Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How to Build the Perfect Website

How to Build the Perfect Website
Building a website is a constant work in progress.  I don't believe that you ever come to a point in your internet marketing career when you are totally satisfied with your site.  You will think of new ideas, choose new keyword phrases and even redesign the templates as you consistently become more advanced with your knowledge.  I am constantly honing, revising, adding and producing more content to add to my different websites all the time.  I consider effective website construction as a process.  You never need be in a hurry, as there are no time restrictions.  There are simply certain elements that need to be in place in order to make the website search engine compatible with Google's high standards.  In this site, we will take a look at those elements.
Of course, choosing the right keyword specific domain is absolutely essential in starting the whole process.  I use the WordTracker keyword selector tool to begin my keyword research.  Its a very simple program to use.  You simply add your keyword phrase, and then look at the results for that particular keyword category.  Once you have chosen that keyword phrase, now it is time to go to a competent and reliable domain hosting serviceI want to offer a word of professional caution here in choosing a reliable domain registration provider.  Be sure that you will have customer support for your domain.  Believe me, you will have issues at some point.  If you are dealing with a hosting company that offers only back office support, you will be sorry that you chose them for you domain name provider.  When you have chosen your keyword phrase, now is the time to choose your new domain.  Please be very aware that your domain url is keyword specific to the category that you want to land on Google.  Never choose a domain just because you think it sounds good, or is a cute name that you like.  Building a great website is serious business.  You need to approach your website building project in just that way if you are going to have success.
I cannot overstate my position on the correct titling of a website.  Other than the domain name that you choose, this is the single most important aspect of you effective website personae on Google.  In other words, the title of your site, will be where you will land on the search engines.  There is no doubting this as I have done extensive research in this area.  Most people are prone to choose what they think of as a catchy title.  They think they need to grab the surfers attention to draw them into the site.  This is NOT the case initially.  You are titling that website for the search engine spiders first.  Then you will construct you site to be appealing to humans.  This is one area where more people tend to totally miss the point of effective website construction.  They think in human terms, rather than like a search engine spider.  Once you title your site correctly, now its time to move to the metatag description.
Metatag Description
You are going to hear and read all types of material on what you should do and not to become successful with a website.  Some of this is great information, but most of it is not.  Do not overanalyze your website.  Stick to basic principles that the Google Webmaster Tools suggests and you will become successful with search engine positions for your website.  A metatag description is:  "Meta elements provide information about a given webpage, most often to help search engines categorize them correctly. They are inserted into the HTML document, but are often not directly visible to a user visiting the site."  This is according to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.  It is actually a brief, one to two sentence overview about your site.  You may hear that the search engines no longer read metatags, but let me suggest that you do use them.  This is just another case of someone talking about something they really know nothing about.  You need to be very keyword specific in your meta description for it to be effective.
The importance of choosing high traffic keywords cannot be over emphasized.  Your initial choice of keywords is absolutely critical.  Never think for one moment that you think you know what a great keyword is.  Possibly it can be a good one, but you will never know for sure unless you use a keyword selector tool to find out the information.  You may be thinking that home based business is  just the keyword that you want your site to capture top position on Google for.  Let me tell you at this point in your search engine mastery, you will not be able to capture that one.  When you use the keyword selector tool, be aware that there is some great traffic in other keyword categories.  Often times, the lower the keyword phrase, the more chances that you will have in capturing a position.  Then you will have your website in a great position for people to find your information.  Do not be hasty in choosing your keywords.  In my search engine optimizer business, I always conduct extensive keyword research for a new seo client for up to a week or more, before I make the critical choice.
Content is king on  Google.  There is no way around this point.  If you consider what Google is really all about, you will understand that they only place websites on the key top positions for one reason.  This reason is that these sites have the most good information contained in them.  If you think that you are going to copy and paste your way to success on Google, you will be in for a major disappointment.  Google will find your information and will never allow it to be seen.  Writing is a learned art.  It is not difficult.  You simply write to learn how to write.  You begin the process by placing a notepad document on your computer screen and you just start the process.  You will find that the more that you write, the more you are able to write.  You will also find that you skill improves with practice.  Its just like learning to play sports.  Practice makes perfect.  In the pursuit of my seo business, I write an amazing amount of content per day.  I am always writing press releases, ezine articles, blog posts and forum posts.  I know that the secret to great writing is just writing.  Here is an example of my writings.
Now you have a brief synopsis of creating the perfect website.  Of course, there is much more involved to the process and you may be feeling overwhelmed at this point.  You may consider hiring a qualified search engine optimization specialist like myself, to handle these tasks for you.  I live and work on the internet.  I take great pride in my ability to find those special keyword specific domains and place them on top categories on Google for my seo clients.  I am very competent in my chosen field.  I can obtain top positions on any keyword category on Google.  I have, to my credit at this point, may high traffic keyword category captures for my information, as well as my seo clients.




In order to get good quality leads you have to have a good quality domain! Why is this statement true? Good domains that have keywords specific to your business will accelerate your website to the top of the search engines.


Buying a good domain takes a fair amount of skill. You need to hunt for keywords that relate to your business. When you look for keywords you want to use a good keyword selector tool which you can find by doing a Google search. Once you have found a good key word selector, then you should start looking up keywords that relate to your business. This can be tricky because everyone tends to want to shoot for the words that get the most number of hits per month.


Don't try to take on the large elephant; you can feed off the smaller numbers. To many times when people do keyword analysis, they tend to get excited when they see the amounts of hits per month that some keywords get, and think that they can go for those numbers. The larger numbers are tough to take on, because the big boys spend a lot of money to protect their positions.


But the keywords that get lesser hits per month are a great place to start. You can take advantage of these keywords and position your domain name to take advantage of them. Getting your domain to complement the keywords, for your business, will give you a great position to get indexed in the search engines.


Now what's next?


When you purchase your domain you should purchase it from a domain company that provides live support. So many times people buy domains from companies that only provide support through email so if you have a question or need help you end up waiting 24 to 48 hours before you can get answers to your questions. I use because they have very strong customer support. If you need to speak to anyone 24/7 you can get them on the phone. They also have free domain hosting. You can build your own website using their on-line templates and you get free email. Actually you have all the tools you need to build and run your on-line business.


All of this points to getting people to contact you and want what you are offering. Getting leads that call you is the objective. Quality leads that call you are almost as good as a referral. There are many tools that are available to assist you in getting your now constructed website to high positions to the search engines. has plenty of tutorials if you need instruction, but like I said earlier, what I like is the fact that I can pick up the phone and call them any time any where and they will help me.


What Else!


Leads-O-Matic is very effective tool to get your domain circulated to billions of sites around the internet. This search engine optimization tool can get your website circulated into the internet like nothing you could ever imagine. When you use it you will spread you domain name out to these billions of sites where the search engine spiders can pick up you domain and index it. Once indexed then it spreads through out the internet.


This SEO [Search Engine Optimization] tool will get you great exposure. You can submit your domain [URL] all over the world wide web with ease. The way it works is that you put your information into Leads-O-Matic and it does the rest. I will send you information to Billions; yes you heard it right, Billions of websites and places on the internet. Its database is huge and has been under construction for over the last ten years. It is continually growing!


When you use this tool you will make sure that the search engines have exposure to your domain. You will be able to create reverse marketing and have potential customers contact you for your product. The interested people will have a point of reference so when they go to the search engines and do a search you have a better chance of being seen than if you simply just put your site on the web and let it sit. The more you use Leads-O-Matic the more the search engines will get your keywords and domain [URL].


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Master Distributor


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell


Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

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I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
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3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

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Beauty Leads

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Mortgage Leads