In watching the constantly moving sea of information concerning the leads category on Google, I have noticed a tendency developing that makes my job as a search engine optimizer more intent driven. I constantly monitor this category. I simply write my keyword specific articles concerning leads and then watch where those land on the search engine. There is a definite trend to something I would call the loop. The loop is defined as this. You bring a website online. Let's call this site AboutLeads.net. This site is committed to the cause of marketers worldwide never having to buy leads again. I developed this site with the intent to be laser focused and obtain the top position on Google. It has accomplished this nicely on several occasions. I wrote an article at EzineArticles.com. This article, as of this morning has landed position three page one on Google for the keyword term leads.
AboutLeads.net has dropped back to page three for now, but I am very aware that it will reform strength and land the page one ranking again. Another site I own is called AllAboutLeads.net This site is showing marked progress for the campaign and already holds number one position on Google the keyword term all about leads. This ever evolving leads category shows massive movement from day to day. This further leads my in my explorative move to continually place information concerning leads on the search engines to monitor this flow more closely. Another site that I own is called ButchHamilton.Veretekk.com This site is the main affiliate site for the system that we have been consistently writing about for weeks. Now this affiliate site is making huge strides. As I have stated in many presentations here, this is proof that subdomains are ever bit as powerful promotional tools as root domains. I have no doubts that this site will surface to page one Google in the very near future.
Another leads website I have just recently constructed is termed ButchHamilton.net. Now this site is already showing marked progress on the uphill struggle to page one Google for leads. Again, this site is dedicated to giving people information concerning leads and lead generation. The domain, ButchHamilton.net has been around for nearly two years. I had initially developed this site to describe my search engine optimizer services. In completely revamping this popular domain, I am now able to push this page to the top of Google as well. One of my powerful blog sites, http://blogs.aboutblogs.net is a subdomain of the original AboutLeads.net site. These subdomains are beginning to intrigue me as they are constantly proving their awesome power in regards to gaining notoriety and presence on the most powerful search engine on the internet, Google. This is called the loop. I do see this term coming into play as watching the flow of the net, you begin to pick the positions you are promoting and the system places one after another in succession. There is no absolute method to promoting to the search engines. Its simply all about consistent and slow moving effort towards the goal that makes it work.
My point to this whole presentation is to give insights into the world of leads. There is, without a doubt, undeniable proof that writing keyword specific content, about any subject you are promoting is the way to obtain top positions on Google. The needs to be brought to the attention of the people who are struggling and straining to gain some kind of notice on Google for their sites. If you move away from your advertising mentality, and give people information that they can use to their advantage, you will begin the process of building a significant business online. If you choose to conduct yourself diligently and ethically, you will achieve results over a certain period of time.
These are precisely the techniques that I teach in my advanced seo training classes at Veretekk. This is why Veretekk is so rich and powerful. If you are trying to promote a business online, you need help. There is absolutely no reason that you can think of why you would not signup for a free Veretekk system today and learn the real way to promote online. Of course, you could simply go down the same path that you have gone up to the point and try to buy pay-per-clicks to build your online business, but as any thinking entrepreneur knows, you will be spending your money needlessly as your competition will be clicking on your ads to drive your prices up. Do you see what I am talking about here? These are the techniques that I teach in Veretekk every week. There is simply no more powerful internet marketing training system on the planet today like Veretekk.
This amazing system is reminiscent of a huge battle ship. This battle ship has been charting new territories in internet marketing for over 10 years. People have tried to rip it apart, tear it from the search engines, tried to overtake it to use for their own greedy needs and still, the huge lumbering battleship keeps moving forward along with the founders of the system, Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling. The two men have been ripped, torn, usurped, gouged and taken advantage of so many times, yet they continue to provide excellent and legitimate service to their members. Undeniably, this exclusive marketing system is not for everyone. If you happen to be one of the surfers on the net looking for quick money, then I heartily suggest that you just continue to find the magic button for your success. I recommend that if you are one of those mlm junkies who is trying to get rich quick, do not apply here. This Veretekk system is only for people who are dedicated, committed and willing to stay the course to build a significant online business the right way.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Optimizer-Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk
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