Sunday, August 12, 2007


Taking Leads Category on Google

I found a very interesting search result on Google this evening. Page one, position number two goes for
My Leadsomatic site. This is proof that writing the blog posts, writing the forum posts, writing the content on the webpages and of course using our wonderful BlogFather blogging system works flawlessly for promoting successfully to top positions on the search engines. You know, I was just thinking about how great this system really is after conducting the Sunday night overview meeting with over 100 people on the web conferencing seminar. To have that many people hungry for information on how to become successful with their respective Veretekk Systems is inspirational to say the least. You know, Veretekk really is about empowering the little guy, just like me, to become successful on Google. There is no doubt that there are other internet marketing training systems that you can join, only to find out the back end costs are staggering. You simply never have that problem with Veretekk.

The trainers there are to assist you in building your online businesses. These trainers are not paid employees of Veretekk. The willingly devote their precious time in teaching people the essential techniques and strategies that need for online presence and success. This incredible system is made for real people like you and me who are driven in a real professional home business. We are willing to take the time to talk
about leads, lead generating, lead generation and obtaining top positions on Google for websites. We are willing to show people the techniques we use for branding and gaining notoriety on Google. Where else can you find a system like this for only $41.95 per month? Like Tom Prendergast says, "we believe in undercharging and over-delivering on all our systems in Veretekk." He means exactly what he says. I dare say that for all the tools, training, mentoring and learning, you could literally spend thousands of dollars and still not even come close to the benefits you will derive from becoming involved with Veretekk.

Leadsomatic for example. For a ridiculously low fee, you can place your information live on the net to over 2 billion locations. I don't really have a concept of how many 2 billion is. I will just say an enormous amount. This is accomplished with 2 or 3 clicks of a mouse. Mike Darling, the programmer extraordinaire for Veretekk, has to be commended for his dedication and commitment to making sure that we Veretekkies have all the tools we need to become successful web wise individuals. We are only looking for dedicated, committed, professional and motivated men and women to join Veretekk. We are not looking for casual surfers, spammers, or other overly exaggerated so called internet gurus to join our Veretekk system. If you fit into that category, you will find that wasting my valuable time is a mistake.

If you are dedicated and motivated, but maybe not seeing the online success you would like to see, I suggest that you join in the concerted effort and become a Veretekk member today. At this point, if you are new to the net, or even a seasoned veteran, you have no idea what you can achieve when you actually learn internet marketing the right way, the effective way and the cost effective way.  There is no doubt that the keyword category of leads will shortly belong to the members of Veretekk.  There is simply no stopping the most powerful leads system on Google!

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

The Lead Generation Process - Part 5

This article is the fifth in a series of articles about the Lead Generation Process using the Veretekk Lead Generation System.
In the previous article in this series, we discussed how the Veretekk Lead Generation System helps with the second hurdle in the lead generation process - creating, publishing and promoting lead generation squeeze pages.
Today we look at the third hurdle: organizing the information for all the leads you generate, and communicating with these leads.
In the non-Veretekk world, you would sign up for an autoresponder service and program your offer pages to use the autoresponder service to collect the information and send out prewritten emails of your own design.  You would also have the ability to send out special 'broadcasts' to your leads, and also to select individual leads if required.
The Veretekk system has all of this and more in the Veremail system which is tied in to all your lead generation pages. The Veremail system is an integral part of your Veretekk system.
Each Veretekk lead generation page can have its own autoresponder, or they can all have the same autoresponder. Messages can be sent in text or HTML format. There is no limit to the number of messages you can create.
In addition to the autoresponder, you also have the ability to send out a 'Bully Pulpit' to any or all of your leads once every 7 days.
But the best part is the Premium Leads communication area.  In here you can select an individual lead, and keep track of all communications, whether these communications are by phone, by email, or by snail mail.  You can also start any individual lead on another series of autoresponders, or simply send that lead an email right from within the back office.  There are also options to send prewritten marketing material to your lead to encourage that lead to look at your business, so sign up for a Veretekk system, or to  invite the lead to your Veretekk Web Conference Room for a meeting.
I have not seen any autoresponder service which offers this level of detail for communicating and following up with leads.  Once again, Veretekk is the leader in lead generation systems, in my opinion.
In this series of 5 articles I have briefly reviewed the power and ease of the Veretekk Lead Generating system.  Once you learn how to configure your Veretekk system to start generating leads for your business, I know you will be as amazed as I am every day.  I often wonder where some of these leads come from, as I will often get leads from traffic portals that I have not configured yet and started promoting!
It truly does become a pushbutton lead generation system after a while. 
I have used many different techniques to generate leads in the past, and have purchased many different types of leads from many leads brokers.  The quality and freshness of the leads generated by Veretekk beats them all hands down.
If you are struggling to generate good quality leads for your business, I can heartily recommend looking at the Veretekk system... I sure am glad I was introduced to it!

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph:   801-289-7145
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
My Favorite Places


Web Conferencing|WebConferencingServices

If you are marketing goods and services online, you need the best communications systems you can find. You will find that you need to step into the 21st century of communications by utilizing the web conferencing system. Web conferencing gives you the flexibility to communicate effectively with your downlines, teach or train others in the best way to build their online businesses and show people how to make money the right way by using web conferencing software as the core of your business.

For me, my web conferencing room is in constant use. I try to keep the room open at all times and have a signal notifier that I use to inform me when someone enters my conference room. This has been an exclusive element in my search engine optimization business, as well as my Phase IV Marketing Group promotion. I have become well schooled in the art of using a web conference room from being an advanced seo trainer for Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling of the Veretekk System. This is an incredible way to train, teach and mentor people in the art of search engine optimization and search engine marketing.

The use of web conferencing services leads to great ROI in terms of the cost needed to utilize a web conferencing system. I only spend about $29 a month for a 10 person web conference room. I find this incredible value almost too good to be true as I have done extensive research in we b conferencing systems on Google. Many of the systems listed I have signed up for in an effort to tell which is the best system for people to utilize. The cost of the other web conference rooms can be staggering, starting out at $375 per month for a 5 person room! I have become well schooled in the art of web conferencing and find the best system on Google today is the least expensive and the easiest to use.

For more of my articles about web conferencing, simply click on any of the colored links in this presentation. You will find all the information you need to make your own decision about the webconferencingservice that will meet all your needs and expectations.  Once you begin to implement web conferencing for any organization that you may be involved in, you will see what I mean when I say that web conferencing is an integral part of my online business.

Additonal Resources
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Butch Hamilton Marketing Director for Mentors on a Mission-Jaguar and Predator Marketing-Certified Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk

Lead Generation with Article Leads | Exclusive Leads

Lead Generation with Article Leads Exclusive Leads

Generate Leads
With Articles Leadsomatic and Veretekk aiming for Exclusive Leads. We have all been through the Lead Generation Drill. At some point someone suggested to write an Article or Press Release. This is how professional Businesses Generate Leads, but writing Articles remind me of jumping in a cold pool. It' minutes.
There have been so many times, I have asked someone to write an SEO Article and got a flat "NO, I cannot write, Sorry !" I was uncomfortable about 2 years ago when I wrote an Article for and it was accepted and looking at it now it's not that Good. But, it went to the top of the search engines and it is still there. An Article or Press Release is the best way to achieve Lead Generation for your Business. To get the information out about your Business. It may have been for your Business Leads, Mortgage Leads, MLM Leads. My favorite are Exclusive Leads because no one has called them and they know me by name. Veretekk is the best I have seen online to Generate Leads. By using 23 Traffic Portals often called Lead Capture pages. But they can blast 2 Billion links to that Portal Daily.
You have 23 Portals x 5 links on each Page. Thats working Smart for Lead Generation for Exclusive Leads. Plus autoresponders and thats just the tip of Aircraft Carrier that Veretekk is referred too .
Join Veretekk for FR33 to drive traffic to Leadsomatic before you might want to upgrage. The FR33 membership is good for life with personal Training Rooms all day. Now heres the Great offer we have with Leadsomatic you get the ability to configure a $10.00 per month Leadsomatic Portal and Blast 2 BILLION ADS across the Internet. An unlimited times a day and this submission tool puts fresh SEO content with any link you put in it and 6 keywords, not to mention 255 chacters of keywords to give the search engine spiders what they want. The Leads are Exclusive Leads that will know you by name.
Leadsomatic will give you the ability to utilize 22 other Traffic Portals to push Traffic to your website. This is an affiliate program so your getting paid to Generate Leads Why would anyone that is serious about Leads and growing their Business. Not take this offer and run with it. It WORKS! Grab, Veretekk and Learn how to be a Lead Generation Specialist for FR33. The Leadsomatic Profit Portal will give anyone the chance to Generate Leads
In Closing, I know calling a cold Lead is the worst for many people wanting to make money online . Veretekk and Leadsomatic can make your goal a reality!
Achieve Success,
Lead Generation Specialist
Allen Seagers




If you are searching on Google for the best in webconferencingservices you will find a vast amount of information to choose from. There is no doubt that web conferencing is becoming more popular day by day. There are several reasons why this new paradigm shift in telecommunications is become so popular.

WebConferencingServices provide excellent communications medium for both small and corporate sized organizations.

Web Conferencing Rooms are simple to navigate. The back office of web conferencing rooms is a snap for absolutely anyone to use. There is no complicated setup and the room is good to go instantly.

Web Conferencing Rooms are cost effective. You can get your very own web conferencing room for about $12 and change per month for a 5 person room. Of course, larger rooms are available for any sized meeting you wish to hold.

4. Web Conferencing Rooms add a distinct advantage over telephone seminars. You have the ability to push webpages to the audience, use the whiteboard function to highlight different areas of the webpages and even pull up individual webpages from outside the room for viewing.

Any sized organization from the smallest home business to the largest Fortune 500 Company can utilize
web conferencing to take their business to another level. I suggest that you try webconferencingservices today to amplify your online presence.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Vereconference

generating mortgage leads from scratch

Many service business owners are looking for a way to generating mortgage leads.
They're looking for a way to having an endless stream
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TEL. (49) 0382701318

Comment Marketing for Google Search Positions

Today at 8:17am, Butch Hamilton wrote:
Once you begin to understand the power of comment marketing, whether it be on forums or blogs, you unleash mighty promoting power on the search engine of Google. Comment marketing is a little known art. You must approach the process properly to reap the most results for your efforts. I will be giving some prime examples of comment marketing in the posts below. Follow along and you will add power to your search engine rankings on Google.

I am the head master distributor for a group call the Leadsomatic Master Distributors. We are promoting
Leasdomatic to the top of the keyword category of leads. We are teaching people the power of comment marketing in the AdSubmit Forum[/b]. This forum is dedicated to comment marketing ideas and is working flawlessly. It is all about being consistent in your approach here. Consistency and posting every day will bring great results.

I am have a new forum called
LeadsGenerating. In case you had not noticed it, leads is a prime focus right now as there are 50,000 searches on that keyword term. Imagine the possibilities in getting websites on top spots of Google for that? You get it, right?

Comment marketing is more powerful that you may realize. The fact is, when you begin to move away from your advertising mentality and start writing great content, you will see your promotions begin to be seen on the search engines. Move away from classified ads. They simply do not work. People are hungry for information that will assist them in building a strong home business of some type. When you give them this info, you will begin to see results for yourself.

Now you begin to see the art of comment marketing in action here. Simply posting articles in reply to other articles and them indexing that link to Google is all is required. Search engine optimization and search engine marketing is not rocket science. It is simply an art. You must learn the art to be successful at it.

Another area that I have dedicated my seo talent to is web conferencing. This is a very heavily searched keyword term. I believe that Vereconference is the best web conferencing system on the internet today. You can find my articles about web conferencing by CLICKING HERE! Are you beginning to see a definite pattern here. Are you beginning to taste the power of promoting this way to the search engine of Google? If you are intrigued by all this, I suggest that you try Veretekk by CLICKING HERE! You will be glad that you read this article today.

Keywords|Leads|Dr. Raymond Jewell|Financial Freedom Radio

Getting Leads, Good Keywords!


When looking for leads to grow your business one of the most vital pieces of the puzzle is getting good keywords . Keywords are crucial to obtaining leads because it allows you to make sure that you are targeted toward your customer.


One of the best resources to obtain the best keywords is and its free. You can download this program and get very specific as to the amounts of keywords and their monthly hits. This allows you to choose the pool or water you want to fish in.


You see good keywords is like fishing. If you have a keyword that no one is looking for it's like fishing in a pond that has no fish. You want to make sure that you are looking for keywords that others are looking for. gives you the ability to find popular keywords to target.


In addition to using the free keywords software the next step to take is to use Leads-O-Matic. This program cost $.33 per day and allows you to take your keywords and submit them to search engines and ad submission all over the internet. By using Leads-O-Matic you will be able to put all your keywords in the description section and then send them, tied to your URL, all over the internet allowing the search engines to pick up your URL and your keywords together.


Now let's put it all together. Find your good keywords then put then into your Leads-O-Matic program and let the internet do the rest of the work. Let the search engine spiders do the work for you, not you working for them. They will pick up your keywords and URL connection and post it for you.


All of this work is in conjunction with other search engine optimization efforts to maximize your targeted efforts, such as posting content rich text on websites and making sure that you are know as the best in your field. By making sure that everyone knows that you know your stuff, you are creating an insurance policy that the search engines will acknowledge your authority. The search engines don't know you are the best unless you tell them. Once you tell them they will then direct others to you.


Here's a good example if you type "Dr. Raymond Jewell" into Google you will see over 200 entries about me. You want to be able to have your customer be able to Google your name and see that you are an expert at what you do. I know people who command the first 25 pages in Google so they certainly have notoriety.


If you want to learn more simply email me at with the subject line reading "I Need Your Help For SEO and Financial Freedom" and I will respond and guide you in making sure that you know how to get good positioning.


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Host, Financial Freedom Radio

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Take the Lead on Google

butchhamilton wrote:
Take the Lead!

In home business you must be willing to take the lead to become more proficient than your competition. Taking the lead, becoming a master of your online business and showing the world on Google that you are dedicated to producing quality monetary results is the mindset to have. Unfortunate as it may be, most people are simply not willing to sacrifice. They seem to look upon the internet in amazement and really do approach it like taking a trip to Vegas. How many of you reading this article have gotten rich from taking a trip to the big LV? I love Vegas, no doubt. I go there to play poker occasionally, but all in a spirit of fun and relaxation. Ok, sometimes, I win, most times I don't, but I have a great time. Now we come down to the business side of myself. I am a virtual warrior on the net. I write articles, press releases, blog post and do consistent forum posts. This is the way to get your information out to the search engine of Google.

I take the lead in becoming more knowledgeable in any online pursuit I have. Take the leads category for an example. I have made the commitment to post quality content day after day and I will write about leads until I accomplish the projected target of number one page one on Google for leads. No one and nothing will stop my pursuit of this category. I am determined to fulfill my goal, and I will accomplish that.

I have already visualized this happening. There are a few reasons why I know precisely that this will be the case.

1. I first visualized capturing that prized position on Google.

2. I then formulated a game plan of action to post more, write more and accomplish more than anyone else has done. I dedicated myself to producing my websites concerning. I am consistently working towards achieving that goal daily.

3. I never put a time frame on my success. Whether I work a day, a week or a year, it does not matter. I will have the success that I am pursuing for leads.

4. I am consistently learning all about leads in my approach for the top spot on Google. I am become a lead generating master.

5. I am using Leadsomatic as one of my primary tools to get the position I desire.

6. I am consistently honing my skills in Veretekk. I am in the process of becoming more knowledgeable about how this amazing lead generation system works and how I can become more proficient in using it.

There you have my process. You do realize that you can accomplish the same thing as I plan on doing, right? Follow my six step plan of action in pursuing the leads category on Google and I will see you at the top!

Whatever you are thinking at this moment in are exactly right!

Taking the Lead

To take the initiative to
take the lead in formulating the best plan to succeed in your business is important. You must be willing to do the things that no one else does. You must be willing to work harder, longer and more efficiently than your competition. Take for example the ongoing pursuit of the Leadsomatic Master Distributors group. These people are dedicated to seeing that Leadsomatic reaches the top of the keyword category of leads. This dedicated group of Veretekk leaders is consistently placing relevant content on the search engine of Google about the term leads. These inspired individuals will accept absolutely nothing less. This is the prime example of motivated group effort and what can be accomplished when people decide to step away from the norm and become extraordinary.

People must have this type of commitment in order to succeed in an online business. My point is that most people are not willing to commit to anything. Often the term internet brings all types of visions of instantaneous wealth for no effort. This is simply not the case. Supreme focus and diligence is required in online business pursuits. No time frames can be put upon this success. It must come when it comes. The dream must be made into a living breathing entity that grows with strength every single day. The internet quickly separates the dedicated from the non-dedicated very quickly. You must be willing to stay the course, maintain that laser focus or be washed hopelessly into the sea of information called Google.

In learning
about leads and all about leads generation, you then become to realize what must be done in order to have the success that you crave from an online business. The process is exactly the same for any online venture that you choose to pursue. The great news about marketing online is the fact that once you learn how, you then set about on the path to success that will last a lifetime. The journey is well worth the effort here.  Are you ready to take the lead for your home business?  Are you willing to learn what no one else is willing to learn to become successful?  Are you ready to take your business to a new level?  You have come to the right place and at the right time.  Veretekk will answer your needs for successful online business management.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Superior Seo Services
Phase IV Marketing Group