You Have To Spend Money To Make Money, But Not Too Much!
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Have you ever heard the phrase "You have to make money"? This is perhaps the most misunderstood phrase in business today. It is used a lot by lead generating companies to extract cash from the consumer.
I have heard intelligent people use this statement to justify losing money. This statement is used by many MLM people when they are persuading others to join their home business. It is a common phrase that is used when people want others to shell out hard cash to join a business, knowing that the people will not work the business and their money is lost.
The reason why most people fail in any business is because they don't have direction. They don't have someone to teach them how to get leads, how to optimize their websites, and how to use and obtain tools that will make them successful. Most of the time the people who are recruiting others into their own business are more focused on signing people up than they are in teaching.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard stories from people who tell me that they want to get into a home based business and achieve financial freedom but don't know where to turn. They tell me that all the ads are confusing and promising astronomical results that anyone in their right mind would think nuts. They tell me that they get emails that promise millions of dollars in income without getting out of bed. [I am kidding of course, but you get the picture.]
Most want to get into a home based business but don't know where to turn. Most want the freedom to work from home and make a good living. With the economy tightening and people getting laid off, these folks are ripe for the plucking. They are venerable to wild promises that promise excessive incomes. It doesn't have to be this way!
Let's back up and take a breath!
Most people who start in a MLM or Direct Marketing Group don't understand that it is a business and requires work. You are self employed and are in control of your destiny. You are the one to make it happen! But I agree that even though you are self employed you still need direction.
If you could get direction to run your business, and learn the do's and don'ts of running a business, would you show up to the training? Would you dedicate your life to making your business grow and treat it like it is the most important thing in your life next to your family and faith? Would you realize that nothing happens overnight and that you need to have a one, two, even three year plan for success?
[Side Bar: I have been running my home based business for over 25 years, and have been through many ups and downs. I have a staff of four that assist me but that comes over time. I make sure that I run it like a business and that I am the CEO of my business. I think like a CEO and make sure that everyone that works for me is equally proficient. I end up working twelve to sixteen hours a day and many times I am on the phone into late evening with people from around the world. It's a commitment and you need to have a burning desire to make what you are doing work. You can't flit from one company to another. You must be committed to what you are doing. This does not mean that you can't have more than one iron in the fire but you must have good time management or you will eat into your profits and your business will suffer. I share all this with you because if you are committed to running a home based business, I have the answer.]
Now, let's talk about spending money to make money. When I coach clients as to how to run a home based business I tell them to set a budget and live by it. They will usually say, "I don't know what tools I will need or how much they cost". My answer is that I do! I am able to point any worthy person in the right direction but they must have a desire to make their business work. The total cost is less than $100 per month which is the price of the tools. The training is free. The $100 is not spent right away this is a snapshot of how the cash flows out the door.
- Day one sign up for Veretekk [Must sign up in the URL that I have indicated here[ , otherwise I will not train you.] Cost is free!
- Day two thru ten get familiar with the Veretekk System and go to the trainings on how to set the system up. You will find the trainings under Veretraining in the top right toolbar in the system. Cost Free
- Day eleven upgrade to the Veretekk Gold System within your back office. Cost is $42 per month with a one time set up fee. You can read about it in the system. Once you have signed up Skype me. My Skype ID: rbjewell. [You can download at it's free.]
- Day twelve we will begin our training through the VOIP training system. It doesn't matter where you live in the world as long as you speak English and have a microphone on your computer to respond back to me, you can learn. Cost is free!
There will other cost that will be incurred but you will not exceed your budget unless you decide to sign up for a business to represent that cost more. This cost is only for the tools needed to market your business. You will be signing up for some other tools that will assist you in marketing but again we will not exceed the limit of $100 per month and the ramp up time frame to get to that number will be over the course of a year.
[Side Bar: You will be spending the remainder of the money on getting good press releases, getting your name out on the internet so that people will be able to find you. You will also be purchasing several domain names, through a special arrangement that we have with a domain company, to market your business on the internet. You will also be taught SEO so there will be some tool that you will need to get but they will be spaced out so it will not exceed your budget.]
You should have the where-with-all to go for one year and actually a second year to cover your expenses. As your business grows you will be offsetting your expenses and soon you will be self-sufficient. Many people tell me that they really didn't see great results until the third year. In any event you will begin to build your home business and build relationships with people from around the world.
The reason I do this is I am sick and tired of people being promised false promises. I am willing to teach people how to do this but make no mistake I make money while I am doing this. I make money off of the Veretekk System when you sign up. [This is why I expect you to sign up at the proper URL.] I make money when the domain names are purchased. [This is why I expect you to use my company.] I make money when we use marketing tools for sending your URL out to the internet. [This is why I expect you to use my system.]
You have a learning curve that you must go through so make a commitment to yourself that you are not going to get rich over night but over time you can build one heck of a business, and it really doesn't matter what the business is. Although we will help you select one if you don't have a business that you are marketing. You want one that is not new and has a history of paying, promptly on time.
Now here is a little SEO trick that is used to make sure some is giving you the straight talk or not. I have received many offers from people who profess to be able to get me to higher levels in business so I use the tool explained below to make sure they are right or not. Use Google as your research guide since they are the standard for searching.
[Side Bar: You should never take anyone's word for what they say, check them out. If you type " Dr. Raymond Jewell" into Google you will see that I take up many pages. First lesson of SEO [Search Engine Optimization] is when someone tells you that they can achieve specific results, check them out and see if what they are saying is true. Never follow anyone blindly.]
Now enough hype! Let's get to work. I could keep writing to make you feel good but what's the point you either are going to make the decision or not. If you want me to help your build your business then let's go.
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Master Distributor
Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell