Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jaguar Marketing Provides Top Level SEO Training

(Revised Blog Post)

Jaguar SEO Training Unmatched in the Business Area on Google
Al Turnquist has put into place the best seo training for his esteemed members of Jaguar Marketing.  As in other aspects of Jaguar, he knows how to build professional businesses and leaves no stone unturned where it comes to business sales training and mentoring.  His expertise is far reaching and appeals to professional business men and women who desire living life to the fullest by utilizing a home business to the fullest measure.
St. Petersburg, FL
In the business industry online, there is a definite need for people who know the art of search engine optimization and search engine marketing.  Most businesses found online, tout claims of instant success and wealth, but in all actuality, they fall short of the desired results in seo, simply for the reason that these people do not know real search engine optimization.  Al Turnquist has the vision and foresight to bring on the training staff, the most powerful seo training found anywhere on Google today.  Real time seo means getting top rated positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive and  This is a difficult process for most people online to absorb.  It takes years of intensive study and effort to become an accomplished seo master.
Al Turnquist hired Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master, as the Marketing Director and SEO Trainer for the Jag Membership months ago.  Since that time, Mr. Hamilton has done an excellent job in both obtaining top positions for the corporate Jag Systems, as well as informing and training people in this area.  Without a doubt, Mr. Butch Hamilton is an accomplished and very astute search engine optimization master, and he is willing to spend his valuable time in training the Jag Members to become warriors on the net.
According to Butch Hamilton, "seo is a consistent building process.  You must come to be very keyword savvy and be willing to spend time developing a marketing routine, using press releases, ezine articles, blogging and forum posting.  The key to any successful seo campaign is knowing what Google requires.  I am very attuned to using Google Webmaster Tools and techniques in gaining search engine recognition.  I find that people are totally in the dark about internet marketing as a whole.  I teach Jag Members the real art and science of SEO.  All of the systems that I use I hand to the membership.  The people that take that information and put it to the test, see excellent results on Google."
The Jaguar Marketing System is a multi-faceted professional business organization.  There are many ways that people can and need to approach their business.  The 10K per month program is designed to teach people how to delegate, rather than duplicate, their marketing efforts.  With the introduction of seo into the mix, there is literally no more powerful marketing system on Google today.  Al Turnquist is very well known as the most powerfui business sales and business mentor on the internet today.  No one comes close to his expertise and knowledge in how to run a successful online company.  Since the introduction of Mentors on a Mission in the year 2004, the professional business known as Jag Marketing has consistently made money for its members who are dedicated and committed to following proven business techniques taken directly from Fortune 500 Companies.
The SEO training that comes with the price of the Platinum Upgrade System is worth tens of thousands of dollars in itself.  Professionals see the value in this, and take full advantage of the expertise that Butch Hamilton offers each member in the weekly SEO webinar training sessions.
Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

Compare Jaguar Marketing to Franchising


Compare Jaguar Marketing to Franchising

A franchise is usually thought of in terms of a proven business model. According to Wikipedia, Franchising (from the French for honesty or freedom[1]) is a method of doing business wherein a "franchisor" authorizes proven methods of doing business to a "franchisee" for a fee and a percentage of sales or profits. Various tangibles and intangibles such as national or international advertising, training, and other support services are commonly made available by the franchisor, and may indeed be required by the franchisor, which generally requires audited books, and may subject the franchisee or the outlet to periodic and surprise spot checks. Failure of such tests typically involve non-renewal or cancellation of franchise rights.

One of the advantages is a quick start, as practiced in retailing, franchising offers franchisees the advantage of starting up a new business quickly based on a proven trademark and formula of doing business, as opposed to having to build a new business and brand from scratch (often in the face of aggressive competition from franchise operators). A well run franchise would offer a turnkey business: from site selection to lease negotiation, training, mentoring and ongoing support as well as statutory requirements and troubleshooting. Additionally, opening up your business as a franchise drastically reduces your chances of failure.

As one can clearly see, the Jaguar Marketing system rather neatly fits into the definition of franchise. If you've not yet seen the Jaguar system, go to Butch Hamiltons site, Visualization Marketing and be sure to tell him David Dial sent you.

The brand is in place, training and mentoring are provided, and you work with a proven business model. The major difference is the low startup costs with Jag. The website is already created, you need only brand it to yourself. Another advantage is the ability to profile other businesses on your site and create multiple streams of income.

David Dial-Business Professional


Jaguar SEO Training Unmatched in the Business Area on Google

Jaguar SEO Training Unmatched in the Business Area on Google
Al Turnquist has put into place the best seo training for his esteemed members of Jaguar Marketing.  As in other aspects of Jaguar, he knows how to build professional businesses and leaves no stone unturned where it comes to business sales training and mentoring.
St. Petersburg, FL
In the business industry online, there is a definite need for people who know the art of search engine optimization and search engine marketing.  Most businesses found online, tout claims of instant success and wealth, but in all actuality, they fall short of the desired results in seo, simply for the reason that these people do not know real search engine optimization.  Al Turnquist has the vision and foresight to bring on the training staff, the most powerful seo training found anywhere on Google today.  Real time seo means getting top rated positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive and  This is a difficult process for most people online to absorb.  It takes years of intensive study and effort to become an accomplished seo master.
Al Turnquist hired Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master, as the Marketing Director and SEO Trainer for the Jag Membership months ago.  Since that time, Mr. Hamilton has done an excellent job in both obtaining top positions for the corporate Jag Systems, as well as informing and training people in this area.  Without a doubt, Mr. Butch Hamilton is an accomplished and very astute search engine optimization master, and he is willing to spend his valuable time in training the Jag Members to become warriors on the net.
According to Butch Hamilton, "seo is a consistent building process.  You must come to be very keyword savvy and be willing to spend time developing a marketing routine, using press releases, ezine articles, blogging and forum posting.  The key to any successful seo campaign is knowing what Google requires.  I am very attuned to using Google Webmaster Tools and techniques in gaining search engine recognition.  I find that people are totally in the dark about internet marketing as a whole.  I teach Jag Members the real art and science of SEO.  All of the systems that I use I hand to the membership.  The people that take that information and put it to the test, see excellent results on Google."
The Jaguar Marketing System is a multi-faceted professional business organization.  There are many ways that people can and need to approach their business.  The 10K per month program is designed to teach people how to delegate, rather than duplicate, their marketing efforts.  With the introduction of seo into the mix, there is literally no more powerful marketing system on Google today.  Al Turnquist is very well known as the most powerfui business sales and business mentor on the internet today.  No one comes close to his expertise and knowledge in how to run a successful online company.  Since the introduction of Mentors on a Mission in the year 2004, the professional business known as Jag Marketing has consistently made money for its members who are dedicated and committed to following proven business techniques taken directly from Fortune 500 Companies.
The SEO training that comes with the price of the Platinum Upgrade System is worth tens of thousands of dollars in itself.  Professionals see the value in this, and take full advantage of the expertise that Butch Hamilton offers each member in the weekly SEO webinar training sessions.
Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

Financial Freedom Radio-Learn Financial Secrets

Financial Freedom Radio Teaches The Big Picture

Learn what the financial institutions, financial planners, and many accountants will never tell you! Financial Freedom Radio, weekly talks about how the financial institutions, financial planners, and many accountants put you in positions to lose your hard earned money under the presentation of financial planning. The financial institutions, in all their rhetoric, convince the public that what they are doing is right. We point out the flaws!

Just think, I bet that everything you do financially revolves around the financial institutions in some form or another. The financial world has an army of financial people, called financial planners, who go around giving people advice that is centered around the financial institutions. They give this advice under the guise of wealth creation, when the actual wealth creation is for the institutions and the clients get what's left.

When you give a financial institution you're money you give them permission to take what they want in fees and charges. You have indirectly told them that you are working for them instead of them working for you. The financial institutions main focus is to get your money and if they fall short of this goal they are out of business. Doesn't it make sense that they will do and say anything to get your money. Just ask the question, do the financial institutions have your best interest at heart? You know the answer!

In addition to pointing out the flaws of the financial institutions Financial Freedom Radio is also addressing how to run a home business and succeed. Ninety nine percent of home businesses fail. With a good understanding of why home businesses fail, we are making sure that our listeners understand that there is a source to go to and learn how to avoid failing in a home business. Unless you look at you're business or you're wealth in a holistic model you will never see the flaws. Wealth creation and building a business must be viewed in a holistic prespective before the actual event is attempted.

People follow this strategy in many other areas of their lives, but when it comes to money and business they abandon the macro holistic thinking. You would never buy a car based on a micro strategy, so why would you put you're financial and business world into a micro strategy. Imagine walking into a show room to buy a car and the nicely dressed salesperson approaches you, and you tell him/her that you want to buy a car. The salesperson hands you a sheet of paper with ever item listed that goes into a car with prices beside the items and says that's a car. You say to the salesperson, no it's not. The salesperson say's, "Yes this is a car". The salesperson is right! Next you go to another dealership and ask the same question and the salesperson hands you the same piece of paper, with all the items that go into the car, and prices but in addition to the list of parts that go into the car, they hand you a picture of the car, and they say "Here is your car". You're comment once again, no it's not a car. Actually the salesperson is right again. Further down the road you come across another dealership and you go into it. There in the showroom is a salesperson, and a physical car. You get into the car and feel it, touch it, and smell the new leather, and the salesperson hands you the same sheet of paper with all the items on it and the prices. In every case they all were right.

Which car would you buy? The one you could see and touch I hope. Seeing the end result is certainly much better than looking at the pieces. When you see the end result, you can see if it's what you want or not. How many times, in dealing with you're finances, have you not seen the end result, and bought the product from the sheet of paper? How many times have you built a business or tried to run a home business based on a book someone gave you or a piece of paper that pointed out what someone else did? Without seeing the big picture first you will set yourself up for failure. Many times the financial people don't want you to see the big picture, otherwise you would see that what they are talking about is flawed. The MLM or Network Marketing arena does not want you to see the big picture because if you did you could see where the flaws are. In all cases when you can see the big picture first you can see where they are taking advantage of you.

We teach and coach our clients and listeners how to look at everything from a macro, holistic, perspective before anything is done, whether it be financial or business oriented. We teach that it is important to see the big picture before you look for the little pieces, and if you can't see the big picture than you should abandon any thoughts of entering into any business or financial transaction that you are contemplating.

Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Meta tag info 9


Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords, Internet Marketingmlm leads
mortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk. used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

Veretekk. has created the user-friendliest Leads Generating machine with Leadsomatic. There is 6 boxes to place synonym variants the keyword you are after. Make sure keywords match closely with search strings. Then configure the descriptions component to allure the visitor after he has seen your listing. It should tell the visitor that your site is indeed offering him best information or outcome for what he is looking for. Select phrases (at least two words), rather than single words, as there would be too many contenders for single word searches. You are much better off focusing on specific search keywords and using longer phrases.

As a Veretekk member you get full training on how to configure the Leadsomatic Portal so that you can start the lead generating process saving you tons of cash that would have gone to leads brokers.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article is on location of keywords.


Automatic Responders: Autoresponders

Spam free verification...
Inetekk built the standard to prevent abuse and comply with the anti spam advocates! We agree! Spam infuriates, offends, and intrudes. The core issue is the violation of privacy. Veremail is a legitimate, bulk mailing system. Veremail is a verification, double opt in system. Veremail has 3rd party verifiability. Veremail is the core system that makes everything work in Veretekk. So what exactly is Veremail? We built it back in 1998. It took two years to perfect it. Veremail is two primary systems. The Veremail that works within the entire Veretekk system makes sure all subscriptions are verified and all submissions get a clearly defined and legitimate verification email. This background Veremail runs the suppression list. When Veretekk sends out an email and it returns undelivered, Veremail purges that email address from the Veretekk system. When a recipient receives a legitimate email from Veretekk and that recipient claims Spam, Veremail proves they verified and accepted the agreement to receive such email! When a recipient wants to opt out, the Veremail system automatically purges their email address and adds them to the Veremail suppresion list so they never receive another email from the entire Inetekk system, even further Verification requests. I have tried other autoresonder systems.  As a matter of fact, I also use TrafficWave for keeping in contact with people concerning my seo services.  I have to tell you that I recommend a combination of both services.

is a part of Veremail...
EStrange uses the Veremail servers to verify your secondary address when you set this service up. We do this to prevent the inadvertent mistake of putting the wrong email address in. Imagine how upset the wrong person would be if all of a sudden they started receiving your massive incoming email being sent via the secondary address!

is a part of Veremail...
All autoresponders run through the Veremail system. All outgoing, verified email, carries the Veremail proof of verification information, automatically, in the autoresponders footers, along with unsubscribe Veremail scripts.

is a part of Veremail...
All email sent to your Stealth mail addresses are DNS checked (the return email address root domain is checked with the DNS record of the out going mail server). If it checks out to be valid, the incoming email address is captured to receive autoresponders via the Bully Pulpit system. The incoming email is then forwarded to your secondary email address in your Estrange Control panel. All autoresponded messages carry the DNS trail and the Subject and Title of the incoming email it is being sent to. This is a primary Veremail function.

is a part of Veremail...
All email sent to your Vanity mail address are DNS checked (the return email address root domain is checked with the DNS record of the out going mail server). If it checks out to be valid, the incoming email address is captured to receive autoresponders via the Bully Pulpit system. The incoming email is then forwarded to your secondary email Address in your Estrange Control panel. All autoresponded messages carry the DNS trail and the Subject and Title of the incoming email it is being sent to. This is a primary Veremail function.

is a part of Veremail...
All Sequential email that is being sent out, only sends to your verified database and carries all tracking and verification information in the footer of the outgoing sequential email including unsubscribe instructions.

Veremail Gold...
All Veretekk Gold systems have Veremail Gold. Veremail Gold dove tails into your Veretekk Gold Bully Pulpit. With the Affiliate program the two Gold services are included when you upgrade to Veretekk Gold.

Veremail Standalone service....
Veremail, the retail service, is a Traffic Profit portal that Veretekk Gold subscribers can promote. It is a stand alone, Bulk mailing service, that incorporates the Bully Pulpit together within the Veremail service. Not only does's retail service deliver Premium leads, it also pays monthly commissions to you when a new subscriber joins it.  There is nothing else like Veremail to keep in contact with people, share relevant newsletters, and any other ways that you decide to promote your business on Google.  Automatic responders free up your valuable time and magnify your efforts significantly.

Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

Fill out the simple form. That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great income with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free for life! What do you have to lose?

With great enthusiasm,

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director


How to Build a Professional Business on Google

It is apparent that people seeking employment by searching the most powerful information based search engine known as Google, are seeing new improvements.  Googling, known for providing the best information concerning products, services, innovations and a vast array of possibilities in the areas of making money and living life on a different plane from conventional ways of thinking, people are being drawn to work from home opportunities.  The problem here is the fact that there has been so much misrepresentation, lies, hype and scam, that people tend to view the internet as not a real place to build a significant business at all.  They see the net as a place to lose money, rather than produce income, and for good reason.
You have all types of businesses on the search engines.  A vast number of these go to extraordinary lengths via websites, to convince, coerce, sell, motivate and grab your attention to the fact that they have the answers to all your problems and concerns in life.  I am sure that you have heard the all too often said term, "jump on board with the new launch program, and become instantly wealthy."  I find that statement really sticks in my craw.  I am personally sick of the lies.  MLM business on Google is really nothing more than a pyramid.  You bring in three people, they bring in three people and they bring in three people.  While in theory this works, in all actuality, the whole system breaks down.  The simple fact is that those three people that you bring in are known as distributors, NOT customers.  In other words, you are going to be faced with trying to motivate them into building a business along with you.  All that I can say here, is GOOD LUCK!  You will find that after the excitement wears off, these people are going to disappear faster than iced tea on a summer day.  They will NOT make money instantly.  They will NOT be dedicated to building a professional business the right way.  You are not creating customers, but only people trying to build a business as well.  Think about his for a moment.  You can have a whole army of thousands of downline members below you, but if they are not buying products from you, you are not making money.  They will NOT be willing to become committed to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and chances are, they will probably go to at some point, to tell how that company ripped them off.
Good grief!  Is it not time for the people looking for online opportunities to wake up to the fact that they are going to have to become educated in the way that Google works?  Are they not aware that there are substantial ways to magnify your results immensely by taking the time to view their business as a REAL business, and not some pie in the sky, get rich quick scheme?  Look, there are valid businesses on Google to become involved with.  All of them take time, consistent effort and a dogged determination to develop into a wealth creating system.  There are absolutely NO quick fixes, NO instant payouts, NO get rich quick deals on the internet.  There.  I said the dreaded word TRUTH, as plainly as it can be said.  You are actually going to have to go to WORK to achieve your dreams and goals.
If you want to build a business on the internet, first you are going to have to go back to school and become educated in your chosen business.  You must choose a business that is stable, professional, functional, has the best ROI (return on investment), and be willing to be taught the essential elements like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, creating search engine compatible web pages, how to conduct low cost prospecting, how to delegate and not duplicate and for God's sake, fly right past all the systems that offer the moon, and produce absolutely nothing.  Why do you suppose that is so popular?  People join a business online.  They think that they are going to become wealthy overnight just by joining this business.  They see right off the bat, that this is not going to happen.  They see their dreams dashed by the reality that they may just have to work a little in order to become successful.  But you know what?  They are NOT willing to work.  They are NOT willing to be educated.  They are NOT willing to do anything that it takes to build a business.  They are nothing but MLM junkies, flying from the next pre-launch big money maker to the next big deal they are going to get rich with.
They then turn to the logical choice of to bitch, moan, whine and tell the other bitchers, moaners and whiners there how this latest and greatest company just took their money, and provided them nothing.  What a lie and a sham from day one these pathetic losers are.  In conducting professional business on Google for quite some time, and becoming aware that most programs are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, I have come to realize that people online really are not willing to do ONE thing.  They are not willing to work, become a true internet professional or even to accomplish very simple tasks on a daily basis.  Have you ever heard of anything happening overnight?  Well, maybe winning the lottery, but that is about it.  If I shared an insider secret on how to become recognized on Google, would you make the effort?  I seriously doubt it.  It is not difficult.  You don't have to be a super intelligent person.  You don't have to build flashy websites.  You don't have to become a multi-talented logistical guru.  You don't have to become a super-networker (these people really make me ill) and you do not even have to work very hard at all.  You only have to accomplish a few simple tasks each day, be totally dedicated to becoming a professional about your business, and convey these thoughts through the written word.  OMG!  Don't tell me that I am going to have to learn to write! 
Writing is the absolute key to successful promoting on Google.  There is no way around this folks.  You are going to have to sit in front of your computer, pull up a notepad document and decide right here and now, that you are going to learn to write, come hell or high water.  You are also going to have to understand your business.  You must plug into the reality that unless you are willing to become committed, dedicated and professional, you are never going to accomplish a single thing on the net.  Building a professional business on Google takes time to develop and you have to associate yourself with the best in the business.  You have to realize that the liars, cheats, scam artists and con men and women are all over the place.  You must do your due diligence in separating the real from fake here.  They are there, but you must be able to find them.  You must ask the tough questions.  You must research every aspect of the business to determine if its real.  You must become educated in the ways of Google, to build a business here.  Once you find this, it will be like uncovering a diamond from acres of coal.  Article Resource
Becoming attuned to the ebb and flow of Google is essential.  Most people are totally in the dark when it comes to the art and science of creating wealth online.  This is precisely the reason that most people fail miserably.  They believe they are really buildling their online business by submitting to classified ad sites, joining safelists, joining online community projects, chatting with others online, attending and recording training sessions and sending unsolicited emails to hungry prospects.  Folks, there never was a training session that you attended, that unless you took the information and put it to use, is going to be of value to you.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036



Live VOIP Training sessions help daily! You Are Not Alone with Veretekk!

This allows you to access our training rooms where we introduce web pages, you view as you see and hear us live, teaching the methods that leverage your success with the Veretekk system. Beginners get up and running quickly with our basic orientation rooms. There is nothing like live hands on training to get running quickly and efficiently. No complicated manuals to read. The entire environment is intuitive. After 8 years of building, testing and proving, there is nothing else like it on the Internet. Nothing!  Vereconference is quickly becoming the most popular webcasting service on Google today.  Ease of operation, seamless integration of software and backoffice navigation.  No one can top us!  Take a look at Vereconference here!

Push technology training centers

Seeing and hearing instructions live! Basic Orientation for beginners and Advanced Marketing techniques are taught every week. Once you get the advanced training, leads acquisition becomes a breeze, and many of our subscribers are achieving success in building their business for the first time ever! We also bring on guest speakers, many whom are Veretekk subscribers, who share their techniques they use for your edification! We also make the Veretekk system very intuitive and easy to use.  View our new webcasting training modules.  Nothing could be simpler.

Guest Speakers...And 24 hours a day live training 6 days a week...

Not just the CEO....Not just excellent teachers everyday either....But Guest speakers as well! We have the best Internet Marketing Training live on the Net! We also have many guest speakers arranged to share their knowledge of marketing, networking and the Internet. Training is announced through our calendar. These guest speakers and training conferences cover the following:

  • Email Marketing  We have the only 100% NO SPAM System on Google today.
  • Search Engines  The SEO Training we provide is second to none.
  • eBook strategies
  • The spheres of influence
  • Building Confidence
  • Out of the Box with Veretekk
  • Success stories
  • How to tell it's a ScamKeep watch with the Calendar for these events. They will also be announced from our newsletter. You also get small recorded training modules throughout the system.

    Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.

    Just click here and fill out the simple form. That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great income with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free for life! What do you have to lose?

    With great enthusiasm,

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference






    Leads|Bruno Rioux|market leads|Leads generation|

    Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

    Are you looking for leads?

    What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, market leads, , …

    I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

    1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
    2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
    3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
    4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

    The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

    How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

    Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


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    Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
    Bruno Rioux
    Skype brrioux
    Phone 1-506-455-4990


    How to Generate Leads for Your MLM Business Opportunity


    We look at 3 ways to generate leads into your mlm opportunity that will lead to your success in mlm.

    The people that are successful with MLM business know how to create a downline because they know how to generate leads. You can also create a downline for your MLM business opportunity by generating leads, based on your recruiting. Then you will need to convert these leads into signing up underneath you, and reap the reward of a strong downline. In this article, I will tell you how to generate leads for your MLM opportunity.


    A few ways to generate leads are from warm market, you could also do cold calling using your telephone book if you are the type it cheap but you need to have a tough skin. The third but not least is using the Internet, as a way to generate leads.


    We will discuss warm leads and internet leads in more detail in this article.

    Let's look at your warm market; have you worked your warm market? Your warm market is your family and friends, and other associates you see on a day-to-day basis. They call it a warm market because the people you talk to our already "warm" towards you, and willing to listen to you because they know you personally.


    You can speak with your friends and family but there is a other way you can develop a warm market by giving your potential leads something of value the more value you can give is the more that potential leads warms to you so that when you call them are send them your information they will know who you are and be open to listen to what you have to offer.


    These leads are particular good because they have an interest in what you have to offer. Your friends and family may not be interested and you are only able to approach them once if they are open it is great if not then best not to bother them.


    In this way you can start building a downline quickly. You can speak with your friends and family with out bugging them just tell them about your mlm opportunity   However, if you feel afraid to "bug" the ones close to you. If this is the case, then you are suffering for one or two problems you need to correct, if you're going to have success in MLM. The first reason is that you truly don't believe you're offering something to benefit.


    If that is the case, you should get out of your MLM opportunity as quickly as possible, and find something you can promote that offers a benefit you can't help but sharing with others.

    The second reason you haven't warmed up your market is because you're too "shy". In reality, you're not shy, you're scared.


    You're afraid to talk to them, for one reason or another. It might be because you're afraid they will say no to your opportunity, or that they will get mad at you for bugging them. If this is the case, then you need to correct your attitude, if you're really going to be successful in MLM marketing. Otherwise, you will let too many opportunities pass you by because you're afraid.


    Another way to get leads and recruit people into your opportunity is to use the Internet. In this way, you can build up a website which does the work of "warming" people up to you. Ways to do this are to offer viable information, as it relates to your product, as well as resources to them -- for free.


    If they build up trust for you, then they will be more apt to listen to what you have to offer. And the more interested people you have listening to your offer, the more will sign of your opportunity, and enter into your downline.


    Finally, your own personal story is going to be the most powerful way of recruiting others. This means you have to become highly successful at MLM if you want to attract others. This is kind of a Catch-22 -- you need to recruit others to become successful. But the best way to recruit others is to be successful.


    To get out of this catch, it means you have to do many different things in order to recruit many different people. By slowly building up your downline by recruiting one person here, one person there, one person this way, one person that way -- eventually you will have enough people under you that your lifestyle will change completely.


    And with that change of lifestyle, you can use it as an excellent story to get people interested in wanting to know more about your business opportunity.


    Below are some resources you can use to help you in building your link popularity for your website seo to get a good position on google.

    Plus free leads to get you started these resources all come from veretekk marketing system that

    You can also use if you chose to build a warm market on line and need some thing of value to give with veretekk you can get over 40 quality resource to build your warm market.









    Sterling Hayden is mlm an expert that developed an e-course that details a step by step process for developing an mlm business if you are interested in learning more about his a how to develop a successful mlm business please go to

