They don't listen to financial planners who prey on the first two groups of people. They look to unique individuals who understand creating wealth and not just creating cash. They use people who have more wealth than they do to give them advice, and they look at what they have in a global view not local. They don't use the financial institutions to grow their wealth they learn how to think like a financial institution. Some even start their own financial institutions.


    Understanding these groups of people is important in understanding why home businesses fail. People who are starting a home business usually fall into the first two categories. These people want to be wealthy but can't get out of the employee mindset. I recently did a radio show about this concept [Click here] and listen. With an employee mindset or a self employed mindset people want to do everything themselves because they think that it is expensive to hire people. What is overlooked is the cost of not having people to delegate tasks to. A home business owner will find good people to delegate to. You don't have to pay these people, they will work on commission. You will be able to find a good employee that wants to supplement their income, and they will work part time for you until they realize the income they need to leave their employment and work for you full time.


    The existing structure of duplicating what is failing will never work unless you decide to follow a delegation management or marketing structure. In the home business world the people who start businesses do it with great intensions but somewhere along the line they end up getting no results, and then get disillusioned and end up never trying again. Before you decide to start a home business get a mentor to help you. Get someone that can make sure that if you do all the work you will be successful. We mentor all Partners to success and use several systems for our product line. One of the systems we use is the Jaguar Marketing System. We have branded it as Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing Systems because there are other system owners out there but we are the only one that offers our "Partner Development Program. [If you are looking at the Jaguar Marketing System make sure it's Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System.]


    Through our "Partner Development Program" we make sure that all our Partners [We refer to all clients as Partners] progress at the rate needed to assure success. Our "Partner Development Program" was developed by a veteran customer service executive that got fed up with the lack of customer service in businesses today. She decided to make sure that all Partners get the attention needed to make sure they understand and grow in their business. We make sure that our partners are following all the steps needed to grow in business. This is a needed ingredient that assures our potential partners that we make sure they are not just a number in a system but they are managed to success.


    If you want to learn more about our system fill out the form [ Click here] and one of our staff will contact you and explain how our system works and how it can make you wealthy.


      Dr. Raymond Jewell


    10K Week Income Program

    RSS Feed



    Raymond Jewell PhD
    Skype: rbjewell

    The True Value of Jaguar Marketing System Announced

    The True Value of Jaguar Marketing System Announced
    The true value of Jaguar Marketing is the unequaled experience and expertise of the trainers.
    November 23, 2007       Orlando, FL
    Many companies are attempting to duplicate the Jaguar Marketing System because of the phenomenal success that Jag is experiencing. The only secret is that there is no secret. The CEO of the company  Al Turnquist, has in place, a complete training and support system that is unrivaled in the home business
    industry. One of the reasons for this is that the marketing director is SEO expert Butch Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton's search engine optimization expertise is legendary on Google today.
    The question posed by some is, what is the product that Jaguar Marketing offers? The answer is the finest internet training available anywhere at any price. Business Professional, David Dial commented
    "There is no better internet training and mentoring course taught anywhere that compares to Jag."  Because imitation is the best form of flattery, Google says Jaguar Marketing and Mentors on a Mission are a total success. Jaguar Marketing is not a program, it is the most powerful tool in existence to promote any business that you are involved with. With the addition of the Cash Flow Seminar, Jag marketing has become even more powerful.
    Wealth creation is now possible for any person that is willing to follow the steps set out by the trainers in Jag. No hype, just solid business principles used by every fortune 500 company. For Information that can change your business future and unlock the door to your success, contact David Dial.
    David Dial
    Skype: dave4haly

    Keywords:  Business Professional, David Dial, Jaguar Marketing, Mentors on a Mission, Butch Hamilton, Home Business

    Business Sales Coaching

    Business Sales Coaching
    Business sales coaching is a critical element that would be successful professionals need in order to achieve their level of competency.  Business sales coaching and mentoring can be a significant step forward in online business.  Learning from a proven master the arts of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, prospecting, lead generation, closing sales, phone presence and other elements that are needed by the internet marketer, can mean the difference between success and failure in that business.  "Taking a closer look at the words involved in business sales coaching and executive coaching, we turn to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.  "Executive coaching is a one-on-one session between a coach and an executive. The aim is to enhance the on-the-job performance of the executive. [] Executive coaching is like any other coaching class; the only difference is that these classes are meant for business executives, entrepreneurs, HR managers and other executive class of people. These coaching classes look into the problems that are generally faced by these professional people working in the corporate world where almost everything depends on the professionals presentation skills. In order to convince clientele and confidently lead and motivate subordinates; business executives must be able to present themselves in an impressive manner.

    Executive coaching usually deals with people individually by analyzing their personality and performance; thereby giving a boost to their strengths and working out on their weaknesses. This brings an overall improvement in their performance. It polishes their interpersonal skills and develops leadership skills. The executives gain confidence and tricks to motivate their team in a better way. Executives also get acquainted with tricks and behavioral changes that they should adopt to increase the productivity of their subordinates and give their best efforts. They also teach how one can avoid conflicts and even sort out issues of the subordinates for the benefit of the whole organization. All of these things combined helps the company climb the ladder of success.


    Management of stress is a common problem that bothers most of us at our workplace due to long working hours and little or no social circle. Executive coaching also provides training to executives so that their stress won't affect the atmosphere in which they and others work in; not to mention productivity. Classes also guide executives to conduct effective speeches for meetings and events so that it can make an impact amongst the peers. From communication skills to management training, boosting the sales performance, and delivering effective customer services are all taught to executives. This ensures an overall development to both the company and the individual. In other words, this coaching takes you from a dilemma to strategic planning and develops your pro-active skills that help you to foresee the problems that might affect your business in the near future and thus be prepared for it. These are generally the performance enhancing techniques that are innate in each one of us, the executive coaching only makes us realize and flaunt them for the benefit of your own self and your company.


    Time management is another problem that is dealt within this coaching, so that the executives are able to finish their work in time and have a social network to relax that takes them away from the stressful business environment. It helps the executives to free themselves from all the fears and develop a better understanding that assures their healthy relationship both with seniors and subordinates. This coaching can be taken face-to-face or via telephone by the executives. When executives take time to participate in such a class, it saves them time in the long haul. An executive coaching class will better prepare them to deal with inevitable problems."


    This is a representative of the business sales coaching environment and the needed information that can be derived from an adequate session.  Al Turnquist, CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, is one of the most highly regarded business sales coaches on Google today.  His range of expertise is not from the classroom but from actual business experience from a lifetime of sales.  Without a doubt, Al Turnquist knows more about sales than most people.  Learning business sales from a leader like Mr. Turnquist, the wealth creation is magnified to a large degree.


    Jaguar Marketing is a substantial professional business.  There is nothing like this business on Google.  This is not an MLM program, nor an affiliate program.  You get paid directly for the sales you make in Jag Marketing.  Al Turnquist takes personal responsibility for the exclusive membership of Jag.  This is unprecedented in the home business industry.  It is very unusual for the CEO to take an active part in the business.  Al Turnquist is known for his pointed and direct style in telling the members exact measures to take to build the business.  He even takes this to a different level.  He provides business sales training to the account executives that work for the Jag system owners.  This provides real-time information to be used in a constructive manner to build a viable and strong professional business.


    For more information concerning Jag Marketing, and the exclusive business sales training available with this program from Mr. Al Turnquist, visit the websites below.


    Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

    Image Hosted by


    Free Leads

    Free Leads

    Do you want "Free Lsads" for life?  Well....Do you?

    This program is for select individuals who need the most marketing potential available on the Internet. For the serious online marketer only, there is only one program because of the automated verification technology. Even though it is free, this program offers more than some marketing plans costing hundreds of dollars a year.
    You receive:

    A daily list of email addresses of everyone who posts to our entire FFA system.
    Full access to our Pro Submitter for posting to millions of FFA systems and sites!
    Live help everyday in our training forums!
    If you are serious about marketing on the Internet, we know you'll be impressed with the program we've set up for you and we're willing to give you all this for FREE for life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Learning about leads, all about leads and about lead generation will magnify your results on Google. 

    Let's get started with FREEFFA

    Have you heard of our 100% commission plan - for - how is that possible?

    Most of you have heard that any company that gives out more than 60% of their income in commissions won't be able to sustain itself. We're doing just fine - have been for over 10 years! In fact, we are the largest and oldest FFA network on the Internet!

    Actually we are being humorous, since we don't charge for our fully functional system like the others do, paying out 100% of free is well not anything at all, but wait, you can make a serious income with us and I will tell you about that later on...

    What is a "Freeffa Page" and how can I use it to launch a full scale marketing campaign?
    A "Freeffa Page" is also known as a Free For All Page. It's a place where individuals can place short classified ads in the form of hyperlinks. See an example of a Freeffas page. (Here's a Free ffa Page sample, for comparison.) At Freeffa's , we provide you with a fully functional FFA page - with more leads than you can possibly handle.

    Many people wonder why they would want to host an FFA page since other people get to place their ads all over it. It's called reverse advertising and it's one of the ways to market yourself on the Internet today! Whenever someone posts a link on your site, you get their email address then you can advertise anything you like!

    When you begin by getting your own Freeffas Page, you will also have access to our live daily training with expert Internet marketers. You already have all the features included with you Freffas account that the other's charge you for, like collecting the email addresses of everyone who posts to the entire system, not just your own page. If you're looking to launch a serious marketing campaign, this is a great way to start it! Then check out our Silver Veretekk system and upgrade to Gold to make serious commissions and get your own Freeffas Traffic Portal to use to give away this great service. Talk about serious leads!

    Sign Up for Free!

    It used to be that that FFA Pages were the most effective form of advertising on the Internet - but not anymore. Why?
    Search engines will penalize you for links that drop off. "All Ffa systems have this nasty issue, except for Veretekk's FFafarm". Ffafarm's links are permanent!

    Almost all ffa systems autorespond a commercial ad when you submit without first verifying the email address used in the submission. So more and more FFA systems are getting shut down or have become virtually useless because of being blacklisted. The exception is Veretekk (From a Spamcop Forum). We verify everything, therefore our autoresponders deliver and we don't get the complaints and the system always works.

    Veretekk Testimonies!

    Internet for Dummies
    I'm so computer ignorant, I thought "Internet for Dummies" was an advanced course. Today I GOT MY FIRST PREMIUM LEAD! Yeah, after receiving 260 leads from my vanity email, 40 veremail lite, 40 veremail and over 6,000 from the FFAs, I was excited. Did just exactly what my Gold training told me to do. I'm learning. Thank you for this system to help us "learning challenged" participate at a higher level.

    Donald Huddleston

    Thanks for everything
    Tom and Veretekk, I am continuously blown away by your systems, your psyche, your nature and your terrific support. I am proud to be one of your leading affiliates, and a good friend. We are finally getting where we have been struggling to get to for years and it's paying off! Others are benefiting more and more and they are paying less and less, and the more we give away the more comes back! You are a wonderful brilliant artist my good friend, Thanks for everything you have done and will do
    Steve Sigman
    Big Money Pro


    Veretekk makes FREEFFA free!

    Wonder what Veretekk is? Veretekk increases your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful suite of marketing tools ever created on the Internet! Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 5 - 10 times per day so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998. It is free to join.

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director-Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk
    phone: 806-874-3314



    I think you will agree that this is a tremendous bargain!

    SOHO Services is a Free system to enhance The Small Office Home Office revolution. We have targeted every type of marketing advantage to help every entrepreneur's efforts to succeed in this brave new world called the Internet. We have developed some very effective tools and made them available to the Internetizen Entrepreneur for absolutely free. We have also scoured the Internet and researched all the free services out there and have developed an exhaustive list of great free services and goods. We believe it may be the biggest one on the net.   Check out SOHO by Clicking Here!

    We have done this for you our guests, to introduce to you, our successes at marketing on the Internet. The real key to Internet success is giving away a valuable service to introduce the new visitor to the real commodity at hand, what we are selling. To put it bluntly, it works, if you do it right. We have done it right, and whether you decide to find out what we are up to or even joining us, or just want to continue using our free service, you are welcome to come and go as you please. You may rest assured, we do not sell our databases, email addresses or any other information we may require from you to access our services. However, we may send you from time to time, information about our opportunities and new announcements when we update our site.

    Of course, we would love to have you on our team. Even if you choose not to become a member of our extremely successful team, keep us in mind. Perhaps you will send someone here, who may just discover a new way of life and appreciate it.

    Veretekk Testimonies!

    This "Veretekk" Marketing System is so powerful!
    It allowed me to start a business on a part-time basis and drive so many new prospects and customers to my business over a 30 day period that I quit my job as a chemical engineer. Now, I'm on target to make more money in the next 2 years than I could have made in my old job in 10 years.

    Jim Landers, San Francisco, CA

    My name is John Schiavo from New York.
    I ran across the Inetekk system on the Internet and joined it. It has automated the duplication process and makes your business a lot simpler to manage. We have been on the system for less than a month now and we have already had two automatic enrollments just last week with even more in the system just waiting for us to call on them. I suggest this system to anyone who is doing business on the Internet because it works.

    John Schiavo


    Veretekk the Mother of the Traffic Portals!

    Wonder what Veretekk is? Veretekk increases your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful suite of marketing tools ever created on the Internet! Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 5 - 10 times per day so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998. It is free to join. What are you waiting for?

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director-Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk
    phone: 806-874-3314

    Home Business Alberta

    Home Business Alberta
    Home business in Alberta is making significant Google news these days.  There are more people searching for real businesses online that can improve their quality of life, earn substantial income and empower them with specific techniques and strategies that will allow them to accomplish their life goals.  It is clearly evident that professional business men and women are seeking new forms of employment in Alberta, Canada, in order to establish themselves with new wealth creation systems.  ECommerce is being viewed by Canadians as the best way to achieve those dreams quickly.  Its important to associate with the substantial online corporation that can assist them with achieving that goal.  Often in the home business arena, the term hype is used.  It is important to do one's due diligence in finding the perfect home business to become associated with.
    Here are some tips for starting a home business:
    • Pick a home business idea that interests you, for which you have a talent or expertise, for which there is a need, and which you can afford to finance.
    • Do your market research. In a home business, as in any business, getting as much information as possible on your customers, competition, suppliers and market area before you start is essential.
    • Do a complete business plan, including financial planning, before beginning.
    • Check on and obtain all necessary licenses, permits and registrations for your line of business. This includes checking with your city/town/R.M. to see if it's legal to operate your business from home.
    • Have business cards, stationery, brochures, etc., printed by professionals. A polished, professional look is particularly important for home-operated businesses.
    • Advertise. Scan and target T.V. and radio stations, newspapers, magazines and newsletters geared to your market. Use public and special libraries to access this information. Canadian Advertising Rates and Data (CARD) lists Canadian publications, T.V. and radio stations, and their advertising rates.
    • Self-market. Go to stores, companies, etc., to market your service or product in person. Be sure to spend some time finding out about your potential customers before you try to "sell" them.
    • Designate and design a work area that is separate from the mainstream of your home activities. Install a separate business phone, fax and Internet connections.
    • Check on any extra insurance needs. Shop around for policies, but make sure that you're adequately covered.
    • Make use of free publicity. Send out news releases, present your product or service to a newspaper editor, radio or T.V. producer if applicable.
    • Don't overlook management/bookkeeping. Lack of managerial expertise is one of the single highest causes of business failure. Take courses, seek expert advice or hire help, but do learn basic management skills before you start.
    • Talk to owners of similar businesses outside your market area to get an idea of the potential and status of that line of business.
    • Join trade associations, business community associations, (i.e., chambers of commerce), business networks or clubs to help establish contacts.
    • Check both federal and provincial taxation requirements with Canada Revenue Agency and the Provincial Retail Sales Tax Office in the provinces where these are applicable. Find out about allowable deductions for automobile expenses, business meals and entertainment, and home offices expenses for self-employed persons.
    • Choose to spend your time with only qualified and stable online business.  This is vital because this can mean the difference between success and failure.
    • Become totally committed to your new home business.  Losing focus is the primary cause for online business failure.  Arm yourself with the tools, training, mentoring and business sales coaching that you need to become successful in a professional home business.
    Following these specific guidelines will take time to develop.  You must begin the process by finding the professional online business that has all the essential elements to provide the tools that you will need to have in order to magnify your experience.  The question you may have at this time is this.  Where do I find this type of professional business organization to be part of .
    Wayne and Adrienne Amable, Home Business Entrepreneurial Experts, have chosen Jaguar Marketing to be their professional business.  After sifting through years and years of online businesses that promised the moon, but delivered very little in earning power, Jag Marketing has answered their needs.  Al Turnquist, CEO and Founder of Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, has placed before professional entrepreneurs the proven business model to wealth creation.  This seamless and sophisticated online marketing system is being seen as the new paradigm shift in the way that business should be conducted on Google.
    The benefits of joining Jaguar Marketing are seen below:
    • Mentors on a Mission was brought into reality in 2004.  This has been called by professional business experts, the best internet educational system on Google today.  Al Turnquist knows that education is at the forefront of any success.  He literally has spent thousands of hours in bringing Mentors on a Mission to a reality.  Make Money or Make Excuses is the education database for Jaguar Marketing.  This is included in the Platinum Upgrade Package.
    • Jaguar and Predator Marketing are the marketing systems used to promote the internet educational package.  Within this program, you will have all the tools, training, business sales coaching and mentoring, that you will require to have success on Google.
    • You will create substantial wealth from promoting Jaguar Marketing.  When you sell a Platinum System to another business professional, you will earn $3000.  This is in of itself a substantial earning potential.  You get paid directly.  This is NOT an affiliate program.  The product that you are actually selling is the Mentors on a Mission Education.  Make Money or Make Excuses is the term used to explain this program in detail.  You receive an impressive database of real-time information from Al Turnquist with topics like:  Becoming dangerous on the phone, Low cost prospecting, How to close sales, How to develop the proper mindset for success, How to derive tax benefits for starting a home business and many more topics.
    • You will have personal mentoring and sales coaching from Al Turnquist himself, and his impressive training crew.  You will be trained in the art of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective lead capture pages, how to generate leads to promote your program and much more.  The trainers for Al Turnquist and Jag are proven leaders in these respective fields.  They are willing to share their expertise and knowledge to assist you in your online journey.
    • Al Turnquist provides weekly insights into the real world of business.  His business model follows closely the Fortune 500 Companies, and tells you about specific ways to enhance your own professional online business.
    These are just a few of the many benefits and solutions that you will have in Jaguar Marketing.  As you can clearly see, Wayne and Adrianne are impressed with the possibilities that others have in starting their own highly successful business in the Alberta, Canada area.  Wayne and Adrianne are Canadians as well and live and work in the Edmonton area.  They are willing to assist their fellow Canadian neighbors with their online business.  The process is simple, just fill in the questionnaire below and either Adrianne or Wayne will be in touch with you soon.
    Remember, there is never any pressure to buy Jaguar Marketing.  When you know that you have the very best in online businesses to become associated with, people just naturally find you.  You will receive beneficial information from contacting Wayne and Adrianne Amable.  They are highly qualified and eagerly awaiting your response.
    Wayne and Adrienne Amable-Home Business Entrepreneurial Experts