Friday, December 07, 2007

Small Business

Small business is a large keyword specific category on Google.  The idea of people starting a small business venture of some sort, and being financially successful is the way to live life in the desired fashion, without having the common day job type of mentality.  Without a doubt, there are significant ways to earn money outside the areas of conventionality.  A broad overview of the word small business can be found at the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.
"A small business may be defined as a business with a small number of employees. The legal definition of "small" often varies by country and industry, but is generally under 100 employees in the United States while under 50 employees in the European Union (In comparison, the American definition of mid-sized business by the number of employees is generally under 500 while 250 is for that of European Union). These businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships.

However, other methods are also used to classify small companies, such us annual sales (turnover), assets value or net profit (balance sheet), alone or in a mixed definition. These criteria are followed by the European Union, for instance (headcount, turnover and balance sheet totals).


Small businesses are common in many countries, depending on the economic system in operation. Typical examples include: convenience stores, other small shops (such as a bakery or delicatessen), hairdressers, tradesmen, solicitors, lawyers, accountants, restaurants, guest houses, photographers, small-scale manufacturing etc. Small businesses are usually independent.


The smallest businesses, often located in private homes, are called microbusinesses (term used by international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation) or SoHos. The term "mom and pop business" is a common colloquial expression for a single-family operated business with few (or no) employees other than the owners. When judged by the number of employees, the American and the European definitions are the same: under 10 employees."  The term small business can be thought of as a business whereby positive minded and clear thinking individual can earn money doing something that he or she is good at.  This is in fact the reason that many people desire that freedom, but often, they are squelched by economic depression, location and the ever increasing tax base of modern society.  It is a well known fact that small business owners are literally penalized because of their desire to be independent.  They pay the most taxes, have the most regulatory restrictions posed on their businesses, face ridiculously high utility bills and insurance for these businesses is through the roof.


Another very interesting fact concerning small business, which also comes from Wikipedia is:  "Small Business is the major job provider in most economies. The top job provider is those with less than 10 employees, and those with 10 or more but less than 20 employees comes in as the second, and those with 20 or more but less than 50 employees comes in as the third."  That is interesting.  In other words, small business owners rate the highest in job providers.  This leads one to ask a significant question.  Where do you find a lucrative, non-invasive tax structured business to become associated with where there are no utilities, building expense, insurance concerns and most of the other critical elements that plague the majority of small business owners?  Where do you turn to find the best ROI program on the internet that can lead to financial independence for the owner?


Enter, Jaguar Marketing.  This brilliantly designed small business owned and operated by Al Turnquist, one of the leaders in the small home business industry, can fill the needs of the far thinking individual with his business called Jaguar Marketing.  The entire Jag Marketing System is based on the internet educational program called Mentors on a Mission.  This highly successful online small business has been in operation since 2004.  Sales have shown a steady increase since that time and Mr. Turnquist is dedicated to providing professional people with the ability to earn substantial wealth from a small business.  It is a proven fact that Mr. Al Turnquist is the best small business mentor and trainer that can be found on Google today.  His actual expertise in sales is quickly become legendary and his determination to provide top level business applications is known throughout the internet.



People who enter Jaguar Marketing are exposed to the best search engine optimization skill training of anyone on the net today.  The webinar training classes which are provided at no extra cost to the esteemed membership, are actually showing people exactly how to obtain top positions on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask.Com and all the other major search engines.  Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and Master SEO Trainer for Jag Members, shares his expertise and knowledge in exactly the right techniques and strategies to become successful on the net.  This one element far exceeds the price of the Platinum Package Upgrade for Jaguar.  Having this type of real-time mentoring and training by one of the leaders in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, writing effective press releases, posting quality articles to blogs and forums is all part of the training that people receive for joining the Jaguar Marketing System.  The value of receiving Mentors on a Mission internet education, coupled with this significant seo training is invaluable and highly prized by the Jaguar Marketing membership.  Mr. Hamilton was chosen to be the Marketing Director for Al Turnquist because of his expertise and knowledge about conducting successful seo campaigns on Google.


Every single element of Jaguar Marketing Small Business is geared towards people becoming educated in the ways that the internet works.  Mr. Turnquist makes it his responsibility to assure each member has access this incredible training in weekly webinar conference room settings.    Jaguar Marketing is the Rolls Royce of business models online.  As a matter of fact, the lesser known programs are always attempting to sell people on the credibility and validity of their programs.  Jaguar Members simply do not need to approach their business in that manner.  All members are taught strategic and sound business principles taken right from the business models of highly prized Fortune 500 Companies.  Becoming part of a professional small business organization like Jaguar Marketing can become "The Key to Your Financial Future."


Turning towards a successful business model like Jaguar Marketing, appeals to professional business men and women who are searching for a significant way to earn money from a small home business.


Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

Home Business and Free Leads For Life

Home Business Free Leads For Life


How would you like to get free leads for life and an autoresponder to send them out? Lead generation is quite a profitable business and many lead companies sell leads to unsuspecting people who think that buying leads is the answer to getting people to come to their home business.


The lead generating companies get their leads they sell from many places around the internet. You can have access to the same leads that these lead generating companies sell to others, but you can get them for free. Here is what you do! To get free leads for life go to Free Leads and sign up. After you sign up then you will be directed to read the instructions about downloading the leads. The instructions are specific and must be followed to the letter. Close the site then go back the next day and you will have anywhere form 1500-2000 leads.


The next day when you return to the site enter your password and download your free leads. Make sure that you click only once on the download button. If you click twice you will lose the leads. Once you download the leads you can copy them and put them into your autoresponder. If you need to get an autoresponder you should sign up for the Free Veretekk System. Once you sign up for the free system than immediately go to the training part of the system and click on "training modules". You will find modules on Veremail where you can learn how to load up to 10,000 emails per day and send them out spam free. You can load your leads from your Free Leads into the autoresponder.


The instruction videos will give you marketing secrets that you will be able to use to get leads, send email, and attract people to your home business. Getting free leads is a great start in building your home business but there are many other tools that you can get to grow your home business. Another system to generate leads and create back links to your site is Leads-O-Matic.


If you listen to all of the training modules you will get quite an education into internet marketing and how you can build your home business and get top positions on the search engines. One of the major assets of the Veretekk system is that it has brought almost every conceivable internet marketing tool together into one system giving you the competitive edge against the competition.


How many time has anyone offered you free leads and given you the tools to download them and send them out to others to market your home business? This is real stuff and will impress you as to its capabilities. The Veretekk System and all of its ingredients is specifically designed to give the marketer access too every tool needed to get their home business to the top of the search engines.  


 Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Web Conferencing

I was contacted today by a gentleman who had just attended a web conferencing seminar conducted by Fred Solomon. Now, Mr. Solomon is a real estate investment and mortgage expert in the Southern, California area who chose Vereconference to promote his esteemed educational seminars. This gentleman is also in real estate in Florida. He was very impressed with the Vereconference web conferencing room and found my contact information and called me to ask a few questions. I gave him a walk through the system and he signed up for a room.
This is going to be happening more and more frequently as people become exposed to the convenience and functionality of Vereconference web conferencing rooms. It is clearly evident to me that WebEx, ILINC, WebConferencingCentral, GoToMeeting, Adobe and all the other conference room systems found on Google, just cannot hold a candle to the Vereconference system. This is not said in an advertising format, its simply fact. I have signed up for all these systems, and I found every one of them to be greatly lacking not only from an expense perspective, but also from usability and connectivity.
Without a doubt, Vereconference stands heads above the competition and web conferencing stands heads above the communications industry. This new way of creating success online, will soon see a significant increase.
Mr. Tom Prendergast and Mr. Mike Darling are to be heavily congratulated for their consistent effort in bringing the people of Google the best in web conference systems.  Their tireless dedication leads people like myself to new levels of success in the small business industry online.  There is simply no better way to communicate with other people than by using the web conferencing system by Vereconference.  Web Conferencing Resources is the significant way to educate yourself in the true ways to build wealth from an online business.  You owe it to yourself to take the free tour with Vereconference.  You will be impressed with what you find.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Metatag info 5

Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with these keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk. that are used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites

Use variations of the same keywords. Shaun’s Leadsomatic site is about the key words leads. So he use related popular keywords specific to that business as reflected above. Wordtracker tells you how many times per month these keywords are search. Use popular and also less popular keywords to give yourself a chance to get higher ranking as a stepping-stone to the more popular keywords. Lead has 1894 searches but is also associated with the metal lead.

So Shaun prefers to go for a more targeted 396 searches per month on leads which is more relevant to his home based business. Like wise with “work from home” has 3098 searches a extremely popular keyword, but you will be competing with over 1 billion websites there. So Shaun includes “working from home” with 435 searches per month and only 52 million website to compete against.

The keywords Meta tag is not intended to replace the actual text on your website. This tag is simply to aid the spider in collecting accurate information about your web pages. Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article looks at the description tag.





It an obvious element that every online marketer needs to be aware of. Buying leads is one way to build a business on Google, but the fact is, those leads that are begin bought, have already been bought and sold tens and maybe even hundreds of time. The results, low ROI (return on investment). I have bought leads in the past and in all truthfulness, they were not worth the good money that I spent for them. You must understand that all lead generation is related. Lead capture pages are used to grab the attention of the prospective client. They give their email, name, phone number and a brief synopsis of their desire to join the business being advertised. In my experience in dealing with some of these people, they have signed up for so many things online, they really do not have a clue what they have signed up for, nor why they are beginning to receive all types of spam email.

Ignorance on the internet, and about the internet is rampant. Most people are so unaware of how the search engines even work, that they seem to be like a kid in a candy store. Each new venture looks better than before. Each website is speaking louder than the rest about getting rich quick, jump on board with me, buy that big house on the hill, drive that new Ferrari and all the other loads of bs that we see online. Let me be very blunt here. I am not saying this to condemn, but rather to educate you in the way that the internet works. Most of these programs are nothing buy lies. There are not many people driving the big cars, nor walking away with millions in their pocket. When you see this type of exaggerated claim being made on a website, do yourself a favor, just click away and become educated.

Knowledge is essential online. There is no way around that. If you think that you are going to come on board with some self-professed guru and make millions, you must be a moron. It is NOT going to happen, ok? Here is what you can do; however, to arm yourself from future outbreaks of brain death. Join Veretekk. Here you will be educated in the true ways of building businesses. You will learn about leads, all about leads, lead generation, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective websites and all the other elements that you need to have the success that you desire.

If you choose to do this, you are going to be like the soldier that forgot to get the shells for his rifle. You are on your own to battle the forces of evil with almost no ammunition to back you up.  Veretekk supplies the information and education, you provide the work. SEO Training at its Finest. Backlink Building at its Finest


Home Business Marketing Tools

Home Business Marketing Tools, Number Two

This article is number two in a series of Home Business Marketing. If you are marketing on the internet you probably are spending a lot to get noticed. If you are not and are getting top positions on the search engines than you probably don't need this information. But if you want to find out how you can get top positions on Google and other search engines than this tool is for you.

The marketing tool that I am writing about is the heart of many other tools. This name of this system is the Veretekk System, and gives you over twenty portal pages that enable you to get your name and home business out into the internet . The domain name is a seasoned name and has been aged to get high positions within the search engines. I wrote about seasoned domains in the article about tool number one where the older the domain the better. When you sign up for this tool you become a subdomain of the aged domain and therefore within an instant you will get better favorable positions, than if you went out and bought a domain and set up a new website. So with an aged domain, and attaching your new domain to it, you will enhance your chance of getting a higher position in the search engines. 

Although the portal pages are not the most important part of the system, the portal pages do get your business out into the internet and give you the ability to expand your keyword exposure as it relates to your home business. You get the ability to configure your portal pages to your home business and then let the search engines pick up your website.  

When you sign up for this free marketing system you should go to the training right away where the Tom Prendergast, CEO of this system has taken the time to record inportant highlights about the system. Right after you sign up go to the Training Forum and click on the link to see the recorded videos about how the system works. This will give you "mind blowing" information about what this system does. Is is so powerful that it would be impossible to tell you about it here. What I will tell you is that you will get many tools which you can use to market on the internet. The free tools will enable you to learn and grow in your marketing efforts more than you can ever imagine. This system also has many lead generation tools along with linking tools to give you power with your website. The free live on line training is so powerful that there is no other system on line that has such powerful training. The Veretekk System has created an on-line community with people from all over the world who help each other learn and achieve success on the web.

I have been using this system for almost two years and before I started I didn't have a clue how to market on the internet but through the live on-line teaching and learning from experts I have managed to get top positions on Google. If you Google "Dr. Raymond Jewell" you will see that I have managed to get some very high positions. One of the top positions is Financial Freedom Secrets, where my blog has gotten top positions. I also have amassed an email mailing list of over 40,000 spam free op in email that I can market to weekly.

If you want to learn how to market your home business this system is for you. The systems name is Veretekk and you will be amazed at what you hear when you listen to the training modules. Don't let this opportunity pass you by take advantage of the free offer, what do you have to lose. Just click on the button at the top of this article.

Thanks for reading and good Marketing.

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Host, Financial Freedom Radio

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Home Business Marketing Tools

Home Business Marketing Tool Number One...

Home Business Marketing tools are available to anyone who wants to market on the internet. This series of articles is designed to give you access to the many marketing tools that are available to you when you are looking to market you home business.

The tools that I am going to present here are free and when you sign up for them you will get a competitive advantage against other people who are marketing on the internet. You see, many times people think that they need to spend their hard earned money to market and then go to pay per clicks or other places where you spend money. Marketing on the internet for your home business can be done with minimal cost. The link above takes you to the "Oldest Classified Ad Site on the Internet" where you can put your ad out on the internet for free.  I know there are many classified sites on the internet but this is the oldest and most seasoned.

What do I mean by the most seasoned? Well domain names are looked at by the search engines as to their age. If a domain name is old then it has a higher rank on the internet than a newer one, therefore when you submit your ad to a site that is only a few years old the search engines will not rank it as high as one that is much older. Now we all know that any domain name that is over five years old on the internet is aged. This site has a domain that is even older than that. "1st Family is the oldest and most visited classified system on the internet. Posting is free and remote posting is allowed."

When you post your home business to 1st Family in addition to placing an ad on the internet you create a back link to your website that gets picked up by search engines and gives you additional ranking in the search engines. Creating back links is esential in marketing on the web. Running a home business and marketing on the web can be fun and easy if you use tools that are available to you. If you want to learn more about running a home business go to 10Kweek Home Business.

How many times do you read an article where you can get tools to market on the internet for free? Most of the time the ads are a come on to get you to purchase the software. You don't have to do that here! All you have to do is sign up for the free stuff and go to work. This is one in a series of articles that will direct you to free tools to market on the internet so book mark this page and come back to where you read it and get more information. You can also go to the links below and learn more.

Enjoy the 1st Family Classified's and good marketing.

Dr. Raymond Jewell

Leads|Bruno Rioux|mortgage leads|Leads generation|free leads|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Wedding Video Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, apache leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, custom leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, water heater leads, Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, fencing leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


Mortgage Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
Leads Forum
Free Conference room
Free Leads
More Leads

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990