What a kick, watching the leads category on Google. I like to think of this category as a three ring circus, watching Leads.com pull out all the stops to keep their information fresh. I have to hand it to the webmasters for originality, but honestly, when was the last time that you really needed a driveway paving lead? I am really trying to think exactly what a driveway paving lead would even be. Oh well, its just the way that my mind works. I am creatively trying to think of all the nouns that could written about leads. Can anyone use a woodchopping lead? How about sewer leads? When you think of all the possibilities here, it certainly boggles the mind.
I am aware that the industry of lead generation needs some work. I think that generating yours only premium leads is the only legitimate manner to pursue any online business. I know for a fact, that Veretekk is the prime gig when it comes to lead generation, and search engine optimization. I also know that Leadsomatic is a reputable and lasting way to build links for any website. In configuring Veretekk systems, I find that the power that this system has to promote any business that you may be involved in is incredible. The owner of the system, Tom Prendergast, will tell you that he is even totally blown away by the features that he and Mike Darling have created. This massive database of prime promoting power is nothing short of miraculous.
I can see no disputing the facts. Leads.com can build incredibly simple pages for driveway leads, but Veretekk can build your business. Let's see. Which one will I choose to be my leads system? I am going to spend my quality time with quality systems and people. I will leave the simplicity of mind to the big boys for now and will move closer to my goals of success on Google the right way. Just one question in closing. What would you pay for a trash compacting lead? Hey, more fuel for Leads.com I suppose.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic