Friday, December 21, 2007

Work From Home

Work from Home

Work from home is the dream of many online entrepreneurs trying to build a legitimate business on Google.  The whole idea is appealing as people are struggling to break free from the mold of conventionality in this modern and far thinking society in which we live.  Working from home is the best possible of all worlds and something worth pursuing with all due fervor.


Work From Home

This is a topic of interest that seems to be on a great many people's minds. Working from home is a great way to live for several different reasons. You get the opportunity to let your creative juices flow. You have the ability to create an unlimited supply of money from your efforts. You do not have a boss continually harassing you at every turn. For women, you never have to worry about hitting the glass ceiling in the corporate world.

I have written articles as Google being like the wild west. It truly is a wide open field for people who desire to live life on their own terms. Work from home is a far reaching topic on the search engines. Many people desire employment from a source that was once thought of as not being a real alternative. Well, guess what? The new age of SOHO is upon us folks. Its time to reach deep, plan, consider your objectives, and put a strategic plan together that will empower you to reach these goals.

Below, find some enriching resources that will give you the ability and power to reach your work from home goals. By the way, you want to talk about raw lead generating power? This is it! I am offering you a way out. I am offering you a new start and having the ability to work from home in a real business. This is the dawn of SOHO. Isn't it about time that you flew past all the hype, lies, bs, misrepresented claims of instant wealth and all the other crap you read everyday on Google. This is the new power shift in building strong businesses on the net.

I do not care what business you are in, you will have all the tools, training, and motivation to carry your online work from home business to new levels of success. The choice is yours to make.   Following the links below will give you relevant and insightful information on the process known as working from home.  The tools, training, motivation, inspiration and seo techniques that you will find here, can literally explode your online business, and your name on Google as well.  Take time to browse the links, and see if you really want to learn to work from home.  We can teach you how to do this.

Your Veretekk Marketing Portal:
Affiliate Site

Veretekk Traffic Portals:

1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online
FFA Farm
Free FFAs
Free Page
Money Machine
Spam Wars
Vacation 4 Free

Veretekk Profit Portals:


Veretekk Regional Portals:

Veretekk Down Under

Veretekk SEO Portals:


Did I mention raw lead generating power by using the best lead capture pages found on Google today? The above links will provide you with everything that you need to become successful with any work from home business you have going. This is all available to you for FREE. Yes, it really is FREE for the taking!

There is a catch. You have to be willing to work the system. This is not a pushbutton, automatic wealth creating system. It will require more time, energy, work and consistency than anything that you have ever been involved with before. If you are willing to spend the time, this system will supply the success.
This is lead generation like you have never seen before.  You will learn about leads, all about leads, leads generating, automated lead generating systems and so much more.  You will learn how to capture top rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major search engines.  You will learn how to build search engine compatible webpages, write html code, how to become an internet warrior and many more strategies and techniques that are designed for your ultimate success on the internet.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Search Engine Optimization-Search Engine Marketing-Website Traffic-How Do I Get Website Traffic-I Need Website Traffic-Link-Links-Link Exchange-Exchange Links-Linking Strategies-Internet Advertising

Posted By Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert to What Is Search Engine Marketing? at 12/15/2007 10:48:00 AM



Searching for the keyword term on Google, Free, is like looking through a digital candystore.  There are a vast array of free tools, free training, free internet marketing systems, free website builders and more free stuff that you can shake a hard drive stick at.  Free is valid for in all reality, you could use the free tools found on Google, and you could freely promote any site very efficiently and never spend a dime.
So, is free really valid?  Is there really such a thing as free, no cost, no charge, no strings, and still valuable.  Look below and find all the free traffic generating systems that you need to promote any online business that you may have.  I say thank God for free on Google.  All I really need to do is to sit and write keyword specific articles for free, submit them for free and obtain great rankings on the most powerful search engine on the internet today, for absolutely free.  Is free valuable in today's business economy?  Oh yeah.


Veretekk  FREE Marketing Portals:
Affiliate Site
Veretekk Traffic Portals:
1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online
FFA Farm
Free FFAs
Free Page
Money Machine
Spam Wars
Vacation 4 Free
Veretekk Profit Portals:
Veretekk Regional Portals:
Veretekk Down Under
Veretekk SEO Portals:
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
Fax:  806-874-0036

Posted By Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert to What Is Search Engine Marketing? at 12/14/2007 11:27:00 PM

More Free Resources Found Here


FREE Marketing Resources
Free is the most searched term on Google.  Free is something that Google provides.  Free information for the taking.  Veretekk also offers free tools for successful promoting online.  Take advantage of the free systems today.

Leadsomatic is all about helping you advertise and promote YOUR BUSINESS. The following is a list of FREE services that are also designed to assist you in your online markting efforts.  These are free tools to use to maximize your online personae on Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK.COM, WindowsLive and the other major players of  search engine ball game.

Submit your classified ad for free to one of the oldest, highest traffic classified as systems on the Internet.
Submit your website to a database of ove 12 million ffa pages, classifieds, web boards, guest books, and more.

Submit your website to the eTracking search engine, or signup to receive your very own search engine for use with reverse marketing techniques.

Cash in on reverse marketing techniques by submitting to the oldest FFA Farm on the Internet (and one of the few left today!)

Signup for free to get your very own FFA Page and start generating a database of marketing emails.

Tons of free marketing resources for your business.

Create your own gateway pages for free, including hosting.

Free software downloads designed to empower your business.

Get your very own VoIP web conference system for free.

Spam-free online bulk emailing system to manage your online promotions and marketing campaigns.

Free website statistical monitoring service for site traffic, referral pages, and more.

Submit your website to the WebCatch marketing directory, or get your very own web directory for reverse marketing purposes.
Use Leadsomatic to build backlinks for your websites.  Leadsomatic is the utility backlink building tool that can improve your search engine ranking on Google.  Used consistently, this system empowers you with the ability to promote successfully any online business that you may have.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

free, free tools, free training, free Google tools, free interactive web conferencing, free webmaster tools, free online webinar training, butch hamilton-seo master, butch hamilton-head master distributor for vereconference

Homepage 3


Intelligent Ways of Improving Page Rankings with keywords, Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from homeworking from homeleads Leadsomatic and Veretekk. Used by Shaun McClelland in building his Internet Business.

Page Ranking with massive Linking Sites MAKE YOUR HOME PAGE COUNT

With Shaun McClelland’s Leadsomatic Website, he has placed the Affiliate companies Standard Leadsomatic Portal into an I Frame. Then he created articles in sub domains and links them back to his homepage. Not only that but the Veretekk Portal also has relevant and keyword rich content on the leads generation business. This makes for 150 plus words that are rich in value added content and relevant links maximizing the search engine throughput and effectiveness. The result is a steady increase in conversions every month.

Carefully examine the body text of your existing homepage. Try inserting three to five different keywords and key phrases three to four times each, somewhere within the actual body of your existing page. If you cant understand the info then it means you must rewrite your homepage, as this page is your most important page.

Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next article expands on homepage and ranking possibilities.




I believe that we have a winner here folks. This guy has to take the prize for the most moronic email that I have seen so far regarding leads.


Email 1billion humans targeted prospects.
Watch Your Online Profits Explode!

Our lists will send Your Profits Soaring Overnight!
Updated Email Lists
100% Double Opt-In
And 100% Legal To Use.

Within SECONDS You'll Have Your Ad
Instantly Broadcasted Across The Entire Internet!

WOW! Email 1 Billion. Yes 1 Billion people!  Totally spam free and verified. Hey Mr. or Ms. Marketer, please get a life and try to use at least some dignity and professionalism when telling people about your service. Moronic statements like the one above have no business being on the internet, but alas, as professional online business people, we have to content with this type of crap every day.

Are you ready to learn how to become a professional? Are you tired of the hype, lies, scams, bs and the other ridiculous statements about wealth in a home business? Are you ready to learn about leads, all about leads and ready to take your business to a new level of professionalism?
Would one of the Veretekk members ever stoop to these low life statements?  Huh?  I will remain quiet on that one!  You see, the fact is, just because someone is part of the Veretekk community, it does not necessarily mean that they are clear on the purpose.  If they have not taken time to go to the training...if they have not taken the time to listen and learn...and if...they are still caught in that jump on board with me mentality, there really is very little that we can do about that.

Here are some sites that are legitimate.   Here are the sites that can become your way out of the jungle of misrepresentation and hype.  Are you, like me, tired of the internet marketing rat race?  Well, you have a choice to make today.

Going to these sites will give you the necessary tools, training, insights, perspectives and will empower you with the ability to actually be well schooled in the essential arts that you need.

Interactive Web Conferencing

Interactive Web Conferencing
Page one and page two are now filled with Vereconference web conferencing articles, insights, perspectives and information. Interactive web conferencing is quickly being seen as prominent in the push for web conferencing on Google. Significant posting to forums like WebConferenceRoom mean ultimate positions on the most powerful search engine. Here is the hook. You must keep the information fresh, insightful and give the spiders plenty of nutrition to sustain high traffic keyword areas.
Going after high traffic keyword phrases is all in a day's work for me. Me prowess on Google for obtaining top positions is well known. The secret to success on the internet is simple. If you want to know my secret, please, follow the links below, and I will be glad to share what I know with you.
Within these three sites, you will find the information that you need to become known on the internet, just as I have done. It takes work and consistent effort to gain notoriety and presence on the net. There are no magic buttons, no quick fixes and no software programs that will lead to this success. Come prepared to work.  You are welcome to view more insightul articles concerning interactive web conferencing by clicking here:

Interactive Web Conferencing

Interactive Web Conferencing
In talking, writing, researching and learning how to become effective in using a web conference room, my horizons become ever increasing day by day. I am blown away by Vereconference, and the different ways that the room can be utilized.  Interactive web conaferencing is the new and cost effective way to give primo business presentations.
I have been actively involved in learning the art of screencasting. To put it mildly, the screencasting ability gives you full flexibility to produce a quality recorded version of your business presentation, and then upload that to a web server.
Here is an example that I just did utilizing Vereconference screen casting capabilities.
In this site, I take people through the actual process of submitting to the link building tool available in Veretekk called Leadsomatic. This fully functional submission service, allows the posting to over 2 billion locations with a few clicks of the mouse. The training that is available, empowers people with the knowledge they need in order to become effective on the search engine of Google.
While many other web conferencing systems talk about their supreme services, Vereconference simply delivers high quality at a very affordable price.

I will be posting more screencasting presentations within these pages in an effort to inform the spiders of Google, the validity of the best web conferencing system to be found there known as Vereconference.
Do not let the inexpensive price of Vereconference mislead you at all. We offer 4 times the function at a fraction of the cost of almost all the other web conferencing systems that you can mention. Vereconference works quietly and discreetly in the background to supply people with all the tools, training and functionality they need to give great webinar training sessions.
You will literally only be limited by your imagination with Vereconferencing.



In the never ending struggle on Google for leads supremacy, its interesting to note the unmatched power of Veretekk to absolutely replace the need to buy leads ever again. I would assume that you are reading this presentation is hopes of buying some high quality leads to promote your latest mlm program. Let me share some insight with you about buying leads. Those leads that you are buying have been bought and sold before. People just like you, have paid their money just like you, in hopes of getting fresh leads to call people about their business.

Here is the hook. These leads that you have just bought don't want your stuff. They don't want to be contacted by some jerk trying to sell them a bunch of stuff that they don't need. Hey, I sound just like George Carlin. He is my hero you know. Anyway, you are trying to build a business, and are going about it all the wrong way. What makes you think that your latest and greatest is somehow different from everyone else's latest and greatest?  Absolutely NOTHING!  Its the SOS, different day. These so called hungry leads are hungry all right. They are hungry for supper that is waiting, and you are keeping them from that.

There is a workaround. Learn how to produce your own leads. Veretekk empowers the little guy with all the tools, training, motivation, inspiration and techniques that you need to produce your own leads. These leads will know your name when you call them. The rejection rate with Veretekk is almost zero. Granted, you may not make a sale right now, but you will have the foot in the door for later relationship marketing.

Feel free to browse the websites below. You success on Google is waiting! By the way, if you want a detailed summary of exactly why you are not being successful with a home business, feel free to visit: I get right to the point on this site. Who knows. You might pickup a few lessons in the right and wrong way to approach internet marketing.

Veretekk Marketing Portal:
Affiliate Site http://vt-butchhamilton.veretekk.

Veretekk Traffic Portals:
1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online
FFA Farm
Free FFAs
Free Page
Money Machine
Spam Wars
Vacation 4 Free

Veretekk Profit Portals:

Veretekk Regional Portals:
Veretekk Down Under

Veretekk SEO Portals:

Veretekk is not an automated marketing system. You have to apply sweat equity to earn your success. Once you do; however, you will be in for the ride of your life. Hey, if you want to fall into the trap of believing the lies that internet markters will tell you, be my guest. If you want the real truth (you can't handle the truth by the way), then come and join the supreme lead generation and search engine optimization training system on God's green earth. Or, maybe you have decided to become a lead yourself? There is a great system on Google right now that has all the answers. It only costs you $50 to become a lead. That may just appeal to your mindest.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director-Advanced Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk
leads, about leads, all about leads, lead generation, leads generation, butch hamilton-seo master, veretekk, leadsomatic,

Internet Marketing: Observations

Jaguar Marketing Observations
In speaking with the CEO of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, Al Turnquist, last evening, I became keenly aware as to why this business has become so successful.  We talked about the new movie presentation which is much more descriptive in explaining the intent and goal of the business.  We also talked about the detailing of certain portions of the site to make it even more seamless and effective.  I get the clear message as to the whys that this business, above all businesses listed on Google, is so successful and prominent.  If you could have heard the excitement and motivation in Al's voice, you would have a clear understanding that he is passionate about this business and what it can offer to people online.  There is no one else like Al Turnquist.  Dedication, persistence, business savvy and an undying devotion to bring real people into the world of personal success within the internet marketing community.
Jaguar Marketing is more than a business to Al Turnquist and myself as well.  It is a wealth creation system that can and will lead people to ultimate levels of online success the right way.  The strategies and techniques that are taught in Jag are real business solutions that work effectively.  The important thing to remember while building any successful business is the fact that you must become committed, dedicated and learn to be a true business professional man or woman.  Jag Marketing is simply not for everyone.  We only look for people who have the desired mindset to achieve success.
The one point that distinguishes Jag Marketing from every other online program on Google today is the simple fact that this is a real business.  We teach the exclusive Jag Membership the substantial ways to approach their business.  We are not here to take the money and walk away.  Al Turnquist is a legend among the sales industry.  His expertise is sales closing, business mentoring, business coaching and motivation is unmatched.  His desire to assist people that wish to be successful is unprecedented.  How many so-called powerful CEO's of any corporation, take an active part in the operation and maintenance of the business.  I would venture to say that most business owners online choose to remain in the background.  Not Al Turnquist.  He stands front line with his Jag Members and works right alongside each and every one of us to assist us in building our lucrative businesses.
Just another program you say?  Hardly!  This true business venture is making millionaires for the future at this very moment.  The Jag Membership is committed to excellence in providing other people essential information that they can use to their distinct advantage.  If you ever hear of a presentation of any kind that has been given to you that is not straight down the line professionalism, please contact me.  I will resolve the issue for you.  Each member in Jag Marketing has a responsibility to conduct their business the right way.  We accept no practice that is not legitimate.  This goes for the system owners, as well as the account executives.  Each person representing Jag Marketing is held accountable for his or her actions.  This is closely monitored by Al Turnquist and crew.
I am honored to be the Marketing Director for MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing.  I stand for conducting business the right way.  I have always lived by this creed and since I have become a powerful SEO Master, I am even more dedicated to this way of thinking.  Will you ever see negative comments about Jaguar Marketing?  Of course!  When a business becomes ultra powerful such as Jag Marketing has become, you will be inundated by the naysayer's on the net.  Is Jaguar Marketing a scam?  Well, visit this site:  and you decide for yourself.
I have had people tell me ridiculous statements that there is no real product in Jag Marketing.  Get a life!  The sophisticated internet educational system that is purchased with each Platinum Upgrade is simply the best internet educational system on Google today.  No real product indeed!  In speaking, lecturing and motivating other people to become successful with Jag Marketing, I become even more aware of the power of this business.  We all start out on a level playing field in Jag.  The choice is yours...success...or is all up to you.
When you understand the power that Al Turnquist possesses, and his willingness to make improvements to the already super-power of Google, you begin to see why this business is like no other.  With the leadership and backing like this, there is absolutely no reason for not being successful.  Only you choose your level of committment.  Only you, choose your path here.  If you choose wisely, your possibilities are unlimited.
Maybe you are interested in reading by personal observations concerning internet marketing as a whole.  Visit this site for some unexpected comments that will lead to enlightenment for you. 
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

Motivational & Inspirational Book: Time For A Change?

About A Motivational & Inspirational Book: Time For A Change?


At this point in your existence, does your life seem to have purpose? Are you well on the road to achieving the kinds of things you always wanted to? Do the words meaningful and fulfilling describe many of your endeavors? Do you really like, and are you truly proud of, the person you've become? If change is desired, do you have a viable plan to begin to implement it? Can you see a realistic probability for true happiness and fulfillment in your future? And finally, do you currently buy into the belief that a considerably more motivated and inspired outlook and significantly improved results is a viable outcome for you?


Is your honest answer to any of the previous questions… no? Is the reality that your answer to most if not all of the questions is no. If so, don't think for a moment that you're alone. The simple truth is often times in life, especially in these hectic times and days of immediate gratification, we get so caught up in running around, attempting to check off all the things we've come to associate with living – that we forget we're actually supposed to be alive. But the good news is it doesn't have to continue to be that way.


Take a look at the following…


There simply has to be more to life than the here and now, more than worrying about bills, the job, schedules, and acquiring more possessions. Life is supposed to be more than the hustle and bustle, more than the daily grind of merely making it through each individual day until there are no more. Our days are supposed to be rooted in more meaningful and lasting pursuits like purpose, charity, faith, happiness, and fulfillment. We are here to make a difference. In "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once", you will find stories and perspectives that will help unlock your amazing potential—potential to foster monumental change in yourself and the people around you.


These are the words you'll find on the back cover of a pretty fascinating, insightful and uplifting book, "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once: Stories and Perspectives to Help You Unlock Your Amazing Potential". Inside you will find stories and perspectives that will challenge, inspire and motivate you to begin to perceive, see, define and respond to your circumstances in very different, and significantly more effective, ways. And if you are willing to truly commit to the message, to yourself and to your future… My belief is you will find that beginning to turn things around in your life, day by day, just may be much more feasible than you ever thought.


But, I'm getting ahead of myself. In the coming days and weeks I will be providing much more detail about what "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once" is all about… what the message is, what the message is not, excerpts from the inspirational book and reviews that will help motivate you to give a new outlook a chance. So, stay tuned…


Or better yet, if you want to jump ahead of the class you can visit However, if you've heard enough and already appreciate the value an altered perspective, outlook and attitude can bring… (if you really want to ruin the curve) - go to

to order book(s) for yourself and/or a loved one.  


Each day, be inspired – then aspire to more…


Talk to you soon.



D Anthony

Inspirational Author and Motivator

Author of "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once"

Founder of and



Internet Marketing: Techniques and Insights

"Blades of Grass"
by Thomas Prendergast CEO Inetekk/Veretekk

A long time ago in a time far and far away..OK, I know this is a smarmy way to start, but it is apropos. You see back when I was a kid about 8 years old I talked some of my friends Mike Luna and Patty ( I forget her last name, sorry Patty), into a scheme with me. I got them to measure my backyard with my Dad's tape measure. Then we three each measured with string 1-inch squares over the grass. I got this idea from archeology digs in National Geographic. After the three of us counted the grass in each of our respective squares I added the sum of the count and divided that by three so I got the average blade count. OK, so now you are wondering where I am going with this right? Keep reading..

After measuring the size of the back yard and determining the square footage I multiplied that by 144 to get the square inches. Then I multiplied that by the average blade count so I could figure about how many blades of grass where in that back yard. The number was astronomical. Of course my friends were very curious as to why I wanted to do this.

So as we laid under a tree on that hot summer day, my eyes all dreamy thinking about the future, I started to share with my friends a dream I was having. "You see", I started, "all those blades of grass represent people with money. If I could just figure out a way to get each one of those people to pay us $1 per month for a long time we would become the richest people on earth. And the best part is, no one would mind spending such little amount because they would hardly miss it". So we sat there for hours racking our brains how we could reach that many people and convince them to pay us $1 a month. Then we talked about what in the world we could sell each of those people every month to get them to pay for it. We eventually went on with heading out to the beach and going surfing. That day faded away as my childhood slowing passed into adolescence then adulthood. However, the idea of making money without having to work a job was always at the forefront of my thoughts my whole life. I
never liked the idea of working for someone else. A job just wasn't something I ever wanted.

OK now fast forward to 1992! I had heard of the Internet now for several years. I wasn't on it, I was in AOL. I was making good money selling Adobe software on AOL's classified sites. I had a deal from Adobe back then. I had connections, (That is another story) with Adobe from my advertising days in San Francisco back in the 80s. Anyway.. I was able to buy Adobe Illustrator for Macintosh from Adobe in huge quantities for $25 per box because I had a beta relationship with Adobe. I would then sell them for $200-$300 per box on those classifieds and sell they did, by the truckload. I made a boatload of money. But this is not exactly what I had in mind. I knew there was a better way to make money. Then something wonderful happened...

I got an email from a company that sent email out for customers from Cyberpromo (Owned by the soon to become infamous Sanford Wallace). This practice would latter become known as spam. The spam I received was promoting an Internet Service Provider with flat rate access to the Internet. At this time AOL cost $2.95 an hour. I wanted to see what the real Internet looked like so I signed up. After signing up I discovered that the ISP, know as Powernet, was a commissioned-based Multi Level distributorship. I realized that by promoting this service I could get a monthly check from potentially thousands of subscribers. When I got my first check for $20, I was hooked.

Oh my, that old idea from when I was 8 years old was reborn! Eureka, here was my chance to make that old dream come true. I unleashed a massive campaign that eventually built a huge organization that started paying me more money then I could imagine with the potential to just expand into an astronomical check every month. I kept a copy of that downline and when the company went out of business I bought the domain as well. Here is the last copy I saved from my downline report.

OK so the company failed. The problem was they couldn't keep up with the growth from my organization and instead of dealing with issues of growth just closed up shop and took off. Bummer!

But I have never forgotten that vision and have successfully built other organizations since then. It is my burning desire to keep this dream alive but even more than that dream, to make this a reality for the millions of people out there that share this dream. You know who you are. You hate the idea of a job. You feel you have a higher calling. You want your life back. You hate your alarm clock. Your kids are growing up and you aren't there to watch. The reasons are many.

I have yet to hit the motherload that the grass represented, but I will. And when I do I plan on bringing a multitude of like-minded individuals with me. Want to join my distributors and me on this quest? You owe it to yourself to get involved with us. It doesn't cost anything to join us. To find out more go to our site at:  Stay tuned for more insightful articles concerning work from home.  Yes, its possible, and highly likely, that you too, can learn the art of creating wealth and prosperity online.

To join us go to my website and sign up, it's free.


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director


Business Building Strategies

Business Building Strategies

Building a significant business using Jaguar Marketing as the core, is making headlines across Google. The integration of visualization, mindset and common sense business practices lead people in the right direction to building substantial wealth from a home business online.  This may appear to be a bold statement;  however, its only facts that prevail.  Mentors on a Mission is the finest internet education.  The search engine optimization training is unparalleled.  The addition of the new screencasting displays, will add definitive results for Jaguar System owners when they utilize them in their daily marketing routines on Google.

The process of building professional businesses by utilizing the techniques and strategies that will be learned in Jag Marketing, are making Google news. Al Turnquist, CEO and Founder of MOM, Predator and Mentors on a Mission reports sales climbing steadily. The results obtained by the exclusive membership of Jaguar Marketing are adding fuel to the already seamless system. Mentors on a Mission continues to be the top level internet educational course on Google today. The database of information contained in this program are making people who utilize the system correctly, substantial wealth. Unlike other programs found on the net, Jag Marketing is not focused on hype, misrepresentations or mystery. The real business aspects taught by Mr. Turnquist and the impressive training crew, are being used by many of the members to build substantial businesses the right way.

This program only appeals to the professional business man or woman who is desiring to live life somewhat differently than in corporate America. Many business pros are stopping the maddening pace of corporate life, and choosing to become part of the wealth creation system known as Jag Marketing. New innovations in marketing, business sales training, business coaching and business mentoring are making themselves known weekly in the training sessions held in the state of the art web conferencing system. This system is designed to be bold and aggressive and takes no prisoners when it comes to producing wealth.

The esteemed Jaguar Membership is well schooled in the arts of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, traffic exchange marketing and lead generation. The system of choice for generating leads for the members is a 10 year old system known as Veretekk. This highly sophisticated leads system builds home businesses the substantial and credible way. Most Jaguar Members do not have to be concerned with buying leads. New ways of obtaining leads are found weekly and shared with the members. There is no question that when followed to the letter, the tutelage of Mr. Turnquist, turns undisciplined marketers into substantial online warriors. Jaguar and Predator Marketing is the system that the others on Google simply try to weakly imitate. To be sure, Al Turnquist stands at the ready to make the system work when people are dedicated to building substantial businesses on Google. Jag Members also have the added benefit of being able to promote additional revenue streams via the
business portfolio page.

Since its inception in 2004, Mentors on a Mission has become the power driving force in the world of internet economy. Professionally minded men and women stand firm in their commitment to build and magnify their business building strategies on Google. Jaguar Marketing has one of the most lucrative ROI systems to be found.  To become part of the Jaguar Marketing Team, is the best way to assure online prominence and will become "The Key to Your Financial Future.  For application into this exclusive online marketing group, visit any of the links below. 

Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

Leads|Bruno Rioux|free leads|free|leadsomatic|google|

Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Mortgage Leads, Lead generation Leads, Free Leads, business Leads, Marketing Leads, telemarketing Leads, Realtor Leads, Email Leads, internet leads, Cheyenne Leads, Siding Leads, sales leads, qualify leads, IBM leads, tanning leads, vertical leads, cosmetic surgery leads, cosmetic leads, florist leads, plumbing leads, legal leads, cabinetry leads, chiropractor leads, medical leads, pest leads, roofing leads, market leads, free, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system. And don't forhet to submit your URL to Google.

Need training on how to use Leadsomatic then come to my conference room on Sunday at 0600 hrs PST.


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Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990