Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Understanding Leadsomatic
In order to properly utilize the Leadsomatic program, you must understand what is really is, and maybe more importantly, what it is not.  Leadsomatic is a fully functional reverse marketing lead generating tool.  A reverse marketing tool is simply a submission tool that submits a piece of information about your particular website to many locations.  In this case, Leadsomatic submits that information to over 2 billion locations with the simple click of the mouse.  Now, this may be difficult for you to imagine.  I really have no concept as to exactly how many 2 billion really is.  The programming behind this mighty lead generating program is truly astonishing.  The programming mastery of Mike Darling brought this program to the world of the internet.  His vision and consistent effort is always leading the members of Veretekk to have the most sophisticated marketing tools on Google today.
Leadsomatic is not a classified ad submission tool, as many people believe that it is.  Granted, you do submit so called classified ads, but these ads are not going to be read by anyone except the search engine spiders of the internet.  This is very important to understand this concept behind Leadsomatic.  You must never think of this program as being a program that submits information that people are going to see.  That is not the purpose at all.  These pieces of information are going to be submitted to FFA sites, classified ad sites, web business opportunity sites and more.  When you submit your information to these locations, the search engine spiders are going to read this information because it is live content on the net.  These sites are being indexed (or read) many times throughout the day.  People are submitting to these sites in hopes that someone will see their tiny ad, and signup for their programs.  In other words, most people online are simply placing classified ads in order to weakly try to build a business online.  Unfortunately, these ads do not work for that purpose.  To view a very high traffic FFA page, CLICK HERE.  People submit their classified ads here all the time.  It is not effective for advertising, but it is very effective from reverse marketing lead aspect.
When you place your information on these pages, it will be indexed by Google.  In other words, you have just done a very effective job at getting the search engine spiders to view your information.  When you use Leadsomatic, you will naturally produce backlinks.  "Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node (Björneborn and Ingwersen, 2004). Backlinks are also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links."  This whole process may seem new to you, but I assure you that this is precisely how your information is used and viewed by the indexing spider robots of Google.  In other words, Leadsomatic is a highly sophisticated backlinking tool.  When you utilize this amazing program consistently, you will begin to notice an uphill movement of your website.
How to Signup for Leadsomatic
You must carefully consider how to use Leadsomatic before you signup for the program.  You will NEVER use your primary email address for this program.  I suggest that you go to Yahoo, Gmail or some other free web based email server to signup for the program.  The reason for this is that your email will be captured live on the net.  You will receive hundreds, or maybe even thousands of emails from doing a Leadsomatic blast.  There is absolutely nothing to fear here, its just the way the system works.  If you use your primary email address for this, you will be literally inundated with all sorts of email from all these FFA sites.  When you are ready to really learn about leads, you will want to signup for a free Veretekk System.  That way, you can really learn the techniques I have discussed here in detail.
How to Use Leadsomatic Effectively
To be highly effective with Leadsomatic, you must configure your ads effectively.  In beginning the process, you will want to do some effective keyword research.  I use GoodKeywords for this.  Here, you will find keywords that people have typed in the search box to find more information about.  This is the very important first step that you must take.  Secondly, you want to title your ad correctly.  A great title for the keyword term leads would look like this:  Leads|Lead Generating  In this presentation, you can use the bar, or the pipe technique.  That | is simply the back slash key, above your enter key.  You simply hit shift and this | will appear.  This is called a search engine spider trigger.  The search engine spider reads everything with this | attached as a keyword.
Now, you want to add your keywords.  You will also use the GoodKeywords program to find at least six more high traffic keywords to place there.  You now move to the section to put your classified ad in.  You will also not want to use this like classified advertising.  Remember, this is NOT classified advertising, this is called search engine spider food.  Great content for the Leadsomatic ad section would look something like this:  Leads|Leads Generating|Leads Generation|Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist.  Always use your name as a keyword here.  This will assist you in the branding of your name on the internet.
For more information about Leadsomatic CLICK HERE.

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