Sunday, October 14, 2007

Business Profitability-ROI

Business Profitability-Return on Investment (ROI)
Creating wealth from a small business requires dedication, perseverance and dogged determination.  Obviously, the ROI must be clearly defined in order to achieve maximum results.
The idea of starting a successful business is appealing to a great many people today.  The threat of job loss due to cut-backs, lay-offs and downsizing threatens the livelihood of once successful corporate business men and women.  The facts are clear that one should highly consider starting a home business online to move away from the J O B mentality.  In today's technological world, there is no reason that a person need be burdened with a regular job.  The possibilities are endless for creating wealth in a very substantial way, but there are pitfalls to avoid when searching on Google for these businesses.
It is clearly up to the individual to determine if these programs are real, or just covered with smoke and mirrors.  It is not always easy with the vast array of websites making over exaggerated claims to instant wealth, health and success to find substantial business interests amongst the clamoring hordes.  The process of finding these sophisticated small business ventures requires time and effort.  The phrase most known for this is due diligence.  Knowing the program, the benefits and the solutions to problems that people are facing in making actual money from a home business, is mission critical to the future internet marketing guru.
When first viewing a site, its important to note not the flash and promises, but to dig deeper within and ask the tough questions of the participants in the business to determine if this is real, or imaginary.  One can never be taken in from some claim to instant riches, for as the trip to Vegas is known for not gaining, but getting, money from individuals, so goes the search for the perfect business online.  Any business that makes ridiculous claims is just that, ridiculous.  Any logical thinking human being has intuitions and reasons to steer clear from the liars.  They are everywhere on Google.  The cars, the women, the homes, the boats and all the other images seen on websites are designed to do nothing but separate honest and dedicated individuals from their money.
It is a well known and proven fact that it requires no more effort to promote some $20 program and make a whopping $10 profit, than it is to promote a substantial business that gives advantageous payouts and ROI (return on investment).  Websites which list actual payouts in images should be viewed as just another enticement for joining an organization that is not real.  Any program which teaches its members to use unscrupulous practices like buying negative pay per click advertising, and teaching them to write press releases that childishly look like Craigslist ads, should be thought of as nothing but hype.
There are actually very professional and highly regarded educational driven programs which when followed correctly, will lead to the success desired.  Keeping in mind that anyone can build a website and advertise a program, it is essential to dig deep and find the true answers.  Some of the most effective ways of uncovering gold will be to see how others are promoting their online businesses on Google.  If they are conducting themselves as true business professionals, the program will stand on it own merits.  Finding the most regarded online business, with the best ROI that provides substantial business profitability is like uncovering a diamond amongst the coal of the net.
Building substantial businesses from the ground up is what Jaguar Marketing accomplishes for the most competent business professional.  The entire top level establishment including the CEO Al Turnquist, the qualified training staff, the customer support team and the exclusive membership of Jag Marketing are making the art of conducting successful and profitable business a reality.  Following the links below will unravel the mystery and one will find that "Jaguar is the Key to Your Financial Future."
Rigo Dominicci-Marketing Specialist
Apex Business Marketing, Inc.
109 Lake Davenport Blvd.
Davenport, FL 33897
Office Tel:  (863) 420-2648
Toll Free:   (877) 562-6044
Office Fax: (863) 420-6878

Chaos Theory-Veretekk

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Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory   "WARNING: This is a long document and may bend your mind in half!"
What exactly is chaos? The name "chaos theory" comes from the fact that the systems that the theory describes are apparently disordered, but chaos theory is really about finding the underlying order in apparently random data.
When was chaos first discovered? The first true experimenter in chaos was a meteorologist, named Edward Lorenz. In 1960, he was working on the problem of weather prediction. He had a computer set up, with a set of twelve equations to model the weather. It didn't predict the weather itself. However this computer program did theoretically predict what the weather might be. One day in 1961, he wanted to see a particular sequence again. To save time, he started in the middle of the sequence, instead of the beginning. He entered the number off his printout and left to let it run.
When he came back an hour later, the sequence had evolved differently. Instead of the same pattern as before, it diverged from the pattern, ending up wildly different from the original. (See figure 1.) Eventually he figured out what happened. The computer stored the numbers to six decimal places in its memory. To save paper, he only had it print out three decimal places. In the original sequence, the number was .506127, and he had only typed the first three digits, .506. By all conventional ideas of the time, it should have worked. He should have gotten a sequence very close to the original sequence. A scientist considers himself lucky if he can get measurements with accuracy to three decimal places. Surely the fourth and fifth, impossible to measure using reasonable methods, can't have a huge effect on the outcome of the experiment. Lorenz proved this idea wrong.
This effect came to be known as the butterfly effect. The amount of difference in the starting points of the two curves is so small that it is comparable to a butterfly flapping its wings.
The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141)
This phenomenon, common to chaos theory, is also known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Just a small change in the initial conditions can drastically change the long-term behavior of a system. Such a small amount of difference in a measurement might be considered experimental noise, background noise, or an inaccuracy of the equipment. Such things are impossible to avoid in even the most isolated lab. With a starting number of 2, the final result can be entirely different from the same system with a starting value of 2.000001. It is simply impossible to achieve this level of accuracy - just try and measure something to the nearest millionth of an inch!
From this idea, Lorenz stated that it is impossible to predict the weather accurately. However, this discovery led Lorenz on to other aspects of what eventually came to be known as chaos theory. Lorenz started to look for a simpler system that had sensitive dependence on initial conditions. His first discovery had twelve equations, and he wanted a much more simple version that still had this attribute. He took the equations for convection, and stripped them down, making them unrealistically simple. The system no longer had anything to do with convection, but it did have sensitive dependence on its initial conditions, and there were only three equations this time. Later, it was discovered that his equations precisely described a water wheel.
At the top, water drips steadily into containers hanging on the wheel's rim. Each container drips steadily from a small hole. If the stream of water is slow, the top containers never fill fast enough to overcome friction, but if the stream is faster, the weight starts to turn the wheel. The rotation might become continuous. Or if the stream is so fast that the heavy containers swing all the way around the bottom and up the other side, the wheel might then slow, stop, and reverse its rotation, turning first one way and then the other. (James Gleick, Chaos - Making a New Science, pg. 29)
The equations for this system also seemed to give rise to entirely random behavior. However, when he graphed it, a surprising thing happened. The output always stayed on a curve, a double spiral. There were only two kinds of order previously known: a steady state, in which the variables never change, and periodic behavior, in which the system goes into a loop, repeating itself indefinitely. Lorenz's equations were definitely ordered - they always followed a spiral. They never settled down to a single point, but since they never repeated the same thing, they weren't periodic either. He called the image he got when he graphed the equations the Lorenz attractor.
In 1963, Lorenz published a paper describing what he had discovered. He included the unpredictability of the weather, and discussed the types of equations that caused this type of behavior. Unfortunately, the only journal he was able to publish in was a meteorological journal, because he was a meteorologist, not a mathematician or a physicist. As a result, Lorenz's discoveries weren't acknowledged until years later, when they were rediscovered by others. Lorenz had discovered something revolutionary; now he had to wait for someone to discover him.
Another system in which sensitive dependence on initial conditions is evident is the flip of a coin. There are two variables in a flipping coin: how soon it hits the ground, and how fast it is flipping. Theoretically, it should be possible to control these variables entirely and control how the coin will end up. In practice, it is impossible to control exactly how fast the coin flips and how high it flips. It is possible to put the variables into a certain range, but it is impossible to control it enough to know the final results of the coin toss.
A similar problem occurs in ecology, and the prediction of biological populations. The equation would be simple if population just rises indefinitely, but the effect of predators and a limited food supply make this equation incorrect. The simplest equation that takes this into account is the following:
next year's population = r * this year's population * (1 - this year's population)
In this equation, the population is a number between 0 and 1, where 1 represents the maximum possible population and 0 represents extinction. R is the growth rate. The question was, how does this parameter affect the equation? The obvious answer is that a high growth rate means that the population will settle down at a high population, while a low growth rate means that the population will settle down to a low number. This trend is true for some growth rates, but not for every one.
One biologist, Robert May, decided to see what would happen to the equation as the growth rate value changes. At low values of the growth rate, the population would settle down to a single number. For instance, if the growth rate value is 2.7, the population will settle down to .6292. As the growth rate increased, the final population would increase as well. Then, something weird happened.
As soon as the growth rate passed 3, the line broke in two. Instead of settling down to a single population, it would jump between two different populations. It would be one value for one year, go to another value the next year, then repeat the cycle forever. Raising the growth rate a little more caused it to jump between four different values. As the parameter rose further, the line bifurcated (doubled) again. The bifurcations came faster and faster until suddenly, chaos appeared. Past a certain growth rate, it becomes impossible to predict the behavior of the equation. However, upon closer inspection, it is possible to see white strips. Looking closer at these strips reveals little windows of order, where the equation goes through the bifurcations again before returning to chaos. This self-similarity, the fact that the graph has an exact copy of itself hidden deep inside, came to be an important aspect of chaos.
An employee of IBM, Benoit Mandelbrot was a mathematician studying this self-similarity. One of the areas he was studying was cotton price fluctuations. No matter how the data on cotton prices was analyzed, the results did not fit the normal distribution. Mandelbrot eventually obtained all of the available data on cotton prices, dating back to 1900. When he analyzed the data with IBM's computers, he noticed an astonishing fact:
The numbers that produced aberrations from the point of view of normal distribution produced symmetry from the point of view of scaling. Each particular price change was random and unpredictable. But the sequence of changes was independent on scale: curves for daily price changes and monthly price changes matched perfectly. Incredibly, analyzed Mandelbrot's way, the degree of variation had remained constant over a tumultuous sixty-year period that saw two World Wars and a depression. (James Gleick, Chaos - Making a New Science, pg. 86)
Mandelbrot analyzed not only cotton prices, but many other phenomena as well. At one point, he was wondering about the length of a coastline. A map of a coastline will show many bays. However, measuring the length of a coastline off a map will miss minor bays that were too small to show on the map. Likewise, walking along the coastline misses microscopic bays in between grains of sand. No matter how much a coastline is magnified, there will be more bays visible if it is magnified more.
One mathematician, Helge von Koch, captured this idea in a mathematical construction called the Koch curve. To create a Koch curve, imagine an equilateral triangle. To the middle third of each side, add another equilateral triangle.
Keep on adding new triangles to the middle part of each side, and the result is a Koch curve. A magnification of the Koch curve looks exactly the same as the original. It is another self-similar figure.
The Koch curve brings up an interesting paradox. Each time new triangles are added to the figure, the length of the line gets longer. However, the inner area of the Koch curve remains less than the area of a circle drawn around the original triangle. Essentially, it is a line of infinite length surrounding a finite area.
To get around this difficulty, mathematicians invented fractal dimensions. Fractal comes from the word fractional. The fractal dimension of the Koch curve is somewhere around 1.26. A fractional dimension is impossible to conceive, but it does make sense. The Koch curve is rougher than a smooth curve or line, which has one dimension. Since it is rougher and more crinkly, it is better at taking up space. However, it's not as good at filling up space as a square with two dimensions is, since it doesn't really have any area. So it makes sense that the dimension of the Koch curve is somewhere in between the two.
Fractal has come to mean any image that displays the attribute of self-similarity. The bifurcation diagram of the population equation is fractal. The Lorenz Attractor is fractal. The Koch curve is fractal.
During this time, scientists found it very difficult to get work published about chaos. Since they had not yet shown the relevance to real-world situations, most scientists did not think the results of experiments in chaos were important. As a result, even though chaos is a mathematical phenomenon, most of the research into chaos was done by people in other areas, such as meteorology and ecology. The field of chaos sprouted up as a hobby for scientists working on problems that maybe had something to do with it.
Later, a scientist by the name of Feigenbaum was looking at the bifurcation diagram again. He was looking at how fast the bifurcations come. He discovered that they come at a constant rate. He calculated it as 4.669. In other words, he discovered the exact scale at which it was self-similar. Make the diagram 4.669 times smaller, and it looks like the next region of bifurcations. He decided to look at other equations to see if it was possible to determine a scaling factor for them as well. Much to his surprise, the scaling factor was exactly the same. Not only was this complicated equation displaying regularity, the regularity was exactly the same as a much simpler equation. He tried many other functions, and they all produced the same scaling factor, 4.669. This was a revolutionary discovery. He had found that a whole class of mathematical functions behaved in the same, predictable way. This universality would help other scientists easily analyze chaotic equations. Universality gave scientists the first tools to analyze a chaotic system. Now they could use a simple equation to predict the outcome of a more complex equation. Many scientists were exploring equations that created fractal equations. The most famous fractal image is also one of the most simple. It is known as the Mandelbrot set.
The equation is simple: z=z2+c. To see if a point is part of the Mandelbrot set, just take a complex number z. Square it, then add the original number. Square the result, then add the original number. Repeat that ad infinitum, and if the number keeps on going up to infinity, it is not part of the Mandelbrot set. If it stays down below a certain level, it is part of the Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot set is the innermost section of the picture, and each different shade of gray represents how far out that particular point is. One interesting feature of the Mandelbrot set is that the circular humps match up to the bifurcation graph. The Mandelbrot fractal has the same self-similarity seen in the other equations. In fact, zooming in deep enough on a Mandelbrot fractal will eventually reveal an exact replica of the Mandelbrot set, perfect in every detail.
Fractal structures have been noticed in many real-world areas, as well as in mathematician's minds. Blood vessels branching out further and further, the branches of a tree, the internal structure of the lungs, graphs of stock market data, and many other real-world systems all have something in common: they are all self-similar.
Scientists at UC Santa Cruz found chaos in a dripping water faucet. By recording a dripping faucet and recording the periods of time, they discovered that at a certain flow velocity, the dripping no longer occurred at even times. When they graphed the data, they found that the dripping did indeed follow a pattern.
The human heart also has a chaotic pattern. The time between beats does not remain constant; it depends on how much activity a person is doing, among other things. Under certain conditions, the heartbeat can speed up. Under different conditions, the heart beats erratically. It might even be called a chaotic heartbeat. The analysis of a heartbeat can help medical researchers find ways to put an abnormal heartbeat back into a steady state, instead of uncontrolled chaos.
Researchers discovered a simple set of three equations that graphed a fern. This started a new idea - perhaps DNA encodes not exactly where the leaves grow, but a formula that controls their distribution. DNA, even though it holds an amazing amount of data, could not hold all of the data necessary to determine where every cell of the human body goes. However, by using fractal formulas to control how the blood vessels branch out and the nerve fibers get created, DNA has more than enough information. It has even been speculated that the brain itself might be organized somehow according to the laws of chaos.
Chaos even has applications outside of science. Computer art has become more realistic through the use of chaos and fractals. Now, with a simple formula, a computer can create a beautiful, and realistic tree. Instead of following a regular pattern, the bark of a tree can be created according to a formula that almost, but not quite, repeats itself.
Music can be created using fractals as well. Using the Lorenz attractor, Diana S. Dabby, a graduate student in electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has created variations of musical themes. ("Bach to Chaos: Chaotic Variations on a Classical Theme", Science News, Dec. 24, 1994) By associating the musical notes of a piece of music like Bach's Prelude in C with the x coordinates of the Lorenz attractor, and running a computer program, she has created variations of the theme of the song. Most musicians who hear the new sounds believe that the variations are very musical and creative.
Veretekk employs this theory in it's very core in all of it's marketing systems. For example, we offer 40 templates you choose when you send out verification requests to the FFA leads that come in everyday from the multitude of submissions that are placed in our site at
You can submit every day or once a week or every now and then. We do not tell you what you need to do. The templates you have to choose from very considerably. We do not tell you which one to use. It is totally up to you. This way every one gets different results. Some better some worse always changing, always vital like a living organism. Chaos theory at work!
These variables are like Fractals within the marketing and lead systems in everything you do within Veretekk.
We do not offer scripts to read from. We do not offer email letter templates. We teach how to write letters, but we do not tell you what to say. We teach you how the system works, but we will not tell you what to do "step by step". There is no "step by step" process using Veretekk. Veretekk has many, many ways to be used. In fact, more ways then "we the designers" even imagined. But we do know this, the results speak for themselves! Every subscriber has some sort of success. Some better than others at any certain time with that changing as well.


Make Money While Getting Leads For Your Business




Make Money While Getting Leads For Your Business.



If you could make money and get leads to grow your business at the same time would that be of interest to you?


If you want to get quality leads and guarantee to grow you're personal business at the same time you need to read this article in its entirety. Don't scan it read it, and internalize everything I have written. You will not regret it! But if you are not serious about growing your business don't read this, click away. You will read about secrets that search engine marketers have been keeping for years. You probably will never have another offer like what is being offered in this article, ever!


There is a way that you can drive leads to your business and make substantial money at the same time. Actually many business owners adopt this system as a profit center for their own business. Many SEO-SEM [Search Engine Optimizers, Search Engine Marketers] use this system to promote their clients websites, and get leads for them. For this they charge their clients large sums of money.


Let's talk about generating leads for a moment! Have you ever purchased leads for your MLM, Direct Marketing Business  or your off-line Business only to find out that the leads were worthless? If you haven't you are lucky. It's happened to me and I was very upset.


Personal Story


Let me tell you a story! I joined a MLM business, actually they called it Direct Marketing, and part of the package was the ability to purchase leads at a substantial discount. [Or at least that's what I was told.] I spent a lot of money, I would tell you the amount but I am too embarrassed. I purchased these leads and was so excited because I was told that these leads were good quality leads. I started to formulate in my mind what I would do with all of the people who signed up in my business. I was spending the money before it was made.


The leads were sent out and I sat back waiting for my windfall of customers. I thought this is going to be easy.


I started to get autoresponder emails back indicating that the leads were sent out, and they were received. The autoresponder was simply a polite way of telling me that they got the mail. More autoresponder messages, week after week, no sign-ups.


All of a sudden I started getting lots of junk email. I wondered where these emails were coming from. Then it clicked! The leads that I purchased were causing a reverse effect on me, they were causing me to get junk mail through reverse marketing. Reverse marketing is done when you send an email to an individual that triggers an autoresponder to send you back a marketing letter about their business. When you send an email and you get one back then, you are requesting the email and it is no longer spam. The lead generating company that sold me these leads, actually was cultivating leads from sources that were open on the internet for a reason, and the reason is to promote their own autoresponders so it will get email sent to it to trigger their return letters promoting their own business.


So what ended up happening was that I was paying my hard earned money to get them to send me their reverse marketing email. At this point I decided to get in on the reverse marketing bonanza instead of being a casualty of it.


How I Solved The Lead Problem


I stopped purchasing the worthless leads and decided to figure out this reverse marketing thing. I refused to pay for someone else to market to me anymore. How did I solve this problem? I guess it was through Divine Intervention. I was so frustrated because I desperately wanted to make money on the internet. I felt that if other people were making money why couldn't I?


As I was reading my email, the reverse marketing was continuing because once you trigger an autoresponder you will a whole series of emails. I stumbled on an email that talked about a company called Veretekk. The email discussed chaos marketing theory and how internet marketing could be done through email using auto responders and reverse marketing. [You see why I say Divine Intervention.]  I actually found out how to do it, as a casualty of it.


I clicked to Veretekk and read all about the system. What I started reading was so powerful that I began to get a marketing education right away. I saw this system as a way to solve my marketing problems. I learned that no longer would I ever have to pay for leads, which they would come to me. I also found a place where I could learn about marketing from people who were actually using this system.


Once I signed up for this system I got a multitude of tools to assist me in marketing. These tools are very valuable in marketing but one of the most valuable was the on-line training I was going to receive. This on-line training is done through a very effective VOIP system that allowed me to listen, from my computer, to people from all over the world teaching others how to use the system. These teachers would teach me how to build my business through emails and reverse marketing.   These people were some of the brightest minds on the internet, and they were taking the time to teach me, boy did I start to feel special.


I went to the classes and began to implement the information, and learn how to use this powerful system. When I started to learn about the Veretekk System I realized that I now had the answer to my prayers. What I got with the system was astounding. It would be almost impossible to list all of the things that this system possesses but here goes some, I will try. This is what I got!


  • I got a system that gave me unlimited autoresponders which allowed me to send unlimited spam free emails to any email list. I am allowed to send 10,000 email per day from any email list that I personally upload. I am allowed to create an unlimited amount of email responder letters that I can send out to people who send me emails. I also get for free, thousands of the same email addresses that I was paying for earlier.


  • I have the ability to create sign up forms to put on my website to send any kind of email series that I decide. I can create a series of instructional letters or newsletters and put forms on my websites so people can sign-up to receive my information. Their names also become part of my email group list for me to market to later.


  • I got over 40 configurable seasoned website portal pages that allowed me to point them to my primary business. Now what does this mean? It means that I am able to configure each page, that has its own unique URL to point to my main business, so when the search engine spiders hit the pages the keywords cause the spiders to move to the main business page and index it in the search engines, so when people are looking for what I have to offer there are over 40 different pages all referring it to the top. Oh, by the way I began to get knowledge about SEO and find myself talking in a language that I never understood before.


  • I got a section in my back office that houses all of my leads and allows me to send information to all of my [opt in] leads. I can send information to them once per week. When I send information to my leads I can offer anything that I want to offer them. By the way when I signed up the system came with over 8000 leads to start with.


  • The system came with a blog and the ability to create RSS feeds to put on other websites so others can see and even hear what I am writing. I am able to create my own personal blog about my business and drive traffic to my primary business. Through this blogging system, and the fact that it is tied into over 40 portal pages constantly is replacing good new relevant content on my portal pages daily.


  • As I mentioned before the training that I got was and is exceptional. I have saved the best for last. Learning how to market and build my business is essential since this is what caused me to want to understand reverse marketing. This training is run by people from all over the world who are Veretrainers and donate their time to teach others. This is done through a system called Vereconference, and it's similar to a classroom setting where you listen while the instructor teaches you. You can ask questions through text messaging or through a microphone. Vereconference uses VOIP [Voice Over Internet Protocol] where you listen through your computer. This is a very powerful training tool and Veretekk uses it's capability to the fullest.


All of this is the tip of the iceberg. There is much more, but for now all I wanted to do was share how Veretekk helped me learn how to market on the internet. Today I get two to three leads per day from all over the world and they are increasing daily. I have only been using it for a short period of time. The more I use it the more valuable I find it. There are more marketing functions that it does but I thought that just by listing these few you would get the idea of how powerful this system is.


How I Got More Leads At No Cost!


As part of the Veretekk System comes Leads-O-Matic. Leads-O-Matic allows me to send my domain name [URL] to over 3 Billion sites on the internet. When I use Leads-O-Matic I am able to send my domain name and marketing email address into the internet and allow the spiders to index my personal site and then the lead generation companies will pick up the email address that was associated with my submission, and sell it to unsuspecting people who then will market to my autoresponders.


They will then get my email series which directs them to one of my traffic portals which they sign up for, and now I get their email address in my opt in list. Or when I use Leads-O-Matic and the sites that get my address for what ever they are offering, send me their email then I send them back my email series. Either coming of going my autoresponder will send marketing pages talking about how powerful this system is.


Everything comes full circle!


How to Get Started!


The Veretekk Silver System is free! The Veretekk Gold System is not! When you sign up for the Veretekk Silver System you must wait for seven days before you can even up-grade to the Gold System. The reason why you can't sign up for this system right away is that Veretekk enjoys a great reputation for excellence, and they made a decision that anyone who wanted to use the Gold System had to spend time learning, and going to training before they would let them sign up. They wanted to make sure that anyone who wanted to sign up for Veretekk Gold knew what they were getting.


The Veretekk System is a fine turned engine and requires some knowledge before running it. That is why the waiting period is important. Another important factor is where you sign up. When you sign up through this article you will be signing up under my direction and therefore you will get immediate live assistance from me personally. If you sign up under someone else than you might not get personalized training. You see, this is also a business as well as a tool, and you will be able to make money with it if you choose.


Through Veretekk you have several income opportunities to work with if you don't have any. For example my personal business is [Shameless promotion] but I also derive income from Veretekk and in addition to that Leads-O-Matic also makes me money. Not only do my marketing tools work effectively to promote my domain business but they also provide a profit potential for me to use which offset my cost. As you can read, not only am I able to solve my lead generation problem but I am able to make money while I am promoting my primary business.


On-Line Training


I am a Veretekk Trainer and have my own conference room so I am able to work with everyone that signs up into my Veretekk System. I also teach how to use Leads-O-Matic to everyone who is part of my Veretekk System.


One of the problems that I have recognized earlier is that most people don't have the proper education to market on the internet and end up losing lots of money to people who say that they can do what you want done, but really can't. Or most of the time people don't have the money to pay for marketing or optimizing, so end up spending small amounts for tools or leads that don't work. When you total up the amount of money people spend to get their business going, it can result in a large amount of money and the return on investment is zero. You end up spending more than you make.  


I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, I have a Doctorate in Economics and understand marketing. I spent a lot of money on stuff, where the promoters promised that I would get amazing results, but never did. I understand cost and how it usually is not recoverable. I had to decide to "bite the bullet" and forget about past cost then go forward. Remember I was reversed marketed too by many, but never did I get a reverse marketing letter by any system like this system.


I made some friends from the classes and got to know them, spoke to them personally and ended up learning plus developing relationships. These people have helped me learn what I know today, although I am still learning. I have acquired the knowledge to market my primary business and secondary business with ease.


How to Sign-Up


In order to become part of this incredible marketing group all you need to do is to sign-up here but before you do let me caution you. I am only looking for people who want to learn. I am donating my time and so are the other people in Veretekk, so we are looking for people who have a desire to learn how to promote thier business. I am not interested in "tire kickers", and probably if you have read this far in this article you are serious, but I must get it off my chest. I don't want to spend my time with losers, nor do I want to help them. I will offer my time and education to winners.


If you are serious and willing to take action then you need to follow these directions. Here is the offer that I referred to you in the beginning of this article. Here is the action! Click on the name Veretekk and go to my system and sign up. When you sign up pick a good user name that fits your business. This user name will become your sub domain. Sign up using the password that you are given and then go into your back office and click on configuration. This will take you to a section for configuration, then click personal info, and a screen will open where you fill out your personal information and then change you password.


Once you do this then you are ready for me to teach you. Once you are ready then go to  and download it, it's free. My Skype ID: rbjewell then send me an instant message and I will begin to converse with you and we can set up a time to meet on line, and I will begin to train you.


In the meantime after you sign up in Veretekk go to the tab on the right top and search the calendar for training. Go to the training, someone will be holding a class on set up and how to understand the system. I will also work with you to make sure that you get proper information and learn how to promote your business. I will also make sure that you meet with people who have used this system to promote their business so you can pick their brain.


You will begin to get leads for your business, having people contact you through email and sometimes even over the phone. You will see an increase in your business for a fraction of the cost that you were paying or contemplating on spending.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Master Distributor





Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell


Leads - Tips and Advice from Bruno Rioux

Are you looking for leads?

What kind of leads are looking for? Pest control leads, pest leads, roofing leads, fencing leads,flooring leads, driveway paving leads, driveway leads, contractor leads, real estate leads, carpet cleaning leads, carpet leads, insurance leads, locksmith leads,deck leads, catering leads, renovation leads, kitchen renovation leads, kitchen leads, automotive leads, landscaping leads, hvac leads, wedding leads, pool leads, beauty leads, painting leads, heating leads,Sale lead, MLM leads, insurance leads, mortgage leads, business leads, lead list, op-tin leads, qualified leads, local leads, local customer leads, business opportunity lead, marketing lead, sales lead generation, advertising leads, phone leads, sales lead lists, Real Time Leads, Area Code Leads, Live Leads, Instant Leads, Surveyed Leads, exports leads, foreign leads, markets leads, tenders leads, trade leads, Canadian leads, US leads, American leads, private leads, construction leads, specific industry leads, life insurance leads, health insurance leads, debt leads, refinance leads, loan leads, annuity leads, auto insurance leads, homeowners leads, financial planning leads, homeowners leads, , …

I have a few questions for you that you need to answer before you become a debt lead or even worst a bad credit lead yourself:

1. How much money can you afford to invest in leads?
2. Do you intent to buy lead list or generating your own leads?
3. Do you need a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you?
4. Is that lead generation system or lead generator, free or do you have to pay for it, and how much?

The most economical way to generate leads would be to get them Free, but are they reliable. What you really need is a lead generation system or lead generator that will be generating leads for you, but you do not want to pay $100’s or more a month to get that.

How about a lead generation system or lead generator that would cost you $10. monthly , unlimited use, would that help you get started?

Click here to find out more about this leads generating system.


Pest Leads
Leads Free Leads
Your Lucky List
SGR Club
Leads Forum,GFRC:2007-04,GFRC:en&start=70&sa=N

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

Vacation Deal

Vacation Deal

Looking for a get-away?

You want a great vacation, but are a little short on funds?(no strings)
FREE vacation: Exciting 3 day, 2 night accommodations at more than 20 locations. Just choose a destination, and complete the survey for our market research.

After completing the survey, you will automatically receive a customized PDF voucher. No waiting, no fuss, no BS! Simple enough? Enough said.

Veretekk Testimonies!

I have been in Internet marketing now for 10 years and I only can tell that you did an amazing job to put this together. Never had better results. Thanks I hope to see more features coming.

James A. Pelt Ph.D.

I am a new Veretekk and Veremail member.
Only a week old. I am a Net marketeer for more than 3 years. I have tried various methods. Even blew my $ on mostly useless marketing efforts. I have tried many approaches to promote my main business. So I was very suspicious on joining another. Now, after just a week, I must say I really am delighted with what Veretekk's system offers. I honestly think this is the best system I have ever seen and it is very affordable also. Your answer on members forum are fast and reliable. I recommend this system to all my friends. I just hope you will not increase the subscription.

Goran Sujansky, Croatia

Veretekk the Mother of the Traffic Portals!

Wonder what Veretekk is? Veretekk increases your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful suite of marketing tools ever created on the Internet! Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 5 - 10 times per day so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998. It is free to join. What are you, crazy?

Rigo Dominicci-Marketing Specialist
Veretekk Member
phone: 863-420-2648


Increase Your Business Profitability

Increase Your Business Profitability
the Most Powerful Suite of Marketing Tools Ever Created On The Internet!

Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 24 hours a day 6 days per week so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998.
Veretekk is the only company that builds all of this technology on it's own, debt free, million dollar server farm.

What does that mean for you? Reliability for start! Speed and dependability! Since 1997 Veretekk servers have delivered 99.99% of the time. Downtime doesn't happen with Veretekk so it won't happen to your system. We implement routers, storage facilities, file servers, web servers, ffafarm servers, database servers, firewalls, mail servers, etc. What exactly does all that techno babble mean to you? That you are in good hands with Veretekk. People that care and are there when you need us. We have invested in the infrastructure so the technology that we have built for you is effective and reliable. That is what all that stuff means!

Veretekk's multi source "sequential driven" autoresponder systems!

If you want to increase sales, studies prove it takes up to seven or more exposures before potential customers make a purchase. With Veretekk's Sequential Driven Autoresponders, your prospects will automatically receive your marketing message.

There are dozens of autoresponder systems on the Internet... but none that are triggered by the actions that your prospect take. Because your prospects (through our innovative verification system) are also engaged in the Veretekk system... your marketing message not only get's proven delivery, your email is tracked and you know if and when they open it through your own proprietary Veretracking system. All mail is proven spam free and Inetekk proves it every step of the way! This is unique to Veretekk.

Veretekk's unique follow-up system will save you time, increase your conversion rates, keep you well organized, and increase your profits!

Create as many follow-up letters as you want.
Set the time and date you want each follow-up sent.
Automate delivery based on your prospects verification.
Send HTML or plain text messages.
Fast and verifiable delivery.
Professional Web Tracking analysis with Veretracking:
Veretracking is not a click counter. Click counters are toys compared to the professional analysis you get with Veretekk. All of your Veretekk web sites have this feature. All of your default autoresponders have this feature. Veretracking tells you where the visitor came from, what their IP address is, what browser they are using, how long they visited and shows this data in real time as well as in easy to read bar graphs. But Veretracking also makes code for you to use in any HTML email you send or web page you build anywhere on the Internet. This feature alone sells for $50 - $100 per month elsewhere.

Lead Development and Management:

Premium Leads
The "creme de le creme" of the Veretekk system. Much like a sophisticated dating site, you will discover that this level of lead acquisition from Veretekk delivers like minded exclusive entrepreneurial individuals eager to do business with you! Your Premium Leads Control panel handles all the details. With complete database management ability, contact memos, sequential mailers, reminders, lead transfer to other Veretekk members in your downline, push technology, VOIP rooms and much, much more. Easy push button controls!
Bully Pulpit
Does all your mailings to your entire leads database through our Veremail servers. Choose groups or the entire database. Send HTML, text or sequential sets of letters from our exclusive selection or build your own with your own Sequential Letters Control Panel. Build a newsletter and publish it to your entire database. Veretekk's Veremail assures that you will never suffer from illicit spam complaints.
Bulk eMail
Build huge verified email databases and drive the traffic to your Traffic Portals to increase the rate of Premium leads. Upload up to 10,000 email addresses from your own database and reverify your list into your Bully Pulpit's verified email database for future mailings. Transfer other verified email databases into your system from our exclusive list of strategic lead partners.
The Hammer
Create unlimited ads and store them for future submissions. The Hammer submits 2 billion ads with the simple selection of your ad and the push of a button.
Live VOIP Conferencing
Join our advanced training and learn all the tricks using your Traffic Portals to pour hundreds of Premium Leads into your system.
Lead Generation Websites:

If you want to increase sales, studies prove it takes up to seven or more exposures before potential customers make a purchase. With Veretekk's Sequential Driven Autoresponders, your prospects will automatically receive your marketing message.

Known as Traffic Portals, Veretekk invented this concept in 1996. Since then the rest of the industry still tries to copy us, but fail miserably! Traffic Portals attract entrepreneurial minded professionals who want to do business with you. You will never experiencing rejection with these leads. Veretekk hosts all your Traffic Portals and each Traffic Portal is on it's own unique domain address (Makes it real easy to get them in the search engines.).

Web Catch
The first of our new generation of Traffic Portals! WebCatch is deployed throughout the Internet by leveraging the promotional power of literally thousands of individuals who have each signed up to receive and promote their very own web directory. Each subscriber entusiastically promotes their own WebCatch directory through a multitude of marketing methods so that ultimately WebCatch directories have become visible throughout a myriad of advertisements, free links sites, bullitin boards, ezines, classified ad sites, etc. Each time a new web site submission is made to any of these individual WebCatch directories, the central database expands to include the new submission. Thus, through highly advanced viral marketing techniques, WebCatch is always expanding...
Check it out!

Give away the original 12 million ads Blast-O-Matic. It is the most powerful AD submission system in the world - and best of all, you get to give it away for FREE! No other AD submission service can compare to the "high-tech" service your prospects will receive from Blast-O-Matic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service! You get to provide top notch service with a great product for FREE!!! Your ads can claim "We dare you to take the challenge of finding a better deal than Blastomatic".
Check it out!

Give away..."Free Contacts For Life!" This site is as valuable and has better quality leads than other FFA lead systems like FFAnet, Links2u and others that sell for as much as $50 per month, but you give this away for free. Talk about a Traffic Portal, what POWER! And the Flash for this one will blow you right out of your chair, but then all of Veretekk does that!
Check it out!

Free Mart
Free software... Free ebooks... Free newsletter... Free live seminars...! A class act site ready for promoting the heart of what entreprenuerial webmasters and aspiring webmasters are looking for. Put this lead magnet into a search engine result and watch the mega traffic!
Check it out!

Money Machine
Survey entrance to your Market Center! The Money Machine is a stunning Flash presentation and survey then takes the visitor to your Market Center. This site promotes access into your center and also promotes your free and pay services.
Check it out!

Affiliate Center
Vanity entrance to your Market Center! The address matches your vanity email. Your vanity site is a compelling entrance into the power and source of your Market Center. This site promotes access into your center and also promotes your free and pay services. This is the center attraction of your system!
Check it out!

Give away the world's first self-replicating search engine! This is an extremely viral tool that allows you to generate massive leads directly, as well as indirectly by giving away additional eTracking search engines.
Check it out!

FFA Farm
You get your own FFA system. The FFAfarm is the oldest FFA system on the Internet. You can promote this but it already brings in a huge number of leads. Besides, FFAs are not what Veretekk is all about. But, we keep it around anyway. LOL! FFA linking may be a thing of the past, but.....The FFAFarm is a permanent LINK exchange now and ONE POST EQUALS MILLIONS OF LINKS with VERIFICATION
Check it out!


Veretekk is a process, a journey. Many more Traffic Portals are included with your system and more are being added in an ongoing bases! The Internet is in a constant state of flux. Change drives the engine of Veretekk. You will see that Veretekk delivers to the situations the Internet changes. The core mission of Veretekk never changes though. That being, "Building your sphere of influence!".

Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.
and fill out the simple form. That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great income with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose?

With great enthusiasm,
Rigo Dominicci


Automatic Responder Systems

Welcome to Veremail™ - Leader in Automated Email Marketing!

Unlimited Autoresponders, Follow-up Emails,
Email Broadcasting, and Live Customer Support
from the Industry Leader since 1993!

>>> Sign up now to get Veremail Silver™ FREE For Life! <<<

Professional studies have found that it takes 5-7 or more advertizing exposures before a prospect will actually make a purchase. With Veremail's unlimited autoresponders and unlimited follow up email system, your opt-in prospects will automatically receive your message 5-7 times (or more) over a period of days, weeks, and months when they request information from you. Veremail will save you time and money, but also increase your sales conversion rate, maximize your marketing efforts, keep you organized, and increase your profits. Most importantly, Veremail allows you to build a sphere of influence passively by consistently keeping you in front of your customers.
Why Choose Veremail?

After all, there are other online email systems out there.
Simply put, the difference is that Veremail offers you more value for less money...

  • Unlimited Autoresponders:
    You can set up as many different sequential email sets as you want. Each email set can contain an unlimited number of emails and be configured to send them out with whatever frequency you like. One set could contain 7 emails and send them out once a day for a week. Another could contain 52 emails with them going out each week for a year. It's totally up to you!

  • Flexible Email Content:
    Messages can can be plain text or HTML. You can include images, style scripts, submission forms, even Flash designs if you like. Veremail supports it all.

  • Unlimited Email Broadcasts:
    Perform unlimited email campaigns to your contact database anytime you like. Broadcasts can be scheduled to have emails go out on specific dates over a period of time and can include HTML and/or plain text. You can run campaigns for your entire database or justfor certain groups of contacts.

  • Unlimited Email Groups:
    You can organize your contacts into an unlimited number of email groups. This allows you to perform targeted email campaigns to specific cross sections of your database. Each group you create allows comes with its own HTML code that you can copy and paste into any web site you want for people to subscriber to your newsletter. This allows you to track and monitor which web sites are sending you subscribers, but also allows you to categorize them as the occur.

  • 100% Guaranteed Delivery:
    Veremail is the only system that has historically proven to be able to get your email delivered. How? Years of diligent effort combined with investments in political lobists. Other systems are constantly being blacklisted by local ISPs or large anti-Spam services like SpamCop or Spamhaus. This results in only a small fraction of your email getting delivered. Veremail has been acknoledged to be 100% Spam proof and its reputation proceeds it. Plus the system contains technology that allows you to monitor deliverability yourself for each email blast you perform. No other service can come close to Veremail's delivery rate.

  • Spam Free and MAPS Compliant
    Veremail enjoys reputable 3rd party validation and is fully endorsed by MAPS and follows its principles for responsible email marketing. MAPS guidelines are widely recognized as the standard for defining the legitimate process to prevent email abuse. Veremail is 100% Spam free and Spam proof. Not only does this allow you to perform email marketing in an ethical manner, it protects you from the liability and litigation associated with irresponsible marketing. Attempting large email campaigns on your own through your own ISP can quickly result in large fines and even imprisonment.

  • Fully Verified & Verifiable
    Veremail is the only system in the world that requires double opt-in verification for every single email address, but also provides the public (or ISPs) the ability to query the verification database in order to produce a verifiable activity log that shows exactly when an email address has interacted with the system. Opt-in requests are processed in real time by automatically capturing the date/time and the subscriber's IP address. A global blacklist function is readily available for those who wish to block additional emails.

  • Live Unlimited Customer Support:
    24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Veremail includes unlimited access to our live VoIP online conference room where you can get your questions answered. Phone support is also available as needed.

  • Live Unlimited Training:
    Scheduled around the clock and provided by expect email marketers, we have trainers available from around the world who offer detailed training sessions for FREE to help you increase your profits and results!

  • FREE Lead Generation:
    Unlike every other system out there that encourages you to purchase leads, Veremail provides you a vehicle to generate 1000's of premium leads per month through its integration with the Veretekk lead generation system. Paying for leads is expensive, unethical, violates people's personal privacy, and does not produce very good results. Rather than asking you to pay for your Veremail system and then turning around and telling you to buy leads from us, we will give you Veremail Silver and the Veretekk Silver lead generation system for FREE to teach you how to generate more leads than you can possibly deal with yourself. (Really! Ask our subscribers!) Plus, these are serious, high-quality, premium leads that are actually happy when you call them. Closure rates often approach 70-90%. Plus we'll provide you with unlimited live training to teach you how!

  • Upload Email Lists - 300,000 per month:
    If you already have a database of contacts or source for purchasing quality opt-in email lists, Veremail allows you to upload your email lists into your system for verification. Unlike the closest competitors who only allow a maximum of 2500 emails to be uploaded a month, Veremail allows you to upload 10,000/day! That's up to 300,000 verified emails per month!

  • Statistics for Email Uploads:
    When you upload an email list the Veremail system instantly processes your list through a very sophisticated procedure which results in providing you detailed statistics about your list. You'll know how many unique emails it contains, the number of duplicates, how many leads are new, and how many email addresses you already had in your database. It also compares your list to our massive databases to search or known Spam email addresses and domains. It provide all of this information back to you as well as ongoing statistics as your verification email campaign proceeds to tell you how many people have opened the email, how many verified, how many emails bounced back undelieverable, etc. This invaluable data allows you to scrutinize the source(s) of your email lists to determine which are quality and which are not.

  • The Industry's Most Lucrative Affiliate Progam:
    First of all, Veremail is designed to promote YOUR product, service, or business opportunity, not ours! However, we have included a very profitable compensation plan for those who are not making the kind of money they want to through their current business. It's completely up to you to decide if you want to promote Veremail, but many subscribers have quickly found themselves making more money through our program that the business they signed up into Veremail to promote in the first place! For more information on the affiliate program click here.
    Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

    Generate Premium Leads With Leadsomatic



    Rigo Dominicci Here
    I am a marketing specialist.  I know how important it is for you to produce yours only premium leads for your business.
    Take time to explore Leadsomatic.  This phenomenal link building tool can increase your notoriety and presence on Google. 
    By now you must have explored the Leadsomatic website. (If not - check it out right now!)

    Obviously the thing that jumps out at most people is the fact that the system will blast your ad out to over 2 billion websites! (It's pretty hard to ignore, huh?)

    Well, that's the point of this email. I want to explain to you the value that tag line has for you.

    You see, anyone who is doing any type of online marketing - whether they are a residential based business person, MLMer, direct sales person, small business owner, political activist, etc, etc, etc. is immediately drawn to Leadsomatic when they see that "2 billion website" statistic. It's impossible to ignore. Virtually everyone that visits the website signs up for a frss membership. These people represent extremely high quality leads that you could be marketing your own product/service and or business to!

    How's it work? How do you get these leads? Simple... Leadsomatic is included as a part of the Veretekk online lead generation and automated marketing system. You can get your very own Veretekk Silver system for frss

    Veretekk contains all the tools you need to drive huge amounts of traffic to your personal Leadsomatic website. Each time someone signs up for the frss membership, you will immediately get a lead notification - via email, or even a text message instantly sent to your cell phone!

    Veretekk also offers you ongoing live training at NO COST by people just like you! They can teach you exactly what you need to do to start seeing results right away. You will be blown away by the training and support offered through the Veretekk community!

    Go to if you have not signed up yet!

    Feel frss to call me anytime as well. I am happy to answer your questions!

    Take care,

    Rigo Dominicci
    Direct: 863-420-2648

    Fw: Automatic Responders



            How Autoresponders Can Make You More Money

    First: What is an Autoresponder?

    The simple way to explain an Autoresponder is to think of it
    as program that automatically responds to email sent to it.

    Our Autoresponders not only automatically answers emails sent
    but it remembers who sent the email and follows up with them
    whenever you tell it to... automatically.

    Effective sales people know that the fortune is in the
    follow-up. This is why good sales people spend so much
    time following up on past clients, making repeat sales
    calls, sending postcard reminders, sending out brochures
    to the same people, going through their list of contacts
    to see who they haven't talked to in a while.

    The Autoresponder takes care of following
    up with your online prospects automatically.

    Second: Why do you need an Autoresponder?

    Experts tell us that it takes an average of 7 different
    contacts to close a sale.

    If you are not following up with your prospects on a
    regular basis, you are losing sales!

    As your list of prospects grows, it becomes more and more
    difficult and time consuming to figure out when you last
    spoke with which prospect and which information you send them.

    In our global economy, business is being conducted 24 hours
    a day. It would be impossible for you to personally follow up
    24 hours a day.

    Your Autoresponder can manage all of your prospects, remember
    when it sent your last sales letter, what that letter was
    about, and it can do all of this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

    Imagine being able to completely automate your sales letters.

    Imagine being able to build, manage, and profit from your own
    online contact list.

    Imagine being able to broadcast special offers or announcements.

    Imagine being able to remotely update your sales letters any time.

    Imagine being able to instantly test ad copy or special offers.

    With Autoresponders, you can do all of this and

    This system runs 24 hours a day... 7 days a week... whether you
    are at the office, sleeping, having lunch, or enjoying some free
    time with your family. Your Autoresponder never sleeps!

    Because you are able to generate more leads and more efficiently
    manage your follow up, you will have more time to develop and
    test effective ad copy, spend time with family or friends, or
    even develop new product lines and marketing approaches!

    Here are just a few things you can do with your Autoresponders:

     * Automate Sales Letters
     * Training Messages
     * Promote Business Opportunities
     * Publish Your Ezine
     * Distribute Product Information
     * Build Your Contact List
     * Broadcast Special Offers
     * Mailing List Manager
     * Network Marketing
     * Customer Service
     * Internal Memos
     * And more!

    When you use's Autoresponder system, you get:

     * Unlimited Autoresponders
     * Unlimited Campaigns
     * Unlimited Sales Letters
     * Send HTML or Text Messages
     * Track Your Results for Each Letter
     * Unlimited Professional Training and Support

    Third: How much does the Autoresponder cost?

    Right now, we are offering a FREE 30 Day Trial of our
    Autoresponder system.

    No long-term commitment! Set up your account today absolutely
    FREE. Try it for 30 days with zero cost and zero risk. Once you
    see how powerful this system is and how easily it can save you
    time while increasing your sales, you can select the option to
    continue using our system for just $17.95 per month. If you
    don't see how this system can help your business, do nothing.
    Your account will automatically expire at the end of the 30 day
    trial. Keep all the training information as my personal gift.

    Thousands of people have used this Autoresponder system to
    save time, increase profits, and boost efficiency. You will
    have full access to this system free for the next 30 days.

    Review the training materials. Use the tools to build your
    own sales. See for yourself what thousands of other online
    marketers are talking about.

    At the end of your 30 day trial, you can simply let the account
    go or keep building your list and your profits for just $17.95
    per month.

    Believe me... the training alone is worth one hundred times the
    price of your subscription. When you join, you will
    have unlimited access to our members area where you will learn:

    * How To Win The Search Engine Wars
    * How To Turn Leads Into Paying Customers
    * Why Some Advertising Works and Some Doesn't
    * How To Create (and profit from) Your Own Opt-In List
    * Secrets To Autoresponder Success

    This is all included with your 30 day free trial along with full
    access to all of our powerful promotional tools AND the training
    to make it all work for you.

    Can you invest the next 30 days to learn how to generate leads
    and turn web site visitors into customers?

    No matter what you decide at the end of your 30 day trial, you
    will absolutely better understand how to use Autoresponders to
    increase profits, save time, and boost efficiency. You win!

    Fourth: How do you get your own Autoresponder?

    We can get you started within the next five minutes. And
    remember... you are not paying a dime to get started with this
    system! Just point your browser to:

    and click on "30 Day Free Trial". Once you complete our brief
    enrollment form, you will have full access to our back office
    where you can review all of the training, start using your new
    Autoresponder along with our other tools, and begin to experience
    the power of automated online marketing for yourself.

    Yours in success,

    Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert