Monday, August 27, 2007

Major Additions to Lead Generation System Announced!

NOTICE: The Veretekk Lead Generation System has just announced  some major additions which will further enhance its lead generation and search engine optimization capabilities.

(AMHERST, NOVA SCOTIA) For Immediate Release:

Bill Brine, a noted leads generation specialist, announces to his subscribers that the Veretekk Lead Generation system has been upgraded once again.  These enhancements will serve to secure the Veretekk Lead Generation System as the premier lead generation system on the internet.

This round of enhancements includes the addition of 20 new 'SEO portals', which brings the number of portals available to Veretekk Gold subscribers to 43.

These new portals are not lead generation portals per se - their intended purpose is to make it easier for Veretekk users to dominate search engine listings in their chosen keyword categories by implementing very powerful linking strategies.  This in turn will boost the effectiveness of the 23 existing lead generation portals, which are already very powerful lead generation websites on their own.  And, of course, as with all Veretekk portals, these new SEO portals can be used to promote any website.

"These new portals are a very exciting addition to the Veretekk arsenal of lead generation and search engine optimization tools", says Mr. Brine.  "The implementation of linking strategies and the concept behind these new portals is absolutely brilliant. The Veretekk Lead Generation System is already so powerful.  It boggles my mind to see what is going to happen once we all start to use these new portals."

As with all Veretekk tools, free training has already been developed and is being given to Veretekk subscribers.

Bill Brine is a leads generation specialist residing in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada.  He has long been a proponent of the Veretekk Lead Generation system, and especially the Leadsomatic Lead Generation Portal which is part of that system.

For More Information, click on the links below:

> Leadsomatic Lead Generation
> Learn How to Generation Your Own Premium Leads

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph:   801-289-7145
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
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