I find working on the internet an incredible experience. Without a doubt, the systems that we have been given in Veretekk empower average people to produce amazing results. I speak from experience here. I know that the power behind Veretekk enabled me to earn a tremendous amounts of money in SEO. This art form is cutting edge and has the perfect timing to be ultra successful. I give Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling all the credit. Their consistent effort over the last 11 years have provided me with all the tools, training, mentoring, coaching and techniques that have allowed me to become the SEO Master that I am today.
Often times, we hear of lies, hype, and all types of scam appearing on Google. I know that these elements are here, but I do not need concern myself with these. I run a very successful and lucrative business online, and enjoy all the work that I accomplish here. Is this not the true goal of marketers on the internet today? I would think that everyone on this planet would take a serious look at the benefits and solutions derived from become a member of Veretekk, but alas, most will never make the commitment that I have. You know, article upon article are written about people NOT being successful online. Wonder why? Could it be that they view the internet in an unrealistic fashion, or perhaps, they are more concerned with producing negative thought and life patterns that lead to their non-success?
I know that for myself, I accept NO negativity into my life. I accept nothing but perfection in my business dealings. I came to this party to dance, and dance I will. Amazingly enough, every person attempting to become successful on the net could accomplish exactly what I have done. The effort, long hours, writing, posting, website production, blogging and everything else that has led to my success is available to absolutely anyone. The trick is for you to buy into the whole process yourself. I contend that people such as myself, who work on Google, are every bit as deserving of rich rewards that any offline business could offer. Its really all about discipline, commitment and having the right tools and techniques that empower you with the success that you are striving for.
I see so many people who literally jump from one project to another hoping and praying that this time it will be different. This time the real pre-launch of this program will make me rich. This time, I will finally find the true business that will enable me to quit my job and work the way that I want to work. Folks, there is no magic button here. There is NO system, even Veretekk, that will enable you to become successful. Your success lies within yourself. You have everything that you need in this life to become successful, but the point is, you must find it. You must seek it out. You must visualize that success. You must work consistently day by day until you begin to see the results.
I have been asked many times, how long does it take to become successful on the internet? It takes as long as it takes. Tom and Mike have ceaselessly worked day after day for over 10 years. Are you willing to commit that time? I am and I do!
Wonder why I am so lucky to have the success that I desire? I know that I deserve this success and I readily accept it. It really is as simple as that.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic