Saturday, August 04, 2007

Leads|Generating Leads|Producing Leads|How to Get Leads

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 8:21 AM
Subject: [Conferencing on the Web] Generate Premium Leads With Leadsomatic


Hi Butch Hamilton Here!
By now you must have explored the Leadsomatic website. (If not - check it out right now!)  Leadsomatic produces leads, lots of leads, all kinds of leads for absolutely any kind of online business gig you have going on.  You will learn All About Leads, lead generation, producing yours only high quality and motivated leads.   We are talking about this powerhouse of lead producing power for only $10 per month...You have to be brain dead not to take advantage of value like this.
Its really simple to signup for Leadsomatic.  You CLICK HERE!  You immediately check your email to confirm your system. have your own leads producing gig happening within seconds (unless your email blocks be sure to check that spam folder).  You will now be ready to login...upgrade to the $10 gig...and get set to blast out your keyword specific ad.
So, you don't know about keywords?  No problemo, here is my gift to you:  This software program will tell you everything you need to know about choosing the right keywords to make your efforts online more beneficial.  Don't think for one minute that you know what a good keyword is.  Go by the program to tell you what people are searching for on the Google.

Obviously the thing that jumps out at most people is the fact that the system will blast your ad out to over 2 billion websites! (It's pretty hard to ignore, huh?)

Well, that's the point of this email. I want to explain to you the value that tag line has for you.

You see, anyone who is doing any type of online marketing - whether they are a residential based business person, MLMer, direct sales person, small business owner, political activist, etc, etc, etc. is immediately drawn to Leadsomatic when they see that "2 billion website" statistic. It's impossible to ignore. Virtually everyone that visits the website signs up for a frss membership. These people represent extremely high quality leads that you could be marketing your own product/service and or business to!

How's it work? How do you get these leads? Simple... Leadsomatic is included as a part of the Veretekk online lead generation and automated marketing system. You can get your very own Veretekk Silver system for frss

Veretekk contains all the tools you need to drive huge amounts of traffic to your personal Leadsomatic website. Each time someone signs up for the frss membership, you will immediately get a lead notification - via email, or even a text message instantly sent to your cell phone!

Veretekk also offers you ongoing live training at NO COST by people just like you! They can teach you exactly what you need to do to start seeing results right away. You will be blown away by the training and support offered through the Veretekk community!

Go to if you have not signed up yet!

Feel frss to call me anytime as well. I am happy to answer your questions!

Take care,

Butch Hamilton
Direct: 806-874-3314

Posted By butchhamilton to Conferencing on the Web at 8/04/2007 06:23:00 AM

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