Saturday, September 01, 2007


The Most Powerful Lead Generation Tool in the World
Today, in my continuing story about leads, I am going to let you in on a secret.  This secret is going to amaze, astound, perplex and generally lead you on an incredible journey into the world of internet marketing.  I am going to share insider secrets about how to generate an amazing amount of leads.  It will not pertain to any software program, any downloadable eBook or any email blasting campaign.  This incredible short story all about leads will lead you into unlocking the mysteries of Google.  This tale of the internet will teach you a invaluable lesson about marketing effectively online and the best part is this.  It will not cost you one dime.  I am not asking for your money, but only a small amount of time to inform, inspire and motivate you to become more than you ever thought possible.
People are generally scrambling for the one program that will lead to their ultimate online success.  They incessantly surf the world wide web in hopes of someday finding the magic button they can push to become wealthy, healthy and rich all through this medium called the internet.  Millions of  people daily are being lead down the supposed road to internet success by so-called internet gurus who have cracked the code on marketing.  You can join this program for only $297 today and just by you agreeing to follow their lead, you too will come to own the car, the home, the expensive jewelry and whatever else your little heart desires.  The internet can often be thought of as entering sideshow carnival.  The carnies are yelling and screaming at you to buy this, buy that, do this and do that.  Just give me your money and I will give you three throws to win the stuffed animal type of mentality.
At times, internet marketers hit the wall to online success.  These mlm junkies have spent so much time signing up for so many programs and spending incredible amounts of money that often they lose their homes, families, self respect and in general have absolutely nothing to show for their efforts.  They have fallen hook line and sinker into the lies that are handed them by all of the networking companies.  The have fallen prey to the best webmasters that have totally convinced them digitally that they can become wealthy just by pushing a few buttons.  Leads companies sell literally millions and millions of dollars worth of private information yearly to such people who are looking for this instantaneous prize at the end of the rainbow.  Lead brokers spend incredible amounts of resources and time in building appealing splash pages that people will sign their private information into, just to seek that one person who will buy their latest and greatest widget.  These multi million dollar corporations are in the business of slavery.  The will enslave the person to buy more leads, to get more chances to sell their programs and to reach for that pinnacle of success that people so desperately want to find.
The most powerful lead generation tool in the world could be thought of in terms of being the master of the universe.  It can produce all the leads you need to become successful online.  It can empower you with the ability to build any business that you desire the right way.  This amazing secret to success online can give you the ability to live the life you choose, on your own terms and in the way that you choose to live it.  This incredible leads generating system could sell for millions, but in all actuality, it free.  Most people have that tool right before them, and are totally unaware that they possess it.  Its like not being able to see the forest for the trees.  Are you ready to find out about this amazing program that will lead to you ultimate success?  Are you ready to breakthrough the barriers that have restricted you on this planet your entire life?  Are you ready to begin the process of eliminating everything you don't need, to find the one thing that has been with you all the time, but just did not see it?
The most powerful lead generating tool on this planet today is...YOU!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist

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