Monday, December 07, 2009

MLM Business Mentors

How many times have you been approached by someone in the home business arena selling the latest and greatest new MLM Company? A lot!!!

If I told you that 80% of the people in MLM don't know what they are doing would you believe me? Look at it this way... MLM is a 200 Billion Dollar industry globally and will grow to over 1 Trillion Dollars in 5 years, therefore it's a massive industry and someone is doing something right. If you apply the 80/20 Rule to this industry you can see where the problem is! Looking at it through that grid you can see that 20% of the people are doing 80% of the revenue. This is important but look further. If 20% are doing 80% of the revenue what are the 80% doing? The 80% are doing only 20% of the revenue. Yes 80% of the people are doing it wrong! 

What are they doing wrong? They are approaching it as a "Sales Model" instead of a "Teaching Model". You see it's not and never was intended to be a sales model but the 80% think it is, and therefore they lead people to failure. If 95% of the people in the world are not sales people and only 5% are then most people don't and will not ever sell anything. As a matter of fact they will resist any sales programs. When they find out that what they have been sold is sales they quit. 

We have uncovered teachings that were used when the business model was established in the mid 1940's and are sharing it with the people we are coaching. If you want to learn how to build a substantial MLM business the right way go to and fill out the Contact Us form or go to and fill in the contact form. Either way we will contact you right away. We charge nothing for our coaching since the real benefit is getting you to understand this model and make it work. Then everyone benefits... We call this "Risk Reversal".

We have a tremendous track record and will mentor you in the right way... Give us a or call or contact us right away.

Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor 
610-280-7000 Ext #1
Skype: rbjewell

A New Economic Paradigm

Does Financial Planning really work? Many have asked that question, since over the last several years most people lost their hard earned money. Although the markets are up for the moment this is not an indicator that the economy is all right. Most economist are saying that we are due to see another downturn that will exceed the last. Although many in America are able to survive during these downturns some are not so fortunate. In all cases the strategy should be Wealth Preservation and not putting your hard earned money at risk. The financial planners and financial institutions all want to put your money at risk, consequently when markets fluctuate people lose, never to recover their losses. How many times can anyone withstand their hard earned money evaporating? 

We live in a new economic paradigm and if you would like to learn more about how to protect yourself in this new economic paradigm please click this link and you will be directed to a video that explains what we do. You can also sign up for a free economic discussion after you view the video and someone will contact you immediately. [Please give the video time to load.]

Thanks for reading, 

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor 
Skype: rbjewell