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Director In Qualification
this blog give informatin about genarteting leads for your business
Business Leads, A multimillion dollars business!
I was listening to a national radio show [Rush Limbaugh] and the local station ran an ad from a national company selling sales leads. Their ad was touting how good their leads were and then they had a spokesperson from a local business that used the leads talking about how their sales rose from a very low sales number to a very high sales number and they owed it all to this company who sold them the leads.
I was furious that this company would put this type of ad on the radio and attribute the sales to the leads that came from this company. I listened and could not believe what I heard. I was speechless! Hears why!
You could take the phone book and give it to your sales staff and have them call the people in it, and get similar results. Its activity and frame of mind that make this scenario work! If anyone gives a sales person a lead and says that the leads are qualified, the sales person doesn't know the difference and will call them. What they get on the other end can be quite interesting but the point is that they will call and get appointments. They also have the motivation because they are being paid to do so. No one is worried about whether the time to call the leads is wasted or not, they are only focused on the leads they purchased and getting them called.
What upset me was that the company attributed the increase in sales to the leads when it should be attributed to the surge in activity that was a result of the purchase of the leads. You see, quality leads are hard to come by and very few Lead Companies have fully vetted these leads for the particular company to call. If they were that perfect, the leads company would charge a percentage of the sales that resulted from these so called perfect leads.
Don't be fooled these sales leads companies are only out to sell the leads and they are not qualified leads they are only "warmed up cold calls". The only way to get good "qualified leads" is to generate them for yourself. "How do I do this"? You ask.
You go to your computer and look up the website Leads-O-Matic and sign up [It cost $10 per month.], then sign up for Veretekk [It's free.]. Spend about three months listening to the live on-line meetings and learn how to get leads for yourself. You then will learn how to get people to come to your website, and call you about what you are offering. "Only when a lead calls you is it qualified!"
You can produce an amazing amount of leads for a fraction of the cost that these large companies charge. And always remember if the leads were as good as they say they are then the leads company would get a piece of the action and not just a flat fee. I even heard the lead company in the ad, I referenced above, offer to give anyone who called 100 free leads just for calling. Now can you see the nonsense in this whole thing?
It's the activity that produced the increase in the results not the leads. Don't be fooled it's a big business and they will say anything to get the sales for themselves. They are good at selling leads and getting you to part with your money. But here is a very inexpensive way to make your business grow, with you always in control and not someone else.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Host, FinancialFreedomRadio.info