Apex Business Marketing, Inc.
109 Lake Davenport Blvd.
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Office Tel: (863) 420-2648
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Email: rigo@apexbizmarketing.com
this blog give informatin about genarteting leads for your business
Make Money While Getting Leads For Your Business.
If you could make money and get leads to grow your business at the same time would that be of interest to you?
If you want to get quality leads and guarantee to grow you're personal business at the same time you need to read this article in its entirety. Don't scan it read it, and internalize everything I have written. You will not regret it! But if you are not serious about growing your business don't read this, click away. You will read about secrets that search engine marketers have been keeping for years. You probably will never have another offer like what is being offered in this article, ever!
There is a way that you can drive leads to your business and make substantial money at the same time. Actually many business owners adopt this system as a profit center for their own business. Many SEO-SEM [Search Engine Optimizers, Search Engine Marketers] use this system to promote their clients websites, and get leads for them. For this they charge their clients large sums of money.
Let's talk about generating leads for a moment! Have you ever purchased leads for your MLM, Direct Marketing Business or your off-line Business only to find out that the leads were worthless? If you haven't you are lucky. It's happened to me and I was very upset.
Personal Story
Let me tell you a story! I joined a MLM business, actually they called it Direct Marketing, and part of the package was the ability to purchase leads at a substantial discount. [Or at least that's what I was told.] I spent a lot of money, I would tell you the amount but I am too embarrassed. I purchased these leads and was so excited because I was told that these leads were good quality leads. I started to formulate in my mind what I would do with all of the people who signed up in my business. I was spending the money before it was made.
The leads were sent out and I sat back waiting for my windfall of customers. I thought this is going to be easy.
I started to get autoresponder emails back indicating that the leads were sent out, and they were received. The autoresponder was simply a polite way of telling me that they got the mail. More autoresponder messages, week after week, no sign-ups.
All of a sudden I started getting lots of junk email. I wondered where these emails were coming from. Then it clicked! The leads that I purchased were causing a reverse effect on me, they were causing me to get junk mail through reverse marketing. Reverse marketing is done when you send an email to an individual that triggers an autoresponder to send you back a marketing letter about their business. When you send an email and you get one back then, you are requesting the email and it is no longer spam. The lead generating company that sold me these leads, actually was cultivating leads from sources that were open on the internet for a reason, and the reason is to promote their own autoresponders so it will get email sent to it to trigger their return letters promoting their own business.
So what ended up happening was that I was paying my hard earned money to get them to send me their reverse marketing email. At this point I decided to get in on the reverse marketing bonanza instead of being a casualty of it.
How I Solved The Lead Problem
I stopped purchasing the worthless leads and decided to figure out this reverse marketing thing. I refused to pay for someone else to market to me anymore. How did I solve this problem? I guess it was through Divine Intervention. I was so frustrated because I desperately wanted to make money on the internet. I felt that if other people were making money why couldn't I?
As I was reading my email, the reverse marketing was continuing because once you trigger an autoresponder you will a whole series of emails. I stumbled on an email that talked about a company called Veretekk. The email discussed chaos marketing theory and how internet marketing could be done through email using auto responders and reverse marketing. [You see why I say Divine Intervention.] I actually found out how to do it, as a casualty of it.
I clicked to Veretekk and read all about the system. What I started reading was so powerful that I began to get a marketing education right away. I saw this system as a way to solve my marketing problems. I learned that no longer would I ever have to pay for leads, which they would come to me. I also found a place where I could learn about marketing from people who were actually using this system.
Once I signed up for this system I got a multitude of tools to assist me in marketing. These tools are very valuable in marketing but one of the most valuable was the on-line training I was going to receive. This on-line training is done through a very effective VOIP system that allowed me to listen, from my computer, to people from all over the world teaching others how to use the system. These teachers would teach me how to build my business through emails and reverse marketing. These people were some of the brightest minds on the internet, and they were taking the time to teach me, boy did I start to feel special.
I went to the classes and began to implement the information, and learn how to use this powerful system. When I started to learn about the Veretekk System I realized that I now had the answer to my prayers. What I got with the system was astounding. It would be almost impossible to list all of the things that this system possesses but here goes some, I will try. This is what I got!
All of this is the tip of the iceberg. There is much more, but for now all I wanted to do was share how Veretekk helped me learn how to market on the internet. Today I get two to three leads per day from all over the world and they are increasing daily. I have only been using it for a short period of time. The more I use it the more valuable I find it. There are more marketing functions that it does but I thought that just by listing these few you would get the idea of how powerful this system is.
How I Got More Leads At No Cost!
As part of the Veretekk System comes Leads-O-Matic. Leads-O-Matic allows me to send my domain name [URL] to over 3 Billion sites on the internet. When I use Leads-O-Matic I am able to send my domain name and marketing email address into the internet and allow the spiders to index my personal site and then the lead generation companies will pick up the email address that was associated with my submission, and sell it to unsuspecting people who then will market to my autoresponders.
They will then get my email series which directs them to one of my traffic portals which they sign up for, and now I get their email address in my opt in list. Or when I use Leads-O-Matic and the sites that get my address for what ever they are offering, send me their email then I send them back my email series. Either coming of going my autoresponder will send marketing pages talking about how powerful this system is.
Everything comes full circle!
How to Get Started!
The Veretekk Silver System is free! The Veretekk Gold System is not! When you sign up for the Veretekk Silver System you must wait for seven days before you can even up-grade to the Gold System. The reason why you can't sign up for this system right away is that Veretekk enjoys a great reputation for excellence, and they made a decision that anyone who wanted to use the Gold System had to spend time learning, and going to training before they would let them sign up. They wanted to make sure that anyone who wanted to sign up for Veretekk Gold knew what they were getting.
The Veretekk System is a fine turned engine and requires some knowledge before running it. That is why the waiting period is important. Another important factor is where you sign up. When you sign up through this article you will be signing up under my direction and therefore you will get immediate live assistance from me personally. If you sign up under someone else than you might not get personalized training. You see, this is also a business as well as a tool, and you will be able to make money with it if you choose.
Through Veretekk you have several income opportunities to work with if you don't have any. For example my personal business is BestDomainsToday.com [Shameless promotion] but I also derive income from Veretekk and in addition to that Leads-O-Matic also makes me money. Not only do my marketing tools work effectively to promote my domain business but they also provide a profit potential for me to use which offset my cost. As you can read, not only am I able to solve my lead generation problem but I am able to make money while I am promoting my primary business.
On-Line Training
I am a Veretekk Trainer and have my own conference room so I am able to work with everyone that signs up into my Veretekk System. I also teach how to use Leads-O-Matic to everyone who is part of my Veretekk System.
One of the problems that I have recognized earlier is that most people don't have the proper education to market on the internet and end up losing lots of money to people who say that they can do what you want done, but really can't. Or most of the time people don't have the money to pay for marketing or optimizing, so end up spending small amounts for tools or leads that don't work. When you total up the amount of money people spend to get their business going, it can result in a large amount of money and the return on investment is zero. You end up spending more than you make.
I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, I have a Doctorate in Economics and understand marketing. I spent a lot of money on stuff, where the promoters promised that I would get amazing results, but never did. I understand cost and how it usually is not recoverable. I had to decide to "bite the bullet" and forget about past cost then go forward. Remember I was reversed marketed too by many, but never did I get a reverse marketing letter by any system like this system.
I made some friends from the classes and got to know them, spoke to them personally and ended up learning plus developing relationships. These people have helped me learn what I know today, although I am still learning. I have acquired the knowledge to market my primary business and secondary business with ease.
How to Sign-Up
In order to become part of this incredible marketing group all you need to do is to sign-up here but before you do let me caution you. I am only looking for people who want to learn. I am donating my time and so are the other people in Veretekk, so we are looking for people who have a desire to learn how to promote thier business. I am not interested in "tire kickers", and probably if you have read this far in this article you are serious, but I must get it off my chest. I don't want to spend my time with losers, nor do I want to help them. I will offer my time and education to winners.
If you are serious and willing to take action then you need to follow these directions. Here is the offer that I referred to you in the beginning of this article. Here is the action! Click on the name Veretekk and go to my system and sign up. When you sign up pick a good user name that fits your business. This user name will become your sub domain. Sign up using the password that you are given and then go into your back office and click on configuration. This will take you to a section for configuration, then click personal info, and a screen will open where you fill out your personal information and then change you password.
Once you do this then you are ready for me to teach you. Once you are ready then go to www.Skype.com and download it, it's free. My Skype ID: rbjewell then send me an instant message and I will begin to converse with you and we can set up a time to meet on line, and I will begin to train you.
In the meantime after you sign up in Veretekk go to the tab on the right top and search the calendar for training. Go to the training, someone will be holding a class on set up and how to understand the system. I will also work with you to make sure that you get proper information and learn how to promote your business. I will also make sure that you meet with people who have used this system to promote their business so you can pick their brain.
You will begin to get leads for your business, having people contact you through email and sometimes even over the phone. You will see an increase in your business for a fraction of the cost that you were paying or contemplating on spending.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Host, FinancialFreedomRadio.info
Master Distributor
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Veretekk Testimonies!
I have been in Internet marketing now for 10 years and I only can tell that you did an amazing job to put this together. Never had better results. Thanks I hope to see more features coming.
James A. Pelt Ph.D.
I am a new Veretekk and Veremail member.
Only a week old. I am a Net marketeer for more than 3 years. I have tried various methods. Even blew my $ on mostly useless marketing efforts. I have tried many approaches to promote my main business. So I was very suspicious on joining another. Now, after just a week, I must say I really am delighted with what Veretekk's system offers. I honestly think this is the best system I have ever seen and it is very affordable also. Your answer on members forum are fast and reliable. I recommend this system to all my friends. I just hope you will not increase the subscription.
Goran Sujansky, Croatia
Veretekk the Mother of the Traffic Portals!
Wonder what Veretekk is? Veretekk increases your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful suite of marketing tools ever created on the Internet! Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 5 - 10 times per day so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998. It is free to join. What are you, crazy?
Rigo Dominicci-Marketing Specialist
Veretekk Member
phone: 863-420-2648
Unlimited Autoresponders, Follow-up Emails, Email Broadcasting, and Live Customer Support from the Industry Leader since 1993! >>> Sign up now to get Veremail Silver™ FREE For Life! <<< Professional studies have found that it takes 5-7 or more advertizing exposures before a prospect will actually make a purchase. With Veremail's unlimited autoresponders and unlimited follow up email system, your opt-in prospects will automatically receive your message 5-7 times (or more) over a period of days, weeks, and months when they request information from you. Veremail will save you time and money, but also increase your sales conversion rate, maximize your marketing efforts, keep you organized, and increase your profits. Most importantly, Veremail allows you to build a sphere of influence passively by consistently keeping you in front of your customers. |