Monday, August 20, 2007

Home Interiors and Gifts-Consultants Needed Today!

Prospective Home Interiors Consultants,
I am so thrilled that you have inquired about Home Interiors and Gifts.  It is the most awesome job on the planet.  I have been in Home Interiors a little over 2 years.  In that short time, I have been able to give up a 25 year career in Banking.  I am now a Director Candidate (DIQ)  which means I am going for the FREE Mustang!!!  I have taken an all expenses paid trip to New York, received numerous beautiful jewelry items, and lots of luggage and handbags. 
You have the awesome opportunity to enter this business at the unheard of low price of $79.  This purchases you the supplies and frameit tool to start your business and a case of merchandise valued at $400.  After training with a Director,  you will also receive a $60 fragrance collection. 
Please e-mail with any questions you may have.  I will be more than happy to call you if you will let me know a convenient time for you along with a phone number. 
That way we can talk one on one and I will try to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks again for choosing HOME INTERIORS and GIFTS!!!!!
Debbie Hamilton
Home Interiors and Gifts
Director In Qualification

Business Leads, A multimillion dollars business!



I was listening to a national radio show [Rush Limbaugh] and the local station ran an ad from a national company selling sales leads. Their ad was touting how good their leads were and then they had a spokesperson from a local business that used the leads talking about how their sales rose from a very low sales number to a very high sales number and they owed it all to this company who sold them the leads.


I was furious that this company would put this type of ad on the radio and attribute the sales to the leads that came from this company. I listened and could not believe what I heard. I was speechless! Hears why!


You could take the phone book and give it to your sales staff and have them call the people in it, and get similar results. Its activity and frame of mind that make this scenario work! If anyone gives a sales person a lead and says that the leads are qualified, the sales person doesn't know the difference and will call them. What they get on the other end can be quite interesting but the point is that they will call and get appointments. They also have the motivation because they are being paid to do so. No one is worried about whether the time to call the leads is wasted or not, they are only focused on the leads they purchased and getting them called.


What upset me was that the company attributed the increase in sales to the leads when it should be attributed to the surge in activity that was a result of the purchase of the leads. You see, quality leads are hard to come by and very few Lead Companies have fully vetted these leads for the particular company to call. If they were that perfect, the leads company would charge a percentage of the sales that resulted from these so called perfect leads.


Don't be fooled these sales leads companies are only out to sell the leads and they are not qualified leads they are only "warmed up cold calls". The only way to get good "qualified leads" is to generate them for yourself. "How do I do this"? You ask.


You go to your computer and look up the website Leads-O-Matic and sign up [It cost $10 per month.], then sign up for Veretekk [It's free.]. Spend about three months listening to the live on-line meetings and learn how to get leads for yourself. You then will learn how to get people to come to your website, and call you about what you are offering. "Only when a lead calls you is it qualified!"


You can produce an amazing amount of leads for a fraction of the cost that these large companies charge. And always remember if the leads were as good as they say they are then the leads company would get a piece of the action and not just a flat fee. I even heard the lead company in the ad, I referenced above, offer to give anyone who called 100 free leads just for calling. Now can you see the nonsense in this whole thing?


It's the activity that produced the increase in the results not the leads. Don't be fooled it's a big business and they will say anything to get the sales for themselves. They are good at selling leads and getting you to part with your money. But here is a very inexpensive way to make your business grow, with you always in control and not someone else.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Business Internet

Business on the Internet

Internet business is absolutely no different than a conventional brick and mortar business. You have certain criteria that you must meet to make sure that the internet business you have will succeed. The rules for both types of businesses apply. First you must be dedicated to see that your business has all the elements needed in order to become successful. Unlike offline businesses, you really don't have to be concerned with building expense, employee benefits, workmen's comp insurance, overhead (other than computers, phone service and related services) and even your taxing structure can be quite different for your online business.

Small Business startups can always be unbelievable high in offline businesses. You first have to find a location that is a good high traffic area. You have to stock your online store with quality merchandise that will sell. You must operate that business from 8am-6pm come rain or shine, cold or heat, wet or dry and no matter what happens, you must keep those doors open for people to buy your products.

Business on the internet is much the same except for the location. You could consider your rankings on Google to be your location. You would think that you must be open for business all the time. With an online business, if you set it up correctly, can work for you 24/7. This is another plus in favor of the online business. In effect, you will be keeping those doors open for you internet business all the time. The small internet business should actually outproduce any offline business you have.

When you consider the definite advantages of starting a small internet business, you will come to the same conclusion that I did years ago. Internet business is better. Internet business is more financially rewarding. Internet business allows you to live the lifestyle you desire and on our own terms. Not so with an offline business. Any type of
small business plan you have can be easily implemented using a few basic online tools.

All in all, internet business is much more appealing to me than any offline business I could ever produce. I like the time freedom. I enjoy making very substantial money online and here is the bottom line deal folks. I can teach you exactly how to do the very same thing as I do. When you join Jaguar Marketing you become a part of a wonderful bunch of like minded people who will train you, motivate you and inspire you to do more and become more than you ever thought possible. This is my mission statement about my program. I know it works, simply because I work the program every day.

To know more about my business on the internet, be sure to click on any of the red highlighted links above. When you discover how to run a successful online business with my help, you are going to be blown away by your possibilities.  Business internet systems are here to stay and I plan on being part of this growing community as time moves along.

Al Turnquist

Search Engines Work To send leads to your small business opportunity.

Search Engines are one of the best ways to get leads to your web sit.
But what is a Search Engines?

They are special sites on the Web that are designed to help people find information stored on other sites. There are differences in the ways various Search Engines work, but they all perform three basic tasks:

 They search the Internet - or select pieces of the Internet - based on important words,

 They keep an index of the words they find, and where they find them, and

 They allow users to look for words or combinations of words found in that index.

Early Search Engines held an index of a few hundred thousand pages and documents, and received maybe one or two thousand inquiries each day. Today, a top Search Engine will index hundreds of millions of pages, and respond to tens of millions of queries per day that is a lot of leads for your small business opportunity.

(It is true that you won’t get all those leads but if you work your key words correctly then you will get your faire share.)

Before a Search Engine can tell you where a file or document is, it must be found. To find information on the hundreds of millions of Web pages that exist, a Search Engine employs special software robots, called spiders, to build lists of the words found on Web sites.
If you would like more information contact the author Sterling Hayden
About the author:
You can find out more about Sterling Hayden at
TEL. (49) 0382701318

Leads|Lead|lead generation|Bruno Rioux|Insurance Lead|Mortgage lead|

Network marketing or internet marketing, the business recruits other independent distributors into his or her network. These prospects are known as leads because they have shown some interest in the business opportunity that is presented to them. The leads are, at first, usually comprised of the business owner’s friends, family, and acquaintances. Once these resources have been exhausted, the business must recruit new leads to his or her network. This process, known as leads generation, can be time consuming and quite costly.

Through this process, the business owner looks for viable leads, which are then contacted through standard direct marketing tools, including telephone and email. The target lists may be acquired from advertising campaigns that promote the product or service to potential customers or recruits, and they can also be obtained through lead generation tools. Business owners typically utilize a couple of different methods, during lead generation, to attain these viable leads.

If executed correctly, a lead generation program should bring together all of the most effective offline and online tools in order to ensure that leads progress efficiently from initial contact through sales closure and recruitment. This includes purchasing or licensing lead lists, which the distributor utilizes in his or her email, telemarketing, or direct mail campaigns.

A leads distributor gathering program is a more inclusive process for lead generation. In this process, the business owner will work the leads through advertising campaigns that not only attract customers and recruits, but also invite them to build their own network. Through this comprehensive program, the business owner is building his or her network and helping recruits build theirs as well.

Leadsomatic provides comprehensive information on lead generation. Leadsomatic is one of the many other sites of Veretekk that are provided to generate Leads.

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Web Conferencing

How Do You Give People a Vision About Web Conferencing?

The ultimate goal of any online business is to make sales, right? How that sale is made is all about the approach that you use when either writing articles about or, for lack of a better term, advertising, that product or service. You see, I am not a big promoter of online advertising. Most people that use online advertising in the pure sense of the word, fall short of their expectations. As a matter of reference, this is precisely why about 95% of people trying to advertise a product online are not being successful. They are trying to do what everyone else is trying to do.

Take the subject of
web conferencing for example. I could do my dead level best to try to convince, sell or coerce you into trying Vereconfernece. I won't do that. I don't have to. I already know that Vereconference is the best web conferencing service out on Google today. I know because I am a web conferencing expert. I use the web conference room every day in my seo business and as a trainer for the Veretekk system. I know how effective, useful, easy to signup for and easy to configure for absolutely any online business you may have. I am not going to fill your head full hype and lies when writing about Vereconference. Here again, it is not my job to advertise this incredible web conferencing system to you.

You know, frankly I could care less if you want to pay upwards of $400 for a 5 person room from one of the so called big dogs on the net, when you could get a better conference room for about $12 and change. It makes absolutely no difference to me if you want to pay for a conference room where you have to dial in on a phone line just to use the room. I don't care if you decide to spend your hard earned money needlessly just because the big boys have more advertising money to spend than I do.

Facts are facts about web conferencing. Basically all are the same. All are connected via the internet. You login much the same in each system. You buy each system the same way by email verification, then you upgrade your conferencing system per your needs. The fact is that
Vereconferencing is the best, the least expensive, the best connectivity system via the net, the easiest to use, the easiest to signup and has all the features and more than the so called leaders of webconferencing services have.

What this system has that no one else has is Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling. These two accomplished leaders on the internet have dedicated their lives to providing the little guy with tools, training, motivation, strategies and everything else you need to become an effective internet marketer. They are committed heart and soul to providing the best services at the best prices for little guys just like you and me. There is no web conferencing system online today that has that kind of commitment to excellence. This is why I choose Vereconference and
Veretekk to build my online seo business.

Oh sure web conferencing systems like WebEx, Ilinc, WebConference Central, Adobe,
GoToMeeting and all the rest have multi millions of dollars to spend. But you know what, we have leadership, systems, strategies, commitment and the desire to do what no other organization is willing to do. We assist people in building their online businesses. We are committed to operating our online business the right way. So, you have the choice, run with the best or run with the money. Its all up to you.
Let me ask you a question here.  What have you done to promote your business today?  Did you post classified ads?  Did you pay Google for adwords?  Would you like to learn how to achieve what you are struggling to accomplish?  I have one word for you.


Pushing the Envelope About Leads

To become successful in any endeavor in life means having commitment, having the need to achieve, having the tools to accomplish the task and then simply moving forward no matter what the consequences may be, no matter who says what, no matter who says that it cannot be done or any of the other million and one thoughts that cross your minds every single second of every day.

Lead generation is exactly like that. You have an online business that you are needing to promote. You need to learn specific techniques and strategies that will empower you with the ability to achieve the success that you desire. In learning about leads you must consider that your thinking will ultimately determine your results. It all starts with that spark of divine intervention, but then that must be followed with positive focused energy. Without this commitment and dedicated effort, you will be lost in a sea of information just like 95% of people online are faced with.

Any time you think a negative thought such as I am NOT getting any
leads for my business, you have set up the pattern that will make that event happen. This is not theory, this is called universal law. Whatever you think today will show up as an actual event later in time. This has been proven time and time again by the great thinkers of the world. Henry David Thoreau put it eloquently "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." He was exactly right! Why is this? Their thoughts keep them locked into the non-winning mentality. This same pattern holds true for online business. You absolutely must think yourself into success. That is the first step. Then by conscious action, you put forth to the universe that positive flow of energy that empowers you for success.

Each person who lives and breathes on this planet has choices to make. To succeed or not be healthy...not be prosperous...or to live a life of bitch moan and complain...or to make progressive steps towards living an inspired life. How can I say the things that I say here? I live that inspired life. I choose to be happy. I choose to be healthy. I choose to become wealthy. I choose to do more...have more...become more each and every moment of each and every day. I accept nothing more from life than the best.

In speaking, writing, learning and honing my skills about leads generating systems, I have learned so much over the past few weeks. I was already moving my seo business into new areas, but now, I am even more focused in my desire to achieve my goals and dreams of becoming the best of the best of search engine optimization specialists on Google. I will accept nothing less. I will achieve my goal here as I know its already written on the wind.

You have to decide what you want to accomplish. If you are dealing with people...always...ALWAYS...ask this question of them. Are you wasting my time? IF you can honestly say no, then spend the time with them. If you cannot answer that question honestly, then maybe you need to reconsider your stance. You have 24 hours in a day. You can choose to be productive, or you can choose to waste it. You have that choice.

Generating leads, learning
all about leads, being laser focused on the keyword leads will lead you on an incredible internet journey. If you want to fly with the eagles, you can. If you want to scratch with the will.  Veretekk is that system, that spiritual tool that you can utilize to become successful online.  Without question, there is nothing more powerful, nothing more substantial, nothing more effective on Google today than this system if you desire to become the best at promoting your online business.
Do you need a great linking tool?  Add your links here!
Want to become inspired to live an amazing life?  Get Daily Messages Online!  You will be inspired and motivated every single day with new motivation quotes.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic