Friday, May 07, 2010

Network Marketing the Right Way...

Is MLM a bad word? 

Multi-Level-Marketing is a term that stems from the mid 1940's and directly explains how the home business really works. Unfortunately many don't think that the MLM name is good because so many people fail in the business. So they decided to call it Network Marketing thinking that people would join it and become successful. In both cases the people who joined in this type of business still saw a high level of failure because they learned it the wrong way. 

Why did this happen? 

They weren't taught the right way! Let's look at MLM/Network Marketing the way it should be done. 
First of all you must have a good mentor who understands this business model and has been taught by successful people in the industry. 
Second, you have to understand that it is not a sales model but a Sponsoring model. Duplication is a must, NOT SALES. 
Third, QUALITY is more important than quantity. 

Getting the right people to join your business is important but having a solid understanding of how this model is supposed to work is equally as important. We have solved both of those points. When you look at this industry you can see it's a 200 Billion Dollar industry and growing to 1 Trillion Dollars in the next five years, Globally. By looking at it through the 80/20 Rule you can see that 80% of the revenue is made by 20% of the people, you can also see that 80% of the people are only making 20% of the revenue. Do you want to follow the 80% or the 20%. You decide! 

We teach what the 20% know who are making 80% of the revenue. Go to and read about how to look at the Network Marketing Industry the right way. Also check out for over $500 of free information about understanding the lead side of this industry from one of the experts. 

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you achieve Mastery,

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Coach 
610-280-7000  #3