Wednesday, August 01, 2007

About Leads

About Leads Website Climbing Steadily to the Top of Google for Leads

Search engine optimization is about one thing. You must put the website that you are promoting to a top position on Google for a high traffic keyword category. The bottom line truth here is that almost no one on the internet today knows anything at all about these techniques. Gaining top positions on leads will be an uphill battle, to say the least, but the rewards will far outweigh the effort required to get there.

Having the absolute best leads program is essential. You simply cannot promote something to the top spot of Google, and not have a viable product that people are looking for. People, searching for people to speak to about their perfect home business is the way the net works. You have to have people, or you make no money. I am steadily gaining momentum toward page one on my site. This site is committed to telling people about the phenomenal and highly sophisticated internet training system known as Veretekk. Leadsomatic is just one of the traffic portals in this massive database of lead generating tools. By far, Veretekk will teach you exactly how to become successful on the search engines, and will produce your only high quality leads for anyone to use for their home business. Check out my progress on Google for leads by CLICKING HERE. You will see that I am steadily making progress, even though there have been some minor setbacks in the promotion process.

Shaking the big boys of the net is not an easy chore. These top rated sites have the money, the resources and the man power to launch and maintain effective seo campaigns. I have no worries, because I am a search engine optimization specialist. Hey,
Google Butch Hamiltonif you don't believe me. I am also the Head Master Distributor for the up and coming crack [url-]seo team of Veretekk[/url]. Tom Prendergast and myself are schooling these fine people into the right way of promoting online. We use blog posts, forum posts, article writing and of course, the great tools in Veretekk which are beyond compare.

This amazing system is fully configurable for seo and will kick ass and takes names of any keyword category you can name. This is not exaggeration, this is just fact. If you are looking for the bomb in leads and leads generation, you should definitely consider Veretekk and Leadsomatic as your powerful promoting tools. These leads tools are not quick fix push button tools, they are down in the trenches hard hitting kick ass result gaining tools for average people just like you and me to compete with all the so-called internet gurus.

Pickup your Leadsomatic System by
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Superior Seo Services
Phase IV Marketing Group

Do You Follow Up With Your Leads Properly?

So you've managed to generate some quality leads. What comes next?
In any business, following up with your leads correctly is critical.  Proper followup can turn a lead into a buying customer - perhaps even a a business partner.
In the online business world, you will most often see autoresponders touted as a solution to following up with leads.  The 'gurus" have stated that a person must see a marketing message 7 times before they will do anything, and that email is the best way to do this.
Well, email is all well and good.  One of the most effective autoresponder systems I have used is the Veremail service, which is part of the Veretekk Lead Generation System.  You can set up as many autoresponders as you like, and even target them to different kinds of leads, all within one system. And the system is designed to operate within the current regulations regarding spam, so that you will never get spam complaints.
However, nothing beats personal contact.  One phone call, offering advice or assistance, can do more for  your business than any number of emails.
That's why I like the Veretekk Lead Generation system.  People who have seen my Veretekk service offerings and have signed up for whatever service is offered, have already seen my information and have learned something about me.  So when I call to just ask if everything went OK with the signup and to learn a bit about them and their business, they are very receptive.  Very rarely do I experience rejection.
Actually the only problem I do have is that I get so many leads from my Veretekk Lead Generation System that I am not able to follow up with them all personally.  To solve that problem,I distribute  some of the leads to members of my Veretekk Lead Generation Team who have shown me that they are willing to follow up personally with leads.  And so, we all benefit - I build my downline, and the serious business builders get new leads.  This is called mutual incentive - everyone wins!
Online business is really all about helping others to succeed.  Treat your leads as the finest gold - help them, get to know them, and provide top notch services and products that solve their problems, and you will be very successful.

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph: 801-289-7145
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
My Favorite Places

Lead by example

By Bruno Rioux

The meeting last night for LOM MD who are looking to be Master Distributors for the Leadsomatic, Butch Hamilton, SEO Specialist for Veretekk, give a challenge to each LOM MD want to be, to either commit to the program or to get the hell out NOW.

Butch Hamilton has been known not to take prisoners, his time is too precious, that is why he wants a full commitment from each and everyone. Only the Best succeeds in this environment and he has done it, he also wants you to do the same but you must earn your way to become part of the team.

Butch Hamilton and Tom Prendergast are the best you can get in this field so listen to what they are saying and get to work guys, they will not wait for you. There is much more to do then wait for a few that will not commit fully to this early requirement, if you can’t do it now, you will never do it. I know that some of you, have excuses for everything, excuses won’t give you the PASS mark at the end, get to work or forget about becoming the Leadsomatic Master Distributor of the Century.

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Web Site Statistics

Website Traffic Statistics
You need to be tracking your websites for maximum effectiveness of Google.  Veretracking gives you that web site tracking ability at the touch of a button.  Getting results for your marketing efforts on Google is essential.  You may be missing a valuable piece of the internet marketing puzzle if you are not tracking your web site statistics down to the last detail.
With Veretracking, here are the obvious and needed web site traffic statistics you need to become a supemarketer on Google:
Comprehensive Website Statistics
VereTracking is the real deal... and will always remain a free service. The system allows you to track an unlimited number of webpages and/or emails to evaluate the traffic they receive. Some of the numerous statistics you will receive through text and bar graphs include:
  • Date/time of the page visit
  • Duration of the visit
  • Referring page
  • Web browser type
  • Hostname - name and IP address

    There are also a wide range of cumulative reports for things like:
  • Total site connections
  • Most accessed page
  • More referred page
  • Most used browser
  • Most IP connections from
  • Busiest of all days
  • Average busiest day of the week
  • Average busiest day of the month
  • Average busiest hour of the day

    You want to talk about web site usage statistics to the max?  Veretracking gives you all this and more!  You can even track your email to see if its getting where it needs to go to a particular person.  When you ask them if they received your email, you will already know the answer using Veretracking.  Veretracking is by far the most sophisticated and easiest to use website tracking software you will ever use...and here again...IT IS FREE!
    Signup for Veretracking today by CLICKING HERE!
    VereTracking is an awesome webmaster tool that allows you full website monitoring and statistics - for absolutely free! A tracking tool like this anywhere else would cost upwards of $50/month. It come with no popups, spyware, trojan horses etc. No bothersome banner ads either.
    Hey, what are you waiting for?  You are either going to be an internet professional or not.  Veretracking sets you apart from your online competition.
    Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist

  • Lead Generation



    Good Morning!
    Butch Hamilton-Advanced SEO Trainer for the Veretekk System coming to you to tell you great news this morning.
    I suppose that you are looking to make money online, right?  You need leads for that online business right?  I will
    show you exactly how to get those leads...
    Read on!
    Looking for a powerful promotional tool to help your business?

    Would it help you to be able to blast your ad out to over 2 Billion websites?!? (Seriously!!!)

    Well now you can - just go to!

    You can sign up at absolutely NO COST and start using the great tools offered by Leadsomatic to promote your business online. Fr333 membership includes access to the search engine submission tool as well as the keyword ranking detection system. All available for fr33!

    If you're really serious about exploding your online promotional efforts, then you'll also want to consider upgrading for just $10/month to the paid membership. Doing so gives you full access to The Hammer - technology so powerful, it's one of the last submission tools available online today! With the simple click of a button the system will hammer your ad out to over 2 Billion websites... yes billion with a "B"!

    So feel fr33e to check it out... consider it my gift to you. Believe me, this is quite the tip!

    Go to right now to signup!

    Best wishes,

    Butch Hamilton
    Direct: 806-874-3314

    Veretekk Trainer Throws Down Gauntlet

    Kerrville, Texas, USA
    July 31, 2007
    for immediate release

    Veretekk Trainer Throws Down the Gauntlet

    At a meeting for candidates who are seeking the honor of becoming Master Distributors for the Leadsomatic |traffic |profit portal, Butch Hamilton, SEO Specialist for Veretekk, spelled out an open challenge to each candidate to either commit to full dedication, or take this opportunity to resign from the program. In the conference room text chat, each candidate openly made his or her decision. Butch Hamilton is an extremely busy entrepreneur and has no time to spend on candidates who don't fully intend to complete the requirements. Candidates were carefully selected, but it is possible that some of them really had no idea of the expectations of Tom Prendergast or Butch Hamilton. Since some of the candidates represent different countries, different time zones and English as a second language become an issue.

    The requirements for the completion of the program by which the selection of a Master Distributor will be made are becoming more exacting and taking more time. None of the candidates can do the work of another, but candidates are allowed to offer assistance when it is requested by another candidate. The training program began on July 5,2007 after the candidates were chosen from the list of those applying. The training program for the candidates in the Master Distributor in the Veretekk is being conducted by Tom Prendergast, CEO, and Butch Hamilton, SEO specialist with the Veretekk Marketing System, the best and most comprehensive marketing system on the planet. Veretekk has over 55,000 members, and they are worldwide. The candidates also represent many countries.

    Not all of the candidates will be successful in the selection process, and some have already exited. Dr. Gwen A. Roberts-Foote, CEO of Footehold Two, is still in the training program as of this press
    release, but that could change in a heartbeat. All of the candidates who successfully complete thistraining program will indeed be Master Distributors.

    Key words:
    Veretekk| trainer|training|requirements|candidates| candidate|Master Distributor| Leadsomatic| Butch Hamilton| SEO specialist|entrepreneur|requirements|Tom Prendergast|
    Marketing System|Dr. Gwen A. Roberts-Foote| Footehold Two

    Dr.Gwen A. Roberts-Foote is a Validated Veretekk Trainer who is passionate about helping people, learning new concepts, and teaching.